Mommy0105 0 Posted January 25, 2007 I thought I would start a thread (sorry if there is already one like this), for people to share with the world, any pet peeves they might have - regardless of how small it/they might be. So LBT.... What irks you?... What gets under your skin? Get it off your chest!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mommy0105 0 Posted January 25, 2007 While a rather easy-going person, I do have my fair share of pet peeves. After grading 125 essays, one that stands out at the moment is the frequent misspelling of "a lot". Regardless of how often it is modeled for them, a large percentage of my middle school students insist on making it one word (alot). Perhaps they do this because such a large perentage of adults believe it is one word as well (my dh included). Yes, there is the homophone "allot" that is one word, but that is not the word they are intending to use. Please LBT... spead the word - "a lot" is 2 separate words ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anonemouse 1 Posted January 25, 2007 Grammar and spelling mistakes definitely peeve me. I am in graduate school right now and it amazes me that some of my classmates still write the way they do. When doing group projects, I have been known to take the supposedly finished papers away from the group leader and re-edit them myself. I keep thinking, "We are in college. It's time you learned to construct a proper sentence, to use the correct punctuation, and to learn how to use the spell-checker function on a computer." If I didn't re-edit some of these papers, I would be ashamed to put my name on them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carlene 12 Posted January 25, 2007 The older I get, the more I have (pet peeves, that is). Poor spelling and bad grammar rub me the wrong way,too. Also... People who leave the buggies in the middle of the parking lot. Would it kill you to push the thing to the buggy corral? Irresponsible pet owners. If you can't afford to vaccinate your dog and have it spayed/neutered, you can't afford to own a pet. Using your cell phone during a movie....just plain RUDE. "Express Lane" violators. If the sign says "10 items" and you have 15, go to the regular checkout line. People who "save" seats (or places in line). I have seen this in CHURCH! Get real, people. This isn't third grade. Life is first come, first served. And finally..... Idiots who seem incapable of understanding that Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11. in ZERO. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anonemouse 1 Posted January 25, 2007 People who leave the buggies in the middle of the parking lot. Would it kill you to push the thing to the buggy corral? Irresponsible pet owners. If you can't afford to vaccinate your dog and have it spayed/neutered, you can't afford to own a pet. Using your cell phone during a movie....just plain RUDE. "Express Lane" violators. If the sign says "10 items" and you have 15, go to the regular checkout line. People who "save" seats (or places in line). I have seen this in CHURCH! Get real, people. This isn't third grade. Life is first come, first served. And finally..... Idiots who seem incapable of understanding that Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11. in ZERO. Yes, yes, yes! The buggies bother me, especially when they are maybe two or three spaces down from the corral. My dad is a veterinarian, so I have been raised around animals my whole life. I whole-heartedly agree with you on this point. If you can't have them spayed or neutered and fully vaccinated, you shouldn't have an animal, no matter how cute it was in the store. It really bothers me to see people buying animals from a pet store, also. 95% of the time, those animals are not healthy and are being sold for a whole lot more than they are worth. One of my dad's clients bred some puppies and sold them to a pet shop for $50 each. It wasn't long before another client came in with one of those same puppies, and they had paid $700 for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GayleTX 1 Posted January 25, 2007 Back to the spelling word that is constantly spelled wrong on the wls board is "lose"....people type that they are 'loosing' weight, they want to 'loose' 10 pounds, Arrrrrgh!! The word is LOSE!!!!! Makes this old English teacher want to attack the computer screen with a red pencil!!!:angry Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anonemouse 1 Posted January 25, 2007 On the board, one thing that really bugs me is when people type their posts in ALL CAPS or capitalize Every Single Word! I can't even read it, so I usually just skip their posts.:phanvan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jachut 487 Posted January 25, 2007 Imperfections in decorating. Like when my husband moves the couch to an angle becuase he thinks you can see the tv better - AAAAAAARGH. Can he not see that if its not geometrically aligned with the window and the wall and the rug that it looks stupid! He has no real "sense" of where things should go in a room, to me there is an unfightable logic to how you arrange your furniture. I absolutely HAVE to buy things in pairs or threes. It drives me insane to find one print for example, or one plant. My crockery has to match. My MIL insists on buying me gift sets of mugs for Christmas that dont match my all white crockery. FFS, stop it woman. I throw them out every year, she must have noticed that she's never seen them in my house. Doona's not straight on the bed, beds without bedheads, pillows not piled just so, floorboards that arent gleaming and utterly perfect, any colour scheme that involves mint green or blue or yellow (ugh, vomit, bleuch), cottage style decor with patchwork and cross stitch and dusty bunches of dried herbs, or worse copper saucepans hanging from the kitchen ceiling. People that dont know how to fill a wine glass and fill it to the brim. Heathens! I also HATED it when our cars were blue and grey and did not blend nicely with the bricks of our house as they were sitting in the carport. And dont get me started on multi coloured gardens - our garden is very themed to match the colour of the bricks, timber trim and fences, as are the feature walls inside, they blend with the outside. My SIL has a house painted a gorgeous mushroom and eggplant colour scheme outside and the inside is peach and sage green. It is SO wrong. I dont know how she cant see that the inside doesnt match the outside, it gives me a headache even thinking about it. Picky biatch arent I?. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anonemouse 1 Posted January 25, 2007 You're very OCD, aren't you?:mad: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
susannah 2 Posted January 25, 2007 Hey girls, I reckon life is too short to get really steamed about things to be honest. I am not going to twist myself up into knots. For what? I reckon anger and bitterness is like a cancer. That doesn't mean that some people don't get on my t**s, I just let it wash over me.:mad: Susannah Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mommy0105 0 Posted January 25, 2007 I totally agree susannah, life is too short to get really steamed by pet peeves. My intention for this board was to provide a place where people could unload their minor annoyances and perhaps provide a few humorous moments to others who can relate to their particular pet peeve. By no means do I lose (How did I do GayleTX? :mad: ) sleep over the fact that my students (or so many adults) write "a lot" as one word. It just irks me. It is something that bothers me in the moment, not afterward. To piggy back off of Carlene's shopping cart peeve, I too have a similar one. Although, mine is more with WAL-MART than with the customers. My local WAL-MART apparantly does not believe in restocking the carts inside. You can never find parking because the lot is littered with shopping carts taking up multiple spots. I don't think anyone has been able to park within 3 spots of the little cart collection area for years!! The overflow of carts into the nearby spaces is just too much. WAL-MART!!! ARGGGGHHHHH!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kat817 19 Posted January 25, 2007 My biggest issue (I think it is too serious to be called a pet peeve!!) is people who refuse to safely buckle a baby or a child into a carseat! OK ladies, I know how to use one, I do not know however, if it is one word, carseat, or two words-car seat. If they love that child it should be buckled into a correctly installed, newer modeled, approved safety seat. Do they not know what a crash would do to that precious baby??? I have been known to spout off about this! Kat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mommy0105 0 Posted January 25, 2007 Amen! My friend attempted to lend me her old car seat one day when we were taking the kiddies somewhere together. It didn't even have the top clip on it!!!! She thought I was over-reacting when I tore mine out of my car and replaced it with the one she had in her car!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YeeHaw 0 Posted January 25, 2007 Ya'll are some picky people. :mad: Ummm, the only thing I can think of is people getting so mad when they are driving. I mean come on. Blowing the horns and flippin' the bird to everyone. If it's that important to get there so fast, they should have their flashers on and have a real reason. Just slow down folks, what's the hurry? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites