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Hi girls---

I need you. My granddaughter Kinsey is terribly sick. She caught an infection from Lindzie (the bf's DD), called Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease. It is a viral infection, and it caused blisters in her mouth, and between her fingers and toes. Lindzies (who is 6) went away in about 3-4 days. Kinsey has been down for over a week, and the blisters all went away except in her mouth, and they only get worse. She cannot close her mouth it is so swollen. The HF&M disease is viral, so the Dr. kept saying it would run it's course. Well she has worsened to the point that my DD took her to another pediatrician who said Kinsey has contracted a secondary infection in the mouth, and has started antibiotics...and has given her liquid Lortab for the pain. This little 2 yr old, lies listless, only moaning to tell you "I hurt". This Granny spent the evening in tears. As of this morning, the meds have not made much difference. She has been bleeding in her mouth, she woke to a outh full of dried blood. She had not drank nor pottied in over 18 hours. She is barely 20 pounds before all of this started! So the new pediatrician wanted her in the office, and said she would likely admit her to the hospital. On the way to the office, Kinsey spotted a bottle of Water that Manda had been drinking on her way home from work, and she wanted it, so she guzzled that. Seeing that they stopped at a convenience store and bought her another bottle, and she was still drinking on it when they called her back to the exam room. Now I am waiting. Please send a quick prayer up for my little sweetie. The concern is that it might be some sort of flesh eating bacteria, now that her gums are bleeding. They cultured it yesterday---I have no idea what if anything they know yet.

I sit and wait.

Thank you for being there!!!


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Hand Foot and Mouth is really hard to get rid of. Abi got it from Chuck E cheese, and it took several weeks and she was on a medicine to prevent the secondary infection. She developed it anyway. I am sure she will be fine, prayers are going up for your little one....There is a medicine that they give babies for Thrush, I can't remember the name of it, but it is a liquid antibiotic and it coats the mouth (kinda thick and milky). I will see if I can find the name of it. Beaware that adults can get this and it has been known to be passed around a house several times. Make sure you are running the dishwasher on the hottest setting, I was also told to add a cup of bleach to each load. Toss out toothbrushes, and any toys that she put in her mouth need to be sanatized, clorox makes a spray that is even safe to spray on highchairs and in food prep areas that disinfects and is kid safe. Preventing a reinfection is very important. Keep us updated. (((hugs))) ~Mandy

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Oh Kat... sending thoughts... prayers... vibes... whatever you need... it's on the way!!!! Poor little sweetie!!!! (((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))

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Me again! Got the girlie home again---she has been munching grapes---which is a major relief! The pediatrician gave her 2 different antibiotics...I should have paid more attention to what they were---but didn't. One is a long acting broad spectrum that should keep the infection from flaring back up again. The second is the same oral antibiotic they give for oral herpes infection--even though the culture showed negative for the virus. She said within 2 applications it should dry up the blisters, it will also cause her mouth to be dry, which will make her drink---double good. She swabbed her mouth in the office thoroughly the kids said, and already when she got here, her breath was noticably better---she could run you out of the room before! They gave her the mouthwash--which she is not really old enough to understand how to do yet...but will try. It is half Benadryl liquid and half Maalox. The Maalox coats the blisters, and the Benadryl shrinks them. And they gave her Liquid Lortab, so she can ease the pain caused by eating and drinking---and it has worked so far...she is drinking Water, and eating grapes.

She has to see the Dr. again if she does not urinate by 3 today...if she does, she doesn't go back until in the morning.

All in all, it is looking up---she is not as listless---she has moved on to grumpy which is always a good sign!!!

Thanks everyone!!


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Hi All.

Who needs Mondays, when Tuesdays can be like this? ICK.

My lovely co-worker is in NY this week - and I am cleaning up the mess she left behind.

Otherwise, all is well. Right this very minute they are serving King Cake in the break rooms... after my week in NY, I am trying to avoid that whole fiasco. I need cake about the same way I need a kick in the head.

I am running behind, so I will just send my love and well wishes to everybody - particularly sick babies and Father-in-Laws.

Hugs and Love. I will check in later.

