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Hi all, I'll be here in and out today. I'm still not feeling better. I saw the doc wed and they put me on a new antibiotic, and said if I'm not feeling better by the beginning of next week he is going to put me in the hospital, ugh.... I am also taking a probiotic, and getting lots of rest (or at least I'm trying) My hubby had already worked 6 shifts this week and will problably work 3 more this weekend. ~Mandy

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Hi girlies-

Wish I could pop over to help you out Mandy, hope you feel better soon, that the mneds help---then I'd head on over to Sherry's and share a couple of hot flashes....stop by and make faces behind Eileenies boss' back.....hmmmm then maybe just for fun, sneak in and hide all of Di's clean undies!!! Think I better stay away from Mary's house, I don't have the best of luck with either computers or cars---would hate to put the final hex on either of hers!! While I am out, I am going to have to just drag Patty & Pat out by the hair ----good thing no one is doing that to me, I don't have much left! I hope you girls are ok---we miss you! That should energize me some...so maybe I should go and fight with Darcy's car dealership!!! Oh yeah, better stop by the school and see if Cassie needs any help with the principal....thining evil thoughts! I really want to stop by Cindy's BUT she has all those damnable GS Cookies there!!! Might be safer for my wiastline to see if Beannie has anything low carb for me to munch on....gotta eat sensibly, cuz I intend to finish my day off having a drink with Betty!!! Then I might sneak over and see if I can catch a glimpse of tattoo boy at Chris' new place! Heck maybe there is another box with a gift card waiting!!!

Yep I am wanting to do ALL kinds of things, except for the things I NEED to be doing. Cleaning house. My kids are having my grandson's first birthday party here this weekend---and she is having a huge bash---he is only 1!!! But that was not my choice! I just get to supply the house, and of course clean it before and after. She said she would come help, but if she come and helped she would have to bring the tiny terror---and you get NOTHING done with him around!!! Love him to pieces but OMG what a handful! IF it was just our family and friends, I would not even lift a finger, but it isn't. DH's ex wife and her family will be here (oh joy!), as well as the DIL's family, and some of their friends. So.....now I feel like I need to clean. I really need to Shampoo carpet---but she said there are 12 kids going to be there---so I decided to wait til AFTER the punch gets spilled all over....do you get the feeling I am not thrilled over this??? I had little choice, I let my DD have Kinsey's parties here---our house being the biggest. But she had fairly small parties---I mean she is a baby! Not the DIL, she has a pinata----games, an $85.00 cake, the list goes on....we even have streamers with Elmo on them. She was put out that Kinsey had an Elmo party, wtf---she was there! But we have Elmo noisemakers, streamers, balloons, pinata, hats, Pin the nose on Elmo game ...Connor has an Elmo outfit. (gotta tell you a story about that word outfit sometime). I am talking the whole 9 yards!!! My DD tried to tell her that she could get Elmo plates at the Dollar Store---but oh no! They would be the right design! She is in the wrong family, my DH says I can pinch a penny til Lincoln screams for mercy! I think it all boils down to the fact that this is the first time she has ever had any $$$. She comes from a very dysfunctional family, and my DS is making good money, and she wants the best for the baby, She is doing it with a good heart---it just seems so overboard! And in MY house!

Enough complaining---if I am going to get to all of your places---I better get going! And if I missed your house---I'll catch you on my party recovery trip!!!



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Another glorious FRIDAY!!!

LOVE them. Really, really LOVE Fridays.

Well, so far, the Low Carb thing is a "go". I was good all day yesterday - and I have a good start on today, too. The hardest part is that "after dinner" time... &*^% commercials.

But, it's easier to be good if you know that you can eat whatever you want on Saturday. I am going to have to stop and get some cheetos or something on the way home, tonight.

Now, I stayed so late at the office last night (gossiping with my supervisor) that I did NOT go to the gym. So, I am holding at 9 days for February. I am bad. Tonight, for sure.

I have decided to start work on getting a Teacher's Certificate. That is how uncertain the ol' job is at the moment. I have thought about it - and I figure teaching is the closest I can come to the income I make now in a profession that I am qualified for and would be good at doing. Rather than wait for the actual lay-off, I am going to see what it takes to get certified around here.

I might have to hire out my house boy (DH) to make up the difference in income... He's a prime cook - but a lousy housekeeper. Any takers? This would be strictly a day-gig for him. I am keeping his other skills to myself!

Other than the constant looming concern over continued employment - there just isn't much going on around here.

