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Hey Mandy---it really isn't a recipe I got from Wheetsin, just one simple ingredient---but DH and I really liked them!!!

Grate some fresh parmesan. Line a cookie sheet with baking paper. Place cheese by heaping tablespoons on the sheet, about 2" apart. Bake at 250 until golden brown. Remove and let cool. (You can also place them overthings to cool, like a taco form, if you want to use them as containers for something else).

Mary--good luck with those boys---I DO NOT miss my kids being in school. By the time we got the youngest DD out--I was fed up! I enjoyed them being in school the younger years, but HS sucked---the board changed midstream on us from a block schedule to a standard, and talk about chaos with credits!!!

Sherry, your DS's problem sounds similar to what Rick is having problems with since his GI bleed where they put that balloon in his esophagus, he has esophageal spasms....they had him taking Reglan for awhile, but he said it didn't make a difference. It is worrisome, if they decide to eat when no one is around!

Beannie---you and Eileenie---behave! Yeah right---well have fun then, just be sure to tell us all about it!

Cindy---how do people say no to those girls in front of Walmart---they sell there, here too, and in front of Safeway---it is why I end up with Cookies I do not need!!! I buy Thin Mints for DH, even though I can buy Keebler cheaper!!! If they just made one I didn't like I would be ok, but they don't! Have fun....even though it doesn't sound like much fun!

Betty---what's cooking for the weekend? I have a pork roast going into a green chile stew base tomorrow. Then I have the weekend covered! Danged old Girl Scout Cookies for dessert probably!!!

Sure am glad that Pat is ok---I worried about her! Now we need to hear from Patty!

Darcy, Cassie, Dianne, and whoever else my addle brain has missed tonight---I cannot scroll back to see what it is I need to address!!! I do know we need to hear about how the wedding plans are going Ms. Cassie!!!

Everyone take care and have a good weekend. My friends funeral is tomorrow---not how I want to spend the day for sure.

Mandy and I posted on another thread where a lady was given a hard time for posting in a Candian thread----so I just want to thank you Jersey Girlies, for being so welcoming and supportive, and special to me!


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Ok....I can't do this anymore.Its 5 am...I've been up since 4am. The acid in my throat woke me up coughing and every cough brought up acid. I've taken 4 tums and I can't get the acid to stop. I have to get an unfill. This is the 3 rd time this week I've been woken up from a sound sleep with this problem. Seems this acidy problem really comes about the days before TOM is due. The only thing that helps is getting up and letting it all go back. I have to tell you my friends, I'm scared. Scared this is damaging something....scared of getting an unfill and ending up eating too much and gaining weight back but, this is really serious today. This is the WORSE I've ever had it...it's uncomfortable and I'm afraid I'm burning my thoat ;)

Has anyone here had this problem this bad? Here it is Saturday, the doc isn't going to be in today...I'm just hoping someone at the hospital will be able to help me today. Gosh this is really gross!

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Sherry... (((hugs)))... you couldn't be more right... you can't continue with that type of reflux! My hubby awakens often with horrible reflux it scares the heck out of me every time it happens! THe medication he takes is protecting his esophagus thank goodness as per the scope he had done a year or so back but he doesn't adhere to the guidlines for eating so the reflux at night continues. Please let us know what happens and if they can't get you in right away... don't eat anything 2-3 hours before bedtime... and just sleep in a recliner or anywhere that you can put yourself in a more upright position. Usually elevating on pillows in bed is just not enough. Are you taking anything like Prilosec or Pepcid AC??? (((hugs)))

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I'm of course fine right now but that's because I'm not laying down. I did take some chewable Pepcid AC and that seems to help....might take that before bed just to be sure the next few nights I don't get it. Breakfast is staying down so I really think it's a nighttime thing. Problem is I do have one of those adjustable beds and we elavate the head but of course it's only a little bit cause DH has to sleep. I think I will take your advice and sleep on the recliner tonight though Darc...I think that will help. I know I'm not going to end up seeing the doc until Monday UGH. I can't even tell you how much that had me worried this morning it was THAT bad.

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Yes Sherry I have been there---both prior to banding, and since. Unfortunately I am just someone who produces a lot of stomach acids. I was checked repeatedly several years ago, they were convinced they would find serious ulcers again, or possibly a new cancer....but nothing.

