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4 months out and falling off wagon

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I am the person whom told you to stop eating ****.

All of you that are farther along have your ups' date=' downs and inbetweens, as do us newly born into the sleeve world. There are struggles on day one, day 10, day 365, and day 43534, your struggle isn't special, it isn't uniquie, so please spare me your superior attitude.

The people that you are calling negative and judgmental all have a few things in common: determination to be better, an Iron will and a no bullshit policy with themselves. That isn't to say you aren't, but where people get irritated is, it is annoying to see someone post something like what you posted. Why? Because it is very commonsensical what you should do. If it isn't, I shall help you: think back to when you got this surgery. Why did you do it? Think of your thoughts then. As I said before, stop eating ****, to sum up. I haven't experienced your "stage-specific" struggle, obviously because I am not there yet. So what would I do if I "fell off the wagon." Get back up on the damn wagon. Eat to live, do not live to eat. Be happy, live on.[/quote']

You are still really obnoxious. Get over yourself.

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I felt it really important to comment again...

We have all at some point in our lives, been ridiculed, make fun of, put down, judged etc for our weight and decisions regarding food. When does it stop? sometimes I wished someone would just listen, be nice...treat me with respect and dignity. Why is it that while in a support forum for weight loss surgery does someone get judged? This is supposed to be a safe place to get support and encouragement. If you can't be positive and helpful well, just don't say anything at all. What gives you that right?

Put your self back into that situation when you felt ridiculed etc... And remember before you judge another. Words hurt.

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I'm with you VST, I should be having surgery in October. I quit caffiene about 6 weeks ago and quit carbonated beverages a week ago today, and I think quitting "crack" (or one of those horrible illegal drugs) would have been easier... I was an addict. I can already tell my appetite is more in control. I have been trying to work out with every obstacle you can imagine coming my way. I put a treadmill and a bike in the livingroom and the first day I came home and got on the treadmill here comes my 17 year old daughter needing to be taken somewhere! So, I joined the gym... and still struggling to get there. I told my husband the other night that he is the only one to know when I'm off work because I am swinging by the gym on the way home, period (I never know what time I get off, it is when I get done - between 4pm and 7pm) - I don't care what anyone else needs! I have to do this. My daughter should have her license before I get the surgery (if she will follow directions and quit arguing with everything I tell her), and I plan on going to the gym before work daily. I have to take her to school now.

I'm also an artist/photographer on the side and working on setting up a room (stepson moved out) to follow my passions... I hope the 5 weeks I'm out of work I can go to the gym and work in my room painting and stay busy. Friday night I was going to the gym on my way home from work and my daughter wanted to go with me, but my feet have been killing me (heel spurs, planters fascitis) so I swung by Sports Authority and got new shoes - when my husband called to say my daughter wanted to go to Hobby Lobby. I called her and said I would pick her up, drop her there and go to the gym and pick her back up - then she notified me her ride to babysit cancelled... I ended up picking her up and driving her in heavy traffic to the babysitting job and didn't get home til after 8pm... no gym! Last night I ended up working til after 7pm, 30 min drive to gym and the gym closes at 8pm.... It amazes me that if I come home from work and plop in front of the tv or computer - nothing stops me, but trying to go to the gym has been impossible!

I realize that I'm going to struggle afterwards also, that is why I am trying to get some changes started before. I started out walking on the treadmill for 5 minutes at a time in July and now I'm up to 36 minutes. That is a victory for me, and I hope to get up to an hour before the surgery and hopefully within a few weeks after the surgery it won't be so hard to get back to an hour. I hope!

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I am the person whom told you to stop eating ****.

All of you that are farther along have your ups, downs and inbetweens, as do us newly born into the sleeve world. There are struggles on day one, day 10, day 365, and day 43534, your struggle isn't special, it isn't uniquie, so please spare me your superior attitude.

