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Shrinking Violets -- April 07 Bandsters

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I am glad that I put this out there, I was feeling alone and hope that this is making you all feel better, I am still crying but at least i know I am not alone, so that is something.

I have a long road of therapy ahead but I have to say, I do feel like I am going through a 10 step program and every few days it is something else and I am tired!

You are all so wonderful

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Thank you BETTY!!!!!!!!! You don't know how much your little post helped!

I'm with you TerriDoodle!!!!!!! GROUP HUG ME BABY! :eek:

Jennifur: I'm glad you were able to tell your mom your secrets.. hecking getting them out there is half the battle.

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I can so relate too! I think we all do. Like many of the ladies here, I was at an all time low in my weight 2 years ago. I was wearing a size 8 or a 6(!) in some styles, and I was so thrilled. Then, like you, I became pregnant (with my third child in less than 4 years) and I ballooned right up to 240 like I did with the other two. The difference this time was that I did not lose the weight at all. I went down to 200 while breastfeeding, but then when I stopped and began dieting, rather than going down as before, I just got bigger and bigger. Now I'm pushing 230, and it kills me. I hate all my clothes, had to force myself to buy new work clothes because I have to wear suits to work. It sucked to think I was spending money on a size I don't want to be, don't plan to remain at, and am terrified I will be for the rest of my life.

I told one friend I thought would be supportive, but it was quite the opposite and it wasn't just disappointing it was alienating. She told me to go to the gym and sign up with a trainer. First, I do get a good amount of exercise, I can outwalk just about anyone I know--even my fittest friends. (But I could never run...!) Anyway, my problem isn't just about losing weight--I've done it over and over again. It's the maintaining it. I see the lap as a fantastic tool to keep me from overdoing it after the weight is gone. The gift that keeps on giving, if you ask me!

I'm scared and excited about the surgery, but it's the one thing that's giving me hope and focus right now. If I didn't have the money to do this, I think I would be even worse off emotionally.

So count me in on the group hug, ladies. We're all gonna become butterflies (again!) together.

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This is the best group of people I think I have ever met. I think getting my secrets out was tremendous, but I think that is why I am so sad right now, they actually came out of my mouth and i feel like I am reliving them.

I love that heather - and you are right, with this support we will all be butterflies again!

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Well Jenn, it certainly sounds like you are on the right track. It is such a healthy thing that you are doing!!! I am sure it is painful for you (whatever it is) but you're OK now. You're safe and you're taking care of yourself and that is probably a HUGE step for you. KEEP GOING!! We're here for you.

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It sounds like a lot of us are in the same boat; adding weight while we were bringing our little angels into the world. Just 2 years ago I was a very happy size 12/14. During my pregnancy I managed to get back up to a size 24. I too have been in a state of devistation over my body because I just haven't been able to move the scale. It's so depressing. Like lots of you ladies sleeping or napping has become a favorite pastime :notagree not to mention I live in sweatpants, avoid cameras, and even cancelled trips home so I don't have to see old friends. I just feel I've slowly become removed from the world.

However, since I have made the decision to get the band my spirit has really lifted. I think we are all taking a positive first step and we should all be proud that our lives are about to move in a new direction. Cheers to all you beautiful ladies. We can watch eachother blossom over the next year!! We will be fitting into those old clothes (you know the ones in the back of the closet labled "skinny") before we know it!!:clap2:

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WOW! Thanks for the encouragement, Betty! A Band grad! How nice to hear from you! I am scheduled for 4/5/07!!! I can't beleive it is literally right around the corner....here before we know it! I've kind of been intentionally "forgetting" what day it is and how much more to go before surgery. It has helped the days go by much faster (although I'm still thinking about it, just not obsessing :) ).....we just got a new puppy too! Scout - he will be 9 weeks old tomorrow - a yellow lab - SO CUTE! That helps tick the time by too (he and our 3 young kids - ages 6, 4 1/2, and 2 at the end of this month).

I have a pre-op appt on March 28. Not sure if I'm going to get the liquid diet instructions then or not. I hope not! But if so, then it's for a good reason and only a week before surgery.

I keep telling myself but tomorrow I AM going to do it - I AM GOING TO THE GYM TOMORROW!!!!!

Take care everyone! April will be here soon!

Bandedme (almost! HA!)


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Can someone share with me the meaning of the numbers in everyone's signature line?

I don't get #/#/#

I assume it's a weight at some point/ another weight/ and goal weight?


Bandedme (almost!)


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Hi all you bandster gonna be's!

Wow, it sure doesn't seem like a year ago, I was feeling all the things y'all are talking about! But it was! I was on an emotional roller coaster. One day I would cry because I let things get so out of hand, the next day it was because I was spending such a huge chunk of $$$$. It was always something I was obssessing over!

Was it worth all the obssessing? Oh heck yeah!!!!

As I read through the posts---a couple of things beckoned to me to comment!! AKA---butt in about!

Tracy--you worry about the food going to waste. I did too, I was always the one, who would eat the last few bites, rather than throw it out, which is what put me at 289 pounds!!! I now have a little thing I say to myself to avoid those issues.....and that is.....in regards to the leftovers, or an excess in food....It can go to WASTE or it can go to WAIST. For years it went to WAIST---and look where it got me!!! Now I look down at my size 14's, with the button and zip fly as opposed to elastic, and I dump it in the trash!!!!

