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3Rd Day Post Op Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass

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:unsure:Hello all! God Bless everyone on the Forums. My first post!

3rd day post op Gastric Bypass by Dr Green at Plaza Hospital in Fort Worth, Hospital. Feeling alot better than I did yesterday or the day before! :)

This Surgery is not for the faint of heart! I think the worst experience for me was the wait to eat or drink anything for 35 hours at the hospital...then having the barium swallow test sooo weak and the barium to be the first thing I tasted for that length of time. It tasted like terrible horrible chemical stuff and it had no flavor to it to hide it at all! Then the Radiologist just told me to chug the 30 ml...I could have pucked at him! With much protest and me telling him I just had a Gastric Bypass, he told me to do it anyway. I was NOT Amused!!! :angry:

Walking at the hospital as weak as I felt was another joy. High on Morphine and walking with a On-Q Bupivacaine pump around my neck attached to my belly and coming from under my gown, and rolling an IV going 150 ml/hr w/a Hespan gtt at 25ml/hr...needless to say I looked like a walking zombie. And the gown was 2 sizes too big...like they only have 2 sizes for bariatric patients...normal and T-Rex size and I kept getting the T-Rex size. My boobs were half coming out! :blink:

Another thing is the first Protein push-up I got in the hospital sucked butt! It was funny...here I was like okay I finally get something to eat...so I take a sip of the protein cherry stuff...and I almost barffed! Tasted TERRIBLE! Brrr! Blah! :wacko: And on the package it said new improved taste...like from what??? Dog poop!

There was many good points of post-op...like not having to work as a nurse or be at work...just at another hospital....and I got to be the patient for a change! Lets just say...I felt scared...and even at night, I was reassured when someone came in to check on me because I felt like I was dying, even when I knew I wasn't. I had alot of Residents following my Doctor, so I was reassured by that too. That was a great gift! :)

Another thing is, Nurses need to check their patients more...they are supposed to check them once an hour during the day and every 2 hours at night, but I didn't get any of that...like I said, the doctors checked on me more often. I know this is like that in all hospitals...and I am guilty of being one of those nurses at work sometimes...but don't do it to post-op patients... Only check on the idiot with a boil on his butt twice in 8 hours for his meds...not the post-op patient ok!!! :rolleyes:

Ok, enough said for now...going to watch TV with my Hubby....probably NCIS or something.

Love you all! Nicky :wub:

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ok i am confused, why did you have to have a barium shake and xray? I hadnt heard that this was part of the bypass surgery? I must have missed this some where in the forum for afterwards.

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That lovely xray after is 2 make sure there are no leaks and make sure everything is ok

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:unsure:Hello all! God Bless everyone on the Forums. My first post!

3rd day post op Gastric Bypass by Dr Green at Plaza Hospital in Fort Worth, Hospital. Feeling alot better than I did yesterday or the day before! :)

This Surgery is not for the faint of heart! I think the worst experience for me was the wait to eat or drink anything for 35 hours at the hospital...then having the barium swallow test sooo weak and the barium to be the first thing I tasted for that length of time. It tasted like terrible horrible chemical stuff and it had no flavor to it to hide it at all! Then the Radiologist just told me to chug the 30 ml...I could have pucked at him! With much protest and me telling him I just had a Gastric Bypass, he told me to do it anyway. I was NOT Amused!!! :angry:

Walking at the hospital as weak as I felt was another joy. High on Morphine and walking with a On-Q Bupivacaine pump around my neck attached to my belly and coming from under my gown, and rolling an IV going 150 ml/hr w/a Hespan gtt at 25ml/hr...needless to say I looked like a walking zombie. And the gown was 2 sizes too big...like they only have 2 sizes for bariatric patients...normal and T-Rex size and I kept getting the T-Rex size. My boobs were half coming out! :blink:

Another thing is the first Protein push-up I got in the hospital sucked butt! It was funny...here I was like okay I finally get something to eat...so I take a sip of the Protein cherry stuff...and I almost barffed! Tasted TERRIBLE! Brrr! Blah! :wacko: And on the package it said new improved taste...like from what??? Dog poop!

