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March 2007 Bandsters

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Hope everyone did well today and good luck to everyone tomorrow!!

Day 2 for me....

Last night I went to bed about 11pm, woke up at 3, stayed up til 4, woke up again at 6am, went to sleep again at 7am, then woke up at 11am. Not sure if this is from sleeping on my back, or the fact that I work nights so I'm not used to actually sleeping at night. Anyway, the pain in my throat was aweful...sooo sore. Keep a Water bottle by your bed!!! When I got up I had about a half of a Jello cup. My friend staying with me drove me to Big Lots, Target, and Walmart...we also went to a scrap book store, cause even though my throat is REALLY sore, I'm still feeling pretty good. Not really hungry or anything yet and the only pain besides the throat is where my incisions are. Have been taking the pain meds sparingly, since they make me sleeepy. Got some Speciak K Protein water...haven't tried it yet, still waiting for it to cool off in the fridge. Also got some "Better than Bouillon" at Walmart. I read someplace on here that it had 42 grams of protein...yah, not sure where cause the can says 1 gram per serving. It's ok though cause when I made some for dinner it tasted pretty good. Had 4 ozs of that. I weigh the same tonight as I did this morning, which probably means I lost some cause now I'm full of liquids. Used my heating pad when I woke up cause my back hurt, used it again while watching a movie this afternoon on my shoulders. Ummm...what else... don't guess I can think of anythign else, so that's my day two update. :eek:

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Ok so now that it is saturday night and my banding is on Monday 3/5, I am starting to get really scared. Went off the liquids tonight to have a diet coke and a slice of pizza...want chinese food tomorrow..i know I am bad but..i just feel like I have to enjoy these foods one last time. Other than that I have been amazingly compliant on this liquid diet. I have never been able to keep on a diet...hence my weight problem. I know I have to work with my band and I will..but for now it is hard.


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:welcomeB: BandSTAR and Theresa Ann!!!!!! Good Luck to both of you!!!

Thank You Tammy, it's so close now.

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Welcome to all the new March Bandsters!!!!!!

And to those bandsters who already are banded, thank you so much for posting your experiences. It really helps to have an idea of what to expect! :myscared:

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Hello all, Well Im sitting here reading all the newly banded info and man i cant wait. 19 more days to go and time is going sooooo slllooooowwww for me. I also keep thinking I got to eat this and I got to eat that before I cant. I am going to start my pre op diet on 3/12 So only one more week for bad foods (pastries):hungry: . So all you new bandies please please share some more. I am really concerned about the gas, so please share that with me.

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Ok so now that it is saturday night and my banding is on Monday 3/5, I am starting to get really scared. Went off the liquids tonight to have a diet coke and a slice of pizza...want chinese food tomorrow..i know I am bad but..i just feel like I have to enjoy these foods one last time. Other than that I have been amazingly compliant on this liquid diet. I have never been able to keep on a diet...hence my weight problem. I know I have to work with my band and I will..but for now it is hard.


Me too!!! I had a piece of cake (my daughters birthday) and some tempura (sp) fish tacos. Not much but after being so good on the diet now I feel guilty and sick!!!! Hang in there Mags we will make it!!!!


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Hey TracyinKS--I wanna play! Put me down for March 29 ath 7:30 am. I love reading your posts and look forward to getting to know you as we do this together. :clap2:

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So if you guys wanna know the down and dirty about this surgery.

I was banded at 630pm on Thurs and I could have gone back to work on Friday,the only thing that hurts is the pressure and the lump (per se') the port causes. As a matter of fact I did go shopping all day when released from surgery ctr on fri am. The very best thing you can do is walk walk walk, you might get stiff but sit down for 5-10 minutes have a drink and get up and go again. I went to work Sat am and I could not lift anything heavier than my fork (ha ha) I took 2 doses of pain meds~just to manage pain~ I get grumpy when I don't feel good, but I was moving. I did get a little gas pain on Sat which lasted about 15 min. but that was it.

My port buldges and I was concerned but apparently so does other peoples until the swelling goes down and that is what is causing the pressure. It is right under where my bra sits just below my left breast. If my breasts were not so big I don't think my port would hurt as much. I am apple style body so I carry all my weight from hips to shoulders. I guess if I DID NOT HAVE to be a work I would not have been there but I would have been doing something else. I walked my dogs 2 miles once I got home from work and once I took off my bra pain disappeared.

I ate some cottage cheese as a snack because I was hungry and did not chew really really well and felt my band resisting, so the next bite got mushed up more in my mouth before swallowing.

