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March 2007 Bandsters

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Wow Hlayne.. FSU and Tennessee.. Can we be still be friends:) Go Gators. Pam. I've been going through the same thing with the Pre-Op visits concerning people throwing in their little comments about why i'm being banded. The nurse for the GI testing pulled me aside and told me to just drink a few less beers. I don't even drink beer... so you can see how effective that suggestion was. Bottom line is, you know your weight struggles and what your health history has been. For me, I also considered many of the obesity related ailments in my family. I turn 30 in a few weeks and I decided (after 6months of consideration) the band was the tool I needed to take care of being overweight for good. At this point, I'm almost ignoring some of the people who make comments like that.

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Hi everyone, my surgery is on the 19th, and I am soooooooooooo excited:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: . Please add me to your list. God Bless you all.

P.S. how do I insert the TickerFactory guizzmo?

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I am SUCH an emotional eater! I think I have posted about my emotional eating before...

I was thinking earlier today that if I was not married to DH (in my DH; D is NOT for darling) LOL! I would be skinny. Not really because I have been overweight all my life but I am so mad at him right now and everything is his fault I want to say that and so I am saying it!

He is such a jerk, and today was my b-day, I got nothing from him and I waited until 5pm and kept thinking every 5 minutes there was going to be a surprize or a big waaahoooooo or something and so I kept being disappointed all darn (yeah darn that is the word I want to use) day long, which made for a VERY long day.

I finally was emotionally drained and laid down for a nap (I never nap) and he came in and I said that it was 5pm and I all day was waiting for something and how much longer was I gonna wait. He pointed out that I got a card and did not understand what else I expected and said that we could go out for dinner, and encouraged me to get up and go to dinner with him.

Just some back ground and then I will move onto the important issue that I had to deal with. We are not hurting for money, we are both successful people and don't have any bills to speak of. He is just a butthole and I really expected a bday gift this year. I know my problem~I expected him to be a decent spouse and he has never been~so in reality it IS my expectations that screwed me up. I just keep wanting him to be the person I want him to be, and he will never be what I want.

So....... The issue at hand. Immediately I decided to leave and go for a drive, and actually I typically in the past I have gone from one restaurant to another to another to another, and this actually started my binge eating about 15 years ago. So since I was banded, I know I can't do this so, I tried taking deeeeeeeep breaths and tried to find a massage therapist to get a massage ( my plan of attack is to not do negative things to my body when I am upset but do nice things and pamper myself~preplanned strategy is massage, facial, pedicure, manicure, shopping etc.) I vaccuumed my car, I went to the mall and walked there for awhile and got a "chair" massage and went to GNC and bought Muscle Milk and some other juice Protein drink (I will let you know how the juice Protein Drink is) supposedly the muscle milk is suppose to be better than choc milk per another bandster.

I am so proud of myself for not stopping at one food establishment and I was thinking of all the ways to cheat the band (I swear I was doing this) and I arrive home 3 hours later without putting one morsel of food in my mouth~not even from the food court!

Gawd! These massages and pampering is getting expensive, but so is ordering a dinner at 3 differnt restaurants and the health problems that go along with that bad behavior!

So the bottom line is that I stayed true to my plan of pampering verses beating myself up and I used the band to my benefit.

My DH? His bday is coming up in a few months and I plan on getting him the exact thing he got me~this will be a first~because in the past I have always disregarded what he has done for me and forgave him by his bday, this year will be different~I gaurantee!

Thanks for listening!

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You must be tall for your BMI/weight. I am 43 years old and I wish I would have done this when I was young like you.

It is not a mistake and NEVER NOT ONCE have I regretted it, not even after it took my surgeon 2x to get me banded due to some unexepcted scar tissue issues from a previous surgery.

Worst part is the gas, just make sure you use a heating pad, it works the best. And heck why not~try a massage!!! LOL!!!!

I did go shopping as I left the hosp, and I was a little slow but I knew I needed to keep moving, and my back up plan if needed was most of the stores now have elec wheelchairs if I got tired or needed to sit and shop.

You keep forging forward, you won't regret the decision, also to reinforce go look at the before and after pics! They are an inspiration by themselves.

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PAm Bander

I have eaten so much yougart this past week....now you want me to put it WHERE ???????:help: :faint: Thanks but I am feeling a lot better today. I hope this is on its way out of there...

Also Wanted to Welcome all the New Bandsters:) :) :)

I only have 5 more days to wait.

