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April 2006 Bandits' February Challenge

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Yeah Julie I am looking forward to Onederland, but first I just want that simple 1/2 pound gone!!! As soon as it goes away (and it must love me because it insists on hanging around) I will drop out of the Obese category---and will be overweight. Then a few more to Onederland, then several more to make my 100 lost. I need to get busy, but have been caught up in some things here, and I have been having lots of fun, so just enjoying it, and not worrying about it a lot. I have a tendency to do that, focus on something, and forget to enjoy the trip---trying to change that. Yes I anticipate that life at 165 pounds will be good---but in reality life right now is pretty great too---so, with that in mind, I am doing my best to make the best of each day!

Hope you are feeling ok after your fall!


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((((Betty)))) My thoughts and support are with you in this new medical crisis for your dear Alan.

I'm sort of out-of-commission exercise-wise. I have been nursing a very minor abrasion on my left shin for over a week -- so minor that I have no memory of doing any damage -- but it gradually worsened. On Tuesday I woke up feeling no energy but went off to my regular yoga class anyway. By the time class ended, I knew I was sick, but imagine my surprise when I discovered that my entire left leg had turned bright red from knee to ankle. I immediately went to the ER and was diagnosed will cellulitis, the same stubborn infection that I suffered four years ago in the other leg (and had to spend a week in the hospital). This time, luckily, I was not hospitalized, but the treatment is IV antibiotics, so today will mark my third day in the ER for that treatment. I'm very nervous about the response time because I have unalterable travel plans for next Tuesday. Hopefully by then I'll just be on oral medication. For the rest, I have to stay home with my feet elevated. So my exercise regimen has been suspended for now. Sigh

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I'm so sorry you are having to deal with that again Blue---take good care and followDr.s orders. That is nothing to mess with. DH had it a few years back in his elbow, and ended up as you did in the hospital with staph infection in it. We didn't have any idea of the original injury either!

I understand that you are sidelined with exercise, but there are still things you can do---you can be sure to keep your Water intake high, so to flush out all the toxins in your body right now. Get some time in spoiling yourself...find a good book! Talk with us here on LBT!!!

I will add you to my prayer list too----and I do hope you heal fast and that your trip is not affected. Maybe look into a Dr. there, so that you will already be armed with a name and number, in case you do need some follow up care while away from home.

Take care of you!!! ((((hugs))))


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Bluehill, that's just terrible. I have a feeling you're going to bounce back quickly though. Don't worry a bit about the exercise -- take care of your more pressing health issue for now and once you're healed, you can create a mini-challenge for yourself for the end of the month, if you're feeling up to it.

Keep us posted on the infection. That's nothing to mess with.

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Bluehill - take care and rest up - You need to be well for our get-together here in Portland! (If you can't exercise - we'll sit around and gab and go to lunch (that's not a dirty word is it?). What a pain in the tush - hurting/illness is no fun.

Thanks to all for the good wishes for Alan. I've calmed down since yesterday - fell apart a bit there! Alan actually has an appt with a Cardiologist tomorrow morning - so maybe we'll know more - or maybe he'll need more tests???

Didn't do a stick of exercise today - except my fingers on this keyboard! Went to a nice luncheon, had fun with friends and just relaxed. A good change of pace.

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Hugs to everyone!

This is a new challenge. We have all experienced the "high" of losing weight, meeting exercise challenges, and being part of this support group we have created. Now, life seems to be testing us all. We are learning to manage our physical and emotional pain through some extremely difficult times.

Hold on, Betty! We are blessed to live in this modern world where there are options. Your husband has a dear "significant other" who will take care of him, motivate him to heal, and make each day precious. Keep your spirits high, so you can lift his.

Bluehill, ouchy!!! So sorry. I wondered where you were. You deserve an excuse for your absence!

Julie, are you sore from your fall? The job dilemna sounds exciting to me, because the pros of EVERY scenario are awesome. It really comes down to deciding what is most important to your happiness. I'm too much of a workaholic, so the lifestyle considerations seem attractive to me.