The people that you are calling negative and judgmental all have a few things in common: determination to be better, an Iron will and a no bullshit policy with themselves. That isn't to say you aren't, but where people get irritated is, it is annoying to see someone post something like what you posted. Why? Because it is very commonsensical what you should do. If it isn't, I shall help you: think back to when you got this surgery. Why did you do it? Think of your thoughts then. As I said before, stop eating ****, to sum up. I haven't experienced your "stage-specific" struggle, obviously because I am not there yet. So what would I do if I "fell off the wagon." Get back up on the damn wagon. Eat to live, do not live to eat. Be happy, live on.

Even if your advice was meant to be constructive it wasn't. It was hurtful and very direct. Looking at your second post I think that is your way of talking to people. I don't think that is working for you. Take this as constructive as possible. When you post on a forum there should be compassion and understanding for another persons struggle. Your second post was immature and quite judgmental because you were upset people called you out for your behavior. I suggest you reread each of the posts and have a chat with yourself. There will come a day when you are really down and you are going to be in need of someone else to understand your plight and I don't think you are going to want to be told advice in the manner you have dealt it out. I am telling you this not in an arrogant manner but in an honest view of what I am seeing. I hope you take this to heart and realize this is not a bash but an outreach. If you don't want it fine I am good with that but please be more compassionate for other people. Each person is different and deals with there struggles as best as they can.

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Stock the kitchen with things you like that are on plan. For me that includes costco roast chicken, frozen berries, Splenda, plain Greek yogurt, soy milk, low fat lunch meats, canned Soups, and calorie free drinks.

Throw out or give away the bad for you foods. Don't bring more in the house. If you must have it for other family members, separate it from foods you eat. For example, my hubby loves Snacks. I keep them on a separate shelf and tell myself that is HIS shelf. My shelf has snack foods I can eat.

Make a list of fun things besides food. Next time you want a between meal snack, refer to list. For me tat includes playing a computer game, putting on lotion and lipgloss (the smell and silky feel are very satisfying), calling a friend, or checking this board!

If you are having trouble getting back in the groove, pre-plan what you will eat and write it down.

Remember to drink enough fluids. After drinking that much, there is less room for other stuff!

Remember, you can't hate yourself thin. So just learn from you past and move on.


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The people that you are calling negative and judgmental all have a few things in common: determination to be better, an Iron will and a no bullshit policy with themselves. That isn't to say you aren't, but where people get irritated is, it is annoying to see someone post something like what you posted. Why? Because it is very commonsensical what you should do. If it isn't, I shall help you: think back to when you got this surgery. Why did you do it? Think of your thoughts then. As I said before, stop eating ****, to sum up. I haven't experienced your "stage-specific" struggle, obviously because I am not there yet. So what would I do if I "fell off the wagon." Get back up on the damn wagon. Eat to live, do not live to eat. Be happy, live on.

You seem to be the only one irritated. Part of the reason forums exist is for people to vent and seek out support from like-minded individuals. If you're so annoyed by the OP's struggle, move on and find another topic to reply to. If weight loss was as easy as "eating to live" and getting "back on the damn wagon", or paying a therapist $150+ per hour to commiserate and tell us how our screwed up childhood and being attacked by giant hamburgers made us fat, it wouldn't be a multi-billion dollar industry - nor would any of us had to resort to surgical intervention.

OP, I'm about 4 months out and experiencing some of the same issues that you are. As someone pointed out, it's normal for our progress to slow down as we get further out. Our bodies have had some time to adjust to the lower calorie intake. Also, a person your size isn't going to need as many calories to survive as someone 60 lbs. heavier, so your metabolism has probably decreased. Focus on one day at a time...track your calories/protein/etc., plan your meals, take a PPI if you aren't already, which Lipstick Lady suggested (I can keep from being a hungry beast, as long as I take my Prilosec regularly), and speak with a nutritionist experienced in bariatric patients. You can do this!!! :)

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You can do this! I'm 15 weeks out and I totally understand what you are saying. I could easily snack all day!!

Here is my routine. Everyone is different but this works for me.