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Kat, so glad to hear she is grumpy, that is always a good sign. That's how we know when Abi is getting better, she becomes a total monster. At least the mouthwash is ok for her to swallow. Sounds like this doc has it all under control. Keep us updated. ~Mandy

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Hey Kat... glad she is feeling a bit better and I can feel the relief in your posting. (((hugs)))

Irene... Sorry bout the mess... but hey... at least it give you something to do besides eat King Cake! :lol: Dontcha just love me????

My talented Miss EM has a solo ensemble tonight along with piano lessons this afternoon. I am planning on checking out Target while she is tickling the Ivories to see if I can pick up the killer 4-5 mile WATP video. That will at least keep me challenged while we decide what to do about the treadmill situation. I am also watching Turbo Jam on eBay...have any of you tried those videos??? Anyhoo... we still have the YMCA but I need something for when my family whines and won't go...lol.

Oh... lab results came back today...still hypothyroid which accounts for the snail paced weight-loss...lol. WIll be starting the upped dosage in the mornin.

Dianne... you and your FIL and MIL are in my thoughts and prayers as well....


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I just got back a little bit ago from checking on Kinsey. She is, I am happy to report, a grouchy little gal!! She has continued to drink Water, and eat grapes off and on all day. She has also slept a lot---due to the pain meds. The pediatrician said if all she wants for a couple of days is water, and grapes, that will be fine---that the Fluid is the big issue. She has went potty--which was a biggie.

This Granny is soooooo beyond relief, and is saying huge prayers of thanks, and wants to thank each of you for your prayers for our little one. You are all so special to me!

Mandy, you being right there in the thick of "mommyhood" and being so reassuring really helped. Thank you!

Darcy---my mechanic of a DH said to check the relays on your treadmill...now where you would find them, I have no idea. If you want me to have him show me on mine then explain or describe them to you I will! He said they are electrical, and will heat up and then shut off. We were on the phone, so I will ask for details when he comes home.

Hope DD knocks their socks off at her recital!!!

Beannie---did you avoid the cake??? Or did you find a prize in your piece???!!!

ooops here comes my neightbor....bbl


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Hi Ya all.

I am having major computer issues and cannot stay long. Hope everyone is doing fine and well.

Will try to be back soon.. take care

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Kat, also consider freezing the grapes, cut them in half first. The cold will help her mouth feel better and they are like little bite sized frozen candy. I know Abi loves them like that. Also grapes are fluids, let her have them all, just make sure they are not giving her diarrhea. ~Mandy

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Sorry, Kat, about Kinzie! I am so happy to find out that she is on the mend, and at least is getting in fluids. Mandy's tip on the frozen grapes is a great one! DD had something like this, and I remember the elixer of Benadryl/Maalox...not so easy to administer to a little one! I do keep you all in my prayers every day, and will add special prayers for the little one tonight!

Dianne, prayers for you and FIL, too! Please, take care of yourself, too. You have to!

Eileen, the picture of the smilies beating the dead horse was too perfect! But, Kat's DH might just have diagnosed the problem, and saved Darcy's poor ol' Bess! Stay tuned...

Haven's mouth is still sore, but getting better. I did have to take her up some Soup for lunch, because the school lunch wasn't going to work (couldn't chew it). The tooth fairy delivers those gold dollar coins around here...usually one per tooth, but for the special pain, she brought two dollars per tooth, and a couple of Puzzlemania books. I loved the letter (link by Mandy)! I'll send that link to my niece for her DD. It's just that my DD knows that the tooth fairy is really yours truly. We just both play along with it, because it is fun!

Tomorrow DD's class is going on a field trip to see Bridge to Terabithia...I'm a driver, so I get to see it, too! DH is taking off half a day to go see it with us! Her class read the book right before Christmas, so this is great timing and follow up to what they have already studied. then, we are going to the Ash Wednesday service at our church.

I see lots of you signed on down here...hope everyone had a nice day, and feels spring right around the corner!



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Good Morning,

Geeeze lookie what I missed.

Kat, I am so glad your DG is feeling better, what a scary thing to go through. God is Good !!!

