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March 2007 Bandsters

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I'll put in my two cents. My favorite, so far, is the Muscle Milk Light.

(I've only tried the vanilla cream.)

The Unjury vanilla is my 2nd favorite.

HATE the Designer whey brand, thought I was gonna vomit!

I've been hearing alot about Muscle Milk. Where can I find it?

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Hi all. I'm being banded on March 16th. Just curious, did anyone (or are you planning on) keeping the procedure a secret to coworkers and friends? I can just imagine the humiliation from my boys at work if they knew.

I have an 8 year old son who can't seem to keep a secret!

For some reason, he confused my psych eval for my surgery and told his teacher today that i was having surgery. He then proceeds to tell her that the doc is putting a rubber band around my stomach and putting special Water with sleeping medicine in my arm (on a side note...wow. he really can listen! I wasn't so sure anymore! :))

So, I guess my secret is out!

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Good Luck annalee and hlayne and to the others being banded tomorrow!!! :)

Tammy, where can we go for an updated calendar/list of everyone's surgery? Thank you for all that you do!


I am talking about the March Bandsters. I remember there was a list at one time. Maybe I missed something?

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I like the Unjury. I also have the slimfast low carb so I have ready stuff in the cans as well.

I am on day two of liquids. I am being such a bad patient! Ugh! I don't know what is wrong with me. I swear I pathological or something. Today started out much better. I woke up and had a slim fast. Then a little while later I was still hungry so I had a dannon smoothie thing. Then I was good. Then my GERD was acting up after a while so I took some zantac. After it quieted down I felt fine- not even hungry. But then just now I noticed my blood sugar was getting low (I'm hypoglycemic and the classic symptoms are things like cold, shaking hands, etc). So I had another slimfast figuring that should help. Nope. Thirty minutes later I'm just feeling worse. So I ate some maltesers I had. BAD IDEA. I should just have drunk some milk instead- milk works for me. But I ate the stupid malteases. And they tasted oh so good. So wonderful. So they I put a couple pieces of string cheese in a tortilla and heated it up. Again- so good. And then I had about one cup of ice cream. Then I came to my senses. If I don't stop this stuff I won't even make it to the surgery!

I think I'm going to have my husband gather up all the really tempting food and hide it. And since everything is tempting I might write myself a note to stick on the fridge. I'm getting concerned now I won't be able to lose with the band if I'm like this now! Normally I can at least start a diet for a week or two.

At the moment I am just feeling like a big fat failure. Ugh! I need to do this. Maybe if I increase my Water and noncalorie liquid intake it will help. I'm just so frustrated with myself. I also don't even want to do housework because I'm afraid of doing anything that will use any energy lest it make me hungrier. Which I know is unreasonable. At least my husband will be home before too long and I can make him take the bad stuff away.

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I like the Unjury. I also have the slimfast low carb so I have ready stuff in the cans as well.

I am on day two of liquids. I am being such a bad patient! Ugh! I don't know what is wrong with me. I swear I pathological or something. Today started out much better. I woke up and had a slim fast. Then a little while later I was still hungry so I had a dannon smoothie thing. Then I was good. Then my GERD was acting up after a while so I took some zantac. After it quieted down I felt fine- not even hungry. But then just now I noticed my blood sugar was getting low (I'm hypoglycemic and the classic symptoms are things like cold, shaking hands, etc). So I had another slimfast figuring that should help. Nope. Thirty minutes later I'm just feeling worse. So I ate some maltesers I had. BAD IDEA. I should just have drunk some milk instead- milk works for me. But I ate the stupid malteases. And they tasted oh so good. So wonderful. So they I put a couple pieces of string cheese in a tortilla and heated it up. Again- so good. And then I had about one cup of ice cream. Then I came to my senses. If I don't stop this stuff I won't even make it to the surgery!

I think I'm going to have my husband gather up all the really tempting food and hide it. And since everything is tempting I might write myself a note to stick on the fridge. I'm getting concerned now I won't be able to lose with the band if I'm like this now! Normally I can at least start a diet for a week or two.

At the moment I am just feeling like a big fat failure. Ugh! I need to do this. Maybe if I increase my Water and noncalorie liquid intake it will help. I'm just so frustrated with myself. I also don't even want to do housework because I'm afraid of doing anything that will use any energy lest it make me hungrier. Which I know is unreasonable. At least my husband will be home before too long and I can make him take the bad stuff away.

kyethra, Just stay on these forums and keep reading and keep getting you support built up. You can do this OH Yeah!!!! Using the Protein Shakes has really, really helped me. Yes I still get hungry but it helps me forget for awhile and then I usually always choose good stuff to eat,(veggies etc.)