There was many good points of post-op...like not having to work as a nurse or be at work...just at another hospital....and I got to be the patient for a change! Lets just say...I felt scared...and even at night, I was reassured when someone came in to check on me because I felt like I was dying, even when I knew I wasn't. I had alot of Residents following my Doctor, so I was reassured by that too. That was a great gift! :)

Another thing is, Nurses need to check their patients more...they are supposed to check them once an hour during the day and every 2 hours at night, but I didn't get any of that...like I said, the doctors checked on me more often. I know this is like that in all hospitals...and I am guilty of being one of those nurses at work sometimes...but don't do it to post-op patients... Only check on the idiot with a boil on his butt twice in 8 hours for his meds...not the post-op patient ok!!! :rolleyes:

Ok, enough said for now...going to watch TV with my Hubby....probably NCIS or something.

Love you all! Nicky :wub:


i'm on my fifth night post op and still in the hospital due to excess bleeding from the wound. i must say that the nurses here have been wonderful. this experience would be unbearable for me but for the nurses.

i fully agree that this surgery is not for the faint of heart. it requires caregivers with special training who understand the needs of bariatric patients.

the hospital gowns are awful. i also look like a zombie when a walk - now even five days post op. i so badly want to get out of the hospital but the surgeon will not release me. maybe tomorrow.

wishing you the greatest of success!


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Oh my gosh, I know that barium drink was the worst. I barely got back to my room and I started vomiting. My poor cousin was in the room when I got back and she started freaking out and yelling for the nurse. I think it was worse for her then me. LOL I had awesome nurses at McClaren Hospital in Flint, MI. They were checking on me every hour. They took really good care of me and from what I could see they were doing the same with every patient that was up there. They would walk with me if I didn't have a vistor at the time. I can only say good things about the nurses there.

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I'm a nurse too, its crazy being on the other side, isn't it? My nurses were great too, and I had a couple awesome nursing students. I saw them more than I thought I would (had heard stories - I work at a pediatric hospital and we have to check patients more) . I guess I was lucky as far as the barium swallow - my surgeon only does them postop on his sleeve patients. I did have one preop and I really feel for you having to do it postop! Hang it there - the worst is over.

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Your post made me just laugh! I am waiting on a surgery date and just hearing about the hospital gowns made me chuckle. Hope u get home soon. Good luck on your new life!

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I'm a nurse too, its crazy being on the other side, isn't it? My nurses were great too, and I had a couple awesome nursing students. I saw them more than I thought I would (had heard stories - I work at a pediatric hospital and we have to check patients more) . I guess I was lucky as far as the barium swallow - my surgeon only does them postop on his sleeve patients. I did have one preop and I really feel for you having to do it postop! Hang it there - the worst is over.

The nurses make a big difference. They work hard. The nurses I have had at the hospital (5-night stay) have been great. Their friendly attitude definitely helped me get better.

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This was honest & with added humor I like you already:) I'm glad your a nurse & understand about patient care. Congratulations on your surgery. I also watch ncis ny under cover if I catch it & everything cop & investigation they give when I do have time for my self which is hardly.

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My nurses were a life savor!! I was at Magee in Pittsburgh. Wonderful!!

You were cracking me up about the gown. The heart monitor kept pulling mine down. I hope I didn't 'boob' anyone. They are probably still in a stupor.

And yes the barium is horrid! I had a stricture develop and they were like drink drink. I couldn't drink Water without barfing. I was actually crying.

Keep up the good spirits. Everyday gets better and I use them to motivate me when I have an off day. Good luck!!

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I am soooo sorry for you folk who had to do the Barium!!! I guess I am blessed that my surgeon did not do this!

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yall had me very scared about the barium drink, I hate that crap and like yall I would have puked to. but my surgeon is so up to date he doesnt do this procedure the way you all endure it,

what he does after the surgery is done and the patient is asleep,he does the EDG endoscope test. and checks for leaks and things that was, with sugery and everything he does takes an hour and 45 mins, 55 mins for surgery then the other for the endo. thank goodness, and most of his patients go home the next day. if there is a gall bladder to be removed he does it at same time too.

thank goodness, I chose a good doctor phewww was so nervous,

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Actually they checked me while I was under with the scope and the next day.