Darcy, wholey crap... 5 mile WATFFFFP ?? lol you go girl. How did DD do with her lessons?

Dianneeeeee how are things going by you? how is FIL?

Cindy, ohhh that movie looks great !! Let me know how it is and if you think its okay to bring a 5 year old to it. My DD would love to see it but I want to get other opinions first. Have fun !!!!

Beanie love..... glad your home safe & sound. And Kudo's to you for passing the cake, I don't think I could LOL.

Hi Mary & Mindy and the rest of you lovies :)

Well back to work I go.. hi ho hi ho..... la la la la la la

SHERRY!!!!! :guess

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Hi everyone,

Cindy, have fun at the movie....

Kat, how's the babe today?

Dianne how are you hanging in there? What did they decide to do?

Darcy, sorry about the dreadmill, mine only works on 2 speeds, all the others glitch, so I am either going at a decent clip or running.....guess which one I choose????

Hi, to everyone else....I'll be back later. ~Mandy

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Good Morning everyone!!

It seems like a wonderful morning here!!! Kinsey is feeling much better, she is dragging EVERYTHING out---which is better than lying listless. Afterall I get half my exercise picking up after her!!! Or more exact, getting her to pick up---stubborn doesn't begin to cover it!!! Some days I have to walk her back and forth with each item---other days she picks up with no one saying a word to her! Kids--I have never through the years figured one out!

She is still on the grapes kick---she also ate some cheese and crackers (the little package with the crackers, and creamy cheese to spread on them)--which I figured would hurt her, but the Lortab seems to help, then she eats, and when it wears off we go back to grapes!! Whatever---it is enough to keep her going! Her fever seems to be less---my DD forgot the scanner thermometer, and I have not subjected her to sitting with it under her arm---she feels cool enough not to do that.

Darcy---how did the recital go? I bet she did wonderful!

Cindy--I am interested in hearing how the movie was as well.

My best friends Mom made tooth shaped pillows for all the kids---they had a little pocket on the front with their names on the pocket. And they had a ribbon to hang them on the bedroom door knob. I followed suit and made one for the oldest grandkids, and just made one for the bf's DD...as I pulled her tooth for her about a month ago. I used some metallic embroider floss, and stitched pretty designs around on it...she loved it, and my DD said it was so easy to use---they knew exactly where to find the tooth!!! She said they put the money in the pocket, and then sprinkled glitter on the floor by her door, and also sprinkled some lightly down the hall, and by the front door---she was thrilled! She said she never thought about the coins, but she used a rubber stamp, and (I told her this was a no-no...but she did it anyway!) stamped a pink fairy on the dollar bill! I never got to hear whether my oldest grandkids even used theirs so this was fun to find out!!! I will make them for the kids from here on out. It was a fun project! I also made each of them the old sock monkeys I learned to make a hundred years ago in Girl Scouts!!

LMAO girls---I am telling you I made sock monkeys and William H. Macy is on TV telling Regis how he and the guys covered their "equipment" with socks for the nude scene in "Mad Dogs" (I think that is the movie name he said). Anyway was a bad visual for my poor sock monkeys!!!

I better get busy, I need to type a letter for my DH, he is on jury duty next month, and will be out of town for one of the scheduled dates, so has to inform the court in writing....fun fun fun!!!

Talk to you all soon---thanks for being there!!!


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Well, I was able to avoid the whole Cake thing just by not going into the break room... but I did succumb to the Valentines Day candy my boss left on my desk while I was in NY. *sigh*. It was just sitting there, LOOKING at me. And by 4:45 - I was hungry.

Today should be better. I ate all the candy yesterday (a little gift bag with a handful of kisses & bite-sized bars) and I had lunch a little later today. Hopefully, I will be able to make it through until dinner. If I can't - all I have is a harmless little Protein shake, anyway. :]

I haven't gone to the gym since that one short visit in NY. I am going to have to go back and count the days... I have lost track. I think I am at 8 days/16 miles - but it could be 9. DH and I are supposed to go back on plan tonight.

Well - I have to run, AGAIN - still catching up from last week.

Love you guys!!

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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