You very well may need to try a little unfill---but in the meantime...I am sure you have already tried elevating the head, but try the elevation and sleeping on your left side. I can sit upright during a GERD "attack", and still backwash, the very second my body relaxes, it allows it to flow back. However the way your stomach (even before banding) is set into the body, if you lie on your left side, it allows it to hang down without folding over on itself. At least that was the simplified way the gastroenterologist (sp?) explained it to me. And it works for me. I had gone for over a year with no problem, even after banding I had no problem. Then WHAM, out of the blue about 6 months ago, it's baaaaaack. That's when I did the "panic". The first step we did was a fluoro barium swallow, and I am not very tight, it flows through like Water. So he had me track it for awhile, and without fail, mine wakes me every single time within 15 minutes either side of 1:30 AM!! I freaked out when I realized that! He said if it is cyclic that way, it is usually an overproduction, which is more often than not brought on by hormonal issues as opposed to food eaten for example. Well I had a hysterectomy 5 years ago---and I do not take hormone replacements, so I thought it could not pertain to me. But he said stress causes excess production of many hormones. And it was about 7-8 months ago we began dealing with all of Rick's health issues, prepping for his open heart. I have eaten really spicy food, and thought I'd probably pay for it, and had no issues---then I can eat something small and mild, and be miserable...IF I lay on my left side when I am having problems, it will usually settle down. I now take Nexium, to protect my esophagus. I would look into an unfill, if I hadn't done this exact thing well before getting my band. The other thing he did suggest, was simple saltine crackers. In my case, when the problem is overproduction, it is just a simple sponge, something to soak it up, and help it pass through the system. So, I keep a small ziplock of crackers next to the bed, and if I am having problems, I munch a cracker, roll to my left side, and can usually shut it down. I do sleep on an incline, not seriously high...I think it is maybe 4 inches raised...not enough to even bother DH if he rolls over to it. I am trying to think what else he told me....lot's of water to flush your pouch before bed, will at least keep you from washing food back---eeeewww. It is so nasty, I fully understand Sherry. I too had it checked out---and would be more worried about it being band related if I hadn't went through it all before. Now I do know the band could be making it worse, and I take a chance at losing mine maybe easier than most. But I think if I dwell on that, it increases my stress---which is evil!

If they do put you onto Nexium, or something similar, be sure to find out how to take it. They give my Mom the Nexium, and she said it did her no good. She has had this, severely for over 25 years! She has esophogeal damage from it---but the meds are helping now. Anyway, she was just given the scrip, and sent on her way, so she was taking it once a day with her other pills in the morning. My gastro gave me strict instructions to take it in the evening---on an EMPTY stomach. So I try to eat a fairly early dinner, and then in an hour or 2, I drink a glass of water, to start making sure that I empty out as much as possible, then take my Nexium. It has also kept me from nighttime munching, since it has to be in an empty stomach!! If I take it that way it works---does for my Mom now too!

I hope you get something to help...if you choose to wait for your Dr. Sleep with yoru head raised on your left side---see if it helps.

((((big hugs))))


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Hey Sherry... I'm glad you are feeling alittle bit better... and Like Kat... my hubby also takes Nexium to protect his esophagus. Funny though... when he sleeps on his left side the reflux is worse? Darn guy always has to be different...lol.

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Actually Darcy, my Dad says he does better on his right side too! Hadn't thought about that! Try both, but avoid your back...wonder if it could be a male/female thing???? BUT.....something to think about to relax you a bit Sherry---Darcy's DH is not banded----it is not necessarily a band issue! GERD is not band exclusive, don't panic, just see your Dr.!


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well I did have this problem prior to surgery but tums took care of it and sleeping on my left. I am always on my left now but, this is happening more so now. I know TOM has something to do with it or I should say the week before because of the bloating but, I really dont' want my esphogus to have problems so I'll call my doc. I'm going to get some more pepsid, make sure I don't eat late and I'll put the saltines near my bed. Heck something has to work ;) Thank you so much for caring and giving me a hand with this. You have no idea how much better it is knowing others know what it is and whats happening and how to get it fixed. THANK YOU THANK you...I'm not so much a wreck but I will call the md. He did mention my last visit I might need a slight unfill and I think I'm just not going to take any chances.

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Good Morning Girlies ;)

Boy I missed yah. Nothing much happening in dirty jerzey, sosdd.

Weight is the same, cause I'm not paying attention to what I'm eating...such is life LOL. I am ready for another fill though... I can eat ALOT, so I'll call and make an appt as soon as I look at my bosses calendar and he's out. I don't like him knowing I am going to the doctor... the less he knows the better. My doc only makes appts on wednesdays at 8AM, first come first serve, so I will be late for work.

Beanie boss man is in all week so if we don't get together this time we will next. Lets play it by ear but let me know when you get to NY.

I must get up and start cleaning, my ass is rooting into this chair LOL.

Sorry for not doing personals... Love you all !!!

Hugs and Kisses :rose:

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Ok....I can't do this anymore.Its 5 am...I've been up since 4am. The acid in my throat woke me up coughing and every cough brought up acid. I've taken 4 tums and I can't get the acid to stop. I have to get an unfill. This is the 3 rd time this week I've been woken up from a sound sleep with this problem. Seems this acidy problem really comes about the days before TOM is due. The only thing that helps is getting up and letting it all go back. I have to tell you my friends, I'm scared. Scared this is damaging something....scared of getting an unfill and ending up eating too much and gaining weight back but, this is really serious today. This is the WORSE I've ever had it...it's uncomfortable and I'm afraid I'm burning my thoat ;)

Has anyone here had this problem this bad? Here it is Saturday, the doc isn't going to be in today...I'm just hoping someone at the hospital will be able to help me today. Gosh this is really gross!

