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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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I was banded on 4-2-07/Monday, and have been quite lucky I guess. I have been active since I got home. Have been out shopping/walking everyday. I can drive myself now, and took care of my one year old daughter today. I am only taking my prescription pain relief to help me sleep-- I suffer from insomnia. I have had two naps since Monday, and feel very well. There is some bruising, mainly around two, of my incisions. Most of the swelling is down. No vomiting, no fever, little pain (if any), I seem to tolerate my liquids well (thick and thin). I am pleased to announce, I have not had any need for the "toilet tongs" or assistance of any kind . I have had some, but not much, gas,and a little burping. I feared (from the air/gas)that I would suffer with shoulder pain-- I did not, although I had quite a bit of discomfort in the back of my neck!!! I do get the tiny hiccups after eating/drinking and lying down.


I can only say, I'm very sorry to hear of the discomfort and pain some are experiencing!! :cry You are all in my thoughts-- all day long. :sick I hope to those of us who are suffering, that it will be a very short time. I hope that in no time we can all report that it has been a wonderful experience with great results, and true success.


I will continue to try and keep up with this thread, as it goes very quickly. I will keep EACH AND EVERY ONE in my thoughts and prayers during this process. Even if I don't post individual messages, each of you independently has my attention daily!!! Best wishes and good health to all of you!

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Morning All,


LOL, I cant lie in bed anymore! Im up at 05.30-6am now I think its the Port site which pulls. Im desperate for a shower, has anyone had one who had surgery this week yet? (sounds awful doesnt it!!)


Hey I'm so pleased everyones doing ok after surgery this week, keep posting everyone and let us know how you are all feeling. I need to get out today (:) have to put some fitted clothes on, OMG my hubby suggested going out and trying to find me a kaftan.....holy molely I nearly died...so I said no its ok, Ill just wear a summer dress with a cardie..!)


Today I start on sloppy food (porriadge, Soup, yougart) so I'll see how I get on. Keep drink Water everyone!!


Oooo guess what I got on the scales this am and Ive lost 5lbs since Monday :)

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SaraMos- I've had more than one shower (it has been very nice). Just make sure you don't slip! I have a great shower mat, but was still VERY cautious. I would make sure it does not go against doctors orders first! If you get the OK, then enjoy and be careful!! It's nice to see that you may be feeling well enough to shower- I have been quite wooried about you since your surgery.

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Hi Ya'll - Yes, it's middle of the night again for me. Have a ferocious headache that seems worse when I lay down. Plus, I'm just not sleepy. I took three naps yesterday! Pain seems better today, especially the shoulder pain. Not much gas to complain about. Still haven't eaten anything worthwhile -- had an 8 oz Protein Shake yesterday and that is all. I'll try to do better today. I'm just not hungry. I am, however, drinking fluids constantly and urinating about every 20 minutes! All the IV fluids I trust. At the hospital I weighed 212. At home after surgery I weighed 219 and now I weigh 215 (39 hrs postop).


Mazie,I'm amazed at your activity level! You really seem to be sailing through! Good girl!


Sara - Yes I'm allowed to take showers. There is surgical tape covering my incisions then a bandage over that. I was told to just replace the bandages after a shower. I can't remember what they said about the tape though - just allowing it to fall of when it's ready or something like that.

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Dear Terri & Maiziemommy,

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Well had a shower today, gosh I feel so much better, actually got dressed today and put on some make up! My hubby is relived in looking more normal again. I must say I look pregnant though, as my stomach is still swollen, I took 4 dressings off today, and changed the one over the port area as it’s a bigger incision.

<o:p> </o:p>

Going to go for a small walk into the nearest town today, need to pick up some easter eggs for my family, as its good Friday today, so everyones off for easter.

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Can I also suggest to all to get a small bowl, as I had some porridge today, and ate too much, I felt really sick after, I had a 150mls worth instead of 100mls, so im going to measure any food I eat now (liquidised) into a small bowl now J

<o:p> </o:p>

Have a lovely Friday all,

<o:p> </o:p>

Hugs, Sara xx :)

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GOOD MORINING ALL! Happy Good Friday! I am off work today and my sons daycare is closed so it is just the two of us.. and after all our 80 degree days.. it is now SNOWING as I type this... WEIRD WEATHER.. all my tulips are frozen and laying on the ground...


