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TGIF NJ chat!

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Ohhhh Betty....did you enjoy the race today? We were so upset that Mark Martin didn't win....man they should of thrown the yellow caution!

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Good Morning Y'all!

It's going to be a great week for weather this week, 70's all week long!:clap2: :clap2:

My neck is pretty good, didn't need a doctor, I just slept wrong on it and it takes a few days to heal up. It was harder this time because I couldn't baby it, I still had to go to work and work on the computer which just made it worse. The weekend away helped it alot!

Sherry - Yes I did watch the race, my boy didn't do so well! I think they just wanted to end the race and not have any more accidents. I think had they restarted it again, it would be another big pile up! It was too bad for Mark though!

Chrispy - Wow, you sound like you are having a great time! I always say you can't judge a book by the cover! Glad you found someone you like!

Kat - How romantic! What a special guy you have there! A size 14! Yeah!

Beanie - Glad you made it home! Nothing more miserable than being stuck somewhere. So, did you win?

Cindy - Have fun shopping today!

Diane - hope your FIL is feeling better.

Mary - How does your new jeans fit?

Eileen - How are you coping with the weather? Sounds cold to me!

Mandy - How are you feeling? Hope the meds kicked in by now and you are feeling great!

Well, got to run and get dressed!

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Good morning everyone! Gotta love holiday weekends! :)

Kat - what a GREAT surprise! That is just sooo romantic. Awww....

Beanie - welcome home girl! I agree there's nothing like it!

Dianne - when I first got my reduction I came out as a 36/38D. Now that I've gained weight I'm currently at a 40DD, but I did get much bigger than that. Truthfully I thought a D cup was perfect because I didn't want to be small either. I liked being chesty, just not obnoxiously so. lol. I just wanted to be proportionate. When I hit my final goal of 175 I'm expecting to be at a C cup.

Darcy - I haven't seen that movie either, but Sherry has recommended it. I think she said she'd let me borrow it when she got her copy.

Sherry - Andy I watched the end of the race last night. He was bummed Mark didn't win either. lol

Hi to Betty, Eileen, Cindy and everyone else!! :(

Well I should go hop in the shower. I'm taking my friend to help her register for her wedding. She had to move it up from September to May because her mom is dying from Ovarian Cancer. She is having a hard time functioning, let along being able to do everything she needs to do for a wedding. She went to register yesterday with her fiance and he was no help (of course! lol) so she called me last night and had a breakdown. I told her I would go with her this morning and we would make sure she registers for everything she needs, and that we would make it a fun day! I'm trying to have her enjoy as much of the wedding stuff as she can.

Talk to everyone soon!

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Well made the mistake of stepping on the scale yesterday. My body is going through some heck right now. I'm up another pound but, I'm doing ok mind wise. I had a few from our wonderful thread PM me, messages here and emails from Chrispy that helped me rethink again. I knew I'd get over it but, sometimes you just need to take a day and wallow in it I think. I'm over it...I know I'll do better. Even seeing another pound on the scale...yea it made me upset but, only for a few minutes. I have to say TOM still has not appeared and I just know in my heart THAT's the culprit right now. I talked to my mom and she went through the change at an early age. She said all of a sudden she just didn't get it anymore. Well.....now I'm thinking I'm going through the change myself right now. That's ok because I don't plan on having anymore children so I'm ready for this to go away lol. Anywho...I'm going to watch The Secret again with DH today because he hasn't seen it and then I'm going to work on my board.

Darcy - I have to thank you for calling me yesterday. You have no idea how much you cheered me up. People this woman is awesome and so sweet and funny on the phone. lol. I truly appreciate your call and look forward to speaking with you again. You've become an inspiration with the exercise and I'm hoping that phone call will help it rub off on me hahaha. I hope you get your copy of the DVD soon. DH is going to watch it with me today I think. We'll we're planning on it. I'm going to the craft store today to get a board to work on :) Thanks again!

Hey Chrispy...hahaha I told you you'd end up watching races didn't I? I watched it too but, only the last 10 laps or so hahaha. The gals hung out in the office/den and the guys hung out in the livingroom. I came out for the last few laps and MAN what a race that was. I don't think I've ever seen so many crashes. Seems Andy and my DH have quite a few of the same interests huh? lol Plan on going on the next bike rally hahaha. I did receive my copy of the DVD and you are more than welcome to borrow it :( It's well worth the watch.