Tuesday I go for my first installment of "Aftercare" at AIGB. I have mixed feelings on that particular issue. They are going to want me to be all "Gung Ho" about eating right and stuff. I have just NOT been there in a while, now. Low carb is about the best effort that I can muster at the moment - and I am NOT worrying about fat grams or sodium or anything else. Right now it seems like a huge effort to just skip the bread, crackers and Pasta. I don't even want to think about eating veggies with no dip, or worse, yet, FF cheese (**shudder**). I guess we will see how that whole thing goes next week.

Eileenie - LOL! That's a good funny. No word on another trip to NY. I will keep you posted.

Betty - instead of harassing YOU about exercise, I guess I am going to harass myself. *sigh* Enjoy the day!

Sherry - HUGS! I hope you feel better, soon. I hate having to work when I feel poorly. Have fun with your vision board.

Mandy - I am starting to worry. I hope this latest round of Antibiotics helps. And I hope you and your DH get a chance to spend a little time together this weekend. It seems like he has been working an awful lot. What does he do? Have I missed that?

Kat - I always have veggies and dip. Come on over! I don't get behind the big bash for the little baby. It's not like she will even remember it when she grows up... if she were 5 or 6, sure - but 1? *sigh* I hope this isn't an indicator for the rest of the childs life. Your DS will be BROKE all the time. Hope all that cleaning isn't too much of a trial. Hugs!

Well - I have to get back to work. Yee stinkin' Haw.

Only a few more hours... then I can escape.


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Mandy - I am starting to worry. I hope this latest round of Antibiotics helps. And I hope you and your DH get a chance to spend a little time together this weekend. It seems like he has been working an awful lot. What does he do? Have I missed that?

He works for the railroad (Union Pacific) and works what they call an extra board. It's like being a substitute teacher, except he works all hours of the day and night. They have to give him 8 hours of "rest" between shifts, but the don't take into consideration driving home, eating, showering, and then driving back to work. If he ends a shift at midnight they can call him at 5am to be back by 8am. He gets 3 hours notice if it's a regular job that someone else has called in sick or whatever for, 2 hours if it's an emergency job. It's a crazy life but he loves it and the pay is really good, as is the retirement and benefits. He could have a regular shift job, with days each week off but the money is waaay less, and he says while he is young he wants to work and make the big money. I am going back to work next year, so that will increase our income as well. I am going back as a teachers aide, in IL it's a simple certification, no extra schooling needed. I want to work with special needs kids, that is where my heart is. ~Mandy

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Hiya Ladies!

Mandy... Girl... I sure hope this round of antibiotics does the trick! Being in the hospital bites!

Dianne... Boy oh boy... that nice long hot bath is going to be long overdue... sporting clean undies after will be a bonus! :)

Sherry... I'm glad watching The Secret helped guide you back to a better place. Mine arrived today... so really looking forward to watching it! There are some seemingly effective herbal remedies that are available to help ease the "change" symptoms. Apparently there are also some that claim you can use certain essential oils to ease the syptoms. I guess I would lean more towards the herbal rememdies that have been being used over a long period of time. (((hugs))) Call anytime you need to chat... I always love flapping my lips. :)

Kat... It doesn't sound like you are going to have time to give my dealership the what for! Sorry about the big Ta Do on the 1 yeat B-day. It's the same with Christmas... heck...give them some crumpled up wrapping paper and some ribbons and they are happy as clams at that age! Try to have a little bit of fun.

Chris... Holy Cow... that kind of gift would have had me relocating and changing my phone number...lol. Okay... I admit... I was a bit cautious when I was dating....hehehe. I hope you bought something totally beautiful!

Cassie... Congrats on the weight-loss!

Mary... So sorry about your Aunt and that you won't be able to attent the funeral. Hopefully you'll be able to get your computer fixed and be able to get here and chat more often... we miss seeing ya!

Betty... I bet you looked great in your jeans and ponytail... Hope you had a fantastic day!

Irene... I think you would be a great teacher... smart... funny... creative... perfect! You are doing a great job with the exercising and good luck with the Carbectomy! I am not counting calories... I am just reading lables... and basically making the healthiest choices I can. I bought "You on a Diet" which does a wonderful job of explaining how our bodies metabolize food and such. I think everyone should read it at least once...especially bariatric surgeons that put their patients on 800 calorie diets. I think it is absolutely malpractice to suggest that type of caloric intake for anyone! Okay... coming off of my soap box now. It's a great read... lots of humor and good info... I would highly rec. it.

