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Banded Bikers II

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Riding after surgery was one thing I was concerned about, wasnt sure how long it would take to heal. Guess it doesnt really matter, there's snow on the ground so I'll just stay by the fire for now.

I wanna fire!!!!!!!!!! That's the only thing my house doesn't have that I want! I am going to have to settle for an outdoor fire pit to put beside the jacuzzi :thumbup: As it turns out I may not be able to ride as quickly as I thought. They are going to be doing a hiatal hernia repair on me at the same time they do my band which is going to result in a little additional pain and healing time. So figure maybe a week. That's okay, I can handle that. I haven't been able to ride for a week because of cold and rainy weather :mad:

Karen, Nice Bike, I'm scheduled for Feb. 5th. Been trying to get a head start on this diet and it's killing me. We've got 3 Harley's sitting around, wife's 98 Sporty, My Ol' 80 Low Rider (couldnt stand to part with her) and a 01 Electra Glide. Bought a new 07 Electra Glide 96", 6 Speed but wasnt impressed at all. Had a chance to sell it so it's gone. Much happier with the 01' Glide, plus I have it fixed up just the way I like it.

Thanks Steve. I looked at a variety of bikes and had it pretty well narrowed down to either a wide glide or softtail custom before I decided to wait to see what HD had coming out for 08. At first I really liked the Rocker, but the more I looked at the Fat Bob the more I liked it. It had drag bars and forward controls which I was going to put on anyway and I liked it's aggressive look. Has anyone seen the new Cross Bones bike? I kind of like it. It's sort of old school, has a tractor solo seat and high rise handlebars. I would take off the bobbed rear fender and put on a traditional round fender though. I swear, if I won the lottery I'd probably have one of each so I could pick what I was in the mood for! LOL

I'm scheduled for the 7th and seem to be doing quite well on the high protein/low carb portion of my pre-op diet. Two days before I switch to Clear liquids and unfortunately vodka isn't on the list! :cursing:

I've never done Sturgis but would love to and will one day. I imagine that Daytona during Bike Week is just as bad. Biketoberfest is a little better but not by much anymore. We tend to ride down there during the week when the crowds are much more manageable and you can actually get down Main Street. It's only about an hour from our house so we don't need to get hotel rooms or anything. The first weekend of Bike Week is best if you want to do one of the weekends.

Make sure you right and let us know how you are doing!!!!

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Is this new? The bikers now have their own SIG??????


Now if we would just USE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Dancing_chief:

Going out today to run some errands. It is 68 degrees and I'm taking full advantage of it!!!!!!! :rolleyes2:

Nine days until my band date ya'll. Down 15 lbs and going strong.

What's up with you guys? Anyone getting a chance to ride at all???

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JaxBandster / Karen,

68 degrees ! ! ! Would you please go put a couple miles on for me???

I left home (SE Kansas) this mornin around 6:00am in a vest, got 2 hrs west and hit a blizzard. Froze my ass off! Just got in and had a fire ready to start.

Going tomorrow for blood work in KC, next Tuesday is the big day for me so I'm just one jump ahead of ya. I havent weighed but I know I've lost. Figured I'd wait until tomorrow to see how I did. Been really hard as I'm gone from home ALOT and am use to eating out everyday. The Protein shake mixed with my bottle of Water today SUCKED!

Cant wait till next week, but then I get to go two weeks on liquid. Not sure this is going to work. This is really testing my willpower. I'm about to go "postal".:rolleyes2:

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I was banded, with hiatal hernia repair, the end of April and was back riding within 2 weeks. BUT.... I rode as a passenger until I was probably a month out---because lifting was still touchy. Every Dr. has his own way of attaching your port, and the muscle mine is stitched in, while it is not affected by any articles of clothing, is definitely a muscle I used in lifting---so I waited.

We have had one snow storm after another, and even when the weather is half way decent, there is so much debris on the roadways from the sanding of the ice, and the resulting mud on vehicles, it is unsafe to ride. Looks like we too have another month or so in front of the fire.

Now that does not in any way mean my DH does not spend money on his bikes--that is a year round thing. Through the winter, he shops--and then come season, we make as many local rallies as possible, and long weekend trips. But what a way to spend money!!!

