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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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I am making progress....I finally decided on wording for my parents 50th anniversary invitation---it will be as follows:


Together they have

Found a friendship, raised a family,

And built a beautiful marriage.

You are most warmly invited

by the children of

John & Jane Doe

To participate

In the joyous clebration

Of their parents'

50th Wedding Anniversary.

A vow renewal and a casual reception

will be held

On June 30th...




at the bottom it will say

Your love and friendship are treasured gifts,

We request no other.

I got the labels printed, and the envelopes addressed. Ready to print my invitations, buy some new high dollar stamps, and get them in the mail.

Any suggestions for changes???

We are having a Hawaiian Luau in the yard the night before, when all the family arrives, then the formal celebration the next night. As it is right now, my folks think my brother and I will stand with them as they renew their vows, but in reality, both couples who were their original attendents, will be there, to redo their original roles. 3 couples all married for over 50 years!!!

Any luau suggestions, or anniversary celebration suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

Getting used to this new computer to do all this has been interesting to say the least!

Rick is ok. He is tiring very easily. He is ready to get this next ordeal behind him. We are leaving town for the weekend, going to ride over to a rally in the mountains---freeze our butts off! A few years ago, it was sooooo cold it frosted on our tents!!! The only things that saved us were a down blanket I threw in, and my hot flashes! Which I no longer have, so we may turn into popsicles!!!

Have a great night, would love some input!!!


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Wow Kat!! That sounds beautiful!! I know you will have an amazing time!

You all are so good to each other on this thread. Mdrai- I loved hearing all of the great support for you. You have to believe in yourself as much as others believe in you!

As for me, I am the typical slow starter to losing. I just hope it gets better and I just keep the scale going in the right direction. Thanks for all of the humor and inspiration on this thread!! I think God himself brought me to be banded in April so I can be a part of all of you beautiful Purple Legged Beauties!!!! ciao bellas!!!

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That does not sound like too much, crackers.... yum.......I only wish. I think yesterday we got on the same page but before that she was not so pleasant. Seriously, If I wanted diet pills why didn't they offer them to me before surgery? It took me a year to do this because I wanted to change my life! now that she gets that it is all good.


that is absolutely beautiful. and your luau sounds like it is going to be so much fun.. 50 years! wow - I can't even do 1!

Thanks for the Violet power for the job search, my degree is here, I missed the Fedex guy yesterday so i'll have it today no matter what!

I have been using a scale for years, since I did LA Weightloss. I still use it but it is amazing how I can make a 3oz burger almost perfectly on the first shot.

So does anyone still have pain where their port is healing? Yesterday I did way too much yard work I think because last night I could not even move it burned so badly. Ok so maybe i should not be taking down fences and building a retaining wall, but if i don't do it no one will.

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Hi folks...

Firstly..I had scrambled egg for Breakfast this morning with cherry tomatoes...I have the slime/peanut sensation again... I'm guessing this was the skin off the little tomatoes!! This is great!!

Anyway...KAT my dear violet..I have a beautiful suggestion for your parents wedding celebration.. It's the lyrics of a song called

"THE VOYAGE"..you could incorporate it somehow..

My father sang it to my mother on their 25th Wedding anniversary & there was snots & tears all round!! LOL

I'll post it now...


(Christy Moore)

I am a sailor, you're my first mate

We signed on together, we coupled our fate

Hauled up our anchor, determined not to fail

For the hearts treasure, together we set sail

With no maps to guide us we steered our own course

Rode out the storms when the winds were gale force

Sat out the doldrums in patience and hope

Working together we learned how to cope


Life is an ocean and love is a boat

In troubled Water that keeps us afloat

When we started the voyage, there was just me and you

Now gathered round us, we have our own crew

Together we're in this relationship

We built it with care to last the whole trip

Our true destination's not marked on any charts

We're navigating the shores of the heart

:cry :cry :cry :cry :cry

Kleenex anyone?

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Hi folks...

Firstly..I had scrambled egg for breakfast this morning with cherry tomatoes...I have the slime/peanut sensation again... I'm guessing this was the skin off the little tomatoes!! This is great!!

