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Sounds like the nurse is fishing for something. Abi has a viral rash that is brought out by stress, and she is all broken out. The nurse wants to talk to the dermatologist. I got a note that says Abigale is not contagious, I told her in no uncertain terms that is all she is getting. I'm sure she will call again today, Abi miss yesterday for a doctors appointment. I have the note in her backpack, and she is on a new steroid cream, that's what the doc suggested. I told them no medical information is to be released to the school, I would give them the information that I wanted them to have. Don't give them more than you have to, a note explaining what he has and that he is ok to return to school is all they can require. You are not even required to tell them the treatment plan. I hope he is feeling better. ~Mandy

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Boy I am glad Mandy had answers for you Mary!!! I had no idea. Back many years ago I had a school nurse send home a note with Manda threatening to turn me in if I did not have her scoliosis addressed. She did not have scoliosis!!! She had a growth plate on her hip, slipping, and it was causing one leg to seem to be longer than the other due to swelling. I would have gladly discussed this with her, but she never did anything until she sent home the note threatening me! So in order to comply with the school, she was seen at the next Carrie Tingley clinic (not sure if this is local or what---but it is a free clinic that came to town once a month ). Even though she was being treated by an orthopedist, she was still subjected to more Xrays for them to concur with our Dr....that no scoliosis was present. I was a poor single mom, who had no idea how to fight it! I needed y'all then!!! Oh yeah, most of you were just small children!!!

Glad Mandy could help you---keep us posted!!! We DEMAND to know his condition!!!! j/k---couldn't resist!


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Thanks Mandy - I hope this new cream works for Abi -

I could not in my wildest dreams imagine what she is trying to fish for??? She could tell I was pretty pissed by the 3rd phone call. I half expected them to be at my house for a surprise visit last night to see him. Not even ruling that out till he is back at school.

Sometimes they make it more stressful for us parents that are trying to be proactive with out children.

on another note - how is the foot?

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Sorry, Mary, that you are being subjected to all this. Mandy is right, of course. They want to know if he is contagious; he is not. You have your doctor's word on that, give it to them, and that is that.

Down here in Texas, our governor (who I held my nose and voted for, just for clarification) has signed an executive order MANDATING that our little girls, aged 11-12 must be vaccinated with Gardasil, against a STD (HPV) that could possibly cause cervical cancer...do you even THINK I am taking my DD in for 3 shots at a cost of over $300 in case she has sex in 6th grade? You gotta be kiddin' me. Except it's not a joke. Stay vigilant, folks. The government wants to make too many of our decisions for us. My counter proposal: since it is a medical emergency that 4,000 people die of cervical cancer/year (not that each and every one isn't a tragedy), then the 40,000 deaths of young people 16-24 who die in auto accidents should be truly appalling. Let's not allow them to drive. Perhaps our governor will sign an executive order outlawing drivers licenses for young people.

Okay, sorry about the soap box, but Mary's run-in with the school and medical things just brought that back up to my conscious level....

Bye for now!


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Last week when I was in Denver, I heard their news coverage saying the same thing was being done there Cindy. However they did say since there are no long term studies, there is a clause that will allow a parent to opt out of the shot on those grounds. My question--then why bother???? My DD is a nurse, and she is barely in the age range, but she is not taking it, because it is too new she thinks. She is also holding out on getting Kinsey her MMR until she reaches 35 pounds. That was the recommendation due to huge increases in Autism following the MMR immunization. She will have it before school, but she is still barely 20 pounds--she wants her body to be better able to handle the shot, and her pediatrician supports it!

Keep us posted on what TX does!


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Hi All

Thank God it's Thursday. That means only one more day of this, then I get a weekend, and a week in NY.

I went to the gym again last night. Gold star for me! That brings my running total for February to 4 days - 8 miles. The scale at my house says I am already down that extra pound. Yippee!! I have been doing what I am supposed to for the last few days... less carbs, more Water, more exercise. Of course, I will probably not do any of those things during my week in NY... but I might. We will see.

Betty - Geesh - those stupid porn posts are showing up more and more. I'm glad you are going through and taking those down. I mean, geez - don't we get enough of those in our e-mail? :[

Cindy - I have no doubt that I will be completely recognizable at our next meeting - but thanks for the encouragement. I am focused for the moment. But then, I don't have to drive around all day in a van full of Girl Scout Cookies. :]

Mary - I love that the School insists on getting the information directly from the doctor. What, like you are going to LIE?!? Why would anybody lie?

Kat - hugs! Good luck with all that fence business - and have fun at the "Up With People" concert.

Mandy - Hi! I hope Abi gets a little stress relief soon. I hate to think of her all rashy. Hugs!

Well, I have to run. These people actually expect me to work for my pay.