I gained 5# from surgery but have pee'd more in the last 2 hours than I have in the last 2 days, I think the scale will be different tomarrow~it better be. And I finally went #2 tonight.

I had to get creative on a way to get myself out of bed for the last 2 days, and just manuevered until I figured a way without my port tugging at my chest too much.

I just scheduled a vacation to San Diego zoo and sea world on 3/13, which involves alot of walking so obviously I am not hurting too bad.

I am happy I did it and am looking forward to being healthy again.

I have eaten less in the last 2 days than during the liquid phase for prep surgery and during the liquid phase I was starving and now I am not feeling starving~if I get hungry I just mush something up and eat, but it is not as often as you would think.

I am drinking 2 shakes per day and 2 Snacks and 1 mushed up meal.

If you have ANY questions at all I will answer as clearly and forthwith as you can stand.

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well today I also managed to stay on my liquid diet. But I know that before the surgery I need to eat at least two things: a sub sandwhich (I'm thinking tuna with cheese and avacado and I want it toasted) and snickers cruncher bar. And the reason for this is because I have been craving these for a while. Now I know that most people say when you get a craving for something you should just wait for it to pass. Mine don't pass. Seriously. They just get worse. If I don't have the food I want I start dreaming about it. Then I start thinking about it more and more and I just want more of it and then its fine after I get it and eat it. At least unless I get a craving again. I don't know where the waiting for it to pass comes from. I think that must not be a true craving. Now I can eat just a small sub- not a foot long or anything. I am trying to be good here and it is getting easier, but it will really drive me crazy if I don't get those things and I'll eat other things that I don't really want because they are closer to those things, but I will still want to those things.

Its getting easier with the liquid diet at least. I have been increasing the amount of Unjury and not the amount of milk- just adding another scoop so its thicker and I get more Protein. I also add benefiber because I normally take Fiber capsules but I ran out and I figured on doing the benefiber for after surgery so I might as well do it now. Today I was trying to instruct my husband how to make a Protein Shake when I was rushed. I told him he had to use to the handblender. And he didn't. So I made him swear he would next time because otherwise it doesn't mix as well, etc. and that he can't use too much milk and I need a straw, etc. And I made sure to thank him. And I also added the unflavored unjury to my Soup. I've always done better when I get supper high amounts of protein with hunger-- like over 100 grams in a day-- so I just have to remember that and stick to it.

Its funny how easy it can be to forget stuff that works, I think.

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Hello all, Well Im sitting here reading all the newly banded info and man i cant wait. 19 more days to go and time is going sooooo slllooooowwww for me. I also keep thinking I got to eat this and I got to eat that before I cant. I am going to start my pre op diet on 3/12 So only one more week for bad foods (pastries):hungry: . So all you new bandies please please share some more. I am really concerned about the gas, so please share that with me.

Hey! It's been almost 2 days since I was banded now. I didn't have too much of a gas problem. Yesterday I did use my heating pad on my shoulders for maybe an hour. It really didn't HURT hurt either it was just kinda a really annoying feeling in my shoulders, but the heating pad helped a lot. Besides that I just get up a lot while I'm at home so I've been getting rid of the gas pretty easily with no problems. My incisions hurt more than the gas and they aren't that bad, only if I have been sitting a little too long I'll get up and my tumy will feel stiff so I walk a little bent over. I just got out of bed a few mins ago though and they hardly hurt after sleeping about 5 hours. I've been drinking Water CONSTANTLY, so I don't know if that has made a difference, but I know it doesn't hurt!Everyone has a different experience with the pain, and I know it's hard but try not to worry about it until you're there. (I personally was freaking out over it...hahaha) Oh, if it helps to compare...I had my wisdom teeth out two weeks ago and it was WAY more pain than this surgery...and I didn't have them cut out, only pulled! :myscared:

