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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Pamela-well said!!!!....I wish I could go to a dance class...I wish I knew of a pool I could go swim in and not feel like Shamoo <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Wink" smilieid="5" class="inlineimg" /></p>

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I would like to join the group. I had my surgey April 2, 07 and it is going okay. I have lost 43lbs since surgery but the scale has not moved in about 2 weeks. I am sticking around 1200 calories a day and exercising 4 to 5 days week. It is frustrating and any support or ideas to keep on track is welcome.

Welcome! 43lbs.. WOW that is fantastic... I've been holding at 24 for 3+weeks now

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((Lunasa))... I second what Pam said... this thread is such a special safe place for me & you & all of us... it's so much more than just a bunch of anonymous people... I truly care for each of you and think about you, worry about you, Celebrate with you... unless I'm a complete nutter (which may well be the case), I think we all feel that way to some degree. Do not feel as though you must only be "on" with us... "positive"... "happy"... we're all here in all our human diversity... happy one day, scraping the bottom of the barrel the next. We all "know" the band isn't "magic," but I think we often wish it were.... so when old "diet" feelings, behaviors pop up, we freak out! We still have A LOT of learning to do... about ourselves, our bands, our "new" lives... and happily we can do it here, together. I don't think this new journey is going to go in a straight line... wish it would, but doubt it will. You've done amazing so far and will continue to do so! I think that your fill will do wonders for your hunger & mood... even just 1 week out I'm hungry... really, bona fide hungry! I don't even want to think how I'll be @ 5-6 weeks out waiting for my fill!

Be gentle with yourself, dear friend.

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I would like to join the group. I had my surgey April 2, 07 and it is going okay. I have lost 43lbs since surgery but the scale has not moved in about 2 weeks. I am sticking around 1200 calories a day and exercising 4 to 5 days week. It is frustrating and any support or ideas to keep on track is welcome.

WELCOME to our little spot on the net!!!!! 43lbs is WONDERFUL!!!!

Have you had a fill yet?


Gr8: thanks maybe I am glowing... I almost broke down and told him but I refrained because I would be paying for it FOREVER.

Jennifur: Don't sweat the small stuff sweetie.... we will all face those who are jealous and those who will try to sabotage us. KEEP ON KEEPING ON

Lunasa: HUGS TO YOU WOMaN!!!! Yes, Yes, Yes.. I felt just like you did until I got my first fill.. and now I am blissfully full after a bowl of Tomato Soup and a few crackers.....

EVERYONE: Have a great evening!!!

I am baking pork steak tomorrow so I hope it goes down easy.. (I bake in on 250 for at least 2 hours in a glass pan with the Ragu roasted garlic alfredo sauce) it is soooo tender and so delicious.. sometimes if I have them I add a can of mushrooms. My son eats it by the shovel when I make it. which is not often because dbf doesn't eat pork.

I am hoping for good news tomorrow... after todays SHOCK I am once again pumped!

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Hello fellow Shrink'n Violets.

I'm back from my fill and it was a snap. Just lie back, lift my legs up to push the port to the surface and zip, zap, needle was in and out in a second. Doc said to tell everyone here how easy it was. lol

I'm way behind on posts and will have to catch up on them tomorrow. I did pm Kat about the Kindergarten issue.

I'm watching grandson Ethan right now as his daddy is playing softball and his mom is working. Ethan is sleeping now so I can get on the puter.

I don't notice any difference yet with the fill. I'm on liquids until tomorrow morning. Maybe when I get back to regular food it will feel different. Doc and staff were really pleased with my progress. I sure hope it continues!! DH is doing great too and goes for his first fill July 2.

Everyone have a good night and remember to follow those bandster rules!!

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I have done Water aerobics, which I am going back to tomorrow am. I have a membership at the YMCA but a lot of schools that have pools offer them - you like to swim you will love them!

I feel so good going to work out... I want to lose 5more lbs by friday by working my butt off, so when i gain water over the weekend working, I won't gain or lose for my fill on Tuesday. My dr is so strict i hope he gives it to me

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OH>............. what Pamela said!!!!! YES YES YES...