If you check out my ticker.. I am down yet again today.. making it 10 lbs since Monday.... the Water weight I believe is done now and my loss will slow down.. although I had a really nice NSV....


A few weeks ago, I was disgusted with the lack of clothes in my closet that fit, and so when I saw a pair of size 22 jeans on the clearance rack for $6.00 so I bought them.. they looked big enough, but when I got them home I couldn't zip them up without laying on the bed and they were too tight to wear them at all, plus they were soooo uncomfortable I was afraid I'd bust out the zipper....... so I put them up.......... well for grins I tried them on today and they zipped RIGHT UP and I am wearing them as I type this! (I might add they are NOT stretchy)


All of our bandsters that have posted: YAY!!!!!!!! It is your posts that keep me strong on this liquid diet. THANK YOU.


To answer some questions:


1. I threw out the leftover dinner last night... YAY ME


2. I have not TRIED the Isopure Water yet.... I just ORDERED it BLINDLY.. and now I'm a little scared that I may have wasted my money, but I know that they do offer 40 oz of Protein per bottle and my inability to WASTE things I know I will be drinking them during my clear stage.... I will evalute the taste of each one (since I bought a variety pack)


3. I bought them from GNC.com. I checked them out at my local store first, and then I bought them off the website for a lot better price..... I am still waiting for them to be delivered.


4. I did start my PRE-OP diet EARLY. I wanted to jumpstart my loss and put my stupid eating to an end. I really really really want to be in some of my old clothes by summer.... I'm hard headed and I just set my mind to do this... and the jeans I'm wearing today are just the beginning! :)


Right now my son is wanting his Breakfast, so I'll check back in a bit.

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Oh.. and my thoughts on GB patients dissing the band......... WELL hon, that's normal! Everyone wants to think that THEIR chosen path is the RIGHT one for EVERYONE, plus they don't know what the hell they are talking about! LOL :)


I've said many times on these boards.. my two best friends in real life have had the RNY, B= 4 years out, OPEN, lost 120 lbs but has now gained back 30-50% she was real bad on taking her vitimans, she NEVER dumped, and as a result could eat anything all day long.... and now she may be looking into the band..... (but truthfully, she is in a major depression and is having some very personal issues) Friend #2, C = 2 years out, down 135... looks and feel great, just had a tt and boob lift......... she is almost at her goal........ BOTH say its the best thing they ever did, and at first C= kind of dissed the band, but it was obvious that she wasn't educated on it....... she didn't push the issue because she has watched me lose 80 lbs on LC 3 times, She's also watched me gain it all back..... she knows that I'm hard headed and she knows that once I make a desicision I set my mind like a pit bull. She is one of my RL cheerleaders.


I would just say.. don't let others sway you. Do it or Don't it is YOUR decision, because it is YOUR LIFE, YOUR JOURNEY.

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Wow, Tracy that's one helluva NSV you got there!! Way to go, baby!!! :cheer2:


re: Isopure Water - you can do like I do and just dilute it...it's not so bad. Besides, GNC is really good about taking things back so even if you ordered it online you might be able to return it to your local store.


I had kind of a neat realization a little while ago. Before surgery my biggest concern is "what will I eat???"....now I'm like "Well, I need to eat something". I'm just not hungry! Last real food was Tues night. You'd think I'd be absolutely ravenous. I'm sure it's coming though!


So it sounds like those of you who have yet to be banded are really getting excited in spite of our reports of discomfort, etc. That's good!! I have to admit that I have been going thru a little bit of the "what have I done?" thing, so be prepared for that. I'm sure that will pass, too.


Wonder how Pat is doing?

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AdvantEdge shakes:

3 Carbs

3 Fat Grams

100 Calories

15G Protein


SlimFast Low Carb

4 Carbs

9 Fat Grams

180 Calories

20G Protein



6 Carbs

9 Fat Grams

160 Calories

15G Protein


Viatciv chocolate Multi Vitamin Chews




Jullee: Don't forget the SF popsicles and SF Jello!

