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Thanks for the heads up! I will have to check out that chicken Soup stuff.

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Im having such a hard time with this pre op/low carb diet!!!! I am so nervous and ancious about surgery in 4 days and food is my comfort! This is so hard. Im sure if I could eat whatever I wanted, I wouldnt be freaking out nearly as much..

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What do you think about putting our starting weights and as we have surgery in september(-----5days for me :/) ;) we can put what weve "reduced"? Just a thought

nice idea I have some difficulty formatting this it keeps making it uneven even after i "fix" it lol plus let the wt info be optional actually its all optional lol

here goes the updated list: (optional)

username. Date of WLS. Name start wt reduced to wt

Debs84.........Sept 4................? ........ ........

Twos2many...Sept 4...............? ....... ........

Juditha..........Sept 5...............Judith ......... ........

Mommyhand........Sept 5..........? ........ ........

Pebbles..........Sept 5............Courtney...... ........

Tiffbp...........Sept 5...............Tiffany.......... ........

Landensmommy10....Sept 7.........Lexi...... ........

Ciobella.........Sept 10..............Maria.......... .........

NurseTab.........Sept 10..............Tiffany...... .........

Amazeyem.........Sept 10............Lisa.......... ........

Momof6...........Sept 10..............Kimberly... .........

moffie...........Sept 11..................Mo............. .........

Mustangsteve.....Sept 11..............Steve...... .........

lydiajohnston611.Sept 12..............Lydia...... .........

Missyjack........Sept 13..............? ...... .........

Tiburon..........Sept 13..............Angela......... ..........

Riverbuff........Sept 14..............Mark........... ..........

Judeaboo.......Sept 17..............Judy........... ..........

Cholosladii......Sept 18..............Lilli............. ..........

Big Lou..........Sept 18..............Lou............. .........

janelane.........Sept 18..............Jessica....... .........

uniqueladybug....Sept 19..........Jessica...... .........

Stardusted.......Sept 24..............? ...... .........

chunkypudding....Sept 25..........Leslie........ .........

Dejoseana........Sept 25...............? ........ .........

rabrijumo........Sept 25...............Rachael..... 448 ......... 436

rurias...........Sept 25...............Ramona........ ............

27 of us wowsa Yeah us!!!!

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Im having such a hard time with this pre op/low carb diet!!!! I am so nervous and ancious about surgery in 4 days and food is my comfort! This is so hard. Im sure if I could eat whatever I wanted' date=' I wouldnt be freaking out nearly as much..[/quote']

I'm sorry that your feeling anxious! This entire journey is not going to be easy but you have stayed strong and only have 4 days left. There is a pot of gold at the end on the rainbow! You will be fine. Just know that you have a lot of people that are here to support you. We all need to find new ways that are positive to deal with triggers. Try to do something that will take your mind off what makes you nervous. Maybe take up a new hobby? Stay strong and keep your mind right ! ::hugs::

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Howdy! I hope everyone is doing well! Getting nervous/excited I'm sure. I have a new situation. My surgery date has been moved to sept. 25th. I don't mind too much. My biggest concern is that I carry my own insurance right now. I am going to quit my job as soon as I can and I wonder how long my insurance will cover me after I quit? Do I have to work up until the surgery to keep it covered? I will switch to my husband's after, so I'm not worried about no coverage, just about the surgery. I've been approved by my and I don't want to start over again. I work over nights. My husband and I have decided to keep me home to take care of the house and our children. I'm excited, but, like I said, I get very worried that something will happen and they won't want to pay for this surgery. ----whew, there's my venting for the day! Good will to everyone and I hope you all have beautiful days!

Welcome surgery sista we will have our surgery on the same day if my heart acts right!

About your insurance usually when you quit a job your insurance is paid til the end of the month but check with your HR to be sure. in any case you could always COBRA but that usually is very expensive. far better to stay at your job til surgery date to be sure and get any vacation time paid to you or short term disability if you have it then never go back. plus you can always be added to the hubby's policy due to a life change ie quitting your job. since your surgery is at the end of the month make sure you pay your premium in full before you quit the job so you are sure to have it til the end of the month.

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username. Date of WLS. Name start wt reduced to wt

Debs84.........Sept 4................? ........ ........

Twos2many...Sept 4...............? ....... ........

