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Good Mornin Darlink's

Kat...that is wicked.... I'm with Betty be careful :)

Darcy all dealerships will jerk you around, especially since your a woman they want you to feel like its all in your head, I'm going thru the same chit w/my car and the heat... well my DH had enuf and was ready to piss on them when all of a sudden they said Ohhhhh we found the problem WELL DUH. keep fighting with them and don't give up.. (BTW I worked in a dealer for 5 years as a warrantee administrator...don't let em bullshityah).

Beanie good luck today !!!

Cindy WHOOOT !!!!!! on the WL

Crispy you are very pretty and I can fully understand about the hair loss...hugs !!!!

Well girls I can't play as much as i'd like to so I gotta scoot :( dang gum it.

Love you all !!!!

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Hey Y'All!

My doc's appt wasn't as bad as I thought it might be.

First off, my official weight is now 296 - only one pound over my Post Illness weight. Yee Haw! (I am not changing my siggy for 1 lb)

Second, Aside from the fact that my doc urged me to take part in the Aftercare program offered by AIGB, he was pretty nice. He hardly scolded me at all.

I guess I will have to see if I can fit that Aftercare thing into my schedule. I know having regular visits with someone might help me stay on track, better. Of course - I will be in NY next week, so I can't schedule my visit until after that. I just tried to call - but their computer is down for a bit, so I have to call back to schedule that first appt.

Darcy - Yep. You're certifiable. I did the gym thing last night, also - but our weather is dramatically improved down Texas way... :]

Chris - I know exactly how you feel. I hate that "transitional" body. Everything is floppy from weightloss, nothing fits quite right, my face even seems to droop. It isn't good. Some days I look in the mirror and see my face as it was 15 yrs ago - sometimes I look and just feel like a horrid blob. I can only hope it will get better with further loss. Hugs!! You look great!

Kat - very good idea to have an officer present at every meeting. That guy sounds pretty mean. And how gratifying that he is tripping himself at every turn. If you ever DO have to go to court - it will be a pretty easy win for you. But what a PITA. Why can't people just do what they are supposed to do?!? *sigh*

Betty - HI! Hope your day at work isn't too horrid. That reminds me... Time to buy new lottery tickets! :]

Eileenie - At least you were able to stop long enough to say hello properly. Not that your Boo's aren't cute - but we miss you. :]

Well, since my appointment wasn't as painful as I had thought it would be, I am in a pretty ok mood... now if only it wasn't so *&%$#%^* slow around here... I could stop worrying so much about being laid off. :)

I hope everybody is having a great day!

Hugs & Love

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Well the deputy and I both showed up, but he didn't. He called my FIL later to say he was seeing a Dr. for his eye, that he would have to do it another time. FIL said he would have to see about it, and is leaving it up to Rick and I whether we want to pursue it or not. I say I am going to---the property is technically ours---the folks signed it over to the sibs and us several years ago to avoid legal issues and fees when they should have to go to a home, or would pass away--so we can do it ourselves. I told the deputy I wanted documentation that he failed to show, and I will give it to the city cop who set the date and time up, and then file my paperwork. What a hassle. Meantime, I called 2 fencing companies, and have them set to go look at it, and give me estimates...so I will know what I can ask for! I think at the time, due to the nasty phone call, and the fact that he does not need to be out there with my inlaws without one of us around, I will see if the officer will sign off and allow a restraining order on him...will let you know.

DH worked until 4:30 this morning, he was there for 22 hours---come home slept for 3 hours, and they began calling again! Then he had to work on some plumbing in one of our rentals, and is now back at work and says it will be another late night....they are super short handed, and with it being such a big company, they have to go through all kinds of new hire school and junk when they do get someone hired. And he has different guys gone for different things, one had surgery, one lost his father, good reasons, it just leaves him with a skeleton crew in a time when the temps are so cold everything breaks. I miss him!

Will check in later ladies! Thanks for the support in dealing with the fence idiot!


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ooooooook sumtin happened and I didn't get any postings from this thread late yesterday or today...what the hey?

Anywho...Darcy you are right I should get my arsss movin and chaulk up some miles for the crew. Now...if I can get my ars to the gym, or do something here that will help huh? Why is that always easier said than done? I think it's so awesome that you're exercising so much. Now get over here and rub it off on me :)

Kat - Sorry to hear about all this fence business. Whats keeping the bull and cow in there right now? Do you have something up there to keep em in? Oooo the thought of hitting one scares the bageebers out of me. Them are big bumpies for sure. I wouldn't wanna see the damage done to them or someone's car.