Mon - fri

8 am cottage cheese with fruit

12 noon lunch meat with cheese rolled or tuna on one serving of whole grain crackers. I buy the ones with the least amount of carbs :)

5 pm small snack, pork skins, fruit, cheese, or humus with 5 seed crackers. Proportion!!

7pm choice of meat 2 oz and small side. (Salad, green Beans, or sweet potato.)

Saturday - Sunday

About the same as the week days but if I want a junky snack I have it! popcorn, one cookie, frozen yogurt, or one slice of pizza etc...

I am holding myself accountable for the week days and the weekends too but will not punish myself (get down on myself) if I enjoy some sugar/carbs.

Remind yourself of how you felt before surgery!!

Make yourself some sticky notes with reminders in your car, house, work etc :)

I also set alarms on my phone (program them) to go off when I can eat.

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I am a new member and not sleeved yet. However, I have a broken leg and been off work 5 months and inactivity, guilt, depression, isolation have taken its toll on me. I was accused of sabotaging my recovery by my husband because I was folding laundry, one of the activities I can still do and stay of my leg. That word sabotage just sent me into a tizzy. The thought or accusation of not wanting to heal or be successful was really hurtful. After a bit of introspection I addressed the conversation and explained what it is like to be injured, isolated, out of work, immobile etc...the sabotage word was a poor choice and really hurtful to me, though about my leg. Everyday is a bright new day and with it comes new hope. This will be a life long journey and just because we make poor choices doesn't mean we can't be successful the next day. Letting go of past failures and mistakes makes room in our hearts and head for the successes we will have. Sending good encouraging vibes your way.

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You are still really obnoxious. Get over yourself.

I am so happy you have Iron will and a no bullshit attitude but tell why did you need to get sleeved? wasn't your iron will enough to get you through a diet?

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Even if your advice was meant to be constructive it wasn't. It was hurtful and very direct. Looking at your second post I think that is your way of talking to people. I don't think that is working for you. Take this as constructive as possible. When you post on a forum there should be compassion and understanding for another persons struggle. Your second post was immature and quite judgmental because you were upset people called you out for your behavior. I suggest you reread each of the posts and have a chat with yourself. There will come a day when you are really down and you are going to be in need of someone else to understand your plight and I don't think you are going to want to be told advice in the manner you have dealt it out. I am telling you this not in an arrogant manner but in an honest view of what I am seeing. I hope you take this to heart and realize this is not a bash but an outreach. If you don't want it fine I am good with that but please be more compassionate for other people. Each person is different and deals with there struggles as best as they can.

Beachlover, your message is a gift to the poster in question. Very generous of you, and I hope she appreciates it. She's got quite off lightly here, but try that attitude on in some places and it will cost her friends, respect and opportunities.

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Beachlover, your message is a gift to the poster in question. Very generous of you, and I hope she appreciates it. She's got quite off lightly here, but try that attitude on in some places and it will cost her friends, respect and opportunities.

Thank you! I thought the same thing and I wouldn't be surprised if that has happened to her at some point. The thing is she is young and still has a lot of things to learn in life especially if you are taking on older adults.

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Wow! People can sure be rude!! I hope they never have any struggles and ask for advice!!! I've been working out tons too and been much more hungry AND able to eat more. Try complex carbs before working out and up your Protein :) I'm 3 months out and 66 lbs down. Don't be too hard on yourself! Just keep on keeping on :)

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I am just starting out in the process but I would see someone and talk about it. Years of eating whatever you want will not just disappear since you e been sleeved. You made a brave decision to have this surgery. You can do it! Tomorrow is a new day!! Xo

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I am so happy you have Iron will and a no bullshit attitude but tell why did you need to get sleeved? wasn't your Iron will enough to get you through a diet?

I think you mistake what I meant by my post. But thanks for the attack. Bye now

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I think you mistake what I meant by my post. But thanks for the attack. Bye now

I don't think that was meant for you.....

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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