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Chris... you are lovely and your nose looks perfectly fine to me!

Kat...WHEW... you sure do lead and exciting life I'll tell ya! I'll adjust the group miles for January.

TARD this mornin... but I did lose 2 pounds this week. Have to take our Crappy van into the dealer this morning...brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Patty... haven't heard from you in awhile... how are you doing?

Brain isn't working yet... BBL....

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Good Morning :D

Just popping in to say hello to my favorite LB Ladies :)

Chrispy you are so pretty :)

Kat good to see your back safe and sound and partying like the party animal that you are :)

Darcy good luck with the van.... sounds possessed like mine LOL

Beanie whats shakin toots ?

Cassie, not sure what the pain was but they say to stay away from carbonated drinks...I haven't had any since my surgery bak bak bak bak yep thats me.

Well kiddies, I love you all and will prob be back later, I'm home today TOM yeah fun fun fun. I gotta get DD off to school.


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Hi there,

Yep back at work and Thank you all! Cristian is on the mend and staying out of school today. I want him fully mended. I think he is almost there since he threw a fit this morning trying to get him out of bed and ready to go with his dad. Other than that we are just taking it easy with him. I made a big pot of chicken Soup yesterday but he wanted KFC so of course we went out and got some. All I wanted was him to eat. He did eat Soup later that night too so I if his appetite is back that is a good thing.

I will have to come back and do personals. Been reading back and I am happy everyone is back home and doing good or on the mend to being healthy and breathing easier..


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The game sucked....I wanted the bears to win and they blew it, almost looked like they were trying to throw the game....that was sad and I am ashamed of them.

My foot is killing me, the cold is sooo hard, I can't bundle it up, it's still swollen so extra thick socks are out of the question. I went to a superbowl party yesterday at my sisters house and we had fun, also played mexican train dominoes, that's addicive. Then we watched the game. I left at the end of the 3rd quarter, I knew there would be tons of drunk football fans on the road after the game and the roads were already icy. I got pulled over for a soberiety check, and the very cute officer asked me a few questions and then wished me a safe drive home.

We have no school today, it was too cold to get the buses started. Maybe tomorrow, maybe not. The windchill is -20 today, and will get colder as the day goes on.

I am going to brave the cold and run to the store and to pick up lunch, the local Breakfast place has the best chicken salad, and Abi loves the chicken Soup that they have on Monday.

I will check back in later. ~Mandy

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Happy Monday!!!

I had a lovely football-free day, yesterday. I tried not to eat like a madwoman - and I think I succeeded somewhat... but I still am trying to do liquids for the rest of the day, today. Tomorrow is my big annual check-up, where I will undoubtedly be scolded by my doc for making less than stellar food choices. I will be LUCKY even the doc's scale shows under 300 - since it consistently weighs about 4 lbs heavier than mine.

Wish me luck!

Cass - it was the Carbonation that got you. It is EVIL stuff after banding. You were bloated - it was gas from the *&^%& carbonation. Hugs! and lay off the soda mixers... :]

Sherry - Eeeewe! Fish Poop! ACK! I'll take the futon junk any day! Hope you are more peaceful today. :]

Chris - How cute are you!?!? That's a great picture. No nose issues, that I can see. :] How was the football extravaganza?

Mandy - Sorry about the game... I was sort of rooting for the Bears, too - although I didn't watch the game or anything drastic like that. :] I just hoped they would win the same way they did when I was 21. Glad the sobriety officer was cute. I guess I am getting too old.... everytime I get stopped, the officer looks young enought to be my kid! *sigh*

Kat - you have been so busy! Glad you made it home safe after all that wild weather. That guy who ran over your fence needs to be horse-whipped... giving a false name sounds like some sort of fraud to me... and not showing up after he was caught - now that's just stupid. What a jerk. So, am I like the last person on earth who has no idea what "Mexican Train Dominoes" are? Seriously - I have never heard of the game, then suddenly twice in one day I hear about it. Do tell.

Darcy - I'm Tard, too. My houseboy elected to sleep in this morning, so I am functioning on a Caffeine-Free basis. It isn't pretty, people.

Eileenie - they moved my trip for February. I will be there next week. It may be just me and one other gal, so we may have a third for lunch... but if Wanda comes with, we can come to you and go someplace closeby. Unless, of course, Boss man is gone.... :]

Mary - so glad Cristian is feeling better. Those antibiotics seem to work miracles, don't they? Hope things even out for you a little bit, now. Hugs!

Well - I have to get back to the old grind. Short lunch today. I am trying to make up for the time I will miss at my doc's appt tomorrow.

Hugs and Love to all!

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Mexican train dominos is played with up to double 15 dominos. It plays differently than other games, it's fun. I got mine at Walmart for about $15. We play all the time. It takes up to 2 hours, but the time flies. You should check it out. Even the kids play. ~Mandy

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We have a set of numbered dominos as opposed to the ones with dots...ours are double 12's. We bought our set in Mexico!! I got it with 4 domino tray holders and paid about $10.00 for it, I see them on ebay for the $20.00 range.