Hey..I'm quoting myself!!

what I mean by this is great is that this is GREAT that I can be so aware of the small things that don't agree with me & that I can be so much more mindfull in my choices when it comes to eating..

I'm so happy with my decision to have the band!!

My WW points are working out great!! I'm well within my daily limits & coping really well, before I would always use right up to my limit & still feel deprived..Not now...I feel like a NORMAL person!! LOL


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Good Tuesday Morning, Violets...

1 Week From Today I'll Be On The Table! :eek:

Many thanks again to everyone who took the time to help ease my fears yesterday... I think they're calming down... I know this is normal, I guess I would be a bit odd if I just went into this w/out any anxiety...

I'm just plugging along, doing what I'm supposed to be doing (which evidently is sloshing around and using up all the earth's clean Water supply w/all my flushes!), letting negative thoughts travel on their way through my head while encouraging the positive ones to sit & stay awhile. I'm not going on to any other post threads except this one & B&A 'til next week... or maybe forever! :P

((hugs)) to all for a great day!


PS -- Check out my ticker -- it's changed!! -10lbs this week! Woo Hoo!

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glad you are feeling better... see 10lbs!!!!! it will get easier after surgery and you will be on this side with your sister violets!


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You are TOTALLY normal & justified in your pre-op jitters!! You will be so fine & delighted when you get done...

Your worries will seem like a distant memory!!! You will be relaxed & happy...well done so far girl...eXcellent!!!

As for consuming the worlds Water sources with your flushes...let me quote Gaylord Fokker's dad

"If it's yellow, let it mellow

If it's brown, flush it down!"

LOL !!!

Oh and KITY...this is just for you....I know how much you like it!!!

:eek: :P :P :P :P :P

LOL.....Have a GREAT day!!!

P.s...haven't seen Christy on here in a while!!

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I lost my bounced weekend pounds! now to get caught up with Denise and get into the 230's!

TracyTX: That is great!!!

Schexy: Where did you find the mini digital scale? I KNOW I will need this after I start getting fills...

Margi: Good to hear from you!

Katie: Don't sweat the slow starts we all have to learn how to adjust to our bands! I feel that I should be a lot further along, but then I realize that this is for life and not a race.

Michelle: 10 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOHOOOOO!!!! all that sloshing around paid off.

Dynamo: 2 inches off your neck is AWESOME!!!!!

Jennifur: I had big issues with my nutritionist (required by insurance)..all she did was tick me off, so I would of been livid with the treatment yours gave you.... but I'm on the stubborn side of hard headed.. :eek:

Yes: Where are all our MIA violets? Christyand Ross, Panda and Darla???? Please check in ladies and let us know how its going.

Kat: WOW a rally in the mountains sounds like so much fun! I just bought a new EzPull clutch kit for my bike and rode it over to BIL house over the weekend so he could install it for me. We are planning on going to a weekend camp in June and also we are doing a charity run, where I will need an easy clutch for sure.

Everyone have a great day, and go get that glass of water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Morning guys!

This morning.. the scale said.... (drumroll) 300LBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That means.. if I had taken my clothes off, I just might have been (GASP!!) in the 200's!

I'm beside myself right now!

Laura - I neglected to contratulate you yesterday on this TREMENDOUS milestone!!! I know how excited you are....I am excited FOR you!! As a matter of fact, one of my first thoughts as I awoke this morning was about you...and would today be the day that you say goodbye forever to those pesky 300's!!!?
Thanks for sharing Jennifer...i am eating way tooo much for sure.... I think I will have to cut this food intake back after the fill...I have long days, and I am hungry most of the time.

Pamela - Don't worry too much about it now. There will be plenty of time to cut back your calories later. If you have 'long days' it's probably more important to keep your metabolism fueled and your energy up. That can't be many calories anyway!
Just wanted to share...I bought a mini-digital scale for $20 on eBay. It's really a jewler's scale, about the size of a small calculator. But I use it for weighing my food!!!

I can now very easily get out 3 oz. of deli sliced turkey breast, 1 oz. of cheeze, 2 oz. of yogurt.... you get the idea!!!!

A postage scale works great too! Got mine at OfficeMax and it weighs up to 5# or in grams as well. Love it!

