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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Judy --

Great pictures - everyone looks very happy and having lot's of fun.

You and DH look tremendous!


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<p>Judy-thanks for sharing all of the pics with us! What a beautiful family you have...you must be very proud! Happy Birthday!</p> <p> </p> <p>Hi Violets-I had a blast visiting with our frinds this weekend. They live in the country and for the first time in my life (believe it or not) I rode on a 4 wheeler...omg I have never had so much fun in my whole life!! What the great feeling is, 6 months ago I would have never gotten my rear end on one for fear of ridicule. What a great feeling that was....I had to share it with you all. This is just the beginning of great times to come. I am not just going to have a life, I am going to LIVE it and I am starting to actually love it.</p>

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Judy, your sons wedding looked wonderful, sorry I missed wishing you a happy birthday, and anniversary----hope they were both great!!! Thanks for sharing your special times with us!!!

We got home late tonight, we escaped for the long weekend. It is sad to say, but if we had been home, Rick's family would have had him busy. He saw the Dr. on Thursday, and was given a release to ride, so we went camping with our friends---we rode up to Mesa Verde National Park just outside of Cortez Colorado. It is an amazing ruins. We hadn't been in several years, and it continues to grow, as they excavate. History such as that is one of Rick's favorite things, he loves the ruins, and the museums. So does my friends husband, so Saturday they toured several ruins that we opted out of (one you have to crawl through tunnels, and I am claustrophobic....the other involved ladders, and she hates heights!) So we hungout at camp, and we took a swim, and read, and caught up with gossip! Was a great weekend. I seriously needed it. I spent a good part of last week bucking hay. It was our 2nd cutting, and we had to get it in, we couldn't wait for Rick to heal, so I worked my butt off!!! Lost a couple of pounds for the effort, hope they stay away! We put a couple hundred bales in the barn, so I earned some time off!

I got stung by a bee on the ride up Friday, and it is still HUGE and swollen and hot, I am doing cold compresses, and benedryl cream----hoping it goes down soon, will look horrible with my dress for this weekend!

When we come home, Rick helped me build the Tiki Bar I wanted. Our Tiki Bar will hold tea, flavored and plain, lemonade, and soda----but it looks cute!!! The Luau is this coming Friday, the vow renewal, and reception on Saturday. My Dad bought my Mom a new ring, a gold Anniversary band....she has no idea, and won't until the pastor gets to that part of the ceremony. I convinced Dad to buy himself a new band as well, so Mom won't feel bad, and he had lost his trimming trees a couple of years ago! He went with a simple gold band. They both still have no idea that their original wedding party will all be on hand to stand up with them again! They think my brother and I might stand up with them, so they won't be at the alter alone. But both couples who were their attendants 50 years ago, will be in Friday!!! 3 couples, all married for over 50 years----impressive! It was in the newspaper today, and I think everything is going along ok, except there is a chance of showers on Friday, when I have the outdoor party planned.....of course!!!! Oh Well----I keep telling myself, it rained when we were in Hawaii, and it did not ruin anything, this won't either. Keep your fingers crossed for me!!!

Denise, my port was so sore following the 2 days I spent bucking bales, I was convinced I had flipped my port. It is actually pretty easy to feel now----bizarre!!! When I had it done it was under several inches, and difficult to find....now even I can find it!! But it has quit hurting, and I am feelign fine, so hoping all is well, glad yours quit hurting!

Amanda---welcome, you have found one of the best groups around, they are supportive, diverse, and have become great friends!!! You will enjoy the lack of drama....at least the lack of drama between members, we all share all of our ups and downs and personal dramas.....and their support goes well beyond our bands. I felt like I had a whole new support system when my DH had surgery. You will feel at home soon!

Terri---I too love Steamboat! We go once a year in the winter at the very least. Usually once in the late spring as well. My DH takes a few of his guys at work to Steamboat to the Bridgestone Winter Driving School. They have a huge area, they flood, and it is a VERY cold place in the winter, so it freezes, and they teach them driving techniques on the ice and snow. He says it is the most fun you can have on 4 wheels! Then we have gone in the Spring for several years to a softball tournament, with my niece----but this was her last year to play, she graduated.....now we need a new excuse to go!!! We got to watch the International Ski Jump competition one year----incredible! I like the little shops too!

