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HPV Vaccine

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Every young girl should be vaccinated. period. The disease is too prevelant and yet there is no education about it.

Everyone finds out what it is and how common it is AFTER they are diagnosed, and they go looking for answers on their own.

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Every young girl should be vaccinated. period. The disease is too prevelant and yet there is no education about it.

Everyone finds out what it is and how common it is AFTER they are diagnosed, and they go looking for answers on their own.

I totally agree. I had no idea growing up about HPV until my friend had to have a LEEP procedure done. That same friend now can not have kids. And is basiclly , due to family history as well waiting to get cervical Cancer .


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I've had a few abnormal paps that came up with different strains of HPV, basically both the low risk kind and the high risk kind. I've had to have 2 colposcopies, which from my understand is a pretty minor version of the LEEP procedure. My last 3 or so paps have come back normal.

I will probably wait for the vaccine (I'm 24) for now until there is more information about it. I do think that eventually everyone should get it if it's as effective as it is supposed to be, because an infected mother can also pass HPV to their children during childbirth, from what I've read.

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Once you're already exposed to the 'bad' strains that cause cervical dysplasia and have HPV you can't get those strains again according to my OBGYN. I am 26 now but asked to get the vaccine at 25 but since I already had 2 LEEP procedures when I was 19 and haven't had anymore abnormal paps since, she said that the likelihood of me getting it again is slim. I would definitely reccomend anyone who is of age to get the vaccine though. I contracted HPV as a virgin so it is really scary stuff.....





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LMAO That's the point im trying to make , I know my son and I KNOW He's not telling me everything.is that a major deal to me ? NO . Even what he tells between myself and my DH . If MY mom knew everything I did she would ground me NOW and im 31 LOL

I crack up at my friends who have kids who are 5 , 6, 7, 8 yr old kids that say " My kids are open with me they wont do that they are going to blah blah blah because I know them " I just laugh and tell them , yeah call me in 5 more years. My son is a good kid, But he's also a kid, he's going to go get into mischief and screw around I know that. Does the police bring him home at night ( like they did me a few times lol ) NO , does he say yes sir, no sir ect. Is he polite ? YES . But he's not perfect nor do i want him to be. he's good, he gives me lip sometimes but he's 14 ! I think i did a DAMN good job for raising him on my own , working and going to school the first 6 yrs of his life. But I dont think he tells me everything he does, or thinks. Im the "cool mom" too . The whole football team is basically at my house on the weekends. ONE Of the reasons im about to have to get a suburbanlol.

I cant wait until next yr when he's in high school and the HS FOOTBALL team is at my house. I'll have to shop at SAMS more often and open a resturant lol But i dont mind, they are at my house, i know what they are doing and they are behaving .


I've spent some considerable time reading through this thread and now I am gonna add my own two cents into the coin collection.

Colton, I think that the approach which you have taken with your younger sister is excellent. There has been this pattern of early pregnancies in your family and your kid sister, who is now sexually active, has come to you for help in managing her sex life. You are being proactive. She is on the pill and she is being innoculated against HPV. This is all to the good.

I also believe that although we all want to believe that our husbands, boyfriends, and children are behaving themselves sexually this really ends up being a matter of trust. People do screw up and sometimes around and people do lie. This is why we must all concern ourselves in this business of conducting personal risk value assessments.

As for you, Gadget, it strikes me that your risk management skills are excellent and that you are doing a fine job of protecting your children but it is always possible that one of your decent, clean-living, and carefully raised children might be conned by someone who only says that he is cut from the same bolt of cloth. People will lie, sometimes out of a deep sense of shame, but when it comes to sex and STDs these lies can have unexpected consequences.

I think that the only possible argument against this vaccination is that we have no idea what the really long term affects might be. Other than that, a chance to protect women against possibly contracting cervical cancer...well, that looks pretty good to me.

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I was furious to read the quotes in this morning's paper.....Cervical Cancer is a "lifestyle decision", according to a group of ultra-conservative fruitcakes opposing Texas' governor Rick Perry's executive order mandating that all girls be vaccinated against HPV, starting at age 11. If you abstain from premarital sex, and marry someone who likewise abstained, you won't have to worry about HPV. So....I guess those nasty girls who will die from Cervical Cancer have no one but themselves to blame.

A Dallas woman said the only women at risk for Cervical Cancer are those with other risk factors, such as smoking, HIV, Chlamydia, multiple sex partners, poor diet, and "low income". Well, let's hope for her sake that she never finds herself in that despicable condition.....LOW INCOME. I guess the quicker we stamp out those losers, the better.

And for the benefit of all who might agree with the dissenters, I'd like to point out, as did columnist Bud Kennedy, that for years we have required that school children be immunized against another virus that is spread primarily thru sexual contact AND causes Cancer (liver Cancer). That would be the Hepatitis B vaccine. But I don't recall anyone making a moral issue out of it. Why is that, do you suppose?

