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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Hi Teach! We missed you!!!

Yeah, I was wondering what the heck ya'll were doing going on vacation right after surgery! But I thought maybe ya'll had a nice quiet cabin on a lake or something...not shopping and dining! How in the world did your DH do it?! Poor baby! I'm sure you took very good care of him and the walking actually did him good. I'm glad your home too! Give our best to DH and tell him we're thinking of him.

I notice your ticker says ***200***!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: You've almost caught up to me and that makes me REAL jealous! But, then again, you ARE the Violet Mascot!! When are we gonna see some B&A (progress) shots of you??? You must be noticing huge changes in the mirror!

MDRAI - We're pulling for you today!! Can't wait to see you on the other side!!!!!! Oh, this is so exciting!! Almost as exciting as when TracyK got banded! :)

I've got SO much to do today! We're leaving for a mini-vacation in 2 days. Going to the beautiful Guadalupe River to meet up with lots of our friends for a long weekend. The kids have a blast and the old folks get to kick back and enjoy all means of debauchery. Well, we do a lot of cooking and cleaning, too! :) I have to go to the gym and get a leg workout and cardio. Come home and finish packing up my fat clothes to give to my friend who lives in Galveston...then drive down there to deliver them to her...come home after dinner and try to relax a bit with some beading. In between I've got about 4 loads of laundry to do.

Ya'll have a great day! XOXOXOXO

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Hi Laura...

No I didn't go to ACS myself , but there's another Thread on here in the introductions page 2 or 3 called Hi from Ireland, and most of the women there went with ACS.

I went with healthier weight centre only because they specialise in weight loss surgery, it's all they do and my initial contact was with a lovely woman who had the band herself and that kinda put me at ease.

There's also info on the above mentioned thread about support group meetings in Dublin if you'd be interested. I live in Co Clare.

Good to touch base with you!! Having the band has been GREAT for me!!

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OK my purple pals---I am back, but will be busy for the next hour or so reading to catch up!!! Will be back!!!!!


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Hello My Violet Friends!

I have not disappeared. I've been away for a bit with end of the year school stuff, WEDDING planning things before my daughter left for two months and a cold that had me under.

Tracy you look FABULOUS! Your chin is shrinking!

Short and sweet news with me is I lost the # I had gained so I am back to 27 pounds down and off that holding pattern of not budging up or down.

Trip to Denver for the first fill is next week! Can't wait.

Hello to some new faces out there.

Teach I am glad to hear your trip went well and hubby is doing good.

Good to read all the news here!


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Wow what a busy bunch y'all have been!!! Glad to hear everyone is ok---nothing traumatic going on anyway---sorry about the sinus & ear infections. I do have a remedy for opening up ears that need to be popped, and it also works for ear infections in which the problem is caused by the same imbalance between the inner ear and the eustachian (sp?) tube. It first worked for me when we flew into Hawaii, I saw people in the airport doing it---I then ask my ENT about it, and he said it is the perfect way to eliminate the problem, you just have to be a bit patient with it---so it isn't a great fix for kids. Here is what you do. You will need, for each ear (if both are affected---they can be reused but will take double the time) a styrofoam cup ( like a disposable coffee cup) and a paper towel. Now wet the paper towel with as hot of Water as you can stand, wring it out, and rinse the cup with the hot water as well, then drop the paper towel into the bottom of the cup and position the cup tightly over your ear. Make sure the paper towel is in the bottom of the cup so you don't get burned. Keep the cup held tightly against your ear. And wait...and wait...and wait!!! The heat in the cup helps to open the tubes, and release the pent up Fluid, and as the cup slowly cools, so does the air and fluid in your ear, balancing it again. It worked wonderfully for me when we flew to Barbados---I had problems for the first time, ever, I fell asleep, and was not working my ears during the descent for landing. I fought it for almost 2 days---and finally decided to try it---instant relief!!! Ok maybe 30 minute relief!! So I ask my ENT about it---mostly out of curiosity--he said it is perfect, much safer than the pinch the nose and blow thing we all try!!!! I have used it during a bad ear infection, and it worked as well, but the relief was not permanent, I had to redo it again. Good Luck-----hope you get relief soon!! And Terry was right on the money about the not eating following a PB. The problem is as she said, the PB caused your stomach to swell around the band. So if you give it time, to settle down, you do much better, otherwise there is a high likelyhood of the next solid food causing another PB due to the swelling, not what or how you eat. So you get the cycle going Eat, Swell, PB....Eat, swell PB......much better to stop the cycle before it starts.