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Well, it is done..Today, I made the entire payment for my new friend, including two years of aftercare...dietician, psychologist etc. I only have to pay for fills, which are 50 euros. I am being banded by Dr. LaFullarde in Geel, Belgium. So far, I haven't found any English or Americans who have used him, but I think he might only speak Dutch...Not a problem, as I speak Dutch myself. :-) A perk of having a Dutch husband. Geel is just outside Antwerp, and Dr. LaFullarde has an excellent reputation on the Dutch Lapband boards. He is part of the Medico Legal Committe in the The Belgian Group for Endoscopic Surgery is now the official "surgical endoscopy" branch of the Belgian Royal Society of Surgery, together with Dr. Dillemans. So, I guess I shouldn't worry. My surgery is 5,850 euros, including the aftercare, so it was the best deal I found. I am just trying hard not to think about having someone cut into me. I am almost 40, and have never been inside an operating room, or had a visit to a hospital for longer than a few hours. Terrifying for me, let me tell you!!! I am trying to focus on reading everyone's success stories and making sure I carry everything with me that I will need to make the journey home comfy. We are staying in a 5 star hotel the night before surgery, and my husband will stay there while I am in the hospital overnight. I wanted us to have a nice couple of days. We are even taking our two Boxers, so I can have them there to keep me focused on something other than surgery. I figure they will keep me calmer both before and after surgery.

So, I have the following...please tell me if I am missing anything...

Cold pack

heating pad

dissolvable aspirin

dissolvable Vitamins

mint tea bags (for upset tummy)

individual packets of mix for broth

nice squishy feather pillow for the trip home

comfy pants, no waistband

loose shirt so I can go braless

flat slides so I dont have to bend to put on shoes


blanket for the car

chewable pepto bismal

Ho hum...count down to March 14th......Any words of encouragement out there? I am starting to fear I will do this and still be fat forever......


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Well, it is done..Today, I made the entire payment for my new friend, including two years of aftercare...dietician, psychologist etc. I only have to pay for fills, which are 50 euros. I am being banded by Dr. LaFullarde in Geel, Belgium. So far, I haven't found any English or Americans who have used him, but I think he might only speak Dutch...Not a problem, as I spek Dutch myself. :-) A perk of having a Dutch husband. Gell is just outside Antwerp, and Dr. LaFullarde has an excellent reputation on the Dutch Lapband boards. He is part of the Meico Legal Committe in the The Belgian Group for Endoscopic Surgery is now the official "surgical endoscopy" branch of the Belgian Royal Society of Surgery, together with Dr. Dillemans. So, I guess I shouldn't worry. My surgery is 5,850 euros, including the aftercare, so it was the best deal I found. I am just trying har dnot to think about having someone cut into me. I am almost 40, and have never been inside an operating room, or had a visit to a hospital for longer thana few hours. Terrifying for me, let me tell you!!! I am trying to focus on reading everyone's success stories and making sure I carry everything with me that I will need to make the journey home comfy. We are staying in a 5 star hotel the night before surgery, and my husband will stay there while I am in the hospital overnight. I wanted us to have a nice couple of days. We are even taking our two Boxers, so I can have them there to keep mr focused on something other than surgery. I figure they will keep me calmer both before and after surgery.

So, I have the following...please tellme if I am missing anything...

Cold pack

heating pad

dissolvable aspirin

dissolvable Vitamins

mint tea bags (for upset tummy)

individual packets of mix for broth

nice squishy feather pillow for the trip home

comfy pants, no waistband

loose shirt so I can go braless

flat slides so I dont have to bend to put on shoes


blanket for the car

chewable peptobismal

Ho hum...count down to March 14th......Any words of encouragement out there? I am starting to fear I will do this and still be fat forever......


Sounds lie a good list, I also bought a pill crusher for some things I was already taking, I bought special k Protein Water and LOTS of Propel fitness water, yummm. I have a hot/cold pack, haven't had to use the cold though, only the heat. My water bottles have a sippy lid and they are PERFECT so that I don't drink too fast. A thermometer if you don't have one. I've been using baby spoons to eat my Jello to learn to take those small bites. I'd say that's all I've really used so far. :myscared:

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Sounds lie a good list, I also bought a pill crusher for some things I was already taking, I bought special k Protein Water and LOTS of Propel fitness water, yummm. I have a hot/cold pack, haven't had to use the cold though, only the heat. My water bottles have a sippy lid and they are PERFECT so that I don't drink too fast. A thermometer if you don't have one. I've been using baby spoons to eat my Jello to learn to take those small bites. I'd say that's all I've really used so far. :Banane32:

Lucky ducks you guys are! We don't have Propel or Special K protein water.. We have to make do wiht th ebasis. We don't even have the great array of Soups that the US has.The problem with living in a country with a population only twice that of NYC!! (16 million) We have to make do. So, when you guys are on liquid diets and feeling bad, think of me..I have about a third of the stuff available to me, that you have. :myscared: lol

Great idea about the sippy cup!! How much pain did ou have following surgery?? On a scale of 1-10? My US doctor sent me a prescritopn for pain medicine, but I can't get it filled here because i has codeine in it. GRRR!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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