It is a multi player game, matching numbers as opposed to counting to a certain number. Easy to learn, fun to play, no concentrating involved, the kids can play as easily as adults....luck of the domino draw as much as any skill involved! Each player builds a train track of their own, starting with a set number, for instance the double 12 spinner, and everyone has to start their train with a 12.....then you keep adding to your track each turn by continuing your track according to what number was on the other side of your 12. so if the 12 domino I played was a 12/3, I would then have to play a domino with a 3...if it was a 3/9, my next play would have to be a 9.....the "Mexican" train is free for anyone to play on...and if another player gets stuck, their train de-rails, and you can then play on them. You try to get rid of your dominos, so points do not count against you. Is harder to explain than to play. All you guys out there with young kids, this is a fun one for all ages! The worst part of our game was my BIL kept pushing the domino on the train "station/hub" and making the whistle sound----can we say annoying?????

Well I am meeting the Sheriff deputy at 3.....to discuss with him out options.....then depending on what he says, I may have a city cop do a civil standby while I discuss this with the moron who took out the fence. Just want to cover my butt----not let him say I threatened him or anything. Will let you know how it turns out!



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Irene... You slay me girl.... hehehehehe. Can you imagine my going out tonight in 30 below zero weather to the YMCA to workout??? Yeah...me either...lol.

Mandy...Sorry bout the Da Bears... I've always been a pony loving kinda girl. I loved that darn commercial with the mouse...nearly peed my pants laughing.

Mary...SO glad your munchkin is feeling a bit better but sorry about that whole "having to go back to work" thang.

Sherry... So glad you can "breeb" again... I hate to mention it... but you can breath again which will be handy for "mile: gathering. ;)

Kat... Let us know how it goes with afore mentioned moron.

Eileen... My van and the dealership are the main reason I walk around unarmed. I sat there for three hours this morning only to have them actually fix the check engine light situation but once again tell me nothing is wrong with the transmission and that there was no loud crackling in the wireless headphones for the DVD player. My daughter has to play it full blast to hear anything due to the crackling and meanwhile...everytime I take my foot off of the gas the car engine brakes AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Buttwipes. I hate this van... nothing like a 30 some thousand dollar mistake. Did I mention I hate my brand new van? Whew... thanks for letting me vent. :)

Okay...have to go get supper started and finsih up the laundry!

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Hi guys. I am offically too tight, I must go in for a partial unfill....damn flouro....damn band....damn chicken that is so painfully stuck right now. BBL~Mandy

PS we also have the train sound center piece for mexican train dominos, but ours seems to have "lost" the batteries....wonder where they could be ;) ~Mandy

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Hello Y'all!

Gosh, I don't know where the weekend went! I was sick Friday when I got home from work, and still not feeling good on Saturday but still got things done. Sunday I cleaned house as I was feeling a little better, then we watched the game. I kinda wanted the bears to win too, but I do like both teams so I was just glad they got to the super bowl. Still not feeling up to par, but did go to work. The weekend just flew by for me!

I have to say I feel sorry for you gals that live where it is that cold! I can tell you I don't miss that weather at all! Please stay warm and don't venture out in it unless you have to!

Kat - Glad you made your trip nice and safe. Good luck with the guy this afternoon!

Darcy - Gosh, I would be upset about that van too. Why don't you check out the lemon law on it? You might be able to make them take it back.

Mandy - Awwww, sorry you are too tight. Hopefully the unfill will help you.

Mary - Glad you got back to work and the DS is feeling better!

Beanie - Good luck at the Doctor tomorrow! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

Cass - All carbination does to me is makes me burp. Sometimes it makes me uncomfortable for a few minutes, but that's it. Hope you feel better now!

Sherry - I'll take anything besides cleaning out the fish tank! You lucked out girl!;)

Chrispy - You are very pretty, and it's so nice to put a face to your threads!:)

Eileen - Enjoy your day off even if it is TOM! :)

Cindy - Congrats on the WL!

I hope I didn't miss anyone! Well, going to check out a few threads and then start supper! Tonight is my show, I like Prison Break, does anyone else like it?


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Good Evening...

Figured I would check in again before I head out of here toward the hacienda.

Mandy & Kat - thanks for the info on the Mexican Train Dominoes.

Mandy - I always knew you were smart. "Losing" the batteries. Fab!

Kat - perhaps the batteries from your game will be "lost" too... ;)

Darcy - Hugs! I would so be going postal in the auto dealership by now. Get the vision of Irene with her Camo bandana wrapped around her head with a big old machine gun taking out the whole place the next time you have to go there. Maybe it will make you laugh. :bandit

Betty - I haven't done the Prison Break thing - I have a hard enough time keeping up with 24 and Psych and Monk... and of course the endless parade of Law and Order spin-offs and CSI's. :] Maybe someday I will grab Prison Break on DVD and start from the begining.