Well I need to go make a list of lists I need to make!!! The parties are upon me, and I need to finish all the last minute things. I am still keeping the girls (granddaughters 6 and 2) as well, Kinsey (2) is still in her cast (broken ankle, little daredevil, still tries to jump---in her cast no less!!!), so entertaining her is a priority too----should be a busy week, will check in and am so glad to see everyone is doing good----I am so proud of y'all!!!!!!



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Good morning everyone

I am off to the gym, dragged myself out of bed... then home to get ready to to six flaggs New England and Wed & Thurs we are going to Six Flags / Great Escape. I got season passes and they came with free admission for June so we are going to use all the free passes.

I am beat and PMS is starting. I feel so bloated and gained 3lbs. Oh well, liquid diet will begin again tomorrow.

So - It is my turn with the massive Hair loss. It is horrible, I am shedding, handfuls of hair every day in the shower and when i dry my hair I don't use the brush to straighten anymore, i just dry it, and my bathroom floor is covered every morning. I have short pcs on top and underneath. It is horrible, and It is silly. I had surgery before (tubes tied) and no issues and I'm taking vits, calcuim and getting lots of Protein. I hope it stops soon, I'll be bald at this rate! I was tempted to cut all my hair off.

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Good Monday Morning, Violets!~~

Terri -- I'm a bit hung over as well... 2 'ritas @ dinner out w/friends last night... just 2!... and I'm bleary eyed & bloated this a.m.... bleh... Well, at least I'm a "lightweight" in one way, now! LOL!

Judy -- BEAUTIFUL pictures! You & dh look FABULOUS! It looks like a fun time was had by all!

Jenn -- I've got some hair loss... I've been taking Biotin, but not sure it's working? I'm going to talk w/the nutritionist about it later this week.

Busy-ish type day today... lugging kids to camps & back... errands... housework... laundry... whoopee!

Make it a great day, everyone!

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Oh Kat! -- I wanted to tell you that I absolutely envy your ability to travel to such amazing spots in Colo! Wow! And I don't even want to know what "bucking" hay is... sounds like a lot of HARD WORK! You are one amazing woman! The party plans sound great -- your parents are going to love it!!

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Good Morning, Shrink'n Violets....

Thanks everyone for the comments on the pics. It was a great time, but I'm glad it's back to normal today. I'm headed to the jewelry store for another angel charm in a bit. The next one will be for -50#!! I'm gunning for that for Aug. 1. DH hit -41 this morning. He's doing great and feeling great too. We couldn't be happier.

Kat.. so glad your DH is feeling better. And the anniversary party sounds so special with those couples joining in. Your mom and dad are going to be sooooo happy.

Today is a very laid back day. Just have to take the tent down in the back yard and then nothing planned for the rest of the day. DH got me a total cleaning of the inside of my car for my birthday. They take out the seats and everything and get the car looking like brand new inside. Then I'll get the remote start put in and it will be like having a new car again even though it's 3 years old!!

Temp is supposed to hit the upper 80's and the pool was 80 last night so will be warmer today. I'm going to hit it a couple of times today for my exercise and some sun bathing..

Everyone have a great day!!

Where's Lunasa and TrackinKS????? We miss everyone when they're not posting!!!!

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Hello all!!!!!!!! Returned from vacation and a week away from ALL computers!

I am sunburned to a lobster crisp right now due to all the outside activities of the last week. I need a fill, I can eat tooo much. I gained 5 pounds last week, some of which I'm sure is Water because I didn't drink enough of it.

Tomorrow I go back to the gym but today I am back in reality with water and eating.

We went on a motorcyle charity run yesterday and I PB'd on a plain grilled hot dog...... IT WAS NOT PRETTY! Imagine trying to hold it in while I waited for a porta potty! YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK.. work awaits

Have a good one

I'll be back later to catch up!

