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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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so sorry to hear that.

Were you not charged a flat rate for all that was involved in the surgery?

You would have thought that your doc would have told you that your surgery took longer than normal. At least you could have expected the bill.

The thing that freaks me out in these situations is that even when I am steamed I feel like I have to be nice because if i pizz them off then they might steel my identity. They do have access to my SS# after all. As a lot of people do when you look at the grand scheme of things. FREAKY!

Good luck


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Big HELLO to all you beautiful Violets... I still have to go back and read all the posts I missed since Friday but here is a quick post...

Umm, still not pooping right. I used to be so regular before my surgery. Used to go once a day... I miss those days! I'm doing so good with my water! I'm getting in 64-80 oz of Water a day. 40-60 grams of Protein. ugh. I've been on solid food for a week now and no movement!

Also, the scales have been moving...but not in the direction that I want... I've GAINED 3 lbs since last Wednesday. WHAT? How did this happen? I'm excercising, drinking my water, watching my calories... I AM losing inches though. That's a plus!

I wanted to also let ya'll know about a product I found. It's a flatbread cracker called Dr. Kracker. It's got 3g of Fiber and 5g of protein in each cracker. 0g of sugar. They are really good. I spread Peanut Butter on them for my Breakfast. You can eat them plain too.

Hope everyone is doing well. I will try to get on tonight to read all the back-posts.

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Well, she came back from hold and said "The $500 was for blah blah, not the CRNA". I said, well I have a list breaking down what exactly I ALREADY PAID for, and CRNA is not on my list. And she puts me on hold again.. then I got disconnected. I called back, and the lady says "Disregard this bill" and I said, send me something saying to disregard it for my records, so she is. I'm guessing either they are trying to rip me off, or rip off my insurance. My insurance isn't paying for this, but I guess they thought it was and wanted to milk more money from them. No wonder premiums are so high!

Jenn- I *was* charged a flat rate, that's why I was really mad. The doctor gave me a breakdown of 4 different people I had to pay XXX amount to the tune of $15,000--BEFORE my surgery. I was told this is ALL my expenses, except the less than $50 barium swallow which would be billed to me, and this also includes 6 post-op visits for fills. So an extra $1,100 is a big deal considering it's not on my 'list'. If the Anesthesia people weren't going to fix this, I was going to be very pissed at my surgeon tomorrow when I get my fill!

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<HR style="COLOR: #e9e9e9" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Angie~ That is just terrible. I am soooo scared of that, especially in a resturaunt. I've told my partner already, "If I ever quickly get up and walk to the bathroom, don't ask...I won't be able to tell you anyway." Do you have a fill yet? I ask because now I eat as I did before...can I PB without a fill, I can't feel anything?!


No I have not had a fill yet. I am scheduled for 18 May! So yes we can slime and PB without a fill. I did not think i was that restricted until this happenend and believe me.... you can fill stuck. Yuck!

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That is awful!! Good job fighting them!


Where did you buy Dr Kracker at? <-- what a funny name!

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ok it is lunch time and since I promised i was going to walk 30 minutes everyday this week..... i am heading out! It is beautiful outside so walking will be nice. I just dont like the lady I am walking with all that much. She is queen gossip of work, and she knows everything! Spending an hour walking with her really gets on my last nerve! =)

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Haydee: where did you find those crackers? Sounds right up my alley!

Laura my anethesia bill came yesterday and it was $1394.00 but it is pending insurance.

This may sound strange, but I gave my lunch (soup) away today.... we have a new employee that started and for some reason I feel responsible for her. She is an english woman who is here with a permanent resident status, she is hearing impaired,(very good lip reader) and a licensed massage therapist trained in the UK...... OK.. so she came in looking for work. Applied as a C.N.A. (SHE IS WAY MORE qualified than some who walk through my door) I got her an interview but she totally blew it by being nervous and our DON and Head Nurse were turned off....... she REALLY needed a job.. she walks here and has always been on time for her appointments... OK.. I might mention that my boss even went to bat for her with the D.O.N. to no avail............ ok, so Friday I'm in need of a temp Housekeeper for ONE MONTH..... (LightBulb) I thought of her...... I called job service and her counselor told me she took a temp job at KMart because she needed to pay her rent. I told her counselor that I wanted her for a temp (possible hire in June) I basically jumped through hoops with her counselor to get her here today....... I blew off the temp service I was all set to use, I tracked down her app from the D.O.N. and I "talked her up" to the Housekeeping director.... I think once trained she will be a very loyal and responsible employee......

