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I have stupid question, I do about 25 mins on a treadmill everyday, at a midrange pace, any idea how far I'm walking? I am getting a total gym (the one kristie brinkley and chuck norris sell on TV. I got it off craigslist, for get ready for this $35. Those things sell for like $1500, and it has all the videos and manuals with it. I pick it up tomorrow afternoon, I used birthday money from my mom. WooHoo!! ~Mandy

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I see you!!

BBL ~ learning a new job here..

I got the jean - size 16 w a little loose not to snug.. I actually have a booty I can see. I usually do not wear anything that shoes by behind.

Little Guy is doing great.. Knock on wook

Happy Belated Birthdays to you all that I missed.. gotta go..

For all that are sick -- Take it easy and take care.... GET BETTER

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Well My Darlings... Tonight is our last night in town and we have decided to forego the Chart House for this trip and go to the Spice Garden instead. So, off we go to downtown, again.

I LOVE Asian food, so I can't wait.

Overall, it has been a slow week here, so far - which is sorta good. It means the investors are taking most of our loans instead of throwing them back. Hopefully our luck will hold. Sadly, it means we will probably have less people here next month (if the budget will allow anyone to come here). Hopefully I will get another shot at lunch with Eileenie next month. Keep your fingers crossed.

Well, I have to run. We have reservations...

**Mandy - on the elliptical, 25 minutes at a moderate pace is over 1.5 miles. I don't do the treadmill thing anymore... Darcy might know.


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Just popping in to say hello! The new job is going great but it keeps me hopping. I miss you guys! Will read up and post more soon. (((HUGS)))

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It's cold here too, we went to Texas RaodHouse for dinner and I ate waaayyy to much. I had the catfish and it was really good. I had 2 rattlesnake bite things, (cheese, with hot peppers) and a very small cup of chili, I ate 4 or 5 bites of my sweet potato and then had almost an entire piece of fish. I knew the fish would be tempting so I left it for my dad to have for lunch tomorrow. If not I would have eaten it for a late snack and then again for Breakfast. (it was fried) He loves fish, and they kept Abi for us to go out, so I gave him my leftovers, he says it great when I order fish or chicken (we have the same taste in foods) cuz he gets me leftovers. He loves my band. :) I am still feeling pretty crapola, I am going to take some nyquil and go to bed as soon as Abi goes to bed, 25 more mins. I am planning to sit around the house all day tomorrow, and rest. I did some cleaning today, but there is always more to do. I managed to vaccum, and dust, and run the dishwasher. There is a load of laundry in washing now, and several more waiting to be washed. I swear I will die with a stack of laundry waiting for me. The only thing I am doing tomorrow is picking up my total gym. Anyone have one? I figure if I don't use it, I can sell it and get my money back out of it. I will try to check in tomorrow. ~Mandy

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Honey, I'm HOooome!

Hey, everyone...ya'll have been busy!

Mandy, all that snow! Love the pics! Sorry you are still not feeling well, and congrats on the fantastic deal on the fitness equipment!

Beanie, enjoy the great meals in the Big Apple/ New Jersey! Hope you are okay with the weather!

Eileen, did you get the day off?

Sherry, listen girl. Happy Bandiversary, and you've done great during this year! Sure, I wish I'd made it below 200, too...but that doesn't mean I get to beat myself up over it, and besides...would ya'll even LET me?! No. No way. So, answer that question...can you beat yourself up over it? NO. NO WAY. Pat yourself on the back, relax, fix that acid reflux problem, and there is not a time limit on weight loss. You will lose your weight...so will I. Are you telling yourself that you weigh 195? Keep doing that. We are going to do this! (((HUGS)))

Betty, I'm in the busy club with ya! I've missed so much in 3 days!

Anne, glad your work is going well...glad you could stop by.

Mary, you go, girl! Size 16! I was so excited when I could wear that size. Of course, I still wear that size. Maybe when I can picture myself wearing a size 14, I will.