Eileen... Thanks for the quickie. *wink*

Okay... Went and purchased a pair of running shoes today... I even tried to jog on the treadmill tonight but my right knee said... HEY... knock that off! So... I did...lol. I did walk 2 miles though... and the shoes didn't seem to mind.

Catch y'all later...

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Hey is anyone awake? I am in so much pain!!! I ate 4 or 5 apricots arount 10 and I've got HORRIBLE burning and PBing. The buring is really got me scared!! What should I do?

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Hi Di---have you tried taking anything at all? Maybe sip something like a shake---cool, might help it pass.


Damn I have no ideas----did it start right away?


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not much relief! I have thrown up some and it doesn't seem to be desolving at all! I just had my second tums. The burning isn't as bad as it was butit is still there. I am SO MAD! I can't believe this. I tried some coke just a sip. I will try something cold now maybe that will help.

I have a Dr's appointment on Monday and I really didn't want to go. But maybe I should now. I'll have to see how I am in a few hours. Needless to day I'm putting my self on liquids for at least the next 2 days! AHH

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Good Morning, TGIS !!!

Mandy watch yourself girlie, thats some scary chit. If your like me you can't sit still but girlie...you really need to rest.

Sherry how are you feeling today??? come on glug glug you CAN do it... baby steps girlie baby steps.

Dianne, how are you hon? you any better this morning???

Beanie, TEACHER !!!! YOU GO GIRL WHOOOTTTTT you'd make a great one for sure. Fat free cheese ??? EWWWWWWWW, any time I have gone on a low fat diet...I've gained weight... low fat diets only make me more hungry and drive me wacky (food taste like crap too) I will not do fat free foods (lower in fat yes, but not fat free blech). Since my DH is doing Atkins, I'm gonna start low carbing too... something I've been fighting for years but I must. I am so addicted its sick. Monday's the day, I will start planning my meals like with some extra tuna and loads of veggies, staying away from bread, Pasta and stuff like that. I won't go full atkins b/c I remember going crazy on it but I'd keep my carbs around 80/day or lower. The only carbs I would be getting is from good veggies.

Betty.... no quickies allowed???? Well I've never been so insulted in my life :guess Watcha doing this weekend? how's the neck feeling?

Darcy any doctor that puts their patient on 800 calories should have their license taken away for sure (unless its something sooooo medically necessary, ya know what I mean)... that is just horrible. How are the new sneaks? you know I'd love to buy a pair of sketchers but I wonder how good they are... (they are so cute).

Kat, I don't understand why people go crazy for the 1st b/day either....but to each his own. My girlfriend rented a hall and had a DJ for her daughters 1st birthday WTH??? I understand its exciting but geeeze. My DD had elmo as her 1st b/day party theme...but it was only on the cake LOL and we had it with family in my house. Ya know what..... don't read into it...just enjoy it and have a good time....babies grow up fast.

Where is our Pretty Little Cindy Loo ????

Well kiddo's today is a birthday party for a classmate of DD's but before we go to that I have some cleaning to do, shower and put on my new cloggs :) Then its off to the grocery store to load up on veggies and lean meats for the week ahead. I really want to lose 20 lbs by my birthday in august... its a realistic goal I think. Any time I set a goal I fail so I even hate saying it to myself but I am a glutten for punishment LOLOL :heh:

PAT !!!!!! PATTY !!!!!! ANNE !!!!! JULES !!!!! MARY!!!!! CASSIE !!!!!


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WOW...was working on my Vision board...wanted to put up there my vision of my weight goal....As much as this setback threw me off...WOW....amazing to see it this way. The first picture is at 277, second at current 208...third at 175 and last at my goal of 155. I realize this isn't me but a model but still the impact it's having on me is something else. If you'd like to make your own model go to http://www.mvm.com/en/index.htm and you can make your own. It's really neat. I then cropped the pics so I could paste them side by side using Microsoft photo editor thats on my computer. Neato.


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Hello Y'all!

I have been shopping! Buying me some healthy chit!:) :) I have been good all week, and I have to say I am actually feeling better for doing it! I just cut out most of my carbs, still eating the good ones though. Now if I could only do some walking I would be happy!

I cleaned some of the house up, just so I wouldn't have so much to do tomorrow, that way I can watch most of the race! My buddy Jeff Gordon got the pole and I am a happy camper!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Dianne - I am so happy your are doing better! I have to be very careful with fruit, for some reason it just doesn't want to go down good for me. I love it, but I have to eat very small amounts of it. Sometimes a hot cup of tea helps me but I have to sip it very slowly.