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When I was an undergrad I went to the student health center for all my gynecological needs. Once I had vaginal symptoms (like a yeast infection) and I had hurt my shoulder and I mentioned this when I made my apointment and they said that there was one gyno on the main floor that day so I could get it all done in apointment-- I thought that was good. So I go in. First she examines my shoulder- some ice and take it easy for a few days. Then the gyno part.

She seemed to have too much fun with the speculum and she was rough. In there forever too. So she comes out. Says that it doesn't like yeast but she will send it down to the lab. Then takes out other vials. Says she also took samples to test for chlamydia, ghonerea, and syphalis. Thats when I really got angry at her. About a year prior to that I had suden onset CFS/Fibromyalgia and I was test for all of these three of four times especially since I had had an ovarian cyst and pelvic pain, even though the only person I ever slept with was my now husband. I understood the tests then. They wanted to rule them out. They explained it all and asked before they dug in with the speculum. Not this doctor. So I made her throw her vials away. I explained I had been tested for those things multiple times and that then and now i was in a monogamous relationship and no he wasn't cheating and I was sure and how dare she not even ask? So yeah, I made her throw those three vials into the biohazard bin while I watched. I told her they could me for those again at my annual but not before then and certainly not without my prior consent to the sample... Now if the doctor had asked and explained first I probably would have said ok. Like if she said "sometimes, in rare cases, an STI can manifest itself like this. I'd like to test you for that now. Would that be ok?" And then if I said, "well I have only slept with one person, and he only slept with one person, and we are in a completely monogamous relationship." If she then said something at all reasonable to that, I would have let her test me. Like, "well it can take a long time and multiple tests for some of these things to show up, and what may remain dormant on one person can still be transmitted to another".

Her attitude and not even asking me at all is what got to me. I have the Hep B vacine. I got all the vacines I could get before I studied abroad. If the HPV vacine had been around then I wouldn't have hesitated to get it then either.

I was recently reading about some of the HPV viruses and I was surprised to learn how easily they are transmitted. I know all about HIV and exactly how it can be transmitted and the relative risks and so forth. But I'm a little ashamed to admit how little I know about other STIs-- how easily they are or aren't transmitted, curable, etc. Reading about HPV let me know that it is very easily transmittable and one doesn't even need to have intercourse to get it. One can get it just from "fooling around". And because there might not necessarily be any symptoms or visible signs of it, you wouldn't know the person you were messing around with has it. So yeah, a bunch of "good" boys and girls out there could end up with this. And later may unknowingly transmit it... I guess the chances of those things happening aren't as high, but still, how high does it need to be?

As an adolescant and even as a young woman I knew I was planning on waiting a long time before I lost my virginity. But I wasn't planning on keeping every last kiss to myself. While parents may plan for their children to be picture perfect when it comes to abstinence, children might plan to be abstinant but that abstinance could be very different from the abstinance their parents imagine. Like an earlier poster mentioned, there is a big area open for interpretation of what "not sex" is.

In some ways this reminds me of the lung cancer shaming some people probably go through. I know that lung cancer is becomming more and more a women's disease as more and more women are becomming diagnosed with it. Yet one in five of those women has never smoked.

Cancer is never a lifestyle choice for anyone...

I was furious to read the quotes in this morning's paper.....Cervical Cancer is a "lifestyle decision", according to a group of ultra-conservative fruitcakes opposing Texas' governor Rick Perry's executive order mandating that all girls be vaccinated against HPV, starting at age 11. If you abstain from premarital sex, and marry someone who likewise abstained, you won't have to worry about HPV. So....I guess those nasty girls who will die from Cervical Cancer have no one but themselves to blame.

A Dallas woman said the only women at risk for Cervical Cancer are those with other risk factors, such as smoking, HIV, Chlamydia, multiple sex partners, poor diet, and "low income". Well, let's hope for her sake that she never finds herself in that despicable condition.....LOW INCOME. I guess the quicker we stamp out those losers, the better.

And for the benefit of all who might agree with the dissenters, I'd like to point out, as did columnist Bud Kennedy, that for years we have required that school children be immunized against another virus that is spread primarily thru sexual contact AND causes Cancer (liver Cancer). That would be the Hepatitis B vaccine. But I don't recall anyone making a moral issue out of it. Why is that, do you suppose?

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How the heck did I miss this thread???

Anyway, no, I am not planning on getting the vaccine, because I have had normal pap smears all my life and am now almost 37, and have only ever slept with one man, my husband.

So I don't think I need the vaccine since I am not planning on having sex with any other men in my lifetime.