I just wish I had a little more consistent amount. Once I get lazy and distracted, it is HARD to get back to what I am really supposed to be doing!


Love and hugs to All!!

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Very interesting, Kat! I will provide updates as I find out more. There is an opt-out clause, but you have send to the capital for a form from the Health Dept., and claim religious grounds or something. I guess I'll do what I have to do, but there is a big push for the gov. to rescind his executive order, so I will keep working toward that. I mean, you can't get HPV by breathing the air, or touching a shopping cart.

Beanie...never fear! The cases are all sealed, so I can't very well drive and pop open cases of Cookies at the same time! LOL!

See ya'll tomorrow...hugs!


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OMG can I drive around with you Cindy?? GS Cookies are my down fall. I can eat them faster thatn you can sell them.. Just Kidding

It is getting crazier on just what our Goverment will push to control in our lives. I seen the hype but since I have boys I really admit to not paying attention. I did ask some coworkers who have girls but they are still little so they did not have much to say on the matter. I got no call from the school nor did I call them. But when I show up on Tuesday I am sure there is going to be alot of back tracking.

Well I better get in the shower. Late night tonight - decided to go get Valentine Cards for the kids before they run out the night before. Spent an hour in the makeup Dept - my payment for going and getting their stuff.

Talk to you all tomorrow - have a good night

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Morning Y'all!


I can't wait for the day to be over with. I have been trying to work on the taxes, not good so far! :)

I'll say one thing, if I had a daughter, she would not get that shot for now. This is a brand new thing out, they don't even know what the results will be further down the road. Just look at what the hormone replacement did after it was approved and applauded for so many years. I think it is too new, not enough time yet for it to be mandated to all young girls. It might be a very good thing, but I would have to wait to see what some of the results might be in at least 5 years.

Gotta run folks! I'll try to catch up with personals this weekend.

I only saw about 5 bad posts this morning, you would think they would give up pretty soon. I don't think they even look at them after they post. They just get paid for how many they post!

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Not ready to dance just yet....but if this 1/2 pound stays off...I am officially NOT obese anymore!!! Then....I will Celebrate being overweight! Who woulda thought that would be reason to celebrate?? Then a few pounds to Onederland...although if I don't get my act together it could take awhile!!

The "Up With People" concert was ok. We went every time they come around when my DD was small, and then after I inherited the other kids---and we were all kinda disappointed with this. They always had a storyline before, with song and dance...lively and colorful. This was done with 60% of it in dark, with lights for highlight---like purple lights, shadowing them, the songs were sung in native languages, and most were slow tempo songs. Our 2 year old, and both the guys were bored. They didn't even sing "Up With People"!!! Not impressed. Felt sad for the girls, they were so excited, they kept saying things like "you can't go back I guess". I don't agree with them, but they will figure it out when they are not 20 something anymore!! In years past the show was a 2-3 hour show, this was less than an hour. Of course ticket prices were not less! All of the $$$ goes to local charity tho, so we figured, at least we had a nice dinner, and some time together. Rick said he didn't feel so bad not getting to go!

On a brighter note, Rick hired 5 guys yesterday---so maybe he will have an easier time for awhile, less hours! We go see his cardiologist for his 6 month check following the valve surgery, this morning...hope it goes well.

They are finally having my friends funeral tomorrow. It is in the next town over, then burial is in Colorado, then they want us to come to the dinner, which is back here in town......sounds like an all day ordeal...I'd rather stick my head in the sand.

Hope everyone and their kiddo's are on the way to being healthy again. Anyone have anything fun planned for the weekend???



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Good morning!

I don't know about fun, unless you think standing in front of Walmart with some Jr. Girl Scouts selling Cookies is fun (it is, kinda!)...LOL!

I'm gonna go load some more cases of cookies in the truck, Beanie...gotta make another delivery, and stock up for the booth sale tomorrow. I have not eaten one cookie so far!

I'm with you Kat, on the incredible slowness of these last 3 pounds on the way to onederland. I am pretty sure it's a mental block. I am probably not ready to go there yet. That's how it's been on every "milestone" so far...has it been that way for you? One thing I have done to help myself through those blocks is to start telling myself I already weight "whatever". In this case, I say to myself, "I weigh 195 pounds". I think it helps me get used to it.

I am getting a system error right now, so I'm gonna post this, and come back later before I lose it...hugs.

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Hello friends and Loved Ones.

I hope the wind from my huge sigh of relief hasn't knocked y'all over. I am SO glad that Friday is here and the day is mostly done.

With all the stupid meetings and stuff, I am actually not too bored today. Plus, I have been chatting with my Mom and my Sisters this morning thru the e-mail.