You can tell she is a proud woman, I don't know how she ended up here in Leavenworth Kansas but I know that she is having a hard time finding employment because of her extreme hearing loss.... This morning I noticed that she brought an apple for her lunch. She dressed in scrubs but they were purple because that is what she had.. (our housekeepers wear blue scrub tops) So after they had assigned her a trainer and a cart I gave her my two cans of Soup at hand that I had with me and told her that I was getting ready to go on vacation and needed to get rid of them... (she looked very grateful as she blushed) I then asked her boss if they had any extra scrubs for her to use.. they didn't but shortly after I asked.. her boss came up with some petty cash to go get some. At my lunch, I ran over to Walmart and was able to purchase two scrub tops for her use.

I am worried that some of the housekeeping crew will not be nice... (they are a closeknit near retirement bunch that can frankly be as petty as school girls) The gal that is training her is one of my favorites on the crew and I made sure that she knew I appreciated her taking the time to patiently train her.

So I'm HUNGRY!!!!! LOL

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Tracy...you should be proud of yourself. I am proud of you. Your heartfelt generosity will come back around. Pay it forward sista!

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Hi all!

Awww Brenners I am sorry you ran into a problem. If you do a search on Port Revision, you will find several members with similar issues. And as I recall, it was a pretty quick fix, and they have went on successfully as I am sure you will.

Lunasa---PLEASE don't apologize! You nailed it girl!! I really try not to say more, moan and complain about her or the constant comparison thing my MIL does. I am afraid it will come across as sour grapes....and it really truly is not. I am thrilled with my weight loss, I have and continue to do it in a healthy manner. If I were to lose my band, I have learned something from it, and from my friends here, in regards to my eating habits. I did not learn how to stick my finger down my throat. And yes Terry---she seems to be doing it on purpose. The 2 times I have PB'd, it was not an option to throw up----it was happening! I have seen (how gross huh?) her stick her finger down her throat. We were driving home from CO, and she decided her milkshake was not going down---so she pulled over to throw it up---I could see her in my side mirror---and it was finger down the throat. If it was not going down, there would have been no need to gag herself.

I fully believe her DD is right, it is a combination of attention and a deterrent from anyone else having the surgery and being successful. Her sister (my other SIL) in Denver thought about it, and decided after seeing how she does she does not want that! So if that is her goal, she is succeeding!

Once again---you guys were right, everything, whether it be her brothers current health issues, or last month her sister had knee replacement---whatever, it comes back to being about her! The other 3 siblings joke that she was raised by different parents! She is always talking about her horrible childhood, and the other 3 thought theirs was great!

I do sound mean and petty---and I hate that. There are times this SIL will do anything for you---she can be caring and loving. Then others not so at all! She is unhappily married for as I say over 30 years---there is no physical comfort in her marriage at all. They smart off, and put down, and joke and roughhouse---but there is no hugging, no hello or goodbye kisses---nothing "soft". Not just between her and her DH, but not with any of her 3 DD's either. None of the DD's has had success with relationships---they have the same hard shell.

She expresses her dislike of me "waiting on" my DH. I will get him a soda to drink, or bring him a napkin, little things---that he also does for me. She was raised seeing this---my MIL does it for my FIL. So who knows.

I do know I am so thankful you read between the lines, and read what I said in the way that I meant it!

Tracy----it does not surprise me a bit, what you have done for that woman. You are the very rare---truly nice person!!!! Big ((((HUGS)))) to you for being such a sweetie!

I too love the vanity aspect of my weight loss. I no longer feel embarrassed for DH to introduce me...embarrassment for him more than me. I look pretty "normal" walking down the street or shopping for clothes now, and that feels good. But I had some serious health issues as well. I was on 2 meds for high blood pressure, I was on Metformin for blood sugar, and my cholesterol was high. I come from a family with strong heart problems. I was actually afraid I was going to die from one of these things, and that noone would be able to lift my casket. I told DH I wanted to be cremated, when I really don't----just so I could save my family and friends the embarrassment of it taking a dozen big men to carry me from the church!

I also have grandbabies now, and I couldn't get in the floor and play with her (the now 2 yr old). I thought ahead to their soccer games, or music programs at school, and did not want them to be embarrassed by me being there. Now my 1 & 2 year old grandkids, will likely never remember me being seriously obese. I play chase with them, even have been on a trampoline with my newest granddaughter to be, who is 6. I can go to the park, and fit in a swing----I climbed the slide with my grandson!!! This is a combination of vanity and health---but it has been a HUGE improvement in my life.

One of the major differences in my SIL and I, is I tell everyone---she has kept hers secret from all but family. I would tell ANYONE who ask, hoping to inspire and help someone else find their way out of the hole of obesity. Now with that being said, I totally understand not telling especially when they hound you about how much weight you have lost each day at work for instance. I no longer work outside the home---so no one but my inlaws ask me that!!!!

My suggestion to those being ask that, would be to tell them, "I don't know---I got so tired of being ask that, I put my scales away, and am only going to weigh once a week now---but I have clothes that used to be too tight that fit now, so I know it is working!".....I bet they would quit asking!

