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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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Hello everybody...

wow every time I get to sign on there's sooo much reading & catching up to do!! This thread flies along!! I have no computer at home so I only get to the office one every few days. I'll be moving house in the summer so I'll get one then.

Anyhoo....Coming to the end of April!!!! Wow!!! :D

On a personal note...

MsJEN...Your post a few pages back was radiating excitment!! Well done, you sound so happy & energised...I am feeling that way too... It's like I've turned a corner & am leaving all the negativity behind. In 3 short weeks I have changed so much!!! My attitude is different, more positive, I am more confident, happy & I feel great & excited for the future.. AMAZING

Just last Paddy's Day I was ready for the looney bin over my weight...I was SOOO hopeless & depressed.

TRACYinKS!!!! Well done!!! WELCOME BACK!!! You Crazy girl getting pics of your band!!! Who would have thought of that!! LOL...I sure as feck didn't!! Great stuff...hope you're mending to your finest self xx

KITY...Me Irish !!! I'm in Co Clare, on the river Shannon in the mid west of Ireland...never been to OZ..it's too far away to contemplate as I hate long flights but it is a wish I intend to realise someday when I have enough money to take my time getting there..Island hopping all the way in smaller doses of flight...and someday I will !! I also want to visit California...BIG TIME...I've only been to the east coast of USA.

P.S concerning your grandmothers ring...that's so great..I too had grown out of my engagement & wedding rings & was so upset but now they are back on with room to spare.....so happy!!

KAT....I'm so sorry you're going through pain with DH at the moment... You have my best wishes & you are in my thoughts. You have been such an important figure in all our journies so far..xxx

Mdrai...I think the pre op stage is the hardest so far...coz you are totally relying on will & WANT the farewell to food!! stay strong & remember the kick start you will get from following the plan...it will be worth it. I am almost 2 weeks post op & have been cooking like I never have before.. I am still on liquids but I am really enjoying myself in the kitchen because I am taking the time to create new healthy dishes. I always wanted to be better in the kitchen but never got anything new done coz I would just eat while I was in there & then run out of steam & rush everything & throw it together so I could eat again!! LOL...DH has lost 7 lbs as a result of being better nourished!! Great or what? He's a high fat cook...I am doing really well with lower fat recipies that are also very tasty..so I could have a bit of competition on my hands. I 'd love for him to loose with me as we both need it. I also look forward to the boudoir rewards it'll inevitably entail!!! I'm so sneaky!! getting my way through good food! why not!?

TEACHLADY...well done on further weight loss!!! I too started my charm bracelet..I couldn't decide what stages to reward myself so I broke it into 10% stages...bigger goals & eventually will only give me 5 charms but I have other non weight related goals to fill up the gaps in betwen so I'll have LOADS to collect!!

Everyone else....HELLOO!!!! Congratulations...and Good Luck..

I am such a happier person & I know I'm not alone in that...we all have so much to look forward to for ourselves & having you all to chat with has made my experience all the more special...



;):);) :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :kiss2: :D :D :D

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Evening All ;)

Teach that is an awsom weight loss...5lbs....wow I wish I could lose like that!! You must be over the moon! I know what you mean about how this surgery does vary for people, I havent gone into detail on here but mine was really painful, and the actual op took 3.5hrs instead of 1hr, because I had complications, my poor hubby was waiting 4hrs or so for me to return from theater, after 4 days though I felt much better, hope your friend feels better quickly too.

Jennifur omg you must have nearly fainted if your dog did all that damage to your pool equiptment, hope its ok!

I think the name shrinking VIOLETS!

is really cool, I love it!

Well Im progressing onto hard foods now (as per my consultant and dieticians instructions) My calorie intake is shooting up though, Ive had 1220 ish today :phanvan ....I count every calorie, I feel a bit sad that my weight loss has almost stopped, I know I get a fill on the 12th, but Ive just got to keep my spirits up!

Been studying most of the day today, on the 14th I take the exam, so then I can chill, and have a bit more 'me' time I'm sooooooo looking forward to that :)

Lots of love,

Sara xx

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I haven't seen the patient consultant at Dr. Carters office yet. They say since I'm so far away she will call me. I've called twice but no call back.

I did talk to one of the nurses and she said I wasn't eating enough to eat more.:omg: :omg: NEVER tell me to eat MORE!!!

Anyway I guess because they haven't seen me..they set my date for May 30th. We had surgery on the same day didn't we?

I sent you an email but maybe it didn't go through. I missed the monthly meeting. I had appointments all day and couldn't spend the 2 hours there and 2 back.