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Hey Violets~

Wow, this is the first time ever that our thread fell off the first page. BUMP!! Wembledon is on, and I am happy happy! Any tennis fans? I am a "ball mom" at the Indian Wells tourney (5th largest in the world). I love love love it. There are the cutest boys in tennis (boys of summer) (haha, pretty good for a gay girl, huh?).

TracyinKS~ Welcome back! Hope you had fun!

Judy~ Enjoy your "day off", you deserve it. The pics were great, you looked fabulous (I too am a blonde and love red). Very classy, and a little sexy too.

TracyK~Good for you! Life is too short to sit and watch it go by.

Laura~We are waiting for a post! Hope all is well.

Terry~Hope your feeling better. It is good for the soul to "tie one on" from time to time.

Everyone else, have a great day. I did not work out today, and yes, feel bad about it. Gotta go tomorrow!


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TracyK~Good for you! Life is too short to sit and watch it go by.

I totally agree with you...it just feels so good to be a part of the fun stuff and not just a spectator. The spectator (sp?) days are over for good!! I am sure my butt looked like a belgian waffle from sitting in the lawn chairs for so long watching everyone else have fun!!

Everyone have a great evening!!

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Welcome back TRACY!! Sounds like you had a great time!! (except for the PB part)

So, everyone, I forgot to say that I go back tomorrow for my 2nd fill. I hope the 2nd one goes as smoothly as the first one did...I did not even feel the needle...God I hope I am that fortunate again! Anyway, my appt is at 11:30, so send good vibes in the Houston direction!! :)

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Hey everyone. Survived the day. Had so much fun. Very pms so had some issues about fitting on rides and how I looked. I am so stinking bloated. I still enjoyed the day, got lots of sun. My daughter is fried, she has her dad's complection (sp) and unlike me she burns to a crisp and we forgot the sunblock.

I am going again Wed. with my daughter and neighbor, I hope i don't feel like a complete fat ass then. Ok I know... I'm not a size 3 but I've been feeling pretty darn good about mysef up until the last couple of days.

Judy - what great photos! You look like you have such a wonderful loving family

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Evening everyone..

Well, it was a semi-relaxing day. DD and I took down the tent and DH put it away. We went out to lunch and I had half a cup of broccoli cheese Soup and a side grilled chicken Greek salad at Applebees. Dh had a NSV there.. he brought food home in a box!! He's never had leftovers to take home before!!! I had his leftovers for supper tonight.. smothered chicken breast and 1/4 cup of mashed red skin potatoes.

I got my exercise in for sure today.. 30 minutes of Water aerobics this afternoon, then 30 minutes at Curves and another 30 minutes of water aerobics this evening. When the pool water is 86, ya gotta take advantage of it here in Northern Michigan!! Supposed to be just as warm tomorrow. I'm going to work my volunteer shift at the hospital and then invite a couple of lady friends to come join me in the pool.. mostly for lounging and gossiping!! My singing group has a rehearsal in the evening and we're supposed to see thunderstorms tomorrow evening sometime.

I'm going to take this exercised body to bed and watch a little tv before I nod off.

Everyone have a great evening.. !!

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Hello all!!!!!!!! Returned from vacation and a week away from ALL computers!

I am sunburned to a lobster crisp right now due to all the outside activities of the last week. I need a fill, I can eat tooo much. I gained 5 pounds last week, some of which I'm sure is Water because I didn't drink enough of it.

Tomorrow I go back to the gym but today I am back in reality with water and eating.

We went on a motorcyle charity run yesterday and I PB'd on a plain grilled hot dog...... IT WAS NOT PRETTY! Imagine trying to hold it in while I waited for a porta potty! YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK.. work awaits

Have a good one

I'll be back later to catch up!

Welcome back Tracy!!!! I can also eat WAY too much! Of anything, and everything....I wasn't due for a fill again until July 16th, but I called my doc today and he had me come in for another fill. I'm up to 2 cc's in my 4 cc band...I can feel a bit of restriction now. For dinner I ate not quite 1/2 chicken breast, 2 tbsp of Beans and some asparagus and I feel STUFFED! Less than 900 calories today for once in a long time!

Call your doc for a fill girlie! :faint:

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