The only thing keeping me calm at this point is this great site.A great big THANK YOU to you all for keeping us up to date on how its going before and after the band HUG TO YOU ALL:girl_hug: :girl_hug: :girl_hug: :girl_hug: :girl_hug:


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First off, I'd like to say GOOD LUCK nurseamy, hope everything goes smoothly for you. :clap2:

Ladies, I need some support. My pre-op diet is supposed to start on Wednesday. So I figured since I have been having the "last meal" syndrome for the past couple of weeks I would start early. Three times I have attempted and by the end of the night I am bingeing like I will never eat again and frankly I wasn't even starving. It was more the fact I know I won't be able to eat for quite a while and I think that's where this is coming from. I only have a pre-op for 7 days and I can't imagine you ladies that have to go for 2 weeks. Jello, clear broth and cream of wheat is just not cutting it for me and then the post-op diet....yikes, will I be able to do this????? I have to say, I am really stressing. My Dr. never said anything about Protein Shakes? Does that sound weird to anyone?

My Dr. had me get in at least 100 grams of Protein per day, with 5 low carb/high protein supplements, on my pre-op diet. Protein is what keeps you satisfied and able to maintain the liquid diet and low carb helps decrease appetite. It really did work too. I was shocked.

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Hi everyone, my surgery is on the 19th, and I am soooooooooooo excited:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: . Please add me to your list. God Bless you all.

P.S. how do I insert the TickerFactory guizzmo?

dashar, Congratulations on your surgery date! You will be so glad you did. I can't tell you what a relief it has been for me to have hope again that I will finally stop failing with my struggle at losing weight.

If you go up to the menu bar and do a "search" for "Ticker Factory", you'll get some listings of good threads with instructions on how to add your ticker to you signature. Good luck!

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I was thinking earlier today that if I was not married to DH (in my DH; D is NOT for darling) LOL! I would be skinny. Not really because I have been overweight all my life but I am so mad at him right now and everything is his fault I want to say that and so I am saying it!

He is such a jerk, and today was my b-day, I got nothing from him and I waited until 5pm and kept thinking every 5 minutes there was going to be a surprize or a big waaahoooooo or something and so I kept being disappointed all darn (yeah darn that is the word I want to use) day long, which made for a VERY long day.

I finally was emotionally drained and laid down for a nap (I never nap) and he came in and I said that it was 5pm and I all day was waiting for something and how much longer was I gonna wait. He pointed out that I got a card and did not understand what else I expected and said that we could go out for dinner, and encouraged me to get up and go to dinner with him.

Just some back ground and then I will move onto the important issue that I had to deal with. We are not hurting for money, we are both successful people and don't have any bills to speak of. He is just a butthole and I really expected a bday gift this year. I know my problem~I expected him to be a decent spouse and he has never been~so in reality it IS my expectations that screwed me up. I just keep wanting him to be the person I want him to be, and he will never be what I want.

So....... The issue at hand. Immediately I decided to leave and go for a drive, and actually I typically in the past I have gone from one restaurant to another to another to another, and this actually started my binge eating about 15 years ago. So since I was banded, I know I can't do this so, I tried taking deeeeeeeep breaths and tried to find a massage therapist to get a massage ( my plan of attack is to not do negative things to my body when I am upset but do nice things and pamper myself~preplanned strategy is massage, facial, pedicure, manicure, shopping etc.) I vaccuumed my car, I went to the mall and walked there for awhile and got a "chair" massage and went to GNC and bought Muscle Milk and some other juice Protein Drink (I will let you know how the juice Protein drink is) supposedly the muscle milk is suppose to be better than choc milk per another bandster.

I am so proud of myself for not stopping at one food establishment and I was thinking of all the ways to cheat the band (I swear I was doing this) and I arrive home 3 hours later without putting one morsel of food in my mouth~not even from the food court!

Gawd! These massages and pampering is getting expensive, but so is ordering a dinner at 3 differnt restaurants and the health problems that go along with that bad behavior!

So the bottom line is that I stayed true to my plan of pampering verses beating myself up and I used the band to my benefit.

My DH? His bday is coming up in a few months and I plan on getting him the exact thing he got me~this will be a first~because in the past I have always disregarded what he has done for me and forgave him by his bday, this year will be different~I gaurantee!

Thanks for listening!

I'm sure every married women here can relate. Our husbands can take us for granted. Many truly don't understand why birthdays, anniversarys, etc are so important to us. It's very good that you are learning other ways to cope with these disapointments. I think it also would be important to open up and talk to him about how this has made you feel - by telling him your true feelings - after you let some of the anger go.