I ate half of a large size pizza on friday night AND a salad.. (thin crust but still) I HAVE FALLEN AND CAN'T GET UP!!!!!! I am HORRIBLE at self sabotage... there I said it.. I ate HALF a KING SIZE PIZZA FROM PIZZA SHOP and a salad WITH THE PINK STUFF........ and I lived to tell about it. (it was a mental, I gotta have it before my fill weak spot) I'm not proud..... I felt like a band failure afterward and I felt sick......BUT I GOT UP and dusted my badonkabutt off and went on with life......... and you will too.......... we are not in this for the short term it is a long haul baby so step on the bandwagon of our lives and get comfy!

Any lurkers......... SHOW YOURSELVES!!!!!!! Just because some of us have bigger mouths than others (I'm talking about me) doesn't mean we don't care about whats going on in your journey..... some of our lost sisters.. SARA! I calling you out honey! Get your sotted butt in here! :)

Jump in a post.. the good the bad and the totally freaking wonderful!


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Hey Judy! You are the Violets model bandster!!!!! I just know you and DH are going to end up on the cover of some magazine or commercial for your doc! I'm a little peppy tonight... I guess the tomatoe Soup perked me up.. LOL

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once again... you are awesome!!!

so ... you all know I work in a pizza shop on the weekends while looking for real work............................

I have not had 1 slice of pizza... can you stand it.... last week pms... i ate a bite of cheese off the top of my dads and it tasted so good, but felt like a rock... no crust, just cheese. I usually eat a pc of chicken with provo cheese on it baked with some hot sauce while i'm there....

That is one thing I'm so proud of... and in th am when I can post that I am 229... that will be the second... if not... i guess i'm going to be sad... LOL

ok not really i know I'm doing great... I was 278 in Jan and now 230

so here is another silly accomplishment......I just painted my toes with no real issues on bending to speak of....

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Hi everyone....tomorow is pizza day at work. Makes me wanna call in sick!! lol Last week when they had it I had to go outside because they had all the pizzas across the hall from my office and the aroma was just unbearable...but, I didn't sin then and I won't sin tomorrow (if the good Lords willing)

Schexy-I take a Fluid pill once or twice a week. If I didn't I would probably explode. All I did was tell me dr that I am retaining too much fluid and asked for a fluid pill....you won't be sorry!!

Does anyone know a really good Protein Powder that maybe I can put in my morning coffee?

TracyK-Try the chocolate Unjury. By itself it is unbearably sweet, but if you mix it w/skim milk and chocolate, you end up w/a mochachino.

Good luck,


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Hi all-

Haven't participated much in these threads, but have sure enjoyed reading about all of your experiences. I had my first fill a couple of weeks ago, and it is working very well. My port had shifted a bit so it took them a while to find it, which was a bit worrisome, but they finally managed and filled me with two cc's. I have had several pbs, but was on vacation last week and wanted to try too many things. You sure learn quickly what will go down and what won't! Having some trouble staying away from chocolate and chips because they go down pretty easily. The real food presents a challenge, but am trying. I was happy to see that I lost 2 lbs on vacation, putting me at a total loss of 21 lbs since my surgery on April 10th. Need to start exercising. Am happy w/the lost weight, but could be doing so much better at everything. Now that I am back from vacation, I'm trying to get back in the habit of drinking the Water, eating Soups and things that are a bit easier on the system and wean myself off the junk. I've gone back on the Isopure Protein Drinks, which are much easier to tolerate than those thick goopy shakes. The only salvation I found for those shakes is to cut the sweetness w/decaf coffee. Of course, then you end up with this huge drink that is still too sweet. For those of you who haven't had your first fills, hang in there. I too was able to eat EVERYTHING in sight and felt as if I hadn't had the surgery at all. Well, the fill, if done correctly certainly changes that! I feel a very good restriction now, and am very full on very little. It's those Snacks I have to stay away from! Not hungry at all, yet still eat them because they are there. I guess it is true what they say in my case that a lot of our eating is in our head. Gotta work through that. This forum helps. Thanks all, have a great night.

