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My nutritionist has been awesome! (DeLarla, she's very itty, bitty! I'd worry about a fat nutritionist, too!) Actually, she's a registered dietitian. Anyway, I saw her twice pre-op, then this was my 2nd post-op visit. My surgeon requires me to be under a nutritionist's care and to be in a regular exericise program ... or no fills! She believes in the "it takes a village" to make Debra skinny approach! Lord knows I haven't been able to do it alone!

Anyway, no calorie count. The goal is to eat balanced, normal meals, not to diet. I asked for help structuring 'cos I'm going thru that no-restriction, eating like a pig thing! That's why one of my Snacks includes a "fun food", so I can plan on having 3 oreos, instead of sitting down and devouring a whole sleeve!

She gave me a list of serving sizes and for Breakfast I have 2 Proteins, 1 fruit, 1 grain, 1 other (like butter or salad dressing).

Next is lunch, 1-2 Protein, 1 veg, 1-2 grains, 1 other. Then my snack, w/ 1 fruit and 1 fun food. Next comes dinner, 2 protein, 1 vegetable, 2 grains, 1-2 other. Late night snack (not too late!) 1 protein, 1 grain. I have a nice "score sheet" and even I can follow this! It just works better for me if I have an idea what I'll be eating in 2 hours! Bring on the fill!!

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Hi everyone...

Having puter problems... hubby is trying to fix it so I am borrowing his!

My dietician is a twiggy as well... *sigh* made me very uncomfortable about sharing my diet prior to surgery. Lisa... I would love it if my dietician had a little chub... would put me at ease to know that it is a struggle they can honestly share.

I'm with you Debra... bring on the fill!!!! Only three more days for me...THANK GOODNESS!!!! I can literally eat ANYTHING and am liking it much too much! I am continuing to exercise and drink my water... so at least I haven't totally fallen off the wagon... YET. My home gym arrives Thursday and I am hoping and praying that it will help me get rid of these bat wings I like to call arms!

Oy... still no binging... but sure have thought about it!

I think I'll hit my fella up for a little roll in the hay tonight... lord knows I need to burn a few extra calories!

Sounds like everyone is doing a great job!


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Day Two (Week Two):

Breakfast - Protein Shake, 1/3 toasted bagel

snack - Snackwell Devil's food Cookies

lunch - 1/2 hamburger patty w/mushroom gravy, 2 tbl. cottage cheese

Snack - Snackwell Devil's Food cookies

dinner - chicken parmesian, steamed zuccini

Water - o.k.

Exercise - Took 3 dogs to groomer. Wrestled 80 lb. "Sissy Dog" in the door.

Good Deed - P/u breakfast tacos for groomers. Found out it was groomer's 4 yr. old daughter's birthday, bought gift. Oh, you should have seen her! Got her a blue shiny satiny "Cinderella" dress and tiara. She put them on and twirled around, saying, "Thank you! Thank you!" So precious!

Warning - Do NOT buy Snackwell cookies! They're so good! Bad, very bad.:)

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Gee, I like Darcy's exercise program -- or is that the good deed? :)

<I think I'll hit my fella up for a little roll in the hay tonight... lord knows I need to burn a few extra calories!>

Yesterday I helped a young man jump start his car for my good deed. Today I photocopied a few pages of a book for a needy student.

I ate well today except for some trail mix when I got home. I ate the M&Ms, which I usually don't. We'll have a healthy dinner later, though.

Still have another bottle (32 oz.) of Water to go. Better hop on that one.

Walked up the long hill again today and climbed to the 5th floor for a class. I'm counting that for exercise. It's getting a lot easier! I'll walk the pooch, too. Boy, if I had to have a regular exercise program or no fill, I'd have one empty band! (Of course, I don't need a fill yet, anyway.)

I jumped on the scale a second time tonight. :guess Oops! (Trying to keep it a once a day.) It read 195! Then I tried again and it was up to 201. Serves me right! :sick I thought digitals were more accurate!

Hope you all have a great day tomorrow.