A friend of mine (young) passed away today. She has been ill, refused nutrition, and was at peace with her decision. She was ready to "go home." Last night, the nurse told me that the body starts shutting down without Protein. She told me that even though we are an obese nation, there is rampant malnutrition that can effect our kidneys and other organs. Suddenly, my thoughts of food have changed from how little can I eat, to how efficiently can I eat. I want to nourish my body instead of starve it.

Also, something strange is happening. I noticed that I've been STARVING after every run. I mean, I come in the door and head straight to the kitchen to start cooking. Now, I am getting hungry 30 minutes after I eat anything. I am worried that I have a slip from...running?? Is that possible? There is not much restriction at all. SO, please wish for me a healthy band. In three weeks I can get tested and, hopefully, filled!

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Betty my DH has his 6 month follow up with his cardiologist in the morning at 10:15....I will be thinking of you and your DH while we are there. Rick's pre- appointment EKG was abnormal, but they said with the valve it is likely always going to read abnormal....hoping it is all ok. We also found out our cardiologist is leaving, the receptionist mentioned it when confirming our appointment, and said they would likely start him with the new NP...now I know she is likely a very competent Nurse Practitioner....but our insurance pays for us to see a fully educated, practicing CARDIOLOGIST.....I do not want anything less! Am I being elitest or something? I keep thinking, he has had to have surgery once, he needs a Dr. who can admit him, work on him, whatever it takes, and I am not sure what limitations a NP has! Guess we will discuss that tomorrow with the Dr. Will let you know. Hope all of tomorrows Dr's go well, Betty & Alan, Blue.....big hugs to all.....


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This is a new challenge. We have all experienced the "high" of losing weight, meeting exercise challenges, and being part of this support group we have created. Now, life seems to be testing us all. We are learning to manage our physical and emotional pain through some extremely difficult times.

Those words spoke to me deeply, Boo. Thank you. The death of your friend, how very sad. But a blessing that "she was at peace with her decision."

Whatever is going on? We're really getting a workout as a support group -- both in the giving and the receiving. So thank you all for your support. It always feels very healing to me.

The infection in my leg is only slightly improved, so I'm off again to the hospital for another IV treatment.

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Well Guys, what a difference a week (a day) makes?

Kat, Hope all went well with your hubby. Please let us know.

Bluehill, What a bummer.........who needs this? Not us!

OK, here's the scoop on Alan. He has a valve that is not working very well - has no apparent symptoms (strange the Doc says) for the test results..............he progressed from 27% backflow (mild to moderate) to 60% (low severe). He will not make it to a grand old age if he doesn't have heart valve surgery - BUT, there is no emergency right now. He has elected to wait about 6 months (unless he develops severe symptoms - shorness of breath, lightheadedness, etc) and go in after we return from our trip to France and NY in mid May/early June). At that time he'll have another echo and probably an angiogram and will at that time make a decision when to have surgery. If it were me, I'd do it now.......I would not want that hanging over me.............but he is not me........and I do not want to push him. It was such a surprise because he not feeling different...............I see differences in him, but just attributed it to old age creeping up (he's 71).........the doctor says that it is probably a combination and that the fact of his increased exercise (because of me) proably is masking some of the symptoms (a good thing she says). She doesn't want him doing real strenuous things, just walking on a treadmill or outside and not lifting heavy things over 10 lbs or climbing up ladders - hope he listens to her............he's a fixit type of guy and has had a hard time slowing down...........especially with my increase in exercise and all the energy I now have! We're both trying to keep cool and collected!

In addition - my brother (who is MO and working on getting the band) fell in his bathtub last night and we took him to the emergency room this morning right before we went to Alan's doctor.......and he has a fracture in his arm just below the shoulder joint......so far he is in a sling - they say they cannot do anthing else at this time.......so's he's in pain and now asleep on my chair in my living room. Not sure if I've told you all about him.............a sad case - 60 years old, no family (very addictive personality) - who is on medicare SSI and Alan and I have to help him with his finances...........so we have a guest for a while until lhe feels better. He usually spends a few days a week with us! Ah, life! It could be so much worse..............thank G they can fix what Alan has!

