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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Morning all!!

Thanks for the welcome back Jenn :(

Thanks for the e-bay tip too Laura, Lucy, my daughter helped me bid on 2 charms (to put away till I lose 14lbs) and we got them :( we bid on one other too, but wont find out if we one it till tonight. Its a bit addictive isnt it! My family were groaning when I started to check it every 5 mins!! lol...

After reading some of the theards (I havent looked too far back) I realised some of you are finding it hard too (restrictions, food etc) so I guess Im not alone, its sticking to a diet....its not easy is it.

Yesterday we all went down to mums for fathers day, she did a roast beef dinner, I can still eat a fair bit (not as much as I used too though) even with 6mls in my band, I didnt have a pudding, but I did have 2 glasses of wine :) (Dave and I decided to put the booze away in our house now, as it just isnt helping me lose weight, and when I have a stressful day it was too easy to slip back into old habits and have a couple of glasses with dinner). In fact I got a bit told off about that by my Dr, he said I must not drink for 30 mins until after dinner (I was only having a few sips after my meal (not with it) but he told me it was a no no, so Im adhearing too it. I'm not sure if the 2ml extra in my band has made a real difference.....I have to phone back the secretary on Wed, I may have to go back next Saturday again for another fill, I'll see how it goes :)

Have a lovely Holiday Tracy!!

Take care all,

Sara xx

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Why do some docs. make you wait sooo long between fills......mine is two weeks. And, I do feel like I can tell after about 10 days, if I still need more.

Anyone got an answer from their doc.? Some are 6 weeks??? I personally could gain a ton in 6 weeks, without proper restriction, and it would take 6-8 more weeks to get back to where I was while I waited for a fill.

I AM JUST CURIOUS- not being critical- but there is such a difference from one doc to another. I'm glad I can get my third fill on Thursday.... surgery 4-2-07..... or I would be gaining big time!!!

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Morning everyone

I don't see what the difference is about the monthly thread, unless it is a place to meet people. I thought the point of it was to keep the threads down to a reasonable size and having a new one monthly. I think it is just to put it in a central location and easier to find.

Maybe we can just have them move our thread there, or we can have it renamed in there and move there... or we can just keep it simple for our violets who we love but only have time to check in from time to time.


I am off to the gym. Have not been there since Friday.

They are opening a Fuddruckers up here, I only know what they are because of going down south lots, so going to apply for bartending job there. I really hope to hear about the other place this week, I really want that.

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As far as the banding goes, I read somewhere that if you have the Vanguard band you can get it filled in 2 weeks, if you have the smaller one it is at least 4 weeks. Don't know why the difference. I have the larger one and have great restriction. My Dr. is the best!!!

I am not getting anything from this site about new posts. Anyone else have this problem? I have a hard enough time finding this sometimes, I hope they don't move it. I was looking for what Jennifer said was a 'sub' thread and just couldn't find it. Why do they want this to move? If it is too big can they just archive the first 100 or so pages? Well I hope everyone has a great week!!


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go to the home page and scroll down, it is on the home page, and says Monthly

I agree, I don't get notified here either but don't want to move

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Good afternoon, Shrink'n Violets...

I don't wanna move to another thread either!! I don't understand the whole concept. If it's because of the size of this thread, won't the monthly one get just as huge if we all move there and start posting???

Temp today is 88 so I'm off to the pool for some exercisin' and relaxin'. Everyone have a great day!! And remember..... yada, yada, yada!:cheer2:

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I phoned my daughter as she went back to Cambridge today, and she said I won the bid for the apple charm too!! That means I have 21lbs to lose before I can add them all!!



Ive ordered a piggy one too, but I cant find a pic of it!

Sara x

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CUTE charms, Sara!!! Be very careful.... ebay can be as addicting as food!!! Step away from the computer and take a big breath. There.. now go back and bid on some more! I just got a license plate cover and I always get my printer ink from ebay. Plus I've bid on lots of clothes over the years. Have some great deals and some so so ones, but very pleased for the most part. And I too always check the feedback.