Betty - Sorry your racing guy didn't do well. Is it Gordon you like? I couldn't beleive how many cars were trashed after that race! I still think they should of thrown the yellow but, eh what can you do.

Bean - I'm glad you got home in time to enjoy your weekend with DH. That stinks getting stuck in a boring airport. I've had long layovers but, no more than 4 hours. I was bored then! Some airports have some nice stores but, not all of them and that one didn't have it. Tattoos....definately DEFINATELY love whatever you decide to brand yourself with because it's really hard to get them removed after lol. I have two small ones near my ankles and one larger 4''x4'' one on my upper right thigh that I love. It still amazes me that I did it lol. I'm thinking of another on my other thigh....an angel holding an American flag but, haven't quite found an angel I like enough to put on there. I don't want a cutesy, kid like angel I want a "pretty, feminine" one :)

Cindy - Science projects are the worse lol. Actually...when I was in 7th Grade I did a project on spiders and made it to our Regional III Science Fair. I met a boy sitting next to me who did he project on Giberillian (sp?) growth type hormone he did on plants. Anyway....I've been friends with him ever since. So that's now 29 years or so. We attended each others weddings (well he attended my first and couldn't make the 2nd lol) and watched each others kids grow up. He just retired from the Air Force...I believe he has the rank of Major. I remember when the Gulf war started. I was working part time at night when we heard the bombing had started..I knew right away he was there. Sure enough, I called his wife and he was there the first night bombing. He was a navigator on the B52 Bomber then. Anyway....story is sometimes good things come out of something we dread :) After that I never did a project that successfully because I put so much into it I burned myself out and purposely just did enough to get my B+ or A but not enough to get me to the Regional III again. Good luck with the results of the project :)

Kat - OMG that sounds soooo nice and romantic of your hubby. You know you two have been through so much this past year that it's fantastic that you were able to take the time just for you two. What a special guy to do that :) I just told my DH how wonderful that must of been...hint hint hahahaha Don't think it would work but worth a try hahaha. And you know you're right....I need to switch my disappointment to a more positive note. I knew I would but I think I needed a little greaving time per say. You, me and Cindy...we're close to being in onderland so I'm routing for you both and me to get there soon!

Diane - glad to see you back and I hope all is going well with FIL and MIL. Did you take a peek at the link for the Secret? Hope you like it.

Eileen - My Bud...thank you for your kind words...they've touched my heart and your sense of humor (love the funny sounds you type hahaha) and caring nature are a blessing in friend. Looking forward to this week :) Hmmm does it start with the holiday hahaha My Dreadcycle is waiting for me lol

Well....my mind isn't what it used to be so as much as I read every posting this thing only goes back so far and I can't see the posts to remind me of things. Hello to Mandy, Mary, Cass, Allison, Pat, Patty...HELLO GOILs! Hope everyone is doing well and shrinking!

Hugs everyone...enjoy your President's Day and I hope you have a great week!

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Good Morning,

Beanie welcome home :(

Crispy... tattoo boy sounds like a sweet guy....and a girl can never get to many flowers :)

Cindy, enjoy shopping today. I know what you mean about your dd being hard to shop for. Same goes with my DD b/c of her belly..... well come to think of it, I'm the same way... its all in my belly making it hard to buy clothes that fit right.

Betty, glad your neck is feeling better... OMG when I get a stiff neck it takes days b/4 the pain goes away and I can barely turn my head.

Dianne, so sorry about FIL but I agree with you, he needs medical attention. When is the date anyway?

Sherry, how's everything by you? Its cold here and so freakin windy lately. :) glug glug well today is a holiday LOLOL I will most likely do things tomorrow as I will be at work and less tempted, but tonight I WILL get on my dreadmill, 1 mile yep !!!

Kat what an awesome valentines gift, how cool is that :) Yeah your dh sounds like a keeper lol.

