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March 2007 Bandsters

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I will be getting my lap band with Dr. Spivak on March 21st. I'm scared, and just want it to hurry up and get here. Anyone else scheduled for the 21st?


:welcomeB: Eclipse!!!!!! Good Luck with your surgery! I'm sure there are others being banded on the 21st. I'll post another list so you can take a look.

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March Bandster Babes!

This is the list that I will be keeping up to date for us.. PM me if you want to be added or just post a message on the end of this thread....

HERE WE GO........... Current as of 03/17

CarolynB - 03/01

dec0578 - 03/01

Pam~bander 2/22 - 03/01

bikergirl360 - 03/01

Tea Time - 03/02

hlayne - 03/02

Mommakitty3 - 03/02

wilma - 03/02

analee - 03/02

laralynn86 - 03/03

Sophie248 - 03/05

GloGirl - 03/05

Fur Ellie - 03/05

ThickChickTexas - 03/05

Band STAR - 03/05

Char - 03/06

anniegs- 03/06

Sugarbear - 03/07

gailannr - 03/07

Sue in Russia - 03/07

planoltxgirl - 03/08

HeatherPA - 03/08

bronnie70 - 03/09

lokiluvr - 03/09

GC53 - 03/11

Mommy202 - 03/12

Sharon67 - 03/12

Hazelbunny - 03/12

nurseamy - 03/12

magnolia - 03/12

pianoplayer - 03/12

Hotpink Bubbles - 03/13

Tabithan - 03/13

Kyethra - 03/14

Charlif761 - 03/14

x-ray chic - 03/14

demsvmejm - 03/14

CuddleNymph - 03/14

gret1964 - 03/14

sharrism - 03/14

TammyJ - 03/15

Scarlett - 03/15

ohiobluegal - 03/15

Rosi - 03/15

sushiqwn's DH - 03/15

Machele - 03/16

RowdyReptile - 03/16

countrygirl1404 - 03/16

mnkbrly - 03/16

WendyJ - 03/19

vcarozzolo - 03/19

ebony868 - 03/19

SueA - 03/19

demmemoon - 03/19

momlambert - 03/19

ladybug390 - 03/19

Theresa Ann - 03/19

berry - 03/19

deshar - 03/19

purplemonkey - 03/19

lindsay - 03/19

charsweb - 03/19

kuebel j - 03/20

TRANAM1955 - 03/20

GOOD&READY - 03/20

alaverde - 03/20

amrdmr - 03/20

Reesh - 03/20

Janine - 03/20

Mrs Husker - 03/20

CrazyCran - 03/21

lilnena - 03/21

blondylocks - 03/21

Famos - 03/21

eclipse - 03/21

dawnie1856 - 03/21

chatgirl6 - 03/22

Desiree1970 - 03/23

Maggief - 03/26

sushiqwn - 03/27

slikchik10 - 03/28

Deb - 03/28

kssunflower - 03/28

my5grlz - 03/29

SGDodge06 - 03/30

Fenton - pending

tootsiepop - pending

ClickerSister - pending

Sara Mos - Bumped to April 2nd

ginabobeana - pending

mdicurn - pending

Laurend - pending

SusaninKC - pending (tentative date 03/19)

TracyinKS - Bumped to April 26, 2007 (insurance approved 1/30!)

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I finally got the call from the hospital. I have to be there at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Which is perfect, that way I can get the kids off to school first.

Thanks again everyone! I will be sure to post when I get home from the hospital on Friday.

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Welcome to Bandland!!

Kyethra - 03/14

Charlif761 - 03/14

x-ray chic - 03/14

demsvmejm - 03/14

CuddleNymph - 03/14

gret1964 - 03/14

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TammyJ - 03/15

Scarlett - 03/15

ohiobluegal - 03/15

Rosi - 03/15

sushiqwn's DH - 03/15

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You are AWESOME, Tammy! Good luck tomorrow--we'll all be thinking of you and sending positive energy your way.

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somehow I got off the list. I was banded on Monday 2/12..feeling pretty good. just trying to get a handle on how much liquid I should have. I went out for a prety long walk today..felt good but tired me out. I am sooo swollen, but all in all this is much less painful than I expected. I was lucky enough n ot to have any gas pains.


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Ok, I am now home from the hospital. It hurts! I know, I know, not a huge shocker. But it does hurt more than I was expecting. We got there nice and early and it was still dark out. We checked in. Then we sat in the waiting room. I nodded off. Then I was sent to a room where I only sort of nodded off- you know the staring into space type thing not really there sort of nodding off. Then a nurse came in and asked me what meds I had taken when. Then she took my temp and bloodpressure and so forth. And then she got started on my IV and was asking about my conditions like how did get I get an entrapped nerve ending how was it diagnosed. I gave her the abrevated version- cyst ruptures. Many tests. Surgery even. Surgeon tells me its all in my Head :( So I go up to mayo. Mayo figures it out :) She asks how did they figure it out. So I said well, they have this one test where you see if the pain gets worse or better or same by some pressing on the spot as you sort of do a sit up. I couldn't remember the name of the test. Carnett's sign is what is it called. If it is positive you know the source of the pain is the abdominal wall. Its such a simple test... And then of course you also have to know what that would mean, etc. So I explained that with that and everything else not being the problem it was the entrapped nerve ending-- the one little spot and that it gets treated with injections into it with an anesthetic and a steroid. And that a large portion of the time such treatment is usually sucessfull to make the person better permanently but I was one of the unlucky ones whose pain kept comming back and more quickly too after injections. So thats why I now used the lidoderm Patches and they were great at keeping the pain level usually quite low.