The pool was great today. We just finished dinner... ocean perch, baked Beans and cantalope. I'm headed to Curves for a 30 minute workout and then back home to do a little clean up work in the back yard and then back in the pool for some more exercise and relaxation. Life is GOOD!!

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Wow... I read all the post and it is funny to see all of you feeling sort of like I do! I have not had a fill since surgery 4/30/07 and I do feel like I can eat more than what I thought I would be able to before the surgery. However this past week was the first week I haven't lost weight. Although it was an "experiment" week for me. I all of a sudden started having cravings for mexican, meatloaf, chicken wings, Arby's... etc, etc, etc. and well I ate it. Not a lot of any of it, but I ate it... and with NO PROBLEMS!!!! I have a lot to lose and don't want a fill yet so I actually opted (along with Dr's recommendation) NOT to get a fill at my 5 week check up. I don't have another appt until July 17. But I am ok with that. I don't really feel hungry inbetween meals and after my experiment last week I am back on track today... But I do notice a difference in my diet then what I see some others doing. I have a Protein Drink for Breakfast (NO food ALLOWED). Then lunch is 4 oz Protein, and dinner is the same. Nothing else. It pretty much keeps me fairly full for the day.... I mean last week when I was craving things it wasn't that I was craving more food, just something with more taste (did I mention I do not cook, like I am really retarded when it comes to the kitchen... my husband does most of it, but we get stuck on the same 'ol things and that was getting old quick) I sometimes believe that this is a mind over matter diet and I have to go back and relearn to eat from scratch. I don't think I was born with the thing in my brain that says to stop eating, but I am learning to find it.

Thank you all for your post and making me feel like I am not alone in this!! As WONDERFUL as my husband has been with this whole deal, he is 6ft and has weighed 165 since High School (even after 10 years of me trying to plump him up with junk food , his weight WON'T budge!!-- would hate him if I didn't love him so much!!)


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Hello Everyone!!

Did ya'll have a good weekend?? I had a fantastic time in Steamboat Springs with my girlfriends!! We laughed so hard and had so much fun! Weather was picture perfect and got lots of good exercise in those mountains!

I didn't have any trouble with my eating, but I did have to be very careful of what I ordered....I was determined not to PB and I didn't! So all went well on that front. Weight held fairly steady...I may have gained a pound from all the vodka I drank but who cares!!

I'll catch up with everyone tomorrow. Right now I'm pooped!

Sara - glad to see you back! I sure missed you!

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Good night everyone.

I was back to 225 today, I broke down and drank the cleansing tea last night. I was so full it was starting to make me sick... I know TMI but i had to tell someone...LOL

I just got home from bartending school. I still don't have a job, still waiting to hear from the sports grill. I am in panic mode so I'm looking for a fun job then will get back to focus on real job. I need to have a job commitment this week.

I got totally fried in the sun today. I fell asleep in the pool for an hour then got out and did yard work for another hour.

well we will see what tomorrow brings. I have a feeling it is going to be a long night with dbf. he is working tonight and we had a slight disagreement yesterday and I have not talked to him all day. That is if he is even talking to me

Did you all see Bruce Almighty????? The last 30 minutes where Jennifer A. is praying for him to find himself then praying to be strong enough to let go... well that is my every day for years, and now to the point of praying to have strength for me. My heart breaks for him every day of my life - but he does some of his problems to himself, but a lot are out of his control, and as he does not mean it he is pushing me to closing all the doors and with my new mental state... not 100% yet but therapy is doing lots of good, I just say what is on my mind... the difference is that I am not yelling and not crying when i talk to him. But I am closing him out and pushing him away, and except for my handful of true friends, I am pushing everyone else away too. These changes in me are good, but on the other hand, it is sad to find out who your real friends are and who are just people who come and go.

I had a very emotional, trying day (week) can you tell

HUGS.... hope everyone is having a good night

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Wow--I cannot believe how much trouble I am having with the site again. I cannot post half the time, then when I do, it shows up multiple times....Anyone else having issues???