Bean - Glad your appt went ok. It really is nerve wracking going to the doc when you think you're going to catch heck. I know I feel like that alot with my regular PCP. Depending on the day and her mood the remarks are good or on the ....Sheddy, vo must loose veight. Yeap I know doc. Although since the band she hasn't biotched about it she just forgot I got the band lol. So to her I'm doing awesome on my own. Dang nabbit how many times do I hafta tell ha'? lol

Betty - How is working going for you? Still busy busy?

Cindy - How was your date?

well this thing won't backup anymore so I lost track. Whoever is overfilled I hope the unfill goes ok for you...was that Mandy? Sorry airhead here can't remember chit this time of night lol.

Sooo I file my son's taxes for him with a Free thing online. So they say...federal free to file but state taxes per HR Blocks free thing will cost $29.95 to file. People...the kid is only getting back $13 from state so why would I do that? I decided heck with that I'll print it and file. IT won't print. So I go back to the IRS website and it points me to Turbotax. I used Turbotax online since his is free cause he barely made $250. Anyway they electronically file his federal whopping $8 back and tell me to wait for the confirmation. When I get it to have him sign a special form and send in the form. I wait, got it, go back to Turbotax and click "print form", I click 3 pages print. No form. Ok try again. Again 3 pages of instructions of which one says the form to sign and "that it's included in this printout" well no form. So I go to the IRS website, print the form and it needs a DCN at the top. Where do you get it...they say from the confirmation page you get from your tax filer. Go back to the email from TurboTax....no number. WTF! All this stinking work for $21 and it's still not done. I'm now going to have to call the IRS and/or Turbo Tax to try to get this stinking number to put on the form to mail in and all that was suppose to be done in 1 day per the instructions. Damn I should of given the kid the $21 and let the federal and state gov keep it. UGH! Sooo when I file mine...I'm going to have to have someone else do it and pay through the nose because I'm too scared to do it myself after this fiasco! UNREAL lol.

So I guess tomorrow I'll spend the time figuring out how not to spend $50 trying to get my son's $8 to him. lol

Have a good night everyone!

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LMAO Sherry, that is a great story! lol

By the way....did everyone see Sherry's new weight??? 200!! Just a mere 10th of a pound away from Onderland. Yay!!!!!!!

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Good Morning,

Just a quickie - Sherry I have been doing Turbo Tax for the last 4 years with no problem. (knock on wood) that is one heck of a nightmare. Hope you can get it all fixed. Turbo Tax Freedom does the Fed at no charge..HUMM

Kat ~ I don't blame you for getting fired up - the guy sounds like he needs a good a$$ whipping. How disgusting - no manner or respect what so ever..

Darcy - Sorry to read about your vehicle.. Man O Man they can be such trouble. I am still with out power steering but now the ex says I should just pay to get it fixed rather than buy another one. With all I have put into it this past year the dang thing is almost new under the hood.

Irene ~ don't stress ~ I know it is hard not to but Senority and since you are such a hard worker and loving coworker have to count for something. This too shall pass

I know if have missed quite a few but have a big meeting here in a bit...


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Ooops, sorry guys! I've been missing a couple of days...just busy, nothing wrong.

Our date was fun...dinner was good (steak) and it was so tender, even I could eat it! Of course, DH got half of it, which made him happy!

Chris, I love your picture!

Kat, what a story! Reading your posts was better than watching TV! I sure hope that whole thing gets worked out, and also that your DH gets some rest from work!

Mandy, when is your unfill? It is so touchy, these fill...I'm leaving mine right where it is, even if losing weight is slow.

Beanie, glad your dr. visit went okay...just stick with it, you'll get where you want to be!

Betty, sorry you've been feeling bad. Are you better?

Eileen, what's shakin' chickie?

Sherry, how'd the big meeting go? I hate cleaning, but have to do it, so I do a little at a time...it fools me into thinking I haven't done it! Ha!

Mary, glad your little boy is getting a little better...

I better go get something done...I'm gettin' lazy these days!