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:unsure: Hello all! God Bless everyone on the Forums. My first post!

3rd day post op Gastric Bypass by Dr Green at Plaza Hospital in Fort Worth' date=' Hospital. Feeling alot better than I did yesterday or the day before! :)

This Surgery is not for the faint of heart! I think the worst experience for me was the wait to eat or drink anything for 35 hours at the hospital...then having the barium swallow test sooo weak and the barium to be the first thing I tasted for that length of time. It tasted like terrible horrible chemical stuff and it had no flavor to it to hide it at all! Then the Radiologist just told me to chug the 30 ml...I could have pucked at him! With much protest and me telling him I just had a Gastric Bypass, he told me to do it anyway. I was NOT Amused!!! :angry:

Walking at the hospital as weak as I felt was another joy. High on Morphine and walking with a On-Q Bupivacaine pump around my neck attached to my belly and coming from under my gown, and rolling an IV going 150 ml/hr w/a Hespan gtt at 25ml/hr...needless to say I looked like a walking zombie. And the gown was 2 sizes too big...like they only have 2 sizes for bariatric patients...normal and T-Rex size and I kept getting the T-Rex size. My boobs were half coming out! :blink:

Another thing is the first Protein push-up I got in the hospital sucked butt! It was funny...here I was like okay I finally get something to eat...so I take a sip of the Protein cherry stuff...and I almost barffed! Tasted TERRIBLE! Brrr! Blah! :wacko: And on the package it said new improved taste...like from what??? Dog poop!

There was many good points of post-op...like not having to work as a nurse or be at work...just at another hospital....and I got to be the patient for a change! Lets just say...I felt scared...and even at night, I was reassured when someone came in to check on me because I felt like I was dying, even when I knew I wasn't. I had alot of Residents following my Doctor, so I was reassured by that too. That was a great gift! :)

Another thing is, Nurses need to check their patients more...they are supposed to check them once an hour during the day and every 2 hours at night, but I didn't get any of that...like I said, the doctors checked on me more often. I know this is like that in all hospitals...and I am guilty of being one of those nurses at work sometimes...but don't do it to post-op patients... Only check on the idiot with a boil on his butt twice in 8 hours for his meds...not the post-op patient ok!!! :rolleyes:

Ok, enough said for now...going to watch TV with my Hubby....probably NCIS or something.

Love you all! Nicky :wub: [/quote']

I hear you in all of this...... Trust when they finally told me I could eat... They may as well have shot my ass.... It just sucked big time.... I had a nasty sinus infection which I caught there mind you... But the RN kept telling me it was the nitrate... So they kept filling me up with morphine... And the second day low and behold my nose was bleeding.... I dare not tell them I'm an RN with 18 yrs experience. I'm sure they would have odied me on the spot.... Lmao..... So just when I think I'm ok.... Here comes the DR.... So I'm bragging about my one lap.... And he lights into my ass.... You better get out of this bed and walk walk walk ... Then he says.... BLOOD CLOTS.... You will not die on my watch.... When your not sleeping you better be walking......I like an ass was scared to death and now I'm up all free kin night and day walkin. I swear I lost about ten lbs that night .... Lol...... So finally I get to go home and here comes my DR pulling 50 yard ...drain tube out of me and saying I heard you were up all night walking. I'm proud of you..... I wanted to slap the taste out of his mouth... But he's cute so I let him live......

I'm glad you made it young lady.... Best of luck!!!!

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Thank you all for replying!!!

I'm on my 1 week anniversary now. It;s been a LONG week! The GAS is TERRIBLE !!!!! Thank God they told me to take Gas-x!!! Still on a liquid diet, but I cheat with alittle beef or bananas & oatmeal baby food level 1. It feels so good when I eat the baby food.. I feel full in the little tummy of mine. :)

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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