Ride Safe!


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Oh man, I hope it isn't that long! I really don't have to lift my bike, just push it over with my legs. I guess I will just have to play it by ear. I'm going to be cutting it pretty close to Bike Week. On March 4th I'm doing a MDA ride in Daytona with Karen Davidson and 500 other women, it should be a really cool ride! Then I have to go get my HOG pin. Then we are supposed to go on a ride with the Tampa HOG group to New Orleans later in the week. I'm hesitant to make reservations at the hotels along the way though as I'm afraid I won't be able to make the ride. :frown:

I'm sorry to hear that the weather has been crappy for you all. Spring is right around the corner though!!!!!!!

I hear you about spending money. We have to take my husband's bike in for a regular service this week. He is also wanting to switch out his running boards for forward controls like mine and get detachable luggage racks and saddle bags and stuff. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I think I'm pretty much done with mine for now.

I was banded, with hiatal hernia repair, the end of April and was back riding within 2 weeks. BUT.... I rode as a passenger until I was probably a month out---because lifting was still touchy. Every Dr. has his own way of attaching your port, and the muscle mine is stitched in, while it is not affected by any articles of clothing, is definitely a muscle I used in lifting---so I waited.

We have had one snow storm after another, and even when the weather is half way decent, there is so much debris on the roadways from the sanding of the ice, and the resulting mud on vehicles, it is unsafe to ride. Looks like we too have another month or so in front of the fire.

Now that does not in any way mean my DH does not spend money on his bikes--that is a year round thing. Through the winter, he shops--and then come season, we make as many local rallies as possible, and long weekend trips. But what a way to spend money!!!

Ride Safe!


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$$$$$pendin' Money, I know what ya mean!

"H.D." dont stand for Harley Davidson, it stand's for "Hundred Dollar's" every time ya walk in the dealership and buy somethin', ya just cant walk out for less.

I went in a dealership yesterday to pick up a seat nut & clip and only spent $2.13, it was like losing 20 lbs! I was really proud of myself! Checked out the new line of bike's, personally I cant say I'm real impressed with any of them. Nothing is gonna beat my ol' E-glide, I think I'll keep her awhile longer.

Y'all have a good day, I'm headed to KC to give my last drop of blood.


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Well, I don't want to brag, but I guess I will...lol Going to ride the bike to work tomorrow so I can do a pre-ride. I'm a Road Captain for my HOG chapter and leading on Sunday the 10th. Don't know what the weather will be like then but this weekend the high's supposed to be around 75. Yeah, that was the bragging part. :frown:

Good luck Steve with your surgery! I know you'll do well.

Jax, how cool doing the MDA ride! You'll be fine I'm sure. I guess I'll have to save Daytona for next year's big adventure. Just making plans now to go to the 105th. Have the hotel room in Wisconsin so that's a good start! Ordering my 105th ticket tonight. I'm looking forward to the ride home!!


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Go ahead and brag! We can live vicariously through you!

I am on the newly formed finance committee for JaxHOG :thumbup: We have a good time with the chapter, they are a great group. It's going to be warmer where you are at than here in Florida!!!!!!! :thumbup:

And color me REALLY jealous about going to the 105th Anniversary! Way cool!

Yes, everyone needs to come to Daytona next year (or Biketoberfest in October which is really nice!) Just let me know when you're on your way!

Okay, I'll brag too, I just got out of the jacuzzi. It's a nice night outside under the stars and the tiki torches :thumbup:

Have fun on your pre-ride! Does your chapter "ride to eat" like ours does? LOLOL

Well, I don't want to brag, but I guess I will...lol Going to ride the bike to work tomorrow so I can do a pre-ride. I'm a Road Captain for my HOG chapter and leading on Sunday the 10th. Don't know what the weather will be like then but this weekend the high's supposed to be around 75. Yeah, that was the bragging part. :thumbup:

Good luck Steve with your surgery! I know you'll do well.

Jax, how cool doing the MDA ride! You'll be fine I'm sure. I guess I'll have to save Daytona for next year's big adventure. Just making plans now to go to the 105th. Have the hotel room in Wisconsin so that's a good start! Ordering my 105th ticket tonight. I'm looking forward to the ride home!!


