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March 2007 Bandsters

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Pam-just so you know sweetie, i am not criticizing you or anything..I was merely asking what worked for you. i don't want to embarrass you by you telling me anything that you ate. i was asking you because you are alittle ahead of me and I am interested in what worked. Just so you know , in Europe, they get you onto real foods, slowly, starting on day 6.I know you would have stopped if you had pain. Do you eat oatmeal by the way?At any rate, i wish you only the best with your band and i really enjoy your posts and your spirit.

tammy- if that day here? OH MY WORD- how are you holding up??You are gonna be great- i won't lie that trip to the hospital and getting underway is unnerving!!!!!!! It is sooooooooo exciting.

how's everone holding up?

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Tomarrow it is all about you Babe!!!! Woohooo!

You you have been reading these posts long enough and have posted long enough you think you are ready right? During surgery somehow the dr. has the ability to erase everything you think you have learned and you will be full of questions and concerns.

Let me reassure you that we are hear for you and will help in anyway we can. It is amazing at how when you personally are on the hot seat it is a little different than just saying "it will be okay"!

But truly you will love the surgery and love the control the band gives to us. Please post ASAP after surgery because the inquiring minds need to know....

Thanks Pam!!! I am actually having surgery on Thursday. Heck, you had me thinking tomorrow WAS my day there for a minute. I had to stop and ask...Hold on what day is today???? LOL!!! :)

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Pam-just so you know sweetie, i am not criticizing you or anything..I was merely asking what worked for you. i don't want to embarrass you by you telling me anything that you ate. i was asking you because you are alittle ahead of me and I am interested in what worked. Just so you know , in Europe, they get you onto real foods, slowly, starting on day 6.I know you would have stopped if you had pain. Do you eat oatmeal by the way?At any rate, i wish you only the best with your band and i really enjoy your posts and your spirit.

tammy- if that day here? OH MY WORD- how are you holding up??You are gonna be great- i won't lie that trip to the hospital and getting underway is unnerving!!!!!!! It is sooooooooo exciting.

how's everone holding up?

Sue, unnerving?!?!? You mean it may get worse. If I had a choice of having another meal or having a drink right know. I'd probably take the drink...lol!!!

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He didn't answer my questions about if this is true about the weight loss only being 50% why is it advertised as though you can lose a large amount of weight. I am not looking for a instant cure. I don't the loss coming off slowly. But I don't want to think I could loss a great amount and I don't even though I am doing all that I am suppose to do. I am willing to do my part and I know that this is just a tool to help me along the way. I was so excited about the Lap Band but now I have reservations and I'm depressed, perplexed and is eating everything that is not tied down. :hungry: Please someone please help me.

Linda, I've had these same concerns, too. But I just got back from my pre-op appt. and when I asked the dr. this exact question about the amount of weight you could lose, he said that you can lose it all IF you are willing to follow the rules (don't eat during meals or for 2 hours after; stop eating when you feel full; eat three meals a day and a very small bedtime snack if you really need it; exercise). He explained for every person who loses 90% of their weight there is a person who only lost 10%; every person who lost 80% there is a person who lost 20%, etc. So, although you CAN and WILL lose the weight IF you follow the rules, many (most???) don't follow them and so the average ends up being about 55% of exess weight lost (gastric bypass is just slightly higher than that--57%, I think--but not scientifically significant). The dr. reiterated that it is a TOOL and is a part of the trilogy of success: the band, me, and the dr's office (surgery, support groups, fills, social work, nutritionist, etc.). He said the band will do it's part and his office will do their part; so the only part in question is MY part and that is up to me.

Don't know if this helps but maybe it can add to your existing info. I agree that you need to go to a dr. who specializes in the lap band and is an advocate of the procedure. My doctor just got back from a week-long seminar on lap band procedures and success and could answer all of my questions professionally, and, I felt, honestly. You need to find someone who will do that for you. Good luck!

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Tammy!!!!!!!!!! Your day is fast approaching!

Linda: My best advice to you would be to consult with SEVERAL doctors. Some are bypass biased and some are band biassed....

My two best girl friends in Real Life have both had the bypass..... one Lap and one Open....... one is 4 years post op and one is 2. BOTH were well over 300 lbs and both Went down to UNDER 200...... One has gained back a significant amount of weight because she never experienced the "dumping" syndrome which means she ate anything and everything and now her pouch is stretched out again. The other just had a boob lift and tummy tuck.........she is 5'10" and at right around 200 lbs she is in a size 10 maybe an 8 after swelling goes down!!!!!!!! All their sucess viewed first hand by me and I am going with the band....