With regard to young women getting the vaccine, yes, I think they should all be vaccinated just as they are against all other diseases. If it's available, to not take advantage of it is questionable. Why take the risk when it could be ensured they would not develop the disease? That doesn't make sense to me. It's a nice and cozy thought to think that one's daughter will be "good" and virginal till her wedding night, but people who are so sure of this need to wake up, big time.

Again, why risk it when the vaccine is available?

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Its crap like this: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17134702/

For my reasoning why NO ONE should be forced to get a vaccination of any type.

First of all, there is no evidence that the vaccine caused the condition. I quote from your source:

"The condition also can occur spontaneously. Indeed, the reports don’t exceed the numbers expected to occur naturally each year — the so-called background rate, the FDA said."

Secondly, mandatory vaccinations have wiped out Smallpox, Polio, Diptheria, Whooping Cough, and Tetnus in the US - all once-dreaded diseases that killed thousands each year.

My brother contracted Whooping Cough when he was a baby and almost died. When a vaccine became available, my mother could not have me innoculated fast enough. The same for Polio. Epidemics of Polio swept across the US, crippling and killing children around the time I was born. The last Polio epidemic in the United States was in 1979, when an outbreak occurred among the Amish in several Midwest states, by the way. The Amish do not believe in having their children vaccinated.

Below is a picture of an Iron lung. This particular device was donated to the CDC by the family of Mr. Barton Hebert of Covington, Louisiana. The machine kept Mr. Hebert, who suffered from Polio, alive from the late 1950s until his death in 2003. I'm betting that he wished he could have had the option to be vaccinated against the disease. Vaccination....it's a GOOD thing.


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I didnt say vaccination was a bad thing.

I am trying to say to jump on the bandwagon and force everyone to have a vaccinatino forced on everyone is a bad thing.

Not every vaccination made my medical science is good. Not every person has a reason to chance a bad reaction to vaccination when the threat of getting the disease is low.

If they came out with a BRAND new AIDS vaccination tomorrow, would I get it? NO, my risk of getting AIDS is very low. If, after 10 years of it being on the market and its been trended to see what the rare side effect are, I may get it depending on my risk factors.

If I was a gay man and they came out with brand new AIDS vaccination, I would be first in line.

When my daughter gets to that age, I will look and do more research on what happening with this vaccination. Otherwise, I see no reason to subject her to unknown risks at this point.

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I've spent some considerable time reading through this thread and now I am gonna add my own two cents into the coin collection.

Colton, I think that the approach which you have taken with your younger sister is excellent. There has been this pattern of early pregnancies in your family and your kid sister, who is now sexually active, has come to you for help in managing her sex life. You are being proactive. She is on the pill and she is being innoculated against HPV. This is all to the good.

I also believe that although we all want to believe that our husbands, boyfriends, and children are behaving themselves sexually this really ends up being a matter of trust. People do screw up and sometimes around and people do lie. This is why we must all concern ourselves in this business of conducting personal risk value assessments.

As for you, Gadget, it strikes me that your risk management skills are excellent and that you are doing a fine job of protecting your children but it is always possible that one of your decent, clean-living, and carefully raised children might be conned by someone who only says that he is cut from the same bolt of cloth. People will lie, sometimes out of a deep sense of shame, but when it comes to sex and STDs these lies can have unexpected consequences.

I think that the only possible argument against this vaccination is that we have no idea what the really long term affects might be. Other than that, a chance to protect women against possibly contracting cervical cancer...well, that looks pretty good to me.

Thanks Green I appreciate your comments. My mom and I had a talk the other day about the Perry ruling and she made a comment that " She wants my sister to get the HPV vaccine" she also commented along the lines of not all girls on the pill are sleeping around ( we were speaking of the talk my husband and I had ) . I ALMOST Told her about my sister but #1 it was my son's bday party that day and #2 I was not going to betray my sister . SO when I had the chance i told my sister " Your going to have to tell mom soon about the pill and the shot she's going to get your the shot and she needs to know you have already had the first round " She was ok with that. I gave her 2 months to tell her (when her next dose is due) I told her i Would help her tell my mom . But in good concious I could not tell her NO when she came to me . I Just couldnt .

Thanks for your comments


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My question is....DO those of you that did have your children vaccined tell them what they were for? Or really explained it?

I think those that think they are giving girls free range to sleep around are wrong. They don't have to know what exactly it does. My girls will still be young enough though that we won't be talking about sex yet (dear, I hope) so maybe that skews my perspective.

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My question is....DO those of you that did have your children vaccined tell them what they were for? Or really explained it?

I think those that think they are giving girls free range to sleep around are wrong. They don't have to know what exactly it does. My girls will still be young enough though that we won't be talking about sex yet (dear, I hope) so maybe that skews my perspective.

Kids get so many vaccinations and mine have never asked me what they're for. Even at age 10 or 12 it'll probably be just another shot to them. But if they do ask, I'll tell them it's like any other vaccine, to protect them and others from an infectious disease.

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