We also purchaed a food saver. And when we know there is going to be way too much food, we make up our own TV dinners, with inexpensive plastic compartmented plates (from the picnic aisle). We fill the plate, and shrink wrap it, then on a night we don't want to cook, we have GOOD food, our tastes, and it can be ready in nothing flat, and it was not wasted. They are also really good for lunches! Plus since your BF can eat more, they can be made to fit both of your appetites, some big plates, some small. And you can spend the extra time together, since you don't have to cook that night!

Shine On---I have to tell you, our sizes are similar. A year ago I was in a 22/24. I was in my sweats, and was forced to be content simply cuddling our new grandbabies, because I had no energy to do anything more. I now live in the town I grew up in again, so I hated going to the stores and risking running into any of our old classmates. I say our, my DH and I went to school and graduated together here, many many years ago!!!

Well in the last year, I have lost now 87 pounds, and 54 inches---yep 54 inches! I now wear a size 14 again---and I run with my grandbabies! I take them to the park, I USE them to get in my workout time! My 2 year old granddaughter and I dance together all the time---I am making wonderful memories with them. We still read books----at bedtime! Get your band---and plan your trip home! There are people there that love you---and that you deserve to SEE!!!!

Ok girls I'll quit bugging you for now---but I DO look forward to hearing your successes-----because they are on their way!


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It sounds like a lot of us are in the same boat; adding weight while we were bringing our little angels into the world. Just 2 years ago I was a very happy size 12/14. During my pregnancy I managed to get back up to a size 24. I too have been in a state of devistation over my body because I just haven't been able to move the scale. It's so depressing. Like lots of you ladies sleeping or napping has become a favorite pastime :notagree not to mention I live in sweatpants, avoid cameras, and even cancelled trips home so I don't have to see old friends. I just feel I've slowly become removed from the world.

However, since I have made the decision to get the band my spirit has really lifted. I think we are all taking a positive first step and we should all be proud that our lives are about to move in a new direction. Cheers to all you beautiful ladies. We can watch eachother blossom over the next year!! We will be fitting into those old clothes (you know the ones in the back of the closet labled "skinny") before we know it!!:clap2:

I think that is why I am in this horrible place right now, when I woke up on January 1 and decided it was time and I was ready, I have been happier than ever, but in the last couple of weeks I decided I was ready to deal with why there are not pics of me, why I have gone through periods of depression and why I live in sweats it brought out some horrible memories and things that really hurt me more than I knew. I am glad I decided to deal with this now, because the surgery is going to be enough and I don't know what I would do if I was home, recovering and being overwhelmed with this emotional stuff on top of that.

Everyone here is great and I am so glad I posted my feelings, I hope you all feel a bit better saying it too.

Have a Great Day

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We will be fitting into those old clothes (you know the ones in the back of the closet labled "skinny") before we know it!!:clap2:

You know, I guess it's a blessing and a curse, but I've never been "skinny". Unless you count when I was 4 years old...but I most definitely wouldn't fit into those clothes anymore!!! LOL. But I have acquired a few "skinnier" clothes over the years (still hanging onto some size 16s and 14s that people have given me, and some larger sizes that I KNOW shrank over the years! lol).

I see the pictures of those who have already been banded a year and a lot of them look like totally different people...so I'm curious to see if that'll happen to me...if i'll still even resemble the 'me' I've come to know......ya know? LOL.

The best part though is that I'll be healthy, no meds, have more energy, and I'll finally (after a year or two of being banded) be able to start having mini-me's with muh hubby :-D That's my ultimate goal - be healthy for life, but also to create life :)

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Hi there! I'm not on any special diet before surgery, but my doc said it would be helpful to lose some weight before surgery (4/5/07). I do know that he will not do the surgery if a patient gains any weight before surgery. I have a pre-op appt 3/28/07. Can anyone give me the quick in's and out's of a high Protein diet or something I should be doing NOW before the 3/28/07 appt?

I do not want my surgery postponed!!!! HELP!



BMI 41

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HI bandedme, just be very label observant. Avoid high calorie, high fat foods. If you are planning to seriously diet through this phase to lose weight prior to banding, I would lose all flour and all sugar from your diet. This eliminates most carbs. Add to that by eliminating potatoes & rice. Now, you can eat meats, eggs, Beans (even though they have a high carb count they are also high Fiber, and high protein). I was allowed green veggies---salad things, just be cautious with the dressing. I ate cheese, it is a good snack, as are nuts, especially almonds. You can have cottage cheese, yogurt---just watch to make sure that is is not high in sugar.

Watch that you don't have hidden sugars in juice or other drinks.

It is somewhat of a boring diet----BUT it will drop the pounds! And some people really like it. My DH does amazing on it! But he would be happy having bacon & eggs twice a day! He swears he loses weight better IF he eats eggs. Doesn't matter how they are cooked, he says they calm his hunger better than anything. You might try it.

Another thing to keep in mind, and not be freaked out by on this eating plan----ketosis. At least I believe that is what it is called. It is the way the body changes over to burning fats---and it leaves you with monster breath!!!! It goes away eventually, but stock up on some SF breath mints---because it will taste yucky in your mouth, and your breath will not be minty fresh without them!!!!

It does go away, and you will be losing weight! This is basically the induction phase of Atkins---and that is what I had to follow for my pre op.

Good Luck!!!


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THANK YOU KAT!!!! I took notes!! (smiles!)

I have done Atkins before, and south beach, etc etc etc - just have been away from it for some time and didn't know the ins and outs - but thank you! I will start this today! Since doing SB, I haven't had rice, breads, etc much - and I don't mind eliminating them for good!

Thanks again! I appreciate your quick response! And you are right - killer breath - I remember that! ugh! oh well, that is a painless side effect that can be managed!

Take care!




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      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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