And then The IV was in! The Surgeon had to be found so I could sign the consent form yet. So the nurse went and found him right off in the hall and he came in and I brought up what side my port would be on-- since that gets put in the abdominal wall speaking of abdominal walls-- And he agreeded to put in on my right side since I have the nerve ending issues on my left side. So that made me less anxious about that. He said he had to go give a breif presenation and then after that I would be his first surgery of the day. I had an injection in my belly of a blood thinner- apparently those are always given in the belly due to the pressence of fatty tissue there because that is something that needs to be absorbed really slowly. I then got a shot of a benzo- I don't remember the name- but it wasn't valium and I expressed my relief at that. At that point DH was in there sitting with me and stuff. Then I feel asleep until it was time for them to wheel me off for surgery and DH had to go to the upstairs waiting room. So I got wheeled in to the OR.

In the OR there were several nurses. One also had red hair. But we all had hair things- sort of like face mask material only they were like shower caps. And then anesthiologist was there. And then he put me under. And the next thing I really remember is being back in the room and the nurse putting a warm blanket over the incissions and telling me I had five of them and everything was routine and asking how I was. Thats the part where I gasped out that it HURT! And I felt like a bit of wimp for doing that. But then I got an injection of toredol and then I got an injection of fentanyl an the fentanyl really helped some- it was just a small injection (all injections were into the IV) but it made it so I could rest and nodd off. Then DH got to come in and sit with me and he held my hand and stuff and talked to me when I was awake. At first and for quite a while I had oxygen on because I guess my pulse ox was rather low. DH said it took me a really long time to come out of anesethia-- I said well I think thats normal for a narcoleptic who didn't get to take her wakefullness meds and was already sleepy today.

Then I was given my first dose of liquid vicodin and they said they had some called in for me at Walgreens. At first I was confused because when they said Lortab I thought they were telling me that they had called in liquid clairitin. And I wondered why since I take zyrtec now and it isn't that big of a pill. Then they explained. I was also encouraged to take my hydroxyzine along with my pain meds-- this is because it boosts the effects of the pain meds plus it helps with nausea. I originally "discovered hydroxyzine" when I was first prescribed to take with my pain meds for those reasons but I like how well it helped clear my sinuses so I kept taking it for my allergies. It now does double duty i suppose. Then they had me sit up on the edge of the bed. Ouch! Oh my! Why I wondered, why. They explained it would be the worst part. They asked if I needed more pain meds after I sat up. I nodded. I was given more fentanyl. The pain was again tolerable. I was a little surprised they used fentanyl since that is a very very strong medication. But it was just small doses. I guess they figured small doses of a strong drug better than larger doses of one not so strong?

So a little after one I got to go home. I got wheeled on down to the car. Getting dressed was difficult- I had DH help me! Then we got home and he set up a spot for me on the chase lounge. I was going to try playing the new SIM game I bought at Game Stop from a friend who works there. But I went to open the container- no skrink wrap-- and the CD was gone! Someone must have stollen it from the store! So I'll be returning that...

DH is taking good care of me. He even set an alarm so I knew exactly when to take my vicodin and he got me ice Water and everything else I asked for near me. I am allowed to drink one ounce of water every 15 mins. But I might take a nap again soon... getting sleepy again...

Hey At Least for once I am not Hungry!....

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somehow I got off the list. I was banded on Monday 2/12..feeling pretty good. just trying to get a handle on how much liquid I should have. I went out for a prety long walk today..felt good but tired me out. I am sooo swollen, but all in all this is much less painful than I expected. I was lucky enough n ot to have any gas pains.


You're right magnolia, I added your name on the day of your surgery to wish you good luck, but I never added it to the permanent list. It's there now.

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Ok, I am now home from the hospital. It hurts! I know, I know, not a huge shocker. But it does hurt more than I was expecting. We got there nice and early and it was still dark out. We checked in. Then we sat in the waiting room. I nodded off. Then I was sent to a room where I only sort of nodded off- you know the staring into space type thing not really there sort of nodding off. Then a nurse came in and asked me what meds I had taken when. Then she took my temp and bloodpressure and so forth. And then she got started on my IV and was asking about my conditions like how did get I get an entrapped nerve ending how was it diagnosed. I gave her the abrevated version- cyst ruptures. Many tests. Surgery even. Surgeon tells me its all in my Head :( So I go up to mayo. Mayo figures it out :) She asks how did they figure it out. So I said well, they have this one test where you see if the pain gets worse or better or same by some pressing on the spot as you sort of do a sit up. I couldn't remember the name of the test. Carnett's sign is what is it called. If it is positive you know the source of the pain is the abdominal wall. Its such a simple test... And then of course you also have to know what that would mean, etc. So I explained that with that and everything else not being the problem it was the entrapped nerve ending-- the one little spot and that it gets treated with injections into it with an anesthetic and a steroid. And that a large portion of the time such treatment is usually sucessfull to make the person better permanently but I was one of the unlucky ones whose pain kept comming back and more quickly too after injections. So thats why I now used the lidoderm Patches and they were great at keeping the pain level usually quite low.