Juditha..........Sept 5...............Judith ......... ........

Mommyhand........Sept 5..........? ........ ........

Pebbles..........Sept 5............Courtney...... ........

Tiffbp...........Sept 5...............Tiffany.......... ........

Landensmommy10....Sept 7.........Lexi...... ........

Ciobella.........Sept 10..............Maria.......... .........

NurseTab.........Sept 10..............Tiffany...... .........

Amazeyem.........Sept 10............Lisa.......... ........

Momof6...........Sept 10..............Kimberly... .........

moffie...........Sept 11..................Mo............. .........

Mustangsteve.....Sept 11..............Steve...... .........

lydiajohnston611.Sept 12..............Lydia...... .........

Missyjack........Sept 13..............? ...... .........

Tiburon..........Sept 13..............Angela......... ..........

Riverbuff........Sept 14..............Mark........... ..........

Judeaboo.......Sept 17..............Judy........... ..........

Cholosladii......Sept 18..............Lilli............. ..........

Big Lou..........Sept 18..............Lou............. .........

janelane.........Sept 18..............Jessica....... .........

uniqueladybug....Sept 19..........Jessica......215........???

Stardusted.......Sept 24..............? ...... .........

chunkypudding....Sept 25..........Leslie........ .........

Dejoseana........Sept 25...............? ........ .........

rabrijumo........Sept 25......Rachael..... 448 ......... 436

rurias...........Sept 25...............Ramona........ ............

27 STRONG!!!


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Hi! I am ready for surgery this coming Wednesday! I'm part excited and part nervous! Thanks to my HMO, I feel really well educated and prepared for this journey. They require a 12 week course, siminar and support groups prior to surgery. Have met with the doc twice, his staff a couple times and the instruction has been incredible. Really feel blessed to be so prepared. Just found this app and I'm looking forward to joining in!

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Hi! I am ready for surgery this coming Wednesday! I'm part excited and part nervous! Thanks to my HMO, I feel really well educated and prepared for this journey. They require a 12 week course, siminar and support groups prior to surgery. Have met with the doc twice, his staff a couple times and the instruction has been incredible. Really feel blessed to be so prepared. Just found this app and I'm looking forward to joining in!

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Your pre-op stuff sounds like mine. It's not so much how much you weigh but that you are taking the steps to change it to be a healthier person. My mom was very obese and unhealthy. She passed away at 61 because she choose to remain unhealthy. I didn't want to be the person she had become. I was originally going for the sleeve but due to my hernia' date=' I have to have bypass. I hope I can be disciplined enough to follow all the rules. From what I hear, you have to be because of the consequences![/quote']

Hi, not sure u r talking to me? I'm new at this forum stuff :-) Yes, it does sound very much the same!

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I'm a lap band revision so mines a little different

But my surgery is sep 11 . Was banded in 2008 and my band silped may 14 2012 . I also had my surgery date before even my approvel . I think he just didn't want me to have to wait longer . But also could be cause my band silped . Super nervous . I have to start my shake diet on the fourth . Any body here having a revision ?

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username. Date of WLS. Name start wt reduced to wt

Debs84.........Sept 4................? ........ ........

Twos2many...Sept 4...............? ....... ........

Juditha..........Sept 5...............Judith ......... ........

Mommyhand........Sept 5..........? ........ ........

Pebbles..........Sept 5............Courtney...... ........

Tiffbp...........Sept 5...............Tiffany.......... ........

Lqgirl...........Sept 5...............Diane...........

Landensmommy10....Sept 7.........Lexi...... ........

Ciobella.........Sept 10..............Maria.......... .........

NurseTab.........Sept 10..............Tiffany...... .........

Amazeyem.........Sept 10............Lisa.......... ........

Momof6...........Sept 10..............Kimberly... .........

moffie...........Sept 11..................Mo............. .........

Mustangsteve.....Sept 11..............Steve...... .........

lydiajohnston611.Sept 12..............Lydia...... .........

Missyjack........Sept 13..............? ...... .........

Tiburon..........Sept 13..............Angela......... ..........

Riverbuff........Sept 14..............Mark........... ..........

Judeaboo.......Sept 17..............Judy........... ..........

Cholosladii......Sept 18..............Lilli............. ..........

Big Lou..........Sept 18..............Lou............. .........

janelane.........Sept 18..............Jessica....... .........

uniqueladybug....Sept 19..........Jessica......215........???

Stardusted.......Sept 24..............? ...... .........

chunkypudding....Sept 25..........Leslie........ .........

Dejoseana........Sept 25...............? ........ .........

rabrijumo........Sept 25...............Rachael..... 448 ......... 436

rurias...........Sept 25...............Ramona........ ............

28 STRONG!!!


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I can't wait on less then 30 day all of us will be on or ways to our new lives it is so exciting only ten more days till mine if feels so weird

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This app is the ONLY place I have ever publicly posted my weight! Okay, here goes...... :unsure:

username. Date of WLS. Name start wt reduced to wt

Debs84.........Sept 4................? ........ ........

Twos2many...Sept 4...............? ....... ........

Juditha..........Sept 5...............Judith ......... .......

Mommyhand........Sept 5..........? ........ ........

Pebbles..........Sept 5............Courtney...... ........

Tiffbp...........Sept 5...............Tiffany.......... ........

Landensmommy10....Sept 7.........Lexi...... ........

Ciaobella.........Sept 10..............Maria..........225.........209

NurseTab.........Sept 10..............Tiffany...... .........

Amazeyem.........Sept 10............Lisa.......... ........

Momof6...........Sept 10..............Kimberly... .........

moffie...........Sept 11..................Mo............. .........

Mustangsteve.....Sept 11..............Steve...... .........

lydiajohnston611.Sept 12..............Lydia...... .........

Missyjack........Sept 13..............? ...... .........

Tiburon..........Sept 13..............Angela......... ..........

Riverbuff........Sept 14..............Mark........... ..........

Judeaboo.......Sept 17..............Judy........... ..........

Cholosladii......Sept 18..............Lilli............. ..........

Big Lou..........Sept 18..............Lou............. .........

janelane.........Sept 18..............Jessica....... .........

uniqueladybug....Sept 19..........Jessica...... .........

Stardusted.......Sept 24..............? ...... .........

chunkypudding....Sept 25..........Leslie........ .........

Dejoseana........Sept 25...............? ........ .........

rabrijumo........Sept 25...............Rachael..... 448 ......... 436

rurias...........Sept 25...............Ramona........ ............

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username..date WLS..name..start wt..reduced to wt

Debs84.........Sept 4................? ........ ........

Twos2many...Sept 4...............? ....... ........

Juditha..........Sept 5...............Judith ......... .......

Mommyhand........Sept 5..........? ........ ........

Pebbles..........Sept 5............Courtney...... ........

Tiffbp...........Sept 5...............Tiffany.......... ........

Lqgirl......................Sept 5........ Diane...???...???

Landensmommy10....Sept 7.........Lexi.....240...???

Ciaobella.........Sept 10........Maria.....225.....209

NurseTab.........Sept 10..............Tiffany...... .........

Amazeyem.........Sept 10............Lisa.......... ........

Momof6...........Sept 10..............Kimberly... .........

moffie...........Sept 11..................Mo............. .........

HELWA1980...Sept 11..... ....???...???

Mustangsteve.....Sept 11..............Steve...... .........

lydiajohnston611.Sept 12..............Lydia...... .........

Missyjack........Sept 13..............? ...... .........

Tiburon..........Sept 13..............Angela......... ..........

Riverbuff........Sept 14..............Mark........... ..........

Judeaboo.......Sept 17..............Judy........... ..........

Cholosladii......Sept 18..............Lilli............. ..........

Big Lou..........Sept 18..............Lou............. .........

janelane.........Sept 18..............Jessica....... .........

uniqueladybug....Sept 19.....Jessica......215...???

jknap01..............Sept 21.....?.......???........???

Stardusted.......Sept 24..............? ...... .........

chunkypudding....Sept 25..........Leslie........ .........

Dejoseana........Sept 25...............? ........ .........

rabrijumo....Sept 25.......Rachael.....448.....436

rurias...........Sept 25...............Ramona........ ............

30 strong..... Yippie!

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Welcome to the new September Members...and everyone else stopping by for a visit! So happy to have you here. Feel free to add your name and date to our list. We're all in this together!!

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
      · 2 replies
      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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      Decorative Wall Cladding & Panels | Stone Art By SKL
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