My day is always better when my DH makes coffee for me in the AM. :)

The scale is teetering on the edge of a new low, so I am getting some validation for all my nights at the gym this week. 5 days for February, to date. 10 miles for the total.

Of course it all goes straight to hell next week while I am in NY - but I am thinking about taking my tennis shoes so I can use the Hotel Gym. It would be a first if I actually do - but there is a first time for everything. Everybody think good thoughts! I will let you know how it goes from Fort Lee.

Cindy - Proud of you for not wallowing in Cookies. I prolly would have downed a whole box by now.

Mary - Only an hour in the make-up aisle? I can spend days in there. I am fascinated by the variety of pretty-up stuff that they make... :]

Betty - Hugs. The glorious weekend has arrived, and I have purchased my lottery tickets for this month. That's the best I can expect, until I actually win the thing. Hope you get some R&R.

Kat - sorry the concert wasn't all you had hoped. :banana You might not be dancing yet - but I am dancing for you! Go, Kat, Go!! That half a pound better not show it's ugly face 'round here!

Eileenie - lunch next week? I am flying in on Sunday night, so I should be at the office by 9ish on Monday - and available on e-mail shortly after that, I hope. TTL!

Well, I have a fabulous conference call on something really exciting, like adverse action procedures... Yippee.

I may get to check in later. If not - everybody have a fab weekend!!

Love you guys!

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Not much going on in my world except work and wanting more added to my work load. I hate when I have nothing to do.

Kids are doing fine and Cristian is on the road to recovery. I hope it stays that way. Chalio on the other hand is in deep trouble at school. Seems he has become quite the chatter box these past 2 weeks and is needing extra attention from the teachers and not in a good way.

But if that is the worst then I can deal with it. I am just pooped emotionally this week. Their Dad is in Durango Mx with his Mommy. His granddad who is 97 years old is pretty sick and they do not expect him to live much longer. Makes me sad cause he was always a very good man. He really Loved my little Chalio - The ex said that he does not recognize you but the more he talked to him the first thing he said is where is Little Chalio??

Broke my heart. I just pray that he passes peacefully and does not have to suffer..

Cindy - #1 GS seller of the Year!!

Beanie ~ It took me an hour just to find a foundation. I could have been there all day if the kids would have let me be. I was actually opening bottles and dabbing some on my face. I can never find something I like or that actually stays on with out wiping of coming off.

Kat - I am sure you will get there Soon. Sounds like you have a long day planned for you and then some. Take Care

Mandy - how is Abi doing? How is the foot?

Well I would love to stick around but we have a big meeting on Monday to discusse the workload again so me better get busy..


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ok something happened and I didn't get any updates since Thursday. I didn't think this group was that quiet hee hee.

Cindy and Kat....I'm with you two...I can't get below 200 and it's been over a month now I think. I get down to 201 then back to 203-204, got down to 200 this Monday...now I'm back up to 203. grrrrrr. TOM is coming next week I believe so that's causing problems but, at the same time....am I sabotaging myself? That's the question. I have no clue. Don't know what is causing me to crave stupid stuff that normally doesn't bother me. I'm hoping once TOM is done I'll get back to the 200 again. I have to move my butt...but do I? noooooooo Darcy is right...I need to do that to PUSH that weight off. I know it...everyone knows it but, yet....exercise STINKS in my book lol. I don't like it, never have, never will but I need to GET OVER IT already and JUST DO IT like Nike says. UGH!!!

Kat I'm glad something is getting done for you regarding the lawyer and getting that fence fixed. I hope it's fixed soon! I'm glad the kiddies are feeling better Mandy and Mary. Mine was sick on Tuesday but he's feeling better now. He has a problem in his throat...where one of the rings that pushes the food along the esophogus (sp?) is narrower than the rest so food can get stuck. He once had food stuck and we had to have him knocked out so the surgeon could push the food down into his stomach...that was just last summer. The doc said if he were older he would stretch the ring but, he said my son has an artery wrapped around his throat that would cause a problem. He'd need surgery to correct it. Needless to say he'll be fine if he just chews well. Well...he didn't this week again and ended up losing all his food. He has a weak stomach valve too so eating too fast, getting too full...kinda caused him like what we get when we get stuck. UGH. He's doing much better though. Darcy...I'm really sorry about your car. Nothing more frustrating and heart breaking than a new car that just isn't working out. Are you keeping track of the problems....wouldn't the lemon law apply or is that only here in Massachusetts? Eileen I miss your fun noises and sayings. I emailed Pat she's doing well but very busy so hopefully she'll be back soon she said. Betty...sounds like the bad posters keep you pretty busy in the mornings aye? Just terrible how they are everywhere.

Well everyone...I love ya all...hope you're all doing well and shrinking!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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