And then The IV was in! The Surgeon had to be found so I could sign the consent form yet. So the nurse went and found him right off in the hall and he came in and I brought up what side my port would be on-- since that gets put in the abdominal wall speaking of abdominal walls-- And he agreeded to put in on my right side since I have the nerve ending issues on my left side. So that made me less anxious about that. He said he had to go give a breif presenation and then after that I would be his first surgery of the day. I had an injection in my belly of a blood thinner- apparently those are always given in the belly due to the pressence of fatty tissue there because that is something that needs to be absorbed really slowly. I then got a shot of a benzo- I don't remember the name- but it wasn't valium and I expressed my relief at that. At that point DH was in there sitting with me and stuff. Then I feel asleep until it was time for them to wheel me off for surgery and DH had to go to the upstairs waiting room. So I got wheeled in to the OR.

In the OR there were several nurses. One also had red hair. But we all had hair things- sort of like face mask material only they were like shower caps. And then anesthiologist was there. And then he put me under. And the next thing I really remember is being back in the room and the nurse putting a warm blanket over the incissions and telling me I had five of them and everything was routine and asking how I was. Thats the part where I gasped out that it HURT! And I felt like a bit of wimp for doing that. But then I got an injection of toredol and then I got an injection of fentanyl an the fentanyl really helped some- it was just a small injection (all injections were into the IV) but it made it so I could rest and nodd off. Then DH got to come in and sit with me and he held my hand and stuff and talked to me when I was awake. At first and for quite a while I had oxygen on because I guess my pulse ox was rather low. DH said it took me a really long time to come out of anesethia-- I said well I think thats normal for a narcoleptic who didn't get to take her wakefullness meds and was already sleepy today.

Then I was given my first dose of liquid vicodin and they said they had some called in for me at Walgreens. At first I was confused because when they said Lortab I thought they were telling me that they had called in liquid clairitin. And I wondered why since I take zyrtec now and it isn't that big of a pill. Then they explained. I was also encouraged to take my hydroxyzine along with my pain meds-- this is because it boosts the effects of the pain meds plus it helps with nausea. I originally "discovered hydroxyzine" when I was first prescribed to take with my pain meds for those reasons but I like how well it helped clear my sinuses so I kept taking it for my allergies. It now does double duty i suppose. Then they had me sit up on the edge of the bed. Ouch! Oh my! Why I wondered, why. They explained it would be the worst part. They asked if I needed more pain meds after I sat up. I nodded. I was given more fentanyl. The pain was again tolerable. I was a little surprised they used fentanyl since that is a very very strong medication. But it was just small doses. I guess they figured small doses of a strong drug better than larger doses of one not so strong?

So a little after one I got to go home. I got wheeled on down to the car. Getting dressed was difficult- I had DH help me! Then we got home and he set up a spot for me on the chase lounge. I was going to try playing the new SIM game I bought at Game Stop from a friend who works there. But I went to open the container- no skrink wrap-- and the CD was gone! Someone must have stollen it from the store! So I'll be returning that...

DH is taking good care of me. He even set an alarm so I knew exactly when to take my vicodin and he got me ice Water and everything else I asked for near me. I am allowed to drink one ounce of water every 15 mins. But I might take a nap again soon... getting sleepy again...

Hey At Least for once I am not Hungry!....

Congratulations Kyethra! I am glad everything went well and that you are home and resting. Take it easy and I hope you have a fast recovery.

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I finally got the call from the hospital. I have to be there at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Which is perfect, that way I can get the kids off to school first.

Thanks again everyone! I will be sure to post when I get home from the hospital on Friday.

Yeah Tammy! I'm very excited for you. I'll be thinking about you. :dance:

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Me, too, Linsdsay! We'll be band-sisters. I'm nervous as well but mostly excited. Trying to decide if I should write notes to my kids (haven't told them I'm having the surgery--they are all away from home now) in case I don't wake up from this. Don't want to be pessimistic but want them to know why I did it without telling them and that I love them. We'll see. Probably won't get around to it and it seems so darn morbid. But, there is always that chance.

It may seem odd, but it's calming knowing that someone will be going through the same thing at the same time! Have a fabulous, relaxing weekend. Monday will be here before we know it. :gluck:

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I'm not on the list - I was banded Sunday 11th March

I must have missed you when you joined us. Anyways, welcome and congratualtions on being banded! I will add you to our list.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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