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Hi all,

Well Betty, I am sorry it has worsened, but it sounds like you were given the exact same info we were. The PCP when he listened to Rick, originally told us we would have time to schedule it to our convenience he would imagine. But Rick went from a 1 straight to a 4 with an 86% backflow rate---which was causing his heart to enlarge drastically---so it was a do it now case. I don't normally try to give anyone advice medically because I am not a Dr. but when it comes to this I do it....for what it is worth, if they make him decide between an artificial valve, and a tissue valve....please make him research the heck out of it!!! I know they will shoot to repair his, and hopefully they can. On the off chance they can't...I STRONGLY suggest tissue. With an artificial man made valve, he would have to remain on coumadin for the rest of his life, and that is what almost took Rick, was a side effect of the coumadin. So I am scared of it! I will not push my opinion on you again....but had to say it!

As for Rick, he got an excellent report. The Dr. heard no signs of any remaining murmur!!! They did not do another echo at this time---as I said our cardiologist is leaving, and we did get another DR. So when he comes on the case in 3 months, we will go in and let him be the one doing the testing, so he has his own background on Rick. For now, he is off of all meds----he is doing great.

I spent the day with my DIL, and grandson--he started walking 2 days ago, and is in love with my house now, he can make a loop through the den, into the dining room, into the kitchen, and back to the den....he is hilarious!!! He has a little bobble head action going on...and when he sees you---you have to clap, or he tries to clap for himself, and down he goes, he cannot multitask yet!

I am off to vaccuum up fireplace mess---will check in later.


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Kat...........well Alan is not as bad as your husband (yet)....he's "only" at 60%..............how old is your hubby? A lot younger than Alan probably. Yes, we do know all about coumadin (our son had a mechanical valve at 25 - they tried to change over to a tissue valve this last go around - because they wanted to try and get him off coumadin since he's been on so long..............but, it was not possible......they had to go with the mechanical again because of the anyorism and the way the whole thing had to be done..........).....when you are young they often go with mechanical because of the lenghth of time the valves last......tissue not as long. The last go around with my son, even tho he might have to have surgery again (for a 3rd time) they thought they would be better off......but it was not to be. Craig has not really had any problems with the coumadin - except for the bad bleed after the surgery when they had to go back in.................you know you just have to trust them I guess. Alan's cardiologist said that the surgeon usually makes the decision (along with you) and that in Alan's case he was sort of marginal, but she thought they would suggest a tissue valve. We shall see. Been talking to all my kids and they agree with me that if it were them, they would do it now and not wait!

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Hi Betty--Rick is 46, well he turned 46 the day after heart surgery! I was like you I wanted it done already!!! But part of the problem Rick had with coumadin, was that he developed a blood clot in the ileac vein and artery following the angiogram prior to surgery, checking his artery function (in case they needed to bypass while they were in doing the valve surgery). So he was put on coumedin then, and even with the seriousness of the valve failure, they postponed him for 7 weeks, so that the clot could be dealt with. Then he was taken off of it 4 days prior to the heart surgery, then put back onto it, was supposed to be for 6 months, since they put in a plastic ring in the valve...but 2 months later is when he has the massive GI bleed. I fully (as in 100%) believe, our problem was in our care here. We are in a small fairly rural area, and one that is plagued with healthcare issues. Our options are few and far between. The therapuetic levels needed with coumadin leave little room for error---and I don't feel that the people here, had the knowledge necessary to maintain him at that therapuetic level. The surgeon wanted his pro time to be between 2.3 and 3.3. He was at one time up to a 7.9!!! Instead of weaning him back down as they should have (we find out after the fact), they pulled him off completely, then had him wait 4 days and start back to the 3X a week at 7.5 mg and 4 X a week at 10mg. After the bleed and when we saw the cardiac surgeon in Albuquerque, he said Rick should never have been given anything higher than the 7.5....it should not have ben necessary with the levels his blood had already reached. He explained to us the constant highs and lows, amde the tissues in Rick's body break down from stress....so that led to an unhealthy texture to the stomach/esophagus, which is what tore when he vomited. IF he had been handled in a manner which let the body accustom itself to a steady viscosity of his blood, it likely would not have happen. There is no way to know it for sure, as in being able to prove it, but I believe it to be true---it was the health care provided to him, that led to his problems. Luckily now he is off of all his meds!!! They actually pulled his coumadin 4 months ago, but he was on Toprol still, now it too is gone!

