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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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hey laura,

maybe you should give your future in-laws the wrong date...the old date... ha!

actually i was just in vegas and i think a vegas wedding could be cool...

good luck

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Lunasa~I second what Tracy said. I just wanted to add one more thing. The internet is an amazing forum. On here we can be anything, say anything, without shame. But the Violets thread is something else. Please don't ever feel embarrassed to say what you feel. Share w/ us the good, bad and ugly. We all "succeed and fail". This is the safe place for all of us.

None of us have failed. We just have hicups along the way. What works for one might not work for another. We all have bad habits we have learned over the years and now because we have a band that it's going to take care of our years of issues in just 2 months? Not. I takes guts to do what we have done and will do. When you trip and fall we don't just lay there and not get up. We fell, so we get up, readjust ourselves and keep going. Use that stone (bad habit) not as a tripping stone but as a STEPPING STONE. Then Step on sister, step on!!!


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Now, on the way home fiance still upset about his parents and we decide to have a small wedding in Vegas. There goes our fancy wedding, I'll get into it later (tomorrow at work when Fiance isn't in the room)..

We'll save money, we'll get to have our honeymoon, and it will be FUN. It will be more 'us'. I think I'm going to get my wedding dress I wanted and just take it out there.. and.. we are looking at doing it on 7-7-07


Tomorrow is the daunting task of finding out what place in vegas has an opening on 7-7-07, and cancelling our contracts.

One down thing.. we ordered our champagne flutes already.. we're going to have 150 personalized glass champagne flutes with our names and "November 4,2007" on them. LOL!

I'm excited.


First CONGRATS on your fill!!! I'm so glad my doc numbed me though...I'm a sissy when it comes to needles and I'm a NURSE! LOL...I don't mind giving them, but I HATE getting them!

Second, enjoy your wedding in Las Vegas. You're right, it does give you more "you/us" time. After 6 months of planning my wedding, I wish I would have just done it in Vegas. It would have saved us a fortune and a lot less headache and stress! We spent our honeymoon in Vegas though...had a blast while we were there. :heh:

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HI all!

Judy, I did get your PM, and will share it with my kids, to keep in mind, if she struggles in 1st. I have only had 2 days to closely observe...and in all honesty, it looks to me as though consistency, and lack of personal attention are the main problems. If I take the time, to get her full attention, and explain or show her...she has no problems. Now that her home life is going to settle down, and she is so happy about it, it is just downright sad. She wanted to live with her Daddy, and my DD so badly....and she was for the most part, but when it was time for her Mom to get some CS she would demand her to come home. Long enough to get a check, then she would call about leaving her for a few hours, and come back a couple of weeks later. She must have told me 25 times in the last month that she gets to live with them ALL the time, and she and Kinsey are really going to be sisters, she is just so much more relaxed, I believe the consistency in her life will improve her abilities as well. Her Dad and my DD met with her teacher, the counselor, and the principal of the school when the court ruled in his favor. They let it be known she is not allowed to leave with Mom etc. So that may have been some of the reason they chose to send her on to 1st grade...I don't know.

Awww Lunasa---hang in there Hon....it was very apparant to me that the words of wisdom you shared with all of us here, come from someone who feels all things on a very deep level. Unfortunately for you, what allows you to understand our fears, and disappointments---is the same part of you that makes you feel your own so deeply. Some of what you are feeling is emotional, of course, and likely some is actually caused by fluctuating hormonal levels, changing as the "diet" we are now eating makes different things in our systems hit unusual highs and lows. It has to be part of it---I think everyone hits them! And not just band patients---anyone who begins a new eating regime. Makes you wonder if some of these feelings are not why the stats are so high for WLS patients becoming alcoholics, etc. We go through these emotional swings, and many people soothe them with alcohol. As the years go by, they will find out all these things---we my friends are the guinie pigs!!! But thanks to these bands, Guinie pigs are the only kind of pigs we will be!!! Lunasa, if you need to try on your old clothes a few times to remind yourself how it has changed, do it! Take some pampering time for you! Do like the others, paint your toenails, the ability to do it, will be another NSV!

Back to the taco debate.....did you calculate what the one taco was calory wise? It doesn't seem like a horrid choice to me...meat, veggies, cheese. The shell is the worst of it. I have no intentions of giving up my occasional taco!!!

TracyKS---I agree, your boss, sees the changes in you---both in your body, the way you eat...your overall outlook....I don't for a second believe he ask it because you look like you are PG, but because you have changed in a way he cannot put his finger on...I too think it is funny. Take it as a compliment!