Starting on Monday...I drove the basketball team (part of them) to a game on the other side of Dallas, but the main interstate was totally shut down due to a Haz Mat problem, so it took 2 hours each way. Way fun! Tuesday I cooked stuff for the teachers and class for Valentine's day...then had a Girl Scout meeting with DD. Wednesday, took stuff to school for the teachers, went home, met with Geek on Wheels to work out some wireless network stuff, then back to school for the class party, then across town to pick up more Girl Scout Cookies for the booth sale this weekend, then back to school to pick up DD from basketball practice, then over to church for a children's ministry council meeting plus DD's choir. Whew! Today, I spent about 5 hours doing layout for the school newsletter, which is published quarterly, and has been edited in the past by someone else, but she left...so guess who volunteered to do it now? LOL! It was my first time to do something like that, but I am happy with how it turned out. It is 10 pages long, so I can't really post it here. If you want to see a copy, PM me, and I'll email it to you...and I'll totally understand if you don't wanna see it! LOL!

So, this retirement thing...do you ever get to relax? Just wondering...

Hugs to all of you!


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The place we went to is called the Spice MARKET - it's on 14th not too far in from the Hudson Parkway. It was FABULOUS! Six of us went and they put us into a little private room. It was like a harem, or something like that - benches all the way around the walls with big pillows along the back and a table in the middle. There were little iron-grill windows - very mediteranian feel. The food was Asian at it's finest. Really flavorful, all different and all delicious. I can heartily recommend the Spiced chicken Samosas and the Snap Peas with Shitake Mushrooms. The Duck was divine and let's not even get started on the dessert!

The food was served family style - They just started bringing dishes to the table and everybody got a bite or a piece and then they would bring the next thing. It was really fun and really good. Oh, and the Tamarind Rum Punch was pretty good, too!

It was great to go out and do something different. That place was so fabulous we are planning on trying another one of the owner's places. He has several restaurants around. If the rest of them are anywhere near as cool as the Spice Market - we will have to try them all.

I think you have to have a pretty good sized group to get a pillow room - but the tables didn't look too bad, either.

Well - that is the end of my travelogue for this month. With any luck, I will be back next month to try out some more new places. I missed seeing my Eileenie this trip - but with any luck, we will hook up again next month.

Darcy - Hang tough honey. I am cheating enough for both of us. I know, eating vicariously through me just isn't that fabulous - but I will shut up now and stop talking about food.

Mandy - Coolness about getting that deal on the total gym. Geez - $35 buck is the cost of dinner! And of course you feel like crap. All that housework has to be bad for you! Get some rest, Hon. Feel better!

Mary - size 16? I can't even IMAGINE that right now. shake it, Sister! Flaunt that tiny little booty to the world! :]

Anne - Hi~ Hope you are enjoying your return to the working world. We eagerly await your report!

Betty - Hugs! You get that place all warmed up for me. I am coming home, and Mama needs some Warm Weather! Brrr. I am SO over snow and cold.

Cindy - Darling, retirement is what you make of it. Somehow I don't see you slowing down anytime soon! Did you sell all the Cookies? It makes my head spin to hear about the last few of your days. Hope you had fun with the newsletter. I used to do one for the Association of Professional Mortgage Women back in the day. It was pretty fun - and I really enjoyed the experience of finishing a thing. Maybe I should have been a carpenter or something. I get a great deal of satisfaction out of that final tangible product. **Try and squeeze us into your busy schedule. We missed you!

Well Hugs and Love to All - Keep in mind that the purpose of the Flying Monkeys is to go out and capture Pat and bring her back. I want to see those damned Monkeys right now - with Pat squirming in their fuzzy little arms! And Patty, too!


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Mooooorrrrrrnnnnnnniiiiinnnnnnggggggg! Buuuuuuuurrrrrrrr! (that's me shivering):biggrin1:

19 degrees this morning! It's dang cold here!

Just wanted to say hello to my gals!


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Good Morning :girl_hug:

Beanie have a safe flight home. With the warmer weather upon us we are surely gonna meet up. Gee you've seen more of NYC than I have and I've lived her my entire life LOL.

Nothing much is going on here, sosdd. Whats everyone doing this weekend?

My sister and her girls are sleeping over tomorrow night and we are expecting snow again so the girls can go sleigh riding and have fun outside a bit. Other than that... nodda :girl_hug:

Catch you later :)

Luv yah's

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I'm going to wam up at Betty's it's 0 here with a windchill of -16. Anyone wanna come to my house and play in the never melting snow? They are bringing in Semi's to haul out some of the snow. It's half way up the sides of my house, and not melting. I'm told that means I have great insulation, but it's still tooooo much snow for me.

Cindy, how many boxes of Cookies have you sold? I haven't seen a single girlscout selling cookies, maybe God is looking out for me? I have a weakness for those little cookies. Hubby knows this and when they sold them at his work he did the troops to troops deal and sent 5 boxes. I am proud of him for being so thoughtful of the troops and also of me.