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I got a choc and vanilla Protein powder at Walmart... 23g protein 3g sugar and 1 carb (or close to that). it is good,

I like ice coffee, so i mix in my magic bullet, a couple ice cubes, choc protein powder, 1/2 cup sugar free coffee ice cream, 1tsp choc pudding dry and some cold coffee.... it is so good. came out to be 300 cals

for the vanilla, i mix with 1 cup vanilla yogurt, 1tsp vanilla pudding mix ice and a splash of Water if too thick again 300 cals

that is what i'm going to try to live on until my fill next week for Breakfast and lunch with a turkey burger of pc of chicken for dinner. today was day 2 so we will see

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Night all

I'm going to take my blue toe nails w/pink hearts to bed. going to work out again early then Water aerobics from 9-10:30

lets see if i'm still standing tomorrow afternoon.

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OH MY GOD GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well today is a day of crazyness. Went to dentist...while in waiting room my surgeon calls (about 11). He decided to go out of town early, so my appointment is cancelled (nearly in tears, I just go 'no no no!!') and they said if I could be there today by 3:30 at latest, I'd get my fill today..

So I beg dentist to hurry so we can be on our way to the doctor 3 hours away.. we're on the road, and he's talking to his parents, who are suppose to pay for our honeymoon.. long story short, my parents forking out a lot of money and some reason they don't think the groom's parents should pay for anything..so all of our honeymoon plans are out the window.. I am trying not to cry, but fiance is pissed and it makes me feel worse.. I know he felt left down (they have the money, they're being petty about us not having it in a chapel.. but in a garden and god-ordaned).

So anyway..

Doctor had so many people in there, place was overflowing. He was still in surgery. He finally gets back, and goes through people quickly (only saw 1 other lap bander) who was bigger than me, banded in January and telling everyone she only lost 10lbs so far (with 2 fills). I wanted to speak up, but some reason I didn't.. It made all the GB people have that look of 'I'm so glad I did GB instead of LB'..

We're finally called back there, and I had a fat moment. He lays me back, doesn't numb me. I'm a little nervous from the size of the needle. He says.. tighten your stomach.. duhhh?? So I go 'Hold my breath or what?' and he goes, tighten it like your muscles.. So I do, and he says "Tighten your muscles".. and I'm like jeez I AM!! LOL.. so that was my fat moment.. then he shows me how to raise my legs so I tighten my abdomen.. I do that.. he puts the needle in.. barely a prick.. but finding the port was a CRAZY sensation, wish I knew what exactly he was doing (I couldn't look for fear of freaking out, so I'm staring at the ceiling, clenching my abdomen). Keeps asking if I'm ok, and I said yup I'm fine.. felt like I had a metal screen built into my body and a distant sensation of someone raking a fork on it.. so he pulls it out, decides he needs a new angle.. puts needle back in, wasn't expecting that (didn't realize he removed it originall), and it smarted for a brief second.. he fills me.. and ta-da.. 1.5cc!

Gave me Water and cracker and told me to make sure I could take them.. They leave, I drink water, eat cracker, feel no different.

So he comes back, I said I don't feel anything and he said give it a week etc...


Now, on the way home fiance still upset about his parents and we decide to have a small wedding in Vegas. There goes our fancy wedding, I'll get into it later (tomorrow at work when Fiance isn't in the room)..

We'll save money, we'll get to have our honeymoon, and it will be FUN. It will be more 'us'. I think I'm going to get my wedding dress I wanted and just take it out there.. and.. we are looking at doing it on 7-7-07


Tomorrow is the daunting task of finding out what place in vegas has an opening on 7-7-07, and cancelling our contracts.

One down thing.. we ordered our champagne flutes already.. we're going to have 150 personalized glass champagne flutes with our names and "November 4,2007" on them. LOL!

I'm excited.

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      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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