I chose the band because it is less invasive, I will only be taking 2 days off work vs the 6 weeks they had to have. ALL my internal organs remain intact. Their procedure is a MALABSOBITIVE procedure meaning that their bodies don't absorb the vitimans and nutrients like those with the band do... the band is for life, BUT IS Reversible if needed. Even if you lost 40-50 lbs a year............. that is STILL 40-50 lbs LESS and at the slower rate, you might not have so much problem with sagging skin......

I may say that I want to get down to 150, but I know that I look good and feel good in the 180's.............. no, I'll never be a skinny minny.. its not in my genes and I'm fine with it.. but to be able to wear a size 12 swimsuit and feel like i'm OK.. well that my dear is priceless.....

We each go our own course, and only YOU can make the decision.

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What a week this has been--I have been up and down so many times over this surgery I was ready to give up or give in. :decision:DH, being the very cautious man he is, is SO afraid of complications (we are self-pay). :cryHe MAY have a job in 6 months with insurance that will cover the surgery (right now he is retired and working on his long-awaited math PhD) so he thinks we should wait for that. :straightThen I point out the risks of waiting and he gets back to thinking we can go ahead. :heh:Then he wakes up in the night shaking and unable to sleep because we might have to pay for complications for years down the road because it will always be a preexisting condition.:cry Then we talk more and decide to go forward. :)Then I feel like I'm being selfish and risking our home and all that we have because I'm in a hurry.:phanvan Then I think it's time I do something for myself and that it's not selfish.:embarassed: Then he gets sick to his stomach over making a bad decision and going against his believe that you should ALWAYS have insurance--car, life, health, etc. :cryIt's been a nightmarish week! :help:

SO, we decided to go ahead and go to my pre-op this morning (surgery is scheduled for Monday) and talk to the dr. We didn't pay when we went in because we weren't sure we were proceeding but talked to the nurse, receptionist, billing person, etc. ALL who have had the surgery, lost tons of weight and all gave us a thumbs up. :thumbs_up:After that we were ready for the doctor to come in. At this point my husband is making his list of pros and cons (for the 50th time) and I am in tears :Cry:because I see all my hopes slipping away. The dr. came in and I told him my husband would have to explain our concerns because I'm just too emotional. The dr. listened and validated all of his concerns (my dream was becoming a very distant hope by now). THEN, when DH told him about the fact that maybe we would have a job that has this particular insurance the doctor said that they will only cover PART of ONE surgery--if there are complications, they won't cover them! Also, if I have the surgery now and then have complications after (slippage or erosion for example) they WILL cover that. Oh my. My light started to brighten. Of course, DH had called the insurance company to check all this and some little girl reading some computer screen gave him different info (all expenses covered forever if the surgery was done under their plan and NO expenses covered ever if the surgery was done before we were insured).

The dr.'s nurse is the only patient this dr. has had who had erosion and she didn't have this insurance when she got the band but did have it when the erosion occurred so she knew what they would do. We called again, got different answers that were in line with the dr.'s and nurse's experiences and I'M SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY!!!!!!!! :clap2::nervous


So now I'm REALLY scared! :nervousI'm hoping and praying :pray2:for a complication-free surgery. I've had surgery before (hysterectomy, gall bladder, knee surgery) so I'm not worried about complications from anethesia. I really believe I can do this! And I'm just so excited!

Thanks for listening to my rambling. I just had to tell someone who would understand. What a roller coaster ride! I'm sure it will continue but on a smoother, less scary track, :eekI hope!

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uhhhh ohhhhh I just posted a long response to Linda.. I wonder where in the heck it posted at?????

edited to say::::: DUHHHHHH its there :)

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Did all my pre-op testing yesterday. If I would have known about the A.B.G., I might have backed out. I hate, hate, hate needles. I started at 8am with an upper GI and ended the day at 3:20 talking to the anisteologist (sp?). I have to be at the hospital at 6am on March 20 and surgery is for 7:30am. Was told that I would be staying the night, but am fine with that. I did find out that I have a heart murmmer but since they were not concerned with it, I decided that I wouldn't be either.