My Mom fell a year ago, stepping off my porch and broke her wrist, then not long after it healed, she fell while out walking and broke her arm/shoulder way up high like you say your brother did. She too was in a sling, they were unable to cast it, because of where the break was. They Xrayed in every 2 weeks, and told he she would likely lose most of her raised range of motion. But my Dad fixed a pulley to the ceiling in the garage,with a rope through it, and as soon as the Dr. gave her the ok, she would go out and slowly raise and lower her arm. The ortho's were shocked at how much movement she got back for a 69 year old woman. He said they are notorious for NOT doing PT!!! I hope your brother is able to cope with the pain, and that you are able to cope with the brother----I can relate so well!

We made a rice bag for Mom, to use as a heating pad. We used (nothing like cheating!!) an old flannel pillowcase, and filled it with a bag of plain old long grain rice, we stitched it closed, then folded it down over itself and stitched it again, so that the fabric was doubled. Then she could zap it in the microwave, to heat it, and the weight felt good, helped to hold it in place, and when she went to bed at night (in a recliner for over a month--flat put too much stress on it), we didn't worry about it over heating, or burning her because it just slowly cooled off. I'll ask he if she has any suggestions for him. Poor guy!

It's not raining at your house, it really IS pouring!!!



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Good grief guys!!!! I stay away for a while and the sky starts to fall. Sorry to read about all that's going on with our little group and Betty and Kat's husbands. I'm feeling much better from my fall and was able to get to Curves for a much needed workout.

Boo, I hope your hunger is just due to the extra energy expended from running.

Bluhill, cellulites can be problematic as you know, so please take good care of yourself on your flight.

Julie, hope your feeling better and pain free.


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Oh Kat, you guys really had a time with all that you and your hubby went through. Your husband is about the same age as our son Craig - he's turning 44 in May. Craig did have, I believe great medical care........and it will be the same group at the same hospital that Alan will be - eventually - having the surgery. Thanks for all the advice also for my brother.......sounds like you "youngins" have had your share of medical problems with all that has been going on with yourselves and family. That is not supposed to happen until "you're old and gray"! Unforturnately about your age is when the parents start to fall apart. Alan and I were just saying a couple of weeks ago that we were the only "healthy" in-laws of all the kids - talked a little too soon!.................gonna try my best to help the kids out and stay healthy for a while!

Bluehill, hope today was a better one for you............when do you actually leave on your trip? Can't wait to see you!

Roberta, so happy to hear you're back up and about!

Boo..........I too just this past week have felt hungrier.............just a couple of weeks ago was feeling very "tight" and had to watch what I ate so carefully.................I do believe I also need a fill.............bet you have no problems - no slip - just need a fill..........remember that is what the adjustable band is all about! It sure can happen quick.

Plan on getting to the gym in the morning - hopefully no more surprises for a while.

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I agree, it seems to be a very testing time for a lot of our group.........blessings to you all! I am fine, have sore throat so off work for a day or two, not exercising, but that is ok, maybe tomorrow. It is so hot here, I must go and buy a fan here, not many houses have air-conditioning. Have been picking heaps out of my garden, I am so excited.

Anyone have a good, healthy suggestion for a Salad Dressing?

Hope things get better for everyone!!!

Love Amourette XX:D

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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