Hugs, Cindy

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I have decided against the unfill, I am coming down with a sinus thing, and I think that was the slime/pb issue. I was fine with lunch and dinner yesterday. I will give it a week or so, and see how it's going. ~Mandy

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Another glorious day in Mtg Lending.... (translation - nothing new goin' on over here)

I have spent the bulk of my lunch hour hanging out with my supervisor - so I can't do personals today.

I did break down and change my signature line - just to bring the date current. I guess honesty is the best policy - no matter how shameful.

On a brighter note - I have already been to the gym 3 times this month - for a total of 6 miles. I did some abdominal work last night and my tummy is whining - but I needed to do it to keep my back from falling off.

I made my appointment for the Aftercare program at AIGB. It's a freakin' hour and a half appointment! Sheesh! So, basically, they are going to grill me on my habits for an hour and a half and then decide if I need a fill... (or if I need to be horsewhipped.)

Personally, I am bettin' on the whipping!

Well, Gotta Run. The new gal - the Fabulous No Show (henceforth to be referred to as FNS) didn't make an appearance today. She had a headache. So, I actually have some work to do. I guess I shouldn't stress about being laid off while she is around.

Love and Hugs!

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Well Great Irene... now I feel all guilty for my signature line...lol... thanks a lot buddy. :) Sounds like the new gal NTG (Next To Go) is really taking some of the worry out of the job situation!

Cindy...Good to see you... sounds like you are enjoying every minute of retirement! Steak sounds wonderful... my hubby brought home two beauts last night but I imagine we won't eat them until Friday with all of this YMCA butting into our fine dining time...hehehehe.

Mandy... glad you are feeling a bit better with your fill... isn't amazing how being sick...having the TOM... stress... all of it can shut the little booger down. ;)

Mary... I'm ready to trade mine in for a horse and buggy...lol... okay... it's a little cold here for that... but still!

Eileen- I have yet to be referred to anyone at Hyundai that I would consider honest or reputable. It is impossible to fight against a place that absolutely refuses to even document the problem on the repair sheet. They say the problem doesn't exist and they know we are aware of the lemon law. We can't meet the requirements for the law if they refuse to let us leave the van for repair. Of course... their chairman is going to prison for embezzling a WHOLE lotta money... he is obviously among friends.

Kat... Be careful... this guy sounds like he has a major problem. It sounds like you are handling things the right way but people like that can really be unpredictable.

Sherry... THat's what that little *whispering* eensie nth of a pound is waiting for... *regular voice* is a nice BRISK walk!

Betty... How's it going????

Awww...Chris... you didn't lose your MoJo... you just don't recognize it because it's lost so much weight! :)

Okay...going to go change my signature... rackumfrackum...grumble... :girl_hug:

I'lle get honest here first though... I gained all of the way back up to 244... I am now down to 233. There... now... on with the show.

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Aw Gee, Darcy.

I didn't mean to guilt you out.

Just think about all that wonderful "Y" time and how you will be getting lower and lower. It was a bummer adjusting up - but now you get to adjust down again. That will be fun!

I will think of you while I slog on the eliptical tonight!


**Oh - and at least with a horse and buggy - you could cuddle up to the horse for body heat.... :]

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Good Morning Y'all!

Well, I spent all my time this morning deleting the nasty posts on here. Must have been about 15 of them this morning! I would think people could earn a living someway other than that!

I don't have time for personals this morning. I have been exercising every night though so I feel like I am doing something right.

Darcy - Why don't you take it to another dealership? Your warranty is good at any of them. We have a Chevy dealer here that nobody wants to do business with because of some of the same reasons. I went there when I first moved here, and found out fast it is not the place to take my car for anything.

Gotta run!

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Good morning!

Today is the big Girl Scout Cookie Pick-up Day! That means, I have my DH's truck, my dad is meeting me with the van, and another girl's dad has his SUV, and we all go to the warehouse, and get our troop's order: 127 cases of cookies! And, it's trying to rain. This is my first year as "cookie mom" so I'm a little nervous about it, but I'm sure it'll all work out....right?

Betty, sorry about the trashy posts. What is wrong with people?! What a waste of time...of course, I'm sure you can find some other people who would defend their "right" to free speech...urrrggghhh.

Mandy, sounds like a good idea to give it a little more time...and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! You are such a young thing! (no, me....jealous?) Have a good one!