Thanks again for understanding---no wonder I love coming to this thread!!!!!


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Kat- that's a great point about emberassing the spouse when being introduced. There as a point a while ago where I felt like he was emberassed introducing me to new friends.. because I'm big! I didn't care much about it as to my self-esteem because I just figured they were a bunch of jackasses anyway.. but when I'd ask fiance about it later, we'd end up getting into fights.. that was years ago.. I guess he became numb to it at some point like me! LOL

He no longer cares, but it would be nice to be that hot girl he introduces to people.. ho hum.

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Fill/Restriction Update! -- I was filled last Friday w/ 1.5cc. I do believe I am feeling more restriction today than I have since Friday! I have read in a few posts that sometimes the restriction is felt days later....?? Kat?? A little confusing as I thought it was the other way 'round (more restriction at first then easing off). I dunno. All I can tell you is that I'm eating some finely shredded tuna salad and I can feel every bite go down. Hmmm. Just beware everyone---anything is possible! This band really keeps you on your toes!

Went to my family doc today ...I have a persistent sore throat. Anyway, told her about being banded and she was very much OK with it. She just said, "well you realize this is not the easy way out and you have to be vigilant in your eating for a long time to come, right?" I assured her I was fully informed and had great ongoing support. She was happy...and I was grateful for her support.

Life is good!

Love you guys!!

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Yeah Terry, a lot of banders take up to a week to feel the full effect of a fill. There has been theories of it working through the tubing before hitting the band....but I am not sure that is the cause. It is not uncommon, that is the only thing I am sure of! I felt more restriction myself on like day 3 than when I actually got the fill. But I was doing liquids for 2 days----so it seemed like it made sense not to feel it on the liquid so much. For a couple of days like the 3rd & 4th or maybe 4th & 5th, I was only eating 4-6 bites, and was full. It was serious restriction. It has relaxed in the 10 months since then of course!!! Actually that serious level of restriction was not long term. I am able to eat more now than I likely should. When we get Rick's health taken care of, I might think about a teeny tiny fill, to get these last 35 pounds or so off. But I am pretty comfy where I am---I may just work harder!!

If the solids cause any pain, or if you get overfull, and have pain, or sliming....be sure to go back to liquids for a bit to allow your stomach to react to the swelling. When you don't you can begin an evil cycle of eat, PB, swell.....eat, PB, swell......break the cycle before it starts. For now, slow and easy.

As for the sore throat.....are you taking any type of antacid? If not try some Prilosec OTC-----it sounds like you might be dealing with some reflux, which is VERY common. And if you are like DH you will not know it! It is not something to ignore---but the antacid will not hurt you----and is worth a try.

If it helps---then you can begin tweaking your diet, cutting out food in the evening, or making sure to flush the pouch sometimes helps. Eliminating acidic foods sometimes helps----but first you have to decide if it is acid or not. If it is----it too will affect your restriction.

If your stomach is producing excess acids due to diet, stress, whatever...the stomachs reaction so as to protect itself is to retain extra Fluid in the stomach lining, to repel the acids. When you have small pouches such as we do, the extra fluid in the stomach lining, makes the stoma even smaller---so added restriction. Hormones also affect the production of acids---so that helps explain the added restriction during both PMS and your actual period. So many things affect it, just don't take it for granted, and you'll be fine. Both PB's I have had, were caused by me not paying attention, and falling into old habits!

Good Luck---keep us posted on how the restriction goes.


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If I was having reflux, wouldn't I be having pain, stomach ache, indigestion, trouble sleeping? ? I think this sore throat is just that...a sore throat. We have horrible allergens and high humidity here in Houston (but everything is GREEN!) and I was out in the night air for several hours. Next day woke up with cold-like symptoms...and eventually everything went away except for the sore throat!? Doc says it's prob allergies and drainage. Also, my kids have both had strep throat in the past month.

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Gosh _ posted this morning and then come back to find three more pages of important stuff to catch up on.

TerriDoodle - I like your questions about acid reflux. I am burping more now since banding, does that indicate it?

Kat - you are an inspiration, I can understand how the last 35 aren't as big an issue, your BMI is so much better, you look and move better - maybe a goal to see the weight gone during the next year is more reasonable, especially going through the emotionally difficult stuff with your man. Hugs!!

Lauraj23 - I hate when the medical community starts up with the nickel and diming thing. My doc said without insurance he can do the surgery and everything for $10000, with insurance the rates go up to around $30000. Our system is crazy. Good for you fighting for your rights - and a good reminder to make sure everyone checks those bills.

TracyInks - what a heart. You are a beautiful person to put yourself in someone else's shoes. I liked the Pay it Forward Sista!

Hugs to all you Violets out there - enjoy your day,


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