Darcy........ummmmmmmmm no :) I do not want to join you in the marathon LOL. For one I would never even make it a block LOL I'm not allowed to run or do aerobics b/c of my spine and knees.... doc said no no no LOL and really, I am okay with not being able to jog. My town is glad too.... they were getting tired of fixing the pot holes I left after a run :bored

Hi Mandy and the rest of the ladies :kiss2:

PAT & PATTY !!!!!! :) Get in here will yah !!!!!

Well I need to get my a$$ dressed and out of here.... gonna enjoy this cold sunny day :)

Lov yah's

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Hi girlfriends!

Shopping went well...we found 3 skirts, 2 capris and a couple of blouses for DD. I found a couple of pants and a couple of tops, too! We had lunch at Red Lobster, then it was time for her dentist appt. Get this...she had THREE teeth pulled out! Total surprise to me! I knew one was loose, but no idea about the other two...and there's a fourth that is ready to come out, but wouldn't while we were there. These are her 12 year molars, people! Can we slow this train down a little? Please? So, this visit was exciting, and came with business cards for the orthodontist. Oh wow.

See ya later! Hugs, Cindy

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Is the tooth fairy going to finance the payout tonight? I know the fairy here pays in a new toothbrush a few bucks and new sparkly toothpaste. She also leaves a fun note. I have the note if you want it....~Mandy

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I sprayed it with hairspray and then tossed some glitter on it, Abi loved it, she insisted that it go in the baby book. She also has a cool little fairy that has a little dish with a lid, her teeth go in there and the tooth fairy takes them and leaves some pixie dust. ~Mandy

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Hey gang, Please pray that they will keep FIL in the hospital. I'm really tired so I cna't tell you about it right now but they are talking about releasing him tomorrow and Kelly is sick I'm not feeling well and he is really disorientated. SIL comes on Thurday so he can come home then.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers someday I hope to catch up!!!!

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Dianne, I hope they keep him for his own sake. He needs medical attention and nurses are the best people to give him that. You need rest and to take care of yourself too. (((hugs))). ~Mandy

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What a beautiful morning!!!!!

I walked outside today in get this... a jean jacket! Woo Hoo!!!! I guess washing the car will be on the list of things to do since the doors will not freeze shut! Had a great day yesterday... went with my sister to Barnes and Noble browzed and chatted while sitting in front of the fireplace ... all the while sipping and SAVORING every taste of my peppermint mocha. :mad: THen we went to a running shoe shop to see what type of shoe I will need to get for training and participating in the half marathon. I'm doing it girls... It's on my calander.

Eileen... I am not RUNNING... plan on walking... guess that means you can join me now right???

Sherry... You are a doll!!! I had a great time talking with you and laughing! Oh... and I started giggling this morning when a fellow driver did something to irk me and I had to talk to Tara. hehehehehe Ladies... Miss Sherry is awesome!

Betty... Have a fantabulous day!

Cindy... WOW... I can't get the dentist to pull the tooth that is loose and has been sitting in my daughters mouth for over a year...lol. I guess your daughter is really going to be making a haul with the tooth fairy!

Irene... I am glad you managed to get home safely! I have a feeling we will get along famously when we meet!

Okay... Hubby put a new motor and a new walking belt on old Bessie. Ohhhhhh.... you should have heard him in the basement talking to himself....lololol. Anyhoo... got on it last night... and YUP... still gets hot and I didn't push it to the point of shutting off...lol. Sooooo not sure what the next step will be. It's really too bad because Bessie is still beautiful and has a great padded deck!

Well...off to find out what great things await...


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Good Morning

Yep, I'm at work :bored

Oh I'm jealous, 70 degrees :tired

Darcy I had no clue the marathon was a walking one... I thought "marathons" were running... duh me... well thats what i get for keeping exercise my #1 priority :guess Maybe bessie needs to be put to rest :deadhorse: ROFL !!! poor thing.

Betty :wave: good to see yah.

Cindy:brushteeth: awwww your poor daughter..how is she today? I freak when I have to get 1 tooth pulled or even a cleaning. Glad shopping went well.

Dianne you can count on my prayers.

Mandy that tooth fairy form is cute.

Sherry toots.... here we go !!!! :tired HEHEHEHEEEEE

Well girlies, I gotta run. I'll try to sneak back in later.


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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