Rick is doing really well. His swelling has gone down, and his heart rate continues to be normal. Hoping this did the trick, and he is on the road to full recovery again---it has been a tough year.

Kinsey (my granddaughter) is coping well with a cast for a 2 1/2 year old. She is not using it much yet, the ortho said if she will walk on it to let her, she just won't, says it hurts her. She went to see her Dad for Father's Day, and he drew all over the cast, it looks awful, he even let her have the marker, and she got it all over her leg, which is hard to wash without getting the cast wet...what a moron he is!!!

We had a cookout for Father's Day. It started out small---son was going to cook for Dad. Well of course the girls (our 2 DD's) and their families were included. Then naturally we added our Dads, who both come with Moms......well that is when things got out of hand! His Mom invited EVERYONE!!!! Seriously pissed me off to put it plainly! Rick just got out of the hospital---and none of them took that into consideration!!! His folks have 13 acres......lots of space for a get together, his sister has a really nice place 7 miles away----but nope, none of them seemed to consider that he was recovering. He was on lifting limitations until today---nothing heavier than a gallon of milk. So I spent all day getting things ready----dragging out picnic tables and cleaning them, cleaning the grill---even the dadgummed son didn't get over here to help----he was on my list too!!!! Him, but mostly my DIL. She refuses to control my grandson. And if DS tries, she gets huffy, and brings the baby in, and ignores us all. I still consider him a baby (he is the youngest of our grandbabies) he is 16 months old. She about went toe to toe with me when I told him if he pulled my flowers again, he was going to Granny's corner!!! She snatched him up, and went out into the yard to ignore him out there. She didn't come back around me until it was time for food---and she is never far from the food, she is where I was a year and a half ago---so I try to be understanding with that. So food soothed things between us, but I feel it is only temporary. I have had 3 other grandbabies, and I cannot count how many children through my home ( I ran a day care, begining in my home for well over 20 years) and have never had a child as destructive or one who has had less guidance. And this is my grandson, not someone elses kid!!!! So I spent hours chasing him around, taking away pop cans, and putting the solar lights back together, keeping him away from the other kids swinging...it wore me out!!! DS was cooking...but DIL just takes a break when others are there to do her job, but when you try to correct him, she gets offended. So I was wiped out by the time it was half over! Only to have all these people fill up and take off leaving me the mess. The kids stayed, and picked up all the food, and put away all the tables etc. But it is still lots of clean up-----and it ALWAYS ends up at our place. I told Rick I am going to take it....but only for the summer. While we can be outside, when the winter holidays come----I am refusing! If they choose not to get together then so be it! Sorry ----and thanks for listening!!!! This has been making me crazy!!!!

I didn't hear anything about threads moving either, but like I say, I have been having problems with the site. Then this morning I logged on - was half way through a post when we had a power outage, power went off and right back on....just enough to unset every clock in the house, and shut my computer down----aaarrrggghhh!!!!!!

hair loss------mine was sooooooooooooo bad, I hate to tell you all! I lost well over half my hair. It began 4 month out from surgery for me, and continued for several months. I have fairly long hair, and it is pretty straggly now. I used to have to buy clips etc. for thick hair, now my pony tail is about as big around as maybe a nickel. It is pathetic! It is however growing back now. I have short 1 1/2 inch long hair all over, I see it in my bangs big time. In a few months it will be much better. My part no longer shows as badly as it did before. It got very wide. I almost burned up a very expensive vacuum, with all the hair wrapped around the beater bar! And the drains had to be cleaned at least weekly---no joke. I have ALWAYS maintained my Protein. I did not cut out fats ever....I tried the bioten....the Vitamins for hair & nails, all kinds of things....zinc....you name it! My Dr. said it happens to some and not to others. And in different degrees. I felt mine was BAD! It is recovering though. My only thought at the time that helped was that if I was thin, I could wear a wig. If I had a full head of hair, I could not put on a thin suit! Mine may have been more severe, because I have lost ALL my hair before, due to chemo....maybe that predisposed me for it or something. Now when it fell out then it was straight as a board. It grew back darker and curly----I keep wondering what I will get this time!!!!