So does anyone still have pain where their port is healing? Yesterday I did way too much yard work I think because last night I could not even move it burned so badly. Ok so maybe i should not be taking down fences and building a retaining wall, but if i don't do it no one will.

Uh....Jenn? That does sound like you might be overdoing it JUST A TAD!!! Why are you doing this now? Don't you have enough on your plate?? (And no, I don't have any more pain at the port)

TEACH!! - Ya'll are in my thoughts!! Hope everything is going swimmingly! :eek: (I know how you like the water!)

SARA - Where the heck are you, girlfriend??

I'm having a great day. I just feel GOOD. I really am feeling all the benefits of exercise now -- have not missed a workout in 2 months. You know the 'benefits' I'm talking about?? The ones that you hear about ALL the time from magazines, news, you doctor, etc?? The ones you get almost sick of hearing about?? Well, I'm really "getting it" now. One of the ones I like best is the feeling that I'm detoxing with all the sweating. I just feel like my pores are clean, my head is clear, I have more energy, etc. Really, it's all so true what they say. I don't see any sign of slowing down and this is MAJORLY HUGE for me. This is such a turnabout that I can't even tell you. I really think that signing up with a trainer, making that financial commitment, having to be accountable to him has made a big difference. Never stuck with any kind of regular exercise, I was very sporadic at best, except for yoga....which has it's own kind of benefits, but not as impactful as these. 'nuf about that.

I go for my second fill today! Kinda nervous, but OK. Hoping restriction will be acceptable for my trip 1st wknd of June. Would be a total drag to not be feeling well then. I think he'll probably only do a .5 cc so that'll be ok, I'm sure. I have confidence that I can handle whatever comes. :ermm: :biggrin1:

Mdrai - Glad you're still with us and still on track :clap2:

Gotta get some work done...bbl!

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Oh... and is this a NSV?????? I can now feel my port. It was weird. Last night while changing into my pj's I rubbed my belly and felt the hardness of my port and the even funnier thing is that it is NOT at ALL where I thought it was.. I guess I've lost enough belly fat to feel it. This morning I felt it again just to make sure I wasn't dreaming it. :eek:

p.s. GOOD LUCK WITH FILL #2 Terri!

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Wow, you parents names are John and Jane Doe, that is cool, lol. I did this last year for my parents (dad and his wife) for their 30 year anniversary. The Luau is a great idea. My only suggestion, if you haven't heard this already would be to hit up orientaltradingco.com for lots of luau decorations at cheap prizes. Lei's, grass skirts, coconut bras, etc...but cheap and in bulk.

Have fun...and enjoy your parents, I envy you.

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OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ,,,, I forgot to tell everyone the GOOD thing I did last night. drum roll......... I WALKED to my sons daycare to pick him up and then we WALKED home!!!!!!!!!!!

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Terry~ Congrats on not missing a workout...amazing! Yes, I made it to the gym. The alarm went off at 4:45 and I said some bad words, got dressed and left. I have trainings today, so I had an extra hour. I could've slept in, but I did a full hour and 5 min. at the gym. And of course, I feel great! I am jealous your on your second fill. Let us know how it goes. Oh, and btw, I got 5 business cards of trainers from the gym. I like you idea of accountability, and financial committment. Do you go everyday? It will cost between 50-80$ a week, but I am willing to do it...just to get a strong start.

Laura~ We are waiting to hear honey...299???? You've got purple power behind you, keep us posted.

Michelle~ Surrender. We love you!

Jennifer~ Congrats on your degree! That is huge!

Lunasa~thanks for the big breasted bananas...they crack me up. I got a bunch of naughty smilies on another thread last night, you wouldn't believe the content of the thread either...it was juicy and made me laugh out loud!

I want a food scale! How much do these things cost?

Kat~ Don't forget "Your still the One" by Shania Twain...classic anniversay song, it makes me cry everytime. :think

Have a great day Violets!!!

Judy~ sending hubby Purple Power...and a speedy recovery! Let us know how it went!

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PS -- Check out my ticker -- it's changed!! -10lbs this week! Woo Hoo!

WOW That is great!!!!!!!


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