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Okay Jax, color me jealous about the hot tub...lol

Yes, we're a ride to eat chapter. Aren't they all? I just pick the best thing or I split it with one of the other ladies on the ride so it works out okay.

I'm really excited about going to the 105th! It should be a great ride up there. The planned route has parties in every city on the way up. I hope I have some 'party' left in me when I get there..lol

Peace to all and ride safe! Or stay warm...lol


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Okay Jax, color me jealous about the hot tub...lol

Yes, we're a ride to eat chapter. Aren't they all? I just pick the best thing or I split it with one of the other ladies on the ride so it works out okay.

I'm really excited about going to the 105th! It should be a great ride up there. The planned route has parties in every city on the way up. I hope I have some 'party' left in me when I get there..lol

Peace to all and ride safe! Or stay warm...lol


Well I rode a LOT this weekend!!!!! It was gorgeous here! We had our HOG chapter meeting on Saturday morning then 50 bikes rode down to Green Cove Springs to Ronnie's Wings. I guess I behaved myself. I had ten honey BBQ wings and a huge delicious salad with balsamic Salad Dressing. That was pretty much all I ate all day. Then yesterday we met another couple at the Cheyenne Saloon down in Palatka then rode down to Ironhorse in Daytona and back again. I did okay on food. Ordered a chicken salad which was tasty. But didn't do so well in the alcohol department! I probably had about six good sized white zinfadels. Yeah I know drinking wine at a biker bar is odd but it has the least amount of carbs of all the alcohols! LOL Unfortunately, my consumption quantity didn't help my caloric intake and neither did those peanuts I kept munching on!!! UGH. So it was my first really bad day since I started my pre-op diet. I don't think I went over 2,000 calories which is still a helluva lot better than I would have done in my former life, but I am a bit worried about the effects on my liver so close to surgery. I am hoping that by getting back on track today and then doing my liquids on Tuesday and Wednesday that I will be fine for surgery. Oh, and it certainly didn't help the scale!!!! I am up a couple of pounds but I know that will come off as well :frown:

Okay, enough of my complaining. I had a good time this weekend and got to do a bunch of riding in beautiful weather before my surgery on Thursday which is what I wanted since I didn't know how long it would take me to get on my bike post-op.

Ride safe!

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A couple of those miles WERE for me werent they???

All clear liquid's today and I'm under the knife at 7:00am tomorrow mornin. I'm ready, but going under still has me concerned. Just trying not to think about it. Got lot's to do today so that should keep me busy thinking about other stuff.

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A couple of those miles WERE for me werent they???

All clear liquid's today and I'm under the knife at 7:00am tomorrow mornin. I'm ready, but going under still has me concerned. Just trying not to think about it. Got lot's to do today so that should keep me busy thinking about other stuff.

I'm pretty sure I got a bunch of miles in for everyone on the board! LOL

Wooo Hoo, you are getting banded on Fat Tuesday! Nice huh? :biggrin: Of course, I am getting mine the day after lent so we all know what I'm giving up! :lol:

I am planning on doing the same thing as far as keeping myself busy and trying not to think about it. If I overthink it I begin to stress out. I know if I just do it and get it over with the rest will take care of itself.

Good luck on your surgery and I'll see you over on the banded side!!!

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WHOA, I didnt realize it was FAT TUESDAY ! ! !

Man, what will I call it next year . . . . . Too Slim Tuesday???:lol:

I think that's a goal worth working toward Steve!!!!!!!!

Where do I sign the petition!

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Hey Steve, by now you should be moving kind of slow. I hope your surgery went ok. You'll be losing in no time, just take THIS time to heal. Don't worry about the weight loss.

Jax, one of these days (or about 90 lbs from now) we're gonna have to ride down that way. Our daughter lives right outside Atlanta. Maybe we could work in some southern riding. I think I'd like to do the Key West Highway, too.

Carol, How did the Sunday ride go? Seems like we just get into some decent weather up here and we get another one of those Pacific fronts. Cold and wet for a day or two, then cold and sunny. My poor bike hasn't been off the carport in about two weeks. *sigh*

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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