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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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SELF FILL...........

I would have to say... I was almost speechless! Does she use the same needle every time??? What could happen to her if things went wrong???

Please post your thoughts.... I am curious!!!!!!!!!

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HOLY HECK.... where have I been?????

With the holiday, I had to bust booty on payroll yesterday and today, and out of the BLUE.. dbf has a job interview in Columbia MO tomorrow.. they are putting us up in a hotel tonight so today at lunch I was scrambling around to throw some clothes and swim suits in a bag so we can hit the road as soon as I get home.

Teach and Terri: you are both losing pounds! I am boycotting the scale til I get a fill.... which is Monday.

I need to go catch up on posts and then clear my office for my day off tomorrow.

I should boycott the scale too...it hasn't moved in 11 days. :help:

My fill is also scheduled for Monday! Hopefully that helps a bit. Although tonight I think I learned my lesson - It's my wedding anniversary so the hubby and I went out to our favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner. I ate chips and salsa (hot salsa!), and a small portion of an artichoke quesidilla. Well either I ate too much, or the food was too spicy. I think I experienced a PB, although I'm not sure because it was different from what I've read on the boards. I was sitting here reading my email when I burped, but this VERY acidic bile came up and I about choked because it burned my throat so bad! I could feel it in the back of my throat and I can still taste it. GROSS! So I'm not sure if it qualifies as a PB or just bad acid reflux...either way I'm going to lay off the spicy food and eat less.... :sick

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SELF FILL...........

I would have to say... I was almost speechless! Does she use the same needle every time??? What could happen to her if things went wrong???

Please post your thoughts.... I am curious!!!!!!!!!

I have no idea. I guess the worst that could happen is that she could get a horrible infection or infect the band Fluid. Nevertheless, it's possible she truly is disturbed -- judging by the disjointed thoughts and horrible spelling. I looked at her other posts and she apparently has been doing this since june of 06...or says she has, anyway. Back then the other members got all over her but she wasn't phased.

I ate chips and salsa (hot salsa!), and a small portion of an artichoke quesidilla. Well either I ate too much, or the food was too spicy. I think I experienced a PB, although I'm not sure because it was different from what I've read on the boards. I was sitting here reading my email when I burped, but this VERY acidic bile came up and I about choked because it burned my throat so bad! I could feel it in the back of my throat and I can still taste it. GROSS! So I'm not sure if it qualifies as a PB or just bad acid reflux...either way I'm going to lay off the spicy food and eat less.... :sick

Yeah, sounds more like a reflux type reaction if no food came up... YIKES! Salsa can be hazardous??!? Bummer.

Ibchelle - WOW you are melting!! No, can't say that fills have exactly done that for me, but they have helped!

Haydee - I'm tighter in the mornings, too. Even cottage cheese has a problem going down. So I've learned to (guess what?) take small bites and eat slowly!! I've really got to do that every single meal now. You'll learn!!.....maybe!

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Hello everybody!!

How ya all doin?

It's such a different vibe in here since the surgery month!! Back to real life & the newness of fills!!

I just booked my first fill for June12th in London. As I am travelling from Ireland to have mine I figured a half hour apt wasn't worth the journey so I'm treating us as well.. booked myself & DH into a hotel & tickets for Phantom of the Opera and we'll make a night of it... Now THAT's more exciting!!

Am looking forward to having my fill. I feel mended on the inside, the swelling has gone down enough that I am feeling less restriction. I am controlling things very well foodwise but still a lazy Bum on the excercise!


I make a pact today to walk 30mins now every day between now & fill. I know Doc will ask have I been excercising & I would hate to admit I wasn't. Sure I could lie and say I was,:D but I'd feel terrible, I'm too honest anyway, I wouldn't & I'd just be so embarrassed admitting I'm not walking. So walking it is.

Goodness...anyone got a bomb for under my ass??:bored


KAT...did you get to hear the VOYAGE song?

Laura...CONTRACT for wedding planner?????!!!

OMG, that in itself sounds ominous. Did you check any others to see if contracts are the norm?

P.s...my sister is pregnant!!!!! She only found out herself..Her DH is away so I was her first port of call. Nobody else knows but us...I'm SOOOOOO excited!!!! OMG..I'm so emotional :cry:cry:cry

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Ahhh... a nice warm shower felt oh-so-good this morning! Of course, after that & all the other morning routine activities (which I did slowly) I feel it in my gut now... amazing how those core muscles really control everything! Oh my!

Slept well, too... in my bed w/pillows all around/under... on my back, bleh... I tried to roll on my side a bit, but that's a no go just yet... but I slept from 11p-4a, then 'til 6:30a, w/my cpap machine, so I actually felt fully rested for the first time this week!