It's March 1st and the train has pulled out of the station. You are on this train with your friends, find your seat and get ready for the train ride!


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I'll put in my two cents. My favorite, so far, is the Muscle Milk Light.

(I've only tried the vanilla cream.)

The unjury vanilla is my 2nd favorite.

HATE the Designer whey brand, thought I was gonna vomit!

I tried the Designer Whey (8oz of Water with one scoop and ice) I didn't think it was too bad. It was no Slim Fast but I got it down. I am going to try Soy Protein 95 in the morning.

To everyone getting banded tomorrow, my thoughs and prayers are with you. May you (and everyone to be banded this month) have a speedy and quick recovery.

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To everyone who was banded today / will be banded tomorrow ... good luck and congratulations and I'm thinking of you, and all that.

I'm am SO unprepared. Tomorrow morning I need to go into work and somehow get everything ready to be gone for the next week. Then I'm hoping to leave work by noon at the latest, at which point I need to drive approximately 3 hours to the Phoenix area, get to my boyfriend's house and pick up my dog's crate and some other stuff. Then I have to drive another hour (that's 1 hour if there's no traffic) to my sister's house to drop off my dog and spend a little time with her. I'll then get a ride to the airport around 1am ... my flight leaves at 2:50 am. I have something like a three-hour layover in Houston before I continue my flight to Monterrey. I'll have surgery the same day I get to Mexico (Saturday).

1 - I'm just not prepared to leave work. I suppose I'll never really feel ready to leave work for a week, but I'm really not prepared.

2 - I haven't packed anything yet. I took all the food and what not that I'll need to my bf's last weekend, and he bought more for me today, but I have no laundry done and no clothes packed.

3 - I just realized I haven't printed my flight info or my prep list or my instructions or anything else yet.

4 - I don't have a clue what I'm going to wear ... I have no bra that will work for this, I don't believe.

5 - My house is a mess

I should be doing any number of things right now, but I'm exhausted and I've been sick all week and I'm refusing to accept that it's really here so I'm not dealing with it (very mature of me, huh?) Instead I'm sitting on my couch, reading this site and watching Jeopardy.

I feel naseous and I'm literally shaking (though I think that most of the shaking is because it's FREEZING in my little house).

To think logically ... there's nothing I can do about work right now. And they'll survive without me. I'm not the only capable person in the building.

I can take my clothes as they are - my dear lovely bf will launder them for me over the weekend while I'm gone. And I can run by Walmart in the morning or hit Target in Phoenix to get something.

I can print all the pertinent data tomorrow morning as soon as I get in. And even if I were to forget to print it, I'll always have my computer with me, and it's all stored on my harddrive.

I can take out the trash in the morning, besides that, the house can wait. I'm staying with my bf for a week after the surgery so I won't have to deal with it immediately.

And besides all this, I don't actually fly out until almost 3 am, so even if I leave home later than I want to, there's really no chance of missing my flight.

I really just want this to be done and over with. Anticipation has never sat well with me.

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Sorry that was so long ... I'm feeling a bit stressed and this is my outlet.

Tonight I told my bf over the phone "I'm so NOT prepared!" and he very calmly replied, "Sure you are, I bought you Soup." It was very sweet.

Funny story: I bought protien shakes last weekend. I was drinking one on Monday when I bothered to read the label. It was designed to "help you gain or maintain your weight." Kind of exactly opposite of what I was going for. I gave them away and will be buying new beverages, and paying more attention this time.

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Hello All!

Well it is band day for me!!!! I am nervous and excited. I guess this explains why I am up and on the computer at 12:30 a.m. on surgery day. Just wanted to get one more look at the boards and tell everyone thanks for the well wishes and prayers. They are much appreciated. Good luck to my fellow March 2nd banders hlayne, annalee, mommakitty3, and wilma. I hope I didn't leave any one out. Thanks for the encouragement. I'll post again when I am an official Bandster! Teresa

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My prayers are with you today lara and Tea time....Good Luck, come back soon and tell us how it went...this time tomorrow you'll be banded :)

This time next month it will be my turn...;)

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Tea Time - 03/02

hlayne - 03/02

Mommakitty3 - 03/02

wilma - 03/02

analee - 03/02

;):) :gluck:

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March Bandster Babes!