Well, I am outta here. I will let you know the true number tomorrow - but if it goes up (and it prolly will) I haven't decided whether to change my siggy line. I am so mad that I haven't gotten my &^%& together and lost those last 5 lbs... Grrrrr.

I guess I had better get to the gym tonight and slog another couple of miles.


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Yup...I'm officially nuts... went to the Y. Have to go see if they cancelled school again tomorrow due to the low temps... (((hugs)))

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Awwww...you guys are too kind to me. I haven't really been feeling all that hot about myself lately. Not sure if it's being sick, the hair falling out, or just my mind playing tricks on me. Yes I've lost 40 lbs, but don't always see it when I look in the mirror. I seemed to have lost my mojo! haha

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IF the game we were playing with had been mine, the batteries would have already mysteriously disappeared, unfortunately the one we were playing with belonged to my SIL!!! Mine is blissfully silent!

Well I talked to the Sheriff himself---got the paperwork needed to file charges, he signed the form to waive the fee to file. He also gave me a form for the witness to fill out (got that done today too), he gave me forms for DH and I to fill out stating he admitted it to us, then never showed back up. He made photo copies of my pictures of the fence. He gave me yet more papers, to use to subpeona his wife or whoever it was working with him the day in the shop, I have her name, and it is different than his, but she referred to him as her husband. If he is indeed her husband she can refuse, if she just called him that, and is not legally married to him, we can force her to testify, if it comes to that. He went out to my inlaws about 2 hours ago and took a report about the phone call, and their side of things as well, rather than just my 3rd party reporting. But back after I left the Sheriffs dept., I told him I was going to go see him and try again to get it fixed to our satisfaction prior to going to court. He told me I could state that...that it was an effort to mediate the problem before going through legal proceedings, and he said if I wanted an officer there, that was my right. So I called the city (the fence he hit is out of city limits, and under the sheriffs jursidiction, but the mans business where I was seeing him was in the city limits), requested an officer to meet me at the place of business, which is probably 800 yards away from the Police dept.!!! The officer was kinda snotty at first, but when I pulled out my packet of paperwork from the Sheriff, he mellowed out some, before we could walk into the guys shop, he come out---he was freaking out that I brought a cop!!! He was telling me he has "shingles" (not sure if it is spelled the same way) in his eye, so he couldn't get the fence fixed. Then he would get all agitated and act huffy when the cop refused to get involved. I told him very simply that he had not kept his word, and that now the law was involved, that this was a last effort at handling it outside of a courtroom. That he has 48 hours to make full repairs to the fence, including cementing in the posts, and welding the sucker rod across the top, replacing the section of torn fencing and the barbed wire top rung. He went nuts yelling that we were using him as a scapegoat, and he would just go to court. I told him that was fine if that was his choice, and that he needed to be aware that in addition to the damages, we would seek a fine for assault concerning the harassing phone call he placed to my 80 year old FIL, scaring both he and my MIL. He tells me "Bull F'n S#*t" well he really said it!--and the cop tells him another outburst and he will find himself handcuffed. The guy stormed into his shop, and the cop started writing---I just stood there, unsure what to do! He finally told me he was making a report in case my in laws had any unusual damages at their place there would be a paper trail. Just as the cop handed me a copy of what he wrote, and informed me he would present one to the moron---the moron come back out, saying he would be out there to fix the fence at noon tomorrow. The cop radioed dispatch and had them confirm a deputy would be able to stand by...and we are all to meet there at noon. He kept denying making the cussing phone call to my FIL, and when he come back out to make the agreed upon time he tells me, he thought when he called he was talking to my DH! The officer asks me for my paper back, stacks them all together again and wrote that he admitted to making a threatening, and harassing phone call to the party. He also tells him he hopes that if he ever sees that truck on the road, it has insurance!!! He tells the cop he doesn't know it is up to the office manager to pay those things, and the cop told him no if he was behind the wheel it was up to him to have it. I think I will ask the Sheriff to check it tomorrow!!!

Now tho he has me worried he will retaliate in some manner. But he took out a big section of fence, and left it down with 2 bulls, and 18 cows in the field! Which has road frontage---one of them gets out and hit, we pay---so it is something that has to be fixed, and is going to cost several hundred dollars to repair---he should pay---he did it!

Anyway I am still steamed!!! Guess I should go walk it off!!!

I'll let you know how it goes!


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Good Morning Y'all!

Just poking my head in to say hey, not much happened since last night.

Kat - I am sure glad you had the police go with you, that guy sounds awful hot headed, and it's hard telling what he would have done if you had been alone. Be careful around that one!

Everyone have a great day!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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