Another day w/nothing to do... I could grow to like this -- not! But I am trying not to rush things and just be slow & heal... no pain meds so far today...

Make it a great one, everyone!

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Congrats on your fast recovery. I was in my nammies for almost a week after surgery. Just lazed around and relaxed. DH is feeling back to normal now for the first time in a week. Course he had a tough week with all the activities in Canada, but I'm glad we didn't postpone the surgery because of it. Now he's done and on the way instead of waiting and waiting. I think that's the worst part of the whole surgery!!! Well, ok, maybe a little pain in the incisions. And a little gas. But it's all definitely worth it!!!!

I hope we all continue to post on here with our progress and not drift off just because the surgery is over and done with!!!

LUNASA: congrats on being an Auntie!! And going to see Phantom definitely makes the trip worth your time!

DENISE: Hope your anniversary was enjoyable in spite of the acid reflux. That's exactly what I would get before surgery. I dreaded going to bed at night for fear that the reflux would wake me up.. it felt like I was drowing.. couldn't catch my breath and kept trying to swallow. And the acid taste.. YUCK. Doc fixed my hiatal hernia during the lap band surgery and I haven't had any reflux since. That was worth the price of admission!!

Grandson Ethan is here for the day so I'll probably get my exercise hauling him around. He'll be a year old on Saturday and is into everything!

Everyone have a great day and remember to follow those bandster rules!!

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I broke the plateau!!! I weighed this morning and I'm down to 238.6!!! I haven't been able to get under 239 in 2 weeks...I kept going between 239 & 240....Now I'm down to 238 and I get my first fill Monday! My next goal is to lose another 15 lbs by June 30th! I'm going to work hard!!!

Have a wonderful day to all of my fellow violets!!!!

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Lunasa- LOL! You aren't in America are you? I don't think you are, if I remember.. but from that statement I really don't think you are now.. America is SUE HAPPY!! People sue if you don't have every little business detail in writing and signed.. so yes, I wouldn't have hired a coordinator without a contract.. that would be a shady deal (I pay her 2,200 to do xxx.. and it has to be in writing) Anyway, we met with her that night and she calmed me down, so we're back on track again.

Adorable-CONGRATS on breaking the plateau!!!

Well I still haven't broken my plateau..BUT BUT BUT! ;)

It's not 'the' sexy jeans I was saying I want to wear by August, but I have a pair of super bell-bottoms I haven't been able to fit in since I was 18.. I didn't have the heart to throw them out, and this morning.. they FIT! They are extremely tight on the waistband (and no stretch, this was before I discovered the stretchy jeans)..but they most definitely fit-buttoned and zipped, and I've been prancing around work hehe. Last time I tried to wear these was about a year ago, I thought I'd lost some weight so I tried to wiggle into them, couldn't get them past my thighs easily--lots of jumping. Finally got them up and I couldn't even pull the button/zippers together to TRY to fasten them.. so threw them in a closet somewhere.. until today. WOOOHOOO

Just got back from a meeting with our cake lady... got our pricing and deposit put down. She is so craaaaazy, I love it. Fiance said how the caramel buttercream is his favorite, so she taught me the recipe from scratch LOL. She told me to make it for him for some 'fun times'. MMhm.. I don't cook!

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So yes, my fill is definitely working. Yay! Small bites and chewing very well are the ONLY way that my food will go down now. I'm very happy about that. These past few weeks when I was able to eat anything just like before surgery were really scary for me. I was controlling myself, but only because I spent alot of money on the band and I needed to MAKE it work. Most of the time I was still hungry. I was trying to stay optimistic during that time but in reality I had doubts that it would work like it was supposed to. I thought I was going to have to DIET the whole time. So glad that's not going to be the case. Now it really feels like it's supposed to feel. Like everyone talks about. Restriction Restriction Restriction... That word is wonderful...

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Yeah to breaking that plateau!!!! I found when I got my fill, my weight went down to the point where I started gaining, I probably lost those seven pounds in four days. So it is coming Monday the answer to your weight loss.


Yum the icing sounds great!!!!


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Laura...on reflection I see it wise to have a contract in place...glad you got it sorted with her!! LOL..Congrats on the jeans..That's a MAJOR NSV for you..keep it up..xx

Haydee...great to hear about the fill benefits!! I'm REALLY looking forward to reporting same!!

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Good Afternoon Violets!

Wow! I read that post about the woman who was doing her own fill. Man, I can't imagine doing that, it would be like a form of self mutilation. I had a hard enough time when the doc did it. A fill is a lot different than an allergy shot or insulin!