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My scale is not my friend. I should chuck it, but I'm obsessed. I never keep weight off. Three pounds down, two pounds up. Just a big tease.

Laughed at you trying to push Sissy Dog into car. Good one! I have the same 100 pound sissy boy dog. I was walking them and my girl dog pooped, so I had to tie them to the pole at the park to clean up, and my sissy boy dog thought I was leaving him there so he bucking bronco'd his neck out of his collar and skuttled to my side... all 2 feet away. Poor thing - got him badly abused at 4 months old, and whatever they did to him will be with him for life. Glad he found me : )

I just got back from late walk and for the first time added an entire new subdivision in addition to my normal 45 minutes. And I ran! It nearly killed me, but I ran the distance of three entire houses (wonder what that registered on the Richter scale.) Considering I didn't even run when I was a teenager, that was quite a haul. Then did arms on the total gym.

The best part of today's exercising is that I had zero intentions. I never walk at night - if I don't do it in the morning, it doesn't happen, so I'm not sure what got me off my butt. But Michelle, I met your Water and downed 2 huge glasses just now.

Fun to see everyone here.

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Wow, everyone's kicking butt today! (except me)


Lisa, "Sissy Dog" aka "Missy" loves to ride in the car. But she balks the minute she gets to the groomers. She's pulled out of her collar and I'm scared she'll run to the street. Today, I managed to get her into the groomers, then she pulled out of her collar and ran to the door. "I want to go home!" She was supposed to be an "outside guard dog." Yeah, sure! Thunder and fireworks, she absolutely hyperventilates and quivers so bad. Today, when I was coming back to the car, a guy was bringing his dog in and doing the same "bucking bronco" routine. I started laughing and told him they must smell the place. Worse than taking kids to the Dr.!

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There's no way I could get Voodoo to the groomers, so we just drag him in the pool (counts for a week's worth of exercise) then rinse him off (in the summer he gets shower torture.) He hides behind the palm trees for 2 hours afterwards, as if we're having fun and would try a 2nd round.

Silly fur babies!

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OK I am NEVER EVER gonna weigh myself except on my regular weigh in days which is Wednesdays. I tried to weigh on MOndays and that is a mistake. I am now back to the original 45 lbs loss. Wednesday is my weigh in day from now on. LOL!!!

Yesterday Tuesday info:

Breakfast: Protein Bar, 24 oz Water

Lunch: 1/2 barbeque pork sandwich no bun, baked Beans, 16 oz ice tea

Supper: cheeseburger pattie no bun, 10 french fries, 16 oz ice tea

Desert: about 6 to 10 bites of a brownie gave the rest to sweetie

Good Deed: Told Computer guru to come another time to work on my computer since he was having a hard day. He said he would take a percentage off his bill. WHOO HOO!!

Exercise: Walked about 30 min around neighborhood.

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My nutritionalist is fat. Not sure why I had to throw that in.

DeLarla -

Have I mentioned lately that I love you?!?! This was my laugh for the day! :)


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No, Puddin, you haven't told me you love me in days! Just seeing your face gets me all warm and fuzzy. XOXOX winky love hugs smoochy kiss kiss (getting cavities?)

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Oh, wait, while I'm at it, I may as well tell you about one of my eating disorder therapists. Mind you, these people go to school to learn about what we've lived with our entire lives, and I stopped looking for a qualified one after going through about 10 different ones. They know SQUAT. They look at me as if I'm a museum exhibit while I tell them my eating escapades and insanity.

But one woman took the prize. First of all, this may sound mean, but she had one of those wandering eyes. So one eye was focusing on me, while the other kept looking at the clock. I was becoming increasingly anxious because even though her lazy eye couldn't help it, it made me think she was watching the clock hoping time would pass. But her other eye looked at me in sheer amazement as I told her I garbage disposed all the food in the house again. "Again?" She said, as if I'm nuts (duh, that's why I'm here.) Then when I told her I'd walk down the street to throw leftovers in neighbor's trash cans to prevent myself from eating them, she actually said, "WAIT." She went inside her drawer and pulled out a bag of Gummy Bears, then kicked back and started munching on them and continued listening to me like I was the Movie of the Week. I should have charged her admission!