I am doing the "should I do this" thing right now. I know that it is the best thing for me and I know that I will do it. Just very afraid of the "gas" pains.

Still don't have the kitchen completed. But should be done by this weekend.

The nurse put me on liquids until surgery, UGH!!!!!!

Good luck to everyone.

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Hi everyone, I have been browsing this sight for a long time, I have got a lot of information off of it, thank goodness for lapbandtalk, I have really learned more off here then all other things I have read and the seminar.

Obviously we all have a weight problem or we wouldn't be on here, it is good to be able to share with people that are going through the same thing you are and know they really do understand.

I am 62, weigh 285 and have a bmi of 48. I am so sick and tierd of being sick and tierd, I want to feel good, be able to cross my legs comfortably and walk and go up and down stairs without panting or hurting. I beleive the lapband is going to help me achieve this.

I am so excited about having this done. I live in Kansas and will be having mine done in Topeka.

Good luck and God Bless all of you

Tallgrass Surgical Center

Topeka, KS

Dr. Dunshee


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Today was day 1 after surgery.... I have been up since 5am and did not go back to sleep. Was off work today, so I went with hubby to take car to shop, sent to a stroe, had my hair colored and cut, went back home for only a few minutes, then went to dr appointment with hubby which happens to be in same building i work, so i went to go see co-workers. walked in onthem while they were eating lunch and talking about me!! Now each one of them wants to know more about the band.... they are all so interested since our health insurance covers at 90%. They were all amazed that i was up and about, i do return to work tomorrow and i have class tomoorow night to that is 4 additional hours after work....

I think i am done running around for the day, time to rest and relax before tomorrow hits hard. So far no pain from soreness or gas.... Just still a little tuff to swallow, only drinking Water still......

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You guys I am so nervous. My surgery was moved up 1 day to Tuesday March 20th.

But here is my problem. I have viral laringitis, with a very raspy cough, although (Gross) I am not coughing anything up. I found some cipro in my medicine cabinet and I am taking that. I have my per op tommarow and am concerened they will not clear me.

My primary doctor is not supportive of me hAVING THIS DONE, so I hate to see her about the laringitis.

Any ideas for fast relief. I have 4 kids so I am trying not to talk, oh my gosh.:help::speechles.

Michale we are almost there.

Also my doctor does not require any type of pre surgery diet, is anyone else pre surgery dietless?

Toodles, Janine

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Also my doctor does not require any type of pre surgery diet, is anyone else pre surgery dietless?

Toodles, Janine

I'm having surgery on the 19th and had pre-op today. My doctor doesn't require a pre-surgery diet so I asked him about that today and he says he has never (over 500 surgeries) knicked or cut someone's liver and that trying to "shrink" your liver is the main reason for the pre-surgery diet. I've seen other posts here that say their doctors don't believe that you can shrink the liver significantly with just a few weeks of the pre-surgery diet so their dr.'s didn't require it either. FYI. All docs are different, it seems. I'd trust what he tells you.

Coincidentally, my dr. seems to have stricter rules for after surgery than before--I won't be eating "regular" foods for five weeks. That seems longer than most of what I read here.

Good luck with your laryngitis--I'd gargle with salt Water and try to use a lot of sign language with my kids while using the "whisper game" with them. All the best!

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HI Folks,

I am spending my spare time reading all these posts. Could read for days I suppose. I have not been instructed to do a pre-op diet but want to go on liquds the end of this week. I want to feel lighter.

I still am not sure what drinks to get? What are you all using?

Hi, my date is March 20th as well and I also was not instructed to do a pre-op diet but have been using "design" Protein Drink, it's not bad - you can get it at GNC.< /p>

Good Luck!!!


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Glad to hear you made it through and are back to work so soon. I plan on taking almost three weeks off, only because of my job duties. I hope to be feeling as good as you after one week.

Are you using the children's liquid ibuprophen or does it come in an adult form? I use Advil tablets a lot for headaches now and had hoped I could find a liquid verison of it after banding but I have searched and could only find the one I use for my kids. It would turn out to be pretty expensive if I can't take the tablets and have to buy Childrens Advil and suck down a third of the bottle for each dose. :speechles

Linda, you better ask your doctor about using advil, I was told absolutely not to use advil or anything with ibuprophen because it will burn your stomach. Use tylenol extra strength if you must.


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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