I'm fighting the hungery bug at every meal. I'm not eating anywhere near what I did but I don't get that full feeling like I did a week ago.

I'm sorry I didn't receive the email. I missed the monthly meeting too, the weather was awful that day. I can't beleive I need to wait 90 days for 1st fill:faint: Let me know if you get it sooner, so I can call and ask for one:omg: I was banded the 4th, so imagine I'm sooo ready for that fill.

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Hi Sara...we were posting at the same time!! I know what you mean when you say you're sad with the slowdown in weight loss. that has always been a make or break point for me with dieting..I love the big kick start you get initially but hate when it slows down or stops! Going on to the mushies is scary for me...I have one week before that happens but I think I'll have realised my first weight loss goal by then. I weigh in tomorrow & that'll tell. At least if I have reached that goal I will be at another mental stage & will feel more confident about upping the calorie intake. Scares me though!!! I'm sure I'll be fine if I get a good list of foods I can have compiled during this next week so as to have a plan & plenty of good choices lined up. I don't want to end up doing mash potatoe & gravy for some reason...I feel it will tease me or something. thank God we're coming into the summer season though as I will be more inclined to pick "lighter" foods such as cottage cheese etc. In the winter I would defo be mash & gravy all the way.

Keep it up girl....you are doing great...how's the smoking or should I say the no smoking going?

That's a major thing to take on right now!!

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The worst part is i'm unemployed but desperately looking for a job, and do't have the cash to replace right now.

he is on his run - not happy with me, but he wil learn heheheheh

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What a yucky day.

it is cloudy and cold here. I had 2 scrambled eggs this morning and I was not overly stuffed but definately not ready to eat lunch with my kids.

I just went to Walmart and got a "run" for my dog. He is a 10month old shepard/hound mix and he is a digger! He is digging huge holes around my pool, and every day I am filling them up and yelling and screaming. This week he pulled the sump pump out of the pool by the hose, destroyed my hose, extension cord and the cord to my friends sump pump! Needless to say.... he is outside now on a tie down and is not happy with me, but if it kills me, he is going to stop digging!

Jennifer, you need to put a call in for the Dog Whisperer

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MsJEN...Your post a few pages back was radiating excitment!! Well done, you sound so happy & energised...I am feeling that way too... It's like I've turned a corner & am leaving all the negativity behind. In 3 short weeks I have changed so much!!! My attitude is different, more positive, I am more confident, happy & I feel great & excited for the future.. AMAZING

Just last Paddy's Day I was ready for the looney bin over my weight...I was SOOO hopeless & depressed.

I am very happy. In fact happier than I've been in YEARS. I have a life and a God given right to be happy. My DH hasn't supported me in years. He didn't go with me to be banded, nor did he visit me in the hospital or pick me up. Thank God for girlfriends. One dropped me off and waited until I went in for surgery. She works nites as a nurse and had not been to sleep from the day before and my surgery wasn't untio 1 pm, so I didn't expect her to stay. But she did call several times to make sure that I was ok.

Another girlfriend picked me up on Saturday. We work together and the job is a few miles down the road on the same street so I waited until she got off for her. I was pretty ticked off at him at first. In all fairness he did call once on Friday and on Saturday he called and asked what time I would be home. Typical! He hasn't said a word about my weight lost and I don't expect him to.

BUT I FEEL SO000 GOOD WITH MYSELF I COULD JUST SPIT!!! :clap2: I havent' had to take one of my meds for depression but twice this month and it had nothing to do with him. The money I save from this is $58, so I' going to open a savings account called my "Stress Account" and put that amount in it every month along with other money I will save as I'm taken off meds and take a nice trip or buy myself something nice.

It's amazing what a hair cut manicure and a band will do for a girl's ego!


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Ms Jen - I love that you've become your own cheerleader. Keep those positive people around you. Do it for you! You will emerge beautiful from the inside out.

I think the trick to the headwork is self love. I know that I didn't even see myself as I looked in the mirror. My sense of self was soooooo distorted. i've been doing all this therapy, acupuncture and rebalancing that now, I really see me. It was a relief, even though I was fat, to really see myself, and have a wonderful warm feeling toward me.

The band is like an internal hug around my stomach. Another self love tool.

Hugs and good wishes to you,


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My DH wasn't at all supportive pre-op, however since my surgery, he has been nothing BUT supportive. When I need something, he's there. When I want to take a walk, he's there. When I am hungry, he's there. He's been fabulous!