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Now that was funny Lisa,

I had a good food day but have had a tough day otherwise. I am ready to beat my husband and am sick of their sheer stupidity. We have a credit line for emergencies only and he decided that needing more ??? (beer I am guessing???) allowed him to use it without ever mentioning it to me. So he wrote a credit line check for $200. If that doesn't take the cake, he bought a canopy for our pickup a few weeks ago for $150 which came out of our general bill money but when he sold his bed box he kept every penny from that. So he has had $350 to blow on NOTHING over the last three weeks. I can't even justify paying $10 for a hair cut!!! The only splurge I get to do is grocery shopping AS IF that is a splurge at all! I am so sick of his egotistical attitude. While going to school I have worked at least part time and generally bring in $800-$900 a month. He makes about $1500 a month and always reminds me about my pathetic income and how worthless I am to the household. HELLO!!! No bill would ever get paid if I didn't do it. He gets anything he wants and I have to stuff it... He damn well knows he is going to get caught but what can I do about it. I so want to just bag school, get a job at costco and toss his ass out. I have moments where I love him a lot but then there are moments where I lose all respect for him. Weirdly enough he wasn't raised with parents like him. His mom has never made as much as her husband and didn't work for years and his stepmom was blind and her disability check was never anything compared to his dad's income. I don't know where he gets this nasty attitude. We have been together for 10 years and have had periods here and there where I have had to deal with this. When I used to get financial aid for school, my checks were a whole lot more than what he makes. I am mad too because he never has anything to show for the money. I look around and everything in the apartment are things I have bought after months of scrimping and watching classified ads or my mom got me but there is nothing to show for the $350. Sorry to go on and on about this. I am just mad and now have to study for a chemistry midterm for tomorrow.

Good deed: I walked up an ENTIRE flight of stairs today. AND I didn't die from it!!!

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Teresa, I'm so sorry! Do you think the room mate "guest" is fueling the fire? It's o.k. to have "company" for a little bit, but it sounds like you've been more than generous. What is that saying, "Fish and guests stink in three days"? If you want this guy to move out, will your husband support you in that decision? Please don't get discouraged and quit school. That is something that you can fall back on years from now. You've worked too hard to give that up. Who makes the most $$ isn't important. It's what you do with that $$. It sounds like you've been very frugal and very productive w/your $$. You've done so amazingly well (in just the short amount of time that I've got to know you). You've been a super weight loser! I can tell that you are a very kind-hearted person by your posts. I hope your husband will "wake up" and realise he needs to be more responsible - $$ wise and marriage-wise. Good luck on your Chemistry exam!:):D

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Thanks Marie,

I know that $350 isn't going to break the bank but last weekend he had a temper tantrum because he had a blow-out on one of his tires and was mad about how WE were going to take care of that. AND then I find out about all of this extra money he has had and blown, my sympathy has ran dry. Actually I don't mind the roommate at all. Sometimes he is easier to deal with than hubby. I am just mad because I always have to feel like I need to be frugal and have a tough time getting all the bills paid while he just goes and blows willy nilly and leaves me to clean up the mess. I don't know if roommate really fuels the fire or not. KC definitely has nothing to envy Jeremy and he darn well knows it. My mom said to talk to hubbies father and see if that doesn't make a difference. KC's dad thinks the world of me and was the one to pay for my surgery. I just get sick of the old arguement about who makes more, etc. I am the one who runs this entire household including all aspects of bill paying, grocery shopping, cleaning most of the time, etc. When I finish this class I will have my bachelor's degree DONE, but I still need to apply and get accepted into a masters program to teach in Oregon. I am just frustrated and wonder if life wouldn't be a thousand times simpler without him. Oh-well. Got to study. Thanks for the sweet words. Teresa P.S. I'm sending you lots of hugs!

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Teresa... I am so sorry ...I think its funny how men(some men) can spend money on toys and not see it as unwise spending but the wifes spending is seen as very unseccary spending...Hang in there ...Janie

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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