I am redesigning my powder room/bathroom. It is going to be great, but the other project that i thought I could do is now on hold due to money. Don't we hate waiting??? Or maybe I'll just try doing a lot of it myself. OMG!

Hugs from a fellow crazy bandster - did I say I was going to tear apart the office and do it myself? OMG!

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Yowsa girls---I sure won't be doing any of my own fills, and I have a feed store just down and around the corner---but they can keep their needles!!! I have bought many a needle in there, to be totally honest....but they were all for cows, and dogs! Yes they come individually sealed, but there is no way I feel like they are as sanitary as what my Dr. uses!!! I know in reality he buys his by the box as well probably, but what I don't know........keeps me happy!! I don't get why she uses eye saline---she can buy sterile saline in the IV bag at the feed store!!! I think what irritates me about it all, is that she is posting it, making others question it, and then when (not if...but when) she has trouble, it will make the stats for banding go down....when in reality it was not a band failure it was a bandster failure.

Denise, sorry about the reflux on your anniversary. I too get it. I had a haital hernia repaired during surgery, but it is back....I sleep on a wedge, to raise me up, which helps, and I take meds for it. I have also found in my own case sleeping on my left side cuts down on my problems with reflux...on my back is the worst!!! In addition to my usualy meds, if I plan to eat something like salsa, prior to going to the restaurant, I will take a OTC zantac or something like it (usually Walmarts cheapo brand!!!). I ask my Dr. he said if it is small enough to pass, and it does not cause problems, taking it will not harm me in any manner.

Lunasa--I did listen to the song, and it is beautiful. I sent the link to my cousins wife, who is a music major, and she is going to listen, and decide if it is something she could sing for them. My Dad is not the type to sing it!!! I am in the process of writing a quick bit to read regarding my parents, how they met, etc. a quick synopsis of their 50 years. Mainly to thank them for the amazing job they did as parents, I have always felt loved, and cared for by them, but also for the guiding hand in showing us how a loving relationship works....with one another, as well as with God.....for giving us a wonderful example to follow in our own lives. I'm not one to get up and speak publicly unless it is necessary either, but this is something I want to do...for them.

Well I am taking the granddaughters to the carnival again tonight! I had so much fun taking them to the one in the next town over a couple of weeks ago, I decided to do it again. For $12.00 they get an arm band and can ride for 3 hours all they want. It is such fun watching them! Our little town is having Fiesta Days. Parades, carnival, a rodeo....tomorrow night they will have a pet parade, all the kids with their animals...kittens to snakes, to miniature donkeys. Following it, they will crown the Prince and Princess, kids under 6 who have had collection cans around town, each penny counts as 1 vote, and the money goes to a local childrens charity. Throughout the day there will be a booth where you can go and write on a piece of paper, your fears, and ill feelings, and put them inside of Zozobra...who is about 20 feet tall, made of a wire structure, filled with paper, and a few firecrackers, and everyones bad feelings, covered in white fabric, with a face painted on...to look like a grouchy old man. They trail a parade following Zozobra, aka Old Man Gloom, the adults with candles, through the town to an empty lot, where Zozobra is ignited with all the candles, and all the bad feelings are burned away. It is an old Mexican tradition. They have done it here since I was a child, and now I am taking my grandkids!!! So tonight we do the carnival, tomorrow the pet parade etc. Then Saturday they have the usual parade, and vendors of all kinds. The kids are riding a trackless train in the parade---so I will have to go watch!!

Today we met up with my DH at a local golf course where all the local petroleum companies had a huge golf tournament. As well as the golf tournament, they have each company an area, one or 2 at each hole, and then all around the clubhouses, and driving range, set up to have BBQ's. Of course it becomes a huge competition. You can find everything imaginable!! Steak, pork loin, ribs, bacon wrapped shrimp, fajitas, pulled pork sandwiches...and that was just what I saw at about 4 holes today!!! They also have all the sides and fixings....beans, corn on the cob, chips, ice cream, cookies.....water, pop, beer......it is a blow out!!! I ate a rib, and the fajita fillings....it was soooo good! But it felt so amazing, not to be embarassed to be there, and be eating!! In years past, I always felt like everyone was looking at me, and my plate...they may or may not have been, but I was embarassed for me. This year, I was far from the biggest person around. I ate a bit and was done, I was up for the walk around, and I cannot begin to tell you my friends how awesome that felt. The days of liquids, and the days of mushies, and all the uncertanties we all faced----were soooo worth it! I cannot wait to read of your similar stories! Like Laura's pants.....WTG girl~!!

OK, enough rambling!!! TTYL!!!


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