You above list looks about like what I've been eating all week, except for the Atkins shakes.. I tried them about 5 years ago, and didn't like them, plus the EAS are cheaper at my Walmart.< /p>

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HELLO: ONLY ME in mexico! (how are you doing, see YOUR NOT ALONE!)

HELLO: Dave from Toronto!!!


Sara: Well I bet you smell better after the shower! LOL Have nice Walk... you know I'm picturing you as a proper English Lady, taking a walk down a picturesque lane to buy some eggs!


Maize: You sound like you are doing GREAT!!!


Terri: How are you doing today, are you able to get any rest! As for your scale issue.. well you are most likely still retaining the IV Fluid and swelling. YOU will be in ONEderland in record time!


Panda and Darla: Glad to hear you two are doing good! Can't wait to start seein some of our post-op stats


Everyone else have a great day!!!!!!!!!! I'

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:) wow you are a start losing 10lbs Tracy, thats incredible!! Congratulations!! :clap2:


I just had a lunch: 1 eggs, bit of cheese and milk, so runny scrambled egg for lunch! I think for dinner I'll go with Soup. Not feeling hungry at all still (which is a good thing!!)


Catch ya later folks!!



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WOW..this thread goes fast!! That's great.:clap2:

To all that are now home recouping and those that are being banded my prayers for you.

I saw the surgeon yesterday. Dr. Richard Carter in Arlington, Texas. He and his whole staff were very friendly, professional and caring.

I got all the information for my Monday April 9th banding. Once I left his office I almost just passed out from fear!!

The *WHAT AM I DOING!!!* thing. All day long I had the jitters and now after a nights sleep I'm still scared but still on my journey to be banded.

I guess it was just information overload and what will be my life without food for the rest of my life.:)

My surgery will be done as an out patient. After I wake and they do a barium swallow I will go to a hotel a block away and spend the first night. I don't see the Doctor in the morning if I'm doing fine..we just go home.

My husband is so loving and supportive. (he didn't want me to have this

at first but now is onboard with **whatever I think I do to do**):kiss2:

I've bought everything on the list that I think I might need, keeping it in the truck of my car (two hour drive for surgery). I've had two C-Sections and a gallbladder surgery in the past so I'm hoping this is a piece of cake compared to them.

My Doctor sells a Protein power called Amaze RX. They had some to taste at the clinic and the vanilla and strawberry taste much better than the SlimFast, etc. It comes in a hugh containter and contains 17grams for two scoops of protein, 2grams of sugar. He requires one of these every morning (or something equal to the protein) forever. Only breakfast though since he wants his patients to eat REAL protein 2 weeks out.

Good LUCK to All!

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4. I did start my PRE-OP diet EARLY. I wanted to jumpstart my loss and put my stupid eating to an end. I really really really want to be in some of my old clothes by summer.... I'm hard headed and I just set my mind to do this... and the jeans I'm wearing today are just the beginning! :)



Hey TracyinKS,


Check with your Dr. about going whole hog on the liquid/high protein/low carb diet this early...mine said it can cause liver damage...I think I read somewhere that you were kind of adapting it to include more than the actual pre-op diet...that's good...


Being a southern girl, I was wondering if anyone might know if you can have very thin grits while you are doing full liquids...today is my last day before starting the clear liquid phase (for real this time...I started Monday and was supposed to be doing full liquids, but misread and was actually doing clear with yogurt added, but staying under 50g of carbs...three of my last 10 days wasted????LOL...I was ready to throw in the towel...).


Anyway...just thought I'd throw that in there, Tracy...congrats on the jeans - that's awesome!! I don't have any clothes without elastic waistbands...that will be changing soon!!! 6 days til surgery!!!!:clap2:

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This week has really been very introspecitve for me...


I feel like I'm going through a grieving process over food...if that's possible...anyone else?


I have actually been reduced to tears a few times...if I'm this wacked out about losing food, is there any way I will ever succeed with this weight loss after the surgery? I've always thought of myself as a strong person, but what if I'm not?


My hubby is overweight, too and is having the surgery with me. In everyway, we complement each other in our strengths and weaknesses...EXCEPT food.


well, I just thought I'd throw this out and see if anyone else is as psychotic as I am over food?!?

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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