Kat - I loved your little trip to each of our houses. That was darling! Good luck with your party! Heck, we sat a whole cake in front of them at 1 year and let them have a go at it, then let him open up presents from us. No party or anything like that. I think the young people of today buys too much too early for kids. My nephew got a real chopper at 7, what the heck are they going to buy them when they are 16?

Darcy - I am in the middle of reading that book too! I found it very interesting and funny too. I am not too sure about the recipes in it though, it takes too much prepration for a working woman.

Beanie - I think you would make the perfect teacher! That is something you really need to do!:):D :D How's the diet going? My diet is going good, but the exercise is the pitts!

Sherry - Isn't that neat the way you can look at the difference in the pictures? The only difference is mine wouldn't have that nice tight skin!:)

Mandy - Hope you are feeling better today!

Hello to all of you gals that haven't posted, I'll catch you on the next round.

I want to finish up some things before DH gets here and then I am going outside and enjoy some of the sunshine. We have winds of up to 40 mph, but I don't have to worry about it blowing me away!:heh:

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Well girls, the house is clean. Laundry is done. And get this....all the exercise equipment is now in it's own room!!! It looks good in there! We got the old desk moved out, and rearranged some things--now we have our weights, the treadmill, the eliptical-and the exercise ball, all contained in one room. Tonight we actually used them at teh same time! I walked, Rick ummmmm eliptic-ed (?)---!

He is doing sit ups, he is up to 80 at a time, I am scared to even try---I HATE them so bad!!! But my belly is my problem, so I should start working on the muscles under there, so if I ever get down enough to do a TT, my muscle tone would be better. psssst---still not convincing myself!!!

Dianne---I was worried about you---but when I didn't hear back from you, I was hoping you were getting some rest. Hope you feel better soon.

Betty---was windy here today too. I was carrying a load of stuff to the trash can, and one of the items was an old desk calendar, the wind grabbed it, like to have ripped my hand off and blew it down the road! I wanted to just let it go---but felt bad, so went and got it! It looked pretty out, nice and bright, but it was COLD!

Mandy---feeling any better? I hope so!

Beannie--I too think you would make a great teacher---but man they don't get to go out and have the fun New York times you do now....those nice dinners would be hard to give up!!! What age range are you interested in?

Eileen--We had family in usually for the kids 1st birthdays, but we did like Betty said, give them their own cake, and just stood back and took pictures!!! I cannot remember them having any theme!!! My DD did Kinsey's 1st here, she had just split with her ex---and it was just a pink party! Her 2nd was Elmo---she still loves him. I don't know if any of you watch Elmo, but he has a pet goldfish named Dorothy---she calls all the fish in Walmart Dorothy Fish. I am ready for tomorrow---it took me awhile to calm down!!! I am somewhat "particular" about my house anyway---and when I am facing something like this party...or even leaving on vacation--I clean like a mad woman. I do things tho that don't even pertain to what is going on. I cleaned closets, linen cupboards--no one will be looking in them. I did ALL my laundry, changed sheets----all of it...but on a good note----my Spring cleaning is DONE!!!

Rick is going to be off the first of the week, then out of town the end of the week. He is going back to Steamboat Springs Colorado to the Winter Driving School. He has been before, but they recertify evey 2 years, he said it is a BLAST!!! They have a huge course they flood and let freeze, then they have them driving everything from cars to 18 wheelers! They purposely put them into skids---he said it is fun!! It is done by the Bridgestone Tire people. I went with him last time because he was the only one going, this time there are 4 of them...so I am staying home....(in my clean house!!!). When we were there before they were hosting the World ski jump championships...in the middle of the ski resort, which is right downtown...they had HUGE ramp/slopes built---and they were doing freestyle jumping---it was amazing!

I think I might join ya'll in your carb cutting. I need to get back on track---my eating sucks! But I feel too tight for another fill---so it is up to me---dang it anyway!

Sherry--I like your side by sides---my problem is I will never be proportioned like any of the virtuals!!! I have a disease my DD says (and she IS a nurse) it is called "Noassitol". ALL of my excess weight is carried above the hips. I have no butt---no thighs---if it weren't for my belly, I bet I could wear a size 10! Seriously!!! But from there up---totally another story!!! Big belly, Big boobs, Big Arms......I see myself as one of those kids toys you spin the sections, making weird animals, with one kind of head, and another type of torso, and yet another type of legs----that's me!I have a size 10 but, a size 14/16 waist, and a size 20 top.

Well---I am going to cruise around a bit, and then head to bed.

See ya tomorrow!


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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