Tracy(KS) you must have been watching me---I was eating the same nachos and cheesecake!!! food vendors at the rally did me in!!! I did ok though, I ate anything I wanted, and the weight remained steady. The only thing I felt a bit deprived over was I only ate 2 bites of a funnel cake, and I wanted MORE!!!! But I was afraid it would react like the donut, and swell, and I did not want a PB and forced liquids then---so I ate 2 bites, and consoled myself with some shopping!!! We had a blast---it was such a fun weekend! Probably 30-50 thousand bikes. Weather was iffy---rained on us a bit getting there, but not while we were there. The nights got cold!!!!!!! But it does every year, and we went prepared! We had wonderful camp neighbors the first night, then the 2nd night late into the evening, we were already at the bon fire, and having a good time (!!!) when another camper come in and set up between us and the guys in the other spot. We probably should have offered help, but didn't we were all involved in conversations etc. Well we go back over to get something from the tent, and the tent they put up is HUGE!!!! And literally wall to wall with ours. If anyone was sleeping against that wall, they could have got to know Rick really well!!!!! We figured oh well...went on to bed. About 3 AM we were woke up with a psycho woman yelling and cussing about someone over there just getting back and them being cold and the asshole next door snoring when she couldn't sleep! OMG made my DH so mad!!! Well our tent is like 10 X 10---easy to set up, we LOVE it, have had it for years---so we decided to move ours to the other side of our friends between them and 4 guys from Idaho, the next morning---no problem remove the stakes, and slide it over as is. We got up about 8:30---well they did, they are all coffee drinkers, I laid in bed until the sun warmed the tent for me to climb out. I finally emerge from the tent, and they are all looking at where to move the tent, they picked a spot, and he grabbed a hammer to remove stakes. Now by this time, the campground is awake, bikes are roaring around (the campground is at a Y in the roads up the passes, so the bikes are wrapped out going up, and echo on the mountains---I love it---but quiet it isn't!!!) When Rick got to the back side, to the "shared" wall he calls me over...they had not used their own stakes, they tethered their tent to ours!!! He looks at me with this question...I just shrugged, so he points it out to the guys on the other side ---4 guys from Colorado, and they tell him go for it---"asshole" (jokeingly --from her tirade the night before!!!) when he removes our stake, the corner of her tent drops. Well come to find out, her spot was not big enough for her tent and her SUV (no bike.....???) so she parked her car so close to one of the other guys tents she ran over his stakes! She was irate at us waking her up and started throwing things into her car, and cussing, OMG she was psycho!!!!! We refused to leave to Breakfast until she left! Our other neighbors were going to hang out and wait for some friends to arrive, so we left, and were very glad to find her gone for the next night. They come in about 8:30 that night, set up an elaborate 3-4 room tent, with the off the floor air beds, even had carpet rolled out on the floor (I watched her throw it in the car!), they were at a bike rally with no motorcycle---but yet had on bike week shirts from Myrtle Beach, and leather jackets. They never joined the party at the bon fire, threw a fit in the night, and left the next morning....fun weekend for them???? Rick kept thanking me for not acting like she did!!! EVER!!!! Aside from her, we had a great time, safe ride, good company, great weekend! Some down time we really needed, heading into the next round of surgery with DH.

OK I have written another book....just had to share psycho woman with y'all.

Prayers going out for Mdrai as she joins the ranks today!!! How exciting!

Has anyone ever had a bone spur? Can you get them in your hands????



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Ugh - I get up this morning and I'm back up from 239.2, to 240.4. It's been 10 days and I can't get under 239!!! HELP!!!!!!!!