I have had 3 people in 2 days act shocked that my granddaughters are my granddaughters, and not MY kids.......oh how thankful I am that I am not full time Mommy to a 2 & 6 year old!!!! But I felt thrilled that they thought I was!!!

Well I am not sure what the next week or so will hold. Rick is off now until 2 weeks following his procedure---which will make it the end of the month, which is right at my party for my parents! So I will be hit & miss during that time. I will be here, but likely not as often---don't panic, I'll check in. And I'll be thinking of you guys!!!


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Oh yes, Laura, I do not for a second doubt, that downsizing, and marrying in Vegas, or anywhere will be something you are sorry about as long as you get to make the decisions yourself. Think about you and your DF, and what makes you happy.....and go with it. Work on making it personal and special to the 2 of you. You will be snuggling and remembering that day with him for the rest of your life...not his folks, or yours, or a grouchy bridesmaid. Make it a day for you guys to love.

If standing in a running car wash and declaring your love is what you want to do---do it, this is YOUR life. They had their weddings, and you are entitled to yours. It should not be something that causes family conflict, or conflict between you and DF. Nor should it be something that is going to cost you for the next 10 years.

Sounds like it is time for you and DF to become a team of "You and Me against the World" kind of thing.....make it your goal to make each other happy regardless of whether they agree or understand. He is going to be your mate.....not them.

I support your boycott----go on-----make yourself happy!!! All the meetings, and such were obviously NOT making you happy, they were stressing you out big time!!!

Viva Las Vegas Baby!!!! Or Viva the local park.....wherever YOU choose!!


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Laura, I cant belive he didnt numb you! mine did and did the fill under furoscopy, not sure if thats how you spell it, I think i have an 11 band, he put in 3cc and I thought I was OK, you will have to see my post under "fills" to see what happened next, it was NOT good, but at least I was numb! is ther anyone else out there that doesnt get numbed first?

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Hi Everyone...thank you so much for your attention and cheerleading...I feel relieved having "come out" as a struggler!!!

It means a lot to have your support..

KAT...you got that right..I am about as DEEP as it gets!! Sometimes it's great when I am able to cope & help others but when I fall myself it's VERY hard to get back up.

That's why NLP helps so much for me...it really provides tools to move on instead of lingering wallowing & analysing (which I often do anyway..it's just natural!)

But everyday doesn't happen...not for anyone I don't think..we all have our days & moments when all the tools in the world can't help... so I guess as Pam always says...surrender those and then we can move on..

So thank you all..xx I'm goin to go for a lovely walk later..it's BEAUTIFUL here today and the birds are singin up a storm!!

Talk later..xx

P.S. George Michael Concert tomorrow night!!!

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By the way Laura..I think the VEGAS wedding sounds GREAT!!!

We have a saying here..

"Do what suits YOU and F**k the begrudgers!!"

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Good morning Violets!

Jennifur: I'd love to see your cute little hearts on your toes!

Laura: Like others have said.. It's YOUR WEDDING! period, congrats on the early fill.

Lucy: I didn't get numbed first..... he just said there will be one needle stick.. and that was it.

Kat: Check in when you can!!! You are one hawt grannie!

TracyK: I am also a lover of Water aerobics, its the only kind of exercise that I actually ENJOY! I thought I might try a lunch bunch here in town at the local swimming pool, but I don't know if I could really get away with taking such long lunches, and getting wet and coming back to work.

In the evenings, I have my little guy so right now that option is out.

MontGirl: Glad to see you jumping in and posting.

I am trying real food today, and I'm a little nervous about it... need to get that water in.

How is everyone today???

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Hey Violets! This post is not for the weak - so use caution....

I haven't been on in a while. Just taking things a day at a time.

I was scheduled for my first fill today and called yesterday and cancelled it.

Would you believe I got the stomach flu. OMG I was so afraid. I felt like I had never thrown up before and didn't know what would happen. One of my kids had it on Sunday and I didn't even think twice about taking care of her. Then yesterday at work, I was just starting to get "that feeling". Told the boss I was thinking I wasn't feeling well and within a half hour I left to go home.

My first trip to the bathroom was just dry heaves. That's when I didn't know if I even could vomit anything. The second trip and trips after were just bile. I probably didn't have anything in my stomach anyway. But I took a pillow with me to hold over my stomach. I don't know if that helped, but it seemed the thing to do for some reason. I just kept waiting for excrutiating pain from slipping my band or something.