I have a question - I just started my mushies/purees today. I had a little bit of cream of wheat for Breakfast (a few tablespoons), and for lunch I had a scrambled egg (probably 1/2 of a large egg), with some milk and a tad bit of cheese mixed in. Not much because I'm afraid that I'll eat too much. I don't feel all that hungry, but I don't feel much restriction either....I guess what I'm asking, is how much has everyone been able to eat post-op?? I don't want to malnourish myself, but I don't want to get anything stuck or PB either!

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I have a question - I just started my mushies/purees today. I had a little bit of cream of wheat for breakfast (a few tablespoons), and for lunch I had a scrambled egg (probably 1/2 of a large egg), with some milk and a tad bit of cheese mixed in. Not much because I'm afraid that I'll eat too much. I don't feel all that hungry, but I don't feel much restriction either....I guess what I'm asking, is how much has everyone been able to eat post-op?? I don't want to malnourish myself, but I don't want to get anything stuck or PB either!

As for the eggs, I had 1 yesterday and I was still starving, this morning I had 2 and was just perfectly full, it also took me 25 mins to eat this am. I had 2tbs of baked ricotta cheese and sauce for lunch and 2tbs refried Beans.

I was full but don't feel much restriction either, My dr says chew... chew ... chew... take 20-25 mins to eat and when full stop. Everyone seems to be very different on how much they eat. I'm sure I could eat more if I wanted to, but just starting mushies I don't want to overdo it. I did with Water one day and thought I was going to die!

Hope that helps a little

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Ok got an off-topic question. Does anyone have an XP HOME EDITION disk they could send me and I could send back?

My normal computer crapped out on me about 2 weeks ago (right before operation), and we can't afford to buy a new computer right now... or for a while, so my parents let me take their desktop from their study (they're now lap-top addicts).. well this computer has taken a beating from my siblings who used it when they'd visit, full of spyware and viruses.. we finally got it cleaned up so I can use it, but it's missing a crap load of system files, so I can't update it, can't get my new drivers to install.. Me and fiance are computer geeks, we use to do this for a living (fix people's computers) and we've gone about this every way we could, but we need an XP home disk to fix the missing system files. Everyone we know has XP professional, and my parents lost the CD's for this computer years ago. It's extremely frustrating, I can't hook up to the network to get my pictures off my old computer (about 5,000 from the past 6 years!!). Anyway, I know it's an odd request, but if someone has one they would feel comfortable mailing me, and I promise it would be mailed right back. We don't need the key or anything like that, I have a legit copy of XP and my key, just need the system files from the disk.

If anyone is willing to help me out, PM me.


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On a side note, I've lost most my restriction (if not all). When I eat my Soups, I can eat more than half without feeling any fullness. I make myself stop, but I feel my stomach growling and getting hungry a lot lately. My 'follow up' is May 9th, I'm going to ask about getting a fill. That sharp pain in my side is finally completely gone. Yay! I've been downing those Protein Shots trying to keep myself full.

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Oooo.. I don't have any recent pics cause of the lost computer, so I've been going through the stuff I'd uploaded in the past for pics.. but the most recent pic I have is actually at my work's website! So here's the best 'before' pic I have for now lol. It was taken about 2 months ago.


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Great Pic Laura!!! You will need to be updating that work pic before too long.. maybe you will be modeling those hawt jeans!

Everyone is doing so good, I'm so excited! One more day.. and we made it through our anniversary month!

I over did it today on the moving around..... dbf got really irritated with me, but I wanted the house clean for my dad and step mom when they dropped off my son..... I did some laundry and but what really got me was mopping the floors (I have hardwoods) I ended up taking 1/2 dose of my meds and took a 3 hour nap.

I can go to mushies today like adorable.... but I've been a little scared too. I've only been getting about 300-500 calories and am totally freaked out by that..... my stomach is starting to rumble and my gas has been coming out more frequently.. had to take my first gasX strip before my shower a few minutes ago.....

I've only been eating Tomato Soup thinned out with calorie countdown milk, Isopure Water, and water... coffee in the mornings (about half cup) and right now I have my first glass of ice tea.. (hint.. I added a bit of SF french vanilla Syrup to the ice tea and it is suprisingly sweet and good.

My one splurge today was to eat a sf pudding thinned down with chocolate calorie countdown... to the point of chocolate soup.. it really hit my sweet spot.

I will say that I gained 3 pounds of Fluid at the hospital but today I weighed in the same as I did before surgery... 253.2....... I would love it if I could lose a pound a day like the rest of you.. even if it only lasted a couple weeks......

OK.. time to sign off.. my son is now home and he wants to look at my boo-boos....... LOL

oh.. and the duct tape comment Teachlady cracked me up, because my oldest neice just went to prom last night and she ductaped her belly !!!!!!

OMG!!!!!!!! that is hilarious.

Talk to you later.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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