When my husband has been an ass, I let him know we need to have a conversation, and I make sure he understands how I feel and I try to understand his side also. I've learned to let my husband know what my expectations are ahead of time, so I don't set myself up for disapointment. It's a lot of work - but we are worth it and our relationships are worth it. Much of our healing in this process will be dealing with all these issues that we have used food to cope with, and making sure our emotional needs are taken care of. Nurturing our relationships is a huge part of that. Take care, and........


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ok-before I respond to Pam's post , let me say that cold yogurt down there really does work and the relief is fast.

tammy- i think you will definitely find that you will be able to go out and be good AND still enjoy yourself. I can't explain it but when the band is indeed in place it's kind of like you have this little hidden edge and you have alot of power on your side,kwim?? I have had some moments, flying home through milan, my husband got a slice of fresh pizza...i could have wrestled him to the floor for just a bit of that damn thing...but, everything passes. I AM STRONG and you will be too! THIS I CAN PROMISE.

Now pam sweetie..HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Your post made me sad. But, I also want to say, atta girl there was some great victories in there too.You made in through without medicating with food and that is amazing!!!!!! Of course, your husband was being a butthead. We have all been there haven't we? But it sounds like you realized a whole lot of info in his actions. you don't sound like a victim, you sound good. Just one piece of advice- stay in the positive energy not the anger. You will gain much from giving yourself positive affirmatives instead of getting more and more angry. I so want you to be happy though, THAT you do deserve. It's a process. you are on your way.

Day 5 for me post-op. No pain. No gas. BUT-AM I EVER GONNA POOP AGAIN?? I don't feel uncomfortable probably because i have only had liquids and some thin Soup but do I have to worry??

And did i mention...everyone get that heating pad, it is just heaven..

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Pam: Ok I am now at work resetting all the timeclocks via my computer.... and I read you post about your hubby.....

FIRST and FOREMOST: CONGRATULATIONS on NOT BINGING!!!!!!!!! This is proof that YOU are taking control.

The ass part... oh honey I can relate, (and I am not even married to him) but we are raising our kids together and yesterday he dug up 8 feet of main line pipe underneath our house and REPLACED it, so I'm keeping him. LOL but like yours............. he really sux at gifts and romance... I got absolutely NOTHING on Valentines Day..... (not even a card) Christmas he bought cheap jewelry (thinking that I would like it) and all along I was like YOU ASS!!!!! you could of bought me ONE NICE RING instead of this crap, but then I'm like.... well I AM better off tax wise NOT being married to him, and his credit is screwed up because he has no idea how to rebuild it........ WE HAVE ISSUES...... not to mention we don't even do "IT" anymore, it took him 3 months to figure out that I was no longer using my birth control. In the two years we've been together I've gained all my weight back... I was in the 170's when I met him and now I'm NOT. I'm not going to go on and on about this.. because when it comes down to it.. He doesn't cheat, He has a good job, He is good for my son, He doesn't drink or do drugs, and he fixes things! so I am in it for the long haul.

Pam: I know you expected big things and believe me I KNOW how you feel... I am so proud of you for taking control of your emotions and managing NOT to binge... Some guys just truly DON'T HAVE IT IN THEM to satisfy our romantic side........... (which is why I like to read smut novels... ROMANCE NOVELS) :girl_hug:

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Waving to SUE in RUSSIA! How interesting to be living a world away! Congrats on your surgery.... and I bought a brand new heating pad the other day.. its just waiting for me :girl_hug:

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Wow Hlayne.. FSU and Tennessee.. Can we be still be friends:) Go Gators.

Haha, as long as I don't hear go gators ever again. :girl_hug:

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-I have been following your story. I was checking on you everyday waiting for your band date. I am NOT a stalker, I promise. Maybe I saw you on a locarb website too?? Anyway, Russia is way cool. We have been here for 10 almost 11 years. You will LOVE that heating pad I swear it!!

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:happybday: Happy Belated Birthday Pam Bander!!! :happybday:

I applaud you as well for taking control and not giving in to those food urges and finding other ways to deal with your emotions! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: I won't even begin to tell you about my DH, but I can definitely relate.

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Sue, Almost 2 weeks of liquids is starting to irk me. I need that extra edge. I am trying to stay strong for now, but I am ready for my band!!!

As far as pooping, I'm not sure if it takes awhile to get things moving after surgery or not, but after a few days of starting my pre-op liquid diet things stopped moving for me. I was not getting enough Fiber so I started blending a teaspoon of Fiber Sure into my Protein Shakes and it has really helped. It is tasteless and you can mix it in almost anything.

Oh, I got my heating pad too! :biggrin1:

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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