It was worse than pre-band, but I never felt anything too bad. I am so thankful for not having been filled.

I cancelled my fill because I couldn't bear the thought of exposing other bariatric patients or the doctors and staff to this. I'm really funny about passing this stuff on. I'm off work today re-couping. I feel tons better, but sore and still a little feverish and headache.

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Laura - ((hugs)) to you. In my first marriage, many moons ago, my in-laws created so many problems that it could have easily turned into a nightmare if we had allowed it. But we just went on with our plans and they ended up feeling pretty humiliated in the end and I ended up on my MIL's sh*t list for 7 years!!! Point is, I understand how parent problems can be. My second point is that DH and I have been to Vegas several times and we absolutely love it! I've seen many brides sashay through the casino in their beautiful gowns with bridesmaids in tow. There are so many amazing venues in Vegas that you really can't go wrong there. All the hotels have wonderful wedding packages and are so eager to help!! I really don't think you'd be sorry. Ya'll will have an absolute blast and THAT is the memory you are seeking! Go 1st class and get a suite at the Bellagio!! That's my vote! ;)

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Good morning, fellow Shrink'n Violets...

Well today is the first day after the fill and back to regular foods. I'm like Tracy... kinda scared to go there. I'm much more comfortable with the full liquids, but I know those don't fill me up like Protein rich foods. Soooooooo I'll try my scrambled egg and cheese for Breakfast and see how it goes. Today I have a flute rehearsal at noon and a choir rehearsal at 6. In between I have plants to plant that I just received as gifts. And the grass looks like it's never been touched even though I mowed it last week! We've had tons of rain and everything is busting out of the ground, it seems.

I was not numbed at my fill and it was just like Laura's.. lift your legs to tighten the abdomen, then one poke and it was done. Drank some Water to make sure it went down and I was outta there. Eight hours of driving for 3 minutes of doctor visit. But it's WORTH it to me and DH.

Laura.. I second all of the comment on here about YOUR wedding. You do what you feel comfortable with. You are the ones who will have the memories for the rest of your life. Make them ones you will cherish. I had a beautiful wedding 38 years ago and to this day I still remember the fact that my dad didn't want to pay for anything. My mom argued and argued the point and he finally caved in, but it's a bad memory I've had for 38 years now. My DD's wedding 4 years ago was just gorgeous and we just stepped back and let her decide what she wanted. All we did was write the checks.. lol Course her dad performed the ceremony and I sang the solos. Such a deal! lol So just follow your heart and do what makes you and your intended happy.

Time to fix breakfast. I got up late today after all the travel and running around yesterday. I love being retired!!;)

Everyone have a great day and follow those bandster rules!!

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Thanks for the encouragement guys!

One of my bridesmaids would not be able to make it if we do it on 7-7-07, and it will be a nightmare for his mom to get out there..

He said, the only 2 people he wants there is me and his mom.. So, we're trying to figure a way for her to fly out the night before, and fly back to a horseshow (they are trainers and some big event is that weekend) the night of the wedding.

If she can do that, it'd be great.. I'm about to start calling around in Vegas, I saw packages at Venetian and Rio that look nice.. if someone has 7/7/07 open--here we come!

Me and fiance actually MET in Las Vegas when we were both underage (I was 18 and he was 19). At the Sahara.. so for years we would go back on my birthday (around the date we met) and stay at Sahara..

So vegas is extremely fitting for us. We love to play poker, we love the casinos, that's where we met, we LOVE vegas. Crossing my fingers his mom can make it, we find out today.. His g'ma (who is the one throwing the fit about not paying our honeymoon), he hasn't told her yet, and I heard him on the phone with his mom telling her 'I don't care if she can make it, I don't even want her there'.. I felt so akward, I keep telling him, make this decision because it's stress-free, fun, and it's US.. don't make the decision out of spite to your family.. And I keep seeing visions of the in-laws hating ME for this in the long run ;)

But I wanted to call his g'ma myself yesterday and explain how we're only asking her to pay 2% compared to what MY parents are paying, we're not asking her to pay for everything the groom's family is SUPPOSE to pay for, just one damn thing, and if she is going to be petty about it, I DONT WANT HER THERE.. I don't want MY family paying for her good time and her to see her grandson get married, if she feels she should get a free ride (which is unwarranted..).

Blah blah blah.. I'm on hold with the champagne glass people.. they were engraved with Nov. 4,2007 lol.

I guess it will end up being a funny keepsake if they have already gone into production.. sounds like they haven't, but I've been on hold about 20 minutes now.

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