OK going to go try to post this book!!!! See ya soon Shrinkers!!!


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Morning All ;)

Well Ive been good since Saturday (since seeing the Dr) and Ive actually dropped 2lbs, that my friends is the first time in 5 weeks! So Im pleased. I think banning all alcohol from the house, and not picking in between meals has helped!

Teach - I hear ya about e-bay, even after 1 day of bidding, I felt it was addictive, you can be mesmerised by it. But Ive got my 3 charms, so I'll have to work for those re getting the weight off before I can say they are earned!

Terri - great to see you again, and thank you for the welcome back! I really did miss you all, and without this support group, well I dont have any support basically. You are all a life line with this, and no body understands what were going through, and understanding having a band, I seriously think, people think that if you have a band, you dont have to do anything else....how wrong they are!! lol......

I'm off up to London today, Im not back till Friday evening, Im at a conference. Im going to stick to meat/salad or veg....and not drink any alcohol...I find these situations so hard though :phanvan

Speak to you all again Friday night hopefully, and fingers crossed I wont have slipped up.....

Take care

Sara xx

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</p> <p>Did you all see Bruce Almighty????? The last 30 minutes where Jennifer A. is praying for him to find himself then praying to be strong enough to let go... well that is my every day for years, and now to the point of praying to have strength for me. My heart breaks for him every day of my life - but he does some of his problems to himself, but a lot are out of his control, and as he does not mean it he is pushing me to closing all the doors and with my new mental state... not 100% yet but therapy is doing lots of good, I just say what is on my mind... the difference is that I am not yelling and not crying when i talk to him. But I am closing him out and pushing him away, and except for my handful of true friends, I am pushing everyone else away too. These changes in me are good, but on the other hand, it is sad to find out who your real friends are and who are just people who come and go.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>I had a very emotional, trying day (week) can you tell</p> <p> </p> <p>HUGS.... hope everyone is having a good night
</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>Jen-I hate to hear that you are going through a tough time. Seems like I was in the same spot as you are at one time in my life. Let me tell you something...once the pain is gone, you are going to be GREAT!! It is such a wonderful feeling after all the pain to be able to feel 100% in control of your life and know that life is getting better and better each day. After my ordeal, I was happier than I had ever been...and I am sure you will be too. I know that you are hurting, but you are on the brink of suh wonderful things to come that I can't help but be excited for you!! Take care and know that all of us Violets are here for you!!<img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/girl_hug.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Girl Hug" smilieid="152" class="inlineimg" /></p> <p>PS...I was 225 again this morning too!</p> <p> </p> <p>

PSS...I realized that my ex's problems weren't my problems anymore and I had to love myself more and get out...it took 4 years for me to realize it, but I had to love me. If I didn't take care of me, who would? Best of luck to you!

Everyone have a great day!!!</p> <p></p>

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Good Morning Violets~I just counted up...I've done 15 workouts already this month! That is so cool. I went this morning, and was gonna go back tonight for a dance class, but I think I am gonna go to a poker party instead. I am so proud of myself. 15 workouts in June...that is amazing. I went back to doctor yesterday for my followup from my fill 10 days prior. I was hoping for another fill, I have some restriction...but not completely. Really differs from day to day, or I can't find the pattern. Anyway, he said he was happy w/ my progress. I lost a pound and had been working out nearly everyday. He said because of the workout, you won't lose for a bit, because of muscle. I am actually 17 # down since I started according to his scale. I like the one at the gym better says between 21-23 down. But, I do know, I am loving my workout times...and I feel great! Anyway, I am proud of myself.

It is great to see Sara back! Even though she is now gone for the week. It is great to see everyone...we really have a great thread here. I look forward to checking in all the time!

Have a great day everyone!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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