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Hi all! How has everyone been. I've had a busy past few days. Well, I finally got my fill on Saturday. So here it goes:

My fill was scheduled at 9:30 a.m. so I figured I should skip breakfast. No one told me to do it but I just went ahead and did it. I got there and she cleaned the area with alcohol. I did NOT lie down. It was standing. I stood behind the x-ray machine and lifted up my shirt and tucked it under my bra. I could see my port on the screen when they turned on the machine. She located the middle of the port by using a long metal rod and just moving it around my port area on my skin. Once she located the middle of the port she marked it with the tip of her marker. She then gave me a numbing shot. That didn't really hurt. Just like a little ant bite. Then I saw the fill needle. OMG it looked huge. I turned away while she inserted it. It miraculously did not hurt. So then she put in 2.5 cc's. She gave me a tiny little bit of barium and asked me to drink. You could see the liquid gathering in my little pouch! She timed how long it took to flow through and then she decided that 2.5 cc's was too much. She pulled some saline out and left 1.7 cc's. She then asked me to sip some more barium. She was satisfied with how long it took to get through. She then gave me 8 oz of Water to drink and she had me drink them while the needle was still sticking out of me!!! So I'm standing there with this huge needle sticking out of me! Too funny. Took me a little bit to drink all the water. I could feel the tightness. Finally when I was done drinking then she went to go remove the needle. OUCH! THAT HURT. That was the only part that hurt. I rode laying down all my way home because I felt sore in that area. I felt sore for the rest of the day but there was no bruising. I did warm or room temperature liquids for the rest of Saturday. Sunday all day I had mushies. I could feel some definite tightness. I felt like the third day out of surgery. On Monday I had an runny scrambled egg for breakfast and then I had one hamburger patty that I nibbled on for the rest of the day. This morning I had 4 oz of cottage cheese with a handful of rasberries. Also, Saturday and Sunday I did not get all my water in. I was having to take tiny sips and I only drank like 30 oz each day. Today I am doing good with my water. I will reach my 96 oz by the end of the day.

I noticed on Monday that if I don't chew very very well it fell like the food was going down like barbed wire. I had gotten used to being able to eat reguarly and then this brought me back to having to follow bandster rules! I will see what happens for the next few days and keep ya'll posted!

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Kat, Love the saga...very entertaining. I have bone spurs in both heels, it freakin hurts so bad. I have had them a year now. My next step is surgery, but told the doc I wanted to wait until after 1 year of weight loss...then we'll talk. Anyway, that is my bone spur story.

Have a great one!

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Hi everyone!

I joined bandland on April 27 '07 in Houston.

I'm going in for my 1st fill this Thursday.

I've noticed since my surgery that I've been able to gradually eat almost anything (bread & tuna are no-no's), but in much smaller portions.

After reading the posts on the experiences of others, I think I'm ready for that fill.

I've got a long way to go in my weightloss journey (200+ # :) ) and I need all the help and support I can get.

Have a good week...

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I'm trying to have an NSV.

Today was our first meeting with the wedding coordinator, after she's been paid the deposit. It was 1.5 weeks out, which was a looong wait for me, but it was today at noon. Fiance and I took off work, get down there and she's not there.. we waited till 12:30 then asked another office if we could use their phone. They called her for us (that was so emberassing, its another business and the lady looked at us like we were crazy.. and of course we BOTH forgot our cell phones today)..

The wedding lady tells us oohhhh she thought the meeting was at 5, but she looked and it was noon and she's SO sorry etc.. and I was really cold, this is an omen to me!! I'm really upset. If the first meeting after getting paid she 'forgets' our meeting, than we're in trouble, right?!

She asked if we could come back at 5, and since I was in another business with their customers staring at me, I was just going 'ok.. ok..ok' really monotone, but I wanted to flip out and tell her, she cost us 20 bucks in fiance's pay check and we're sitting there in the heat waiting, she needed to get her happy ass down there.. she said she had people over and couldn't leave but would be there at 5...

So now I'm torn.. we already paid and signed contract.. but I already do NOT like her for standing us up like that!!! Fiance said, one time is fine, if it happens again we have a problem. Maybe I'm over reacting, but today was important, we're getting times set in stone, going over vendors etc. and she's too lackadaisical (sp) to check her appointment book? Oy.

So I'm trying to cool off right now, but I'm wanting to eat to calm me down! I'm craving all kinds of comfort foods. I'm drinking OJ and Water and fighting it.

Mdrai hurry back and post!! Inquiring minds want to know how it went!

Teach-Glad you're back! Sounds like you guys had a good time and hubby is recooperating like a good patient (no food! hehe).

Kat- On another note, I didn't want to be pushy but it sounds like you guys have made it home now, so I was wondering if I could still borrow the XP Home disk? :) I promise I won't chuck it at our wedding coordinator :)

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Yes, I teach 6-8th grade English Language Development. I have 9 days to go...THANK GOODNESS!!! I LOVE SUMMERS. Are you a teacher?

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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