My hubby has problems with acid and he takes aciphex, it's an acid reducer. He knows that when he works a bunch of night shifts in a row he is going to have problems, and takes it for a few days. It really helps. I'm sorry you are having such a touch time with all of this, I strggled with reflux for 8 months before finally going in for a slight unfill, then I had to have a 50% unfill, I was so swollen because I had let it go for so long. I am back to 75% of the originall fill, Going back to where I was in Sept was still waayyy to tight. I'm prety tight now but can keep down solids, I just have to be reallllly careful when what and how I eat. Hope you get results and relief soon. ~Mandy

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Hi everyone..

Just stopped in checking Ebay - Yes bidding again.. I need jeans for dress down day on Fridays. Can you believe I do not have but 1 pair and they are so baggy they look horrible.

Anyway Sherry if I eat late say after 5:00pm I will get acid back up my throat and this last time with TOM it was bad. Even though I am on Nexium it did not help. Maybe just the slightes unfill like Mandy or if you track your TOM eat way earlier and see if that helps you any. I can relate and that acid is horrible to get up and out.

TTL the mop is calling my name.

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Sherry...If you have to have a slight unfill... I promise to guilt you into all sorts of exercise.... okay???? Let us know what happens when you talk to your doc and I sure am glad we might have helped ease the fear a little. (((HUgs)))

Eileenie... Good morning sweets... Have a good weekend!

Okay... I'm ticked... today is my "distance" day... I set a goal to have one day a week that I increase the distance on anf that happens to be Saturdays. Last week... 3.75 and I was ALL pumped up...sweating and ready to rock n roll to 4 miles AND... my treadmill crapped out before I did!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Okay... I could have made it... I know I could have. Bummer. Now I have to go treadmill shopping... old Bessie seems to be showing her age and I think she is tired of a fat broad stepping all over her. ;)


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Way to go Darcy! I know you would make it...but shopping for a new treadmill isn't so bad. You're doing great with your exercise!

Sherry, I'm so glad Kat and Mandy had some great feedback for your acid reflux problem. I hope something helps...and if you need an unfill, just do it. If you get to your goal later, you still get to your goal, right? Patience. Courage. (is any of this helping at ALL? or should I just duck to miss that shoe you are tossing at me?)

Eileen, I hope you have some "down time" today, and not just all cleaning! How's the weather up there? My toes are frozen from standing outside selling those dang cookies! Oh, and it's only 38 outside here...I know, I'm a wimp in NJ terms.

Glad to hear that Pat is just busy, and is doing fine...I hope the same is true of Patty! I bet Anne is tired, too...all that work, then weekends catching up at home! Shoot, I don't work, and I'm running around with my hair on fire most of the time!

DD is spending the night with my sis again and taking care of the baby cousin...and we just found out that my niece is having another baby in late September! Joy!

Mary, good luck looking for your jeans! Hope you find a good deal!

Okie dokie, gotta run...time to play some POGO!

Hugs to all,


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They had some awesome deals on treadmills last month---I bet you can still get good prices! Think of the motivation the new one will give you---you can challenge yourself to see just how many miles YOU can log onto it----be kind of exciting!

Cindy---just stopped in to say...with DD gone for the night, it sounds like you have a free Saturday night---time for a romantic early Valentines Date with DH!!! Have fun!

What size of jeans are you looking for Mary? I have some I am waiting to shrink into...but also have some that even if I fit them, until I shrink several inches in height they will not fit me!!! I only kept them around thinking, if they fit over the summer I could hack them off into capris! Tell me what size, I'll see what I've got!

Well, I just got home from the funeral---was very sad. His twin (which was my good friend) spoke, and his older brother spoke, and broke down...it is so hard, knowing him, and realizing he is gone, but also realizing how hard it is on his kids, and siblings....just leaves you feeling helpless. So I need to go get these clothes off, and find something snuggly & warm. Will check in with all of you soon!


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Darcy you are really inspiring me with this exercise! I promise once I'm fully healed I'll help contribute. I don't know what I did, but last night I coughed, felt something pop, and now I am in the most excruciating pain. My mom gave me some Tylenol with Codine, and it's just enough to take the edge off. Altough I'm feeling sleepy.....lol. I had to cancel a date for tonight too. Bum deal - he's cute and very nice on the phone! lol Anyway, back to the exercise, hopefully this will get better soon and I can help you log those miles Darcy!

Big hugs and hello to everyone else! Hope you're all enjoying your weekend!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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