This is the list that I will be keeping up to date for us.. PM me if you want to be added or just post a message on the end of this thread....

HERE WE GO........... Current as of 03/10

CarolynB - 03/01

dec0578 - 03/01

Pam~bander 2/22 - 03/01

bikergirl360 - 03/01

Tea Time - 03/02

hlayne - 03/02

Mommakitty3 - 03/02

wilma - 03/02

analee - 03/02

laralynn86 - 03/03

Sophie248 - 03/05

GloGirl - 03/05 @ 9:00 a.m.

Fur Ellie - 03/05

Magnolia - 03/05

ThickChickTexas - 03/05

Band STAR - 03/05

Char - 03/06

HeatherPA - 03/07

Sugarbear - 03/07

gailannr - 03/07

Sue in Russia - 03/07

planoltxgirl - 03/08

bronnie70 - 03/09

Mommy202 - 03/12

Sharon67 - 03/12

Hazelbunny - 03/12

Hotpink Bubbles 03/13

Kyethra - 03/14

Charlif761 - 03/14

x-ray chic - 03/14

demsvmejm - 03/14

CuddleNymph - 03/14

TammyJ - 03/15

Scarlett - 03/15

ohiobluegal - 03/15

Rosi - 03/15

Machele - 03/16

RowdyReptile - 03/16

countrygirl1404 - 03/16

WendyJ - 03/19

vcarozzolo - 03/19

ebony868 - 03/19

Janine - 03/19

SueA - 03/19

demmemoon - 03/19

momlambert - 03/19

ladybug390 - 03/19

Theresa Ann - 03/19

berry - 03/19

deshar - 03/19

kuebel j - 03/20

TRANAM1955 - 03/20

CrazyCran - 03/21

Mrs Husker - 03/21

lilnena - 03/21

blondylocks - 03/21

Famos - 03/21

chatgirl6 - 03/22

Desiree1970 - 03/23

slikchik10 - 03/28

my5grlz - 03/29

SGDodge06 - 03/30

Fenton - pending

Good&Ready - pending

tootsiepop - pending

alaverde - pending

ClickerSister - pending

Reesh - pending for early March

Sara Mos - Bumped to April 2nd

ginabobeana - pending

mdicurn - pending

Laurend - pending

SusaninKC - pending (tentative date 03/19)

TracyinKS - Bumped to April 26, 2007 (insurance approved 1/30!)<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

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I like the unjury. I also have the slimfast low carb so I have ready stuff in the cans as well.

I am on day two of liquids. I am being such a bad patient! Ugh! I don't know what is wrong with me. I swear I pathological or something. Today started out much better. I woke up and had a slim fast. Then a little while later I was still hungry so I had a dannon smoothie thing. Then I was good. Then my GERD was acting up after a while so I took some zantac. After it quieted down I felt fine- not even hungry. But then just now I noticed my blood sugar was getting low (I'm hypoglycemic and the classic symptoms are things like cold, shaking hands, etc). So I had another slimfast figuring that should help. Nope. Thirty minutes later I'm just feeling worse. So I ate some maltesers I had. BAD IDEA. I should just have drunk some milk instead- milk works for me. But I ate the stupid malteases. And they tasted oh so good. So wonderful. So they I put a couple pieces of string cheese in a tortilla and heated it up. Again- so good. And then I had about one cup of ice cream. Then I came to my senses. If I don't stop this stuff I won't even make it to the surgery!

I think I'm going to have my husband gather up all the really tempting food and hide it. And since everything is tempting I might write myself a note to stick on the fridge. I'm getting concerned now I won't be able to lose with the band if I'm like this now! Normally I can at least start a diet for a week or two.

At the moment I am just feeling like a big fat failure. Ugh! I need to do this. Maybe if I increase my Water and noncalorie liquid intake it will help. I'm just so frustrated with myself. I also don't even want to do housework because I'm afraid of doing anything that will use any energy lest it make me hungrier. Which I know is unreasonable. At least my husband will be home before too long and I can make him take the bad stuff away.

Oh Kyethra, you are definitely not a failure. You just need to find that motivation and stay focused. Think about the new YOU and how great you are going to look and feel. I know that's easier said than done right now, but it is a reality and it is right around the corner.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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