It's meatloaf for dinner tonight, and the beef and barley Soup tomorrow night. I'm sticking with easy meals for a few more days, until I feel better. I'll check in later. ~Mandy

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Mandy, tell your husband thank you for me! We are doing the Troop to Troop thing, too...we are getting so many boxes of Cookies to send to the wounded soldiers! Thank God, since our Congress is busy undermining them. Stay warm and get better!

Beanie, that restaurant sounds completely wonderful! I want to go! You're right...I'm not a settled-down person, and like to be involved in things. It was fun doing the newsletter.

Eileen, a sleigh ride sounds like a really fun thing to do! Have a great time, but bundle up! I worry about you guys up there in the really cold part of the country. I know we are complaining, but we know where it's REALLY frigid!

Most of our weekend is going to be putting a science fair project together (who's bright idea was it to push these science fairs...I bet it's the maker of those display boards....). Fun galore!

See ya'll later...HUGS!


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Hiya Ladies...

Cindy...Girl... doesn't sound like you are retired to me! I bet the newletter looks awesome... I just know you do a great job with any job you take on! Take a wee bit of time to do something fun just for you... k?

Irene... You get to have all the fun around here!!! Dang... don't you need an assistant or something to cart your luggage around or something??? Somebody to fluff your pillow and stand next to your elliptical with a towel for your sweaty brow???? I'm PERFECT for that job! :)

Mandy... I would say and average pace will give you 1.5 miles in 30 minutes. Congrats on the Total Gym!

Betty... Sorry about the temps... they made my dd stand out in 30 below weather with the wind chill on Monday due to a bomb threat at school... the school is very lucky none of the children were hurt. I can't believe they didn't call the buses back... some of those children were in those temps for more than an hour. Needless to say... I let them know how strongly I felt about the matter.

Dianne... how are things going with your MIL and how are you doing???

Patty...Pat...Miss ya...

Chris... How's the dating scene... boy how much I DON"T miss that scene...lol.

Eileen... Have a fun time sledding!


Sherry... How are you feeling???

Okay... brain just ran out of power... I know I'm forgetting someone... sorry!!!

Parts for old Bessie arrived today. YAY! I took Eileen's advice and did my 3 mile Walk Away the Pounds video today since it is a non Y day. Oh... and yes... I am planning on doing a half marathon the end of September. I have wanted to do it for the last two years... this year it is gonna happen.

Must go see how the hubby is doing in the basement with Bess...

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Well. Looks like I get to spend MY 3 day weekend hanging around at the airport.

Yup. Traffic was so sucky that we missed our plane - and there isn't another one that we can book until SUNDAY or MONDAY. You can't get out of New York, right now.

We waited to try standby on the next flight after the one we missed - but there were FIFTY FIVE people in line. That storm on Wednesday has everything so screwed up there is just no fixing it.

So, in a very few hours - we will sojourn back to La Guardia to standby for the 6am flight.

Yippee, Skippy.

We would have flown any airline, to Dallas by way of any destination - but there ARE NO FLIGHTS. They are all booked full - and only IDIOTS like us miss their planes...

Our only hope is that not all of the 51 people remaining on the standby list will show up at 6am.

Everybody think good thoughts. I really want to get home to my DH and my cats.

Love you guys!

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Hi, just a quick pop in. I have been out of the loop for so long. I hope everyone is doing good. I fugure I will never be able to catch up..sorry..I hope everyone is doing good.

The MIL and FIL situation is about the same FIL living here with us right now. MIL in rehab/nursing home. They are quarintining(sp on that one??) the center since this Monday and most likely we won't be able to go back in until this coming Monday..FIL is now sick he has the bug that everyone else seems to have..wonderful..Garry is home until Monday so I sure hope FIL gets better befor he leaves.

FIL found a place 12 miles from here so it looks like they will be moving in there. He hasn't tld MIL yet so that will be interesting.

Looks like my reduction will be on the 12th of March. I will know for sure on Tuesday but all seems to be going that direction.

Other that that I have been eating like an idiot! Every thing bad for me goes in my mouth. The good thing now is that I have a date and now I have a goal to lose as much as I can by the 12th and also exercies as much as I can by then. I guess being in limbo with everything is my excuse.

I will try to read up on everyone this weekend. Please know that I have been thinking of you all daily.

love me

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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