Sherry - you are definitely going to have to pave the way to onederland for me...I'm having one of my "weight adjustment periods" commonly referred to as a plateau around here...it's gonna happen, I just don't know when exactly. I am aiming for before Easter, which is about 8 weeks from now.

Darcy - way to go, girl! You are safe with the truth here, you know that. We know how it goes, and we know you are going to make your goals...we just have to stick together! One thing for sure, we are good at that!

Beanie - you are really hitting that exercise! I won't even recognize you at our next meeting!

I've gotta get ready to go...see ya later!


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Hi ya all.

Not even going to try personals right now.. Still upset (see below)

Girlfriends I need your opinion.

I have kept Cristian home all week from School. I have called in each day and notified the teacher and they know why.

I get a call yesterday from the assistant to the school health clerk. She leaves a voice mail and ask's

1. If Cristian is doing better?

2. She heard about Cristian having Pnemonia

3. Wants me to sign a health release to get info from Cristians Dr. on how to care for him once he gets back to school - next Tuesday.

Ok ~ it all looks good until I get the release via fax that I am to sign.

The form has boxes such as Prognosis, treatment, ECT

But she check Other and this is what she wrote

" To Communicate witht the school registered nurse regarding medical concerns and school. "

When I called and asked her what concerns she had she let it slip that there were others on Cristians bus who are sick and they wanted to get info on what to do. Lies

I called his teacher and asked her what concerns does she have? She said there is another child in his class that has pnemonia.

I call the health nurse back and told her I would get a note from the doc stating what Cristian has and being treated for. Not good enough they want to talk to him direct. I tell her have the head Nurse call me! I talk to the head nurse and she tells me the concern is that on Cristian's bus there are several children sick with pnemonia (Lies?) they want to know if it is contagious or a fluke. Ok ~ why not check the box it belongs to and why a cover up each time I call. Be straight with me! So I told her I am not signing anything I will contact the doc and he will give me the info and I will fax it on.

Do you all think I over reacted? Is this customary??

Anyway Doc laughed when he heard what they wanted. But he was kind enough to write down what he has ~how it is being treated ~ and if he was contagious - no.

Thanks Chicas


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Good Morning Everyone!!

It is supposed to warm up some and be sunny today--I am soooo excited! I want to go outside and soak up some sun, I feel like I am in withdrawal!

Today I meet with an attorney--who happens to go to church with us, and agreed to send off the paperwork, file for attorney fees, and accept what if anything she gets. I did get all the supporting paperwork, and he was served with a restraining order yesterday at 2:12 PM, he is not allowed to contact or knowingly come within 500 feet of us. He is not even allowed to drive down the road he was on when he went through the fence, which would put him knowingly closer to their property. She is asking for the fence to be professionally repaired, we went with the lower of the 2 bids which were only $47.00 different. Showing we were not out to financially benefit. But she is asking for $1600.00 in personal time and expenses, which will raise the longer it takes to get fixed, because as it sits right now, the cattle are not able to graze that 13 acre field. She used some sort of agricultural feed per acre, to figure how much we are costing ourselves in grazing land. Plus the time and expense of tracking him down, meeting with him, getting civil stand bys...etc. She is putting a lien on the business until the matter is settled, since it was a business owned truck that went through the fence. She did say she would put something in about having his attorney contact her if he would like to try to settle this sooner than it can get onto the docket, to avoid feed costs raising. We'll see.

Rick worked late again last night, and went in early again today, he said this should finish it...I hope so! Of course if he gets home on time tonight---I won't be here!!! My DD and her b/f, and the 2 girls are taking me to "Up With People" tonight. DD and I went every time they were here as she grew up---she so wanted to join the cast--it was just very expensive! So when they come to town I told her, and she insists it will not be the same if I don't go! I am anxious to see how the girls respond--Lindzie is 6, and Kinsey is 2. She couldn't find a b/f with a daughter named with something besides this tongue twister!!! Rhyming names, confuse my old tongue! It should be a fun night. I am putting a roast in the crock pot, so he can have a nice meal when he gets in, and then go to sleep. It might be a good thing I won't be here, he won't feel like he has to stay awake and visit with me, he can catch a couple of extra hours maybe. Hope so!

Has anybody heard from Patty? Hope she and the boys are ok!

Will try to get back and catch some personals---but know I am thinking of you all!!!


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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