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Anti-Semitism In France!

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Bible believing Christians believe that abortion and same sex marriage do harm the fabric of our society because we view them as immoral. And certainly abortion does harm the unborn child.

And yes the Old Testament does talk about owning slaves, but the understanding of a slave biblically is somewhat different that our understanding. Back in those times a person became a slave for a specific period of time to work off a debt, after which there were free to leave or remain as they chose. With the coming of the New Covenant, it was understood that all are equal in Messiah and there is not longer bond or free.

There are some who feel that homosexuality is genetic and other very reputable doctors who dispute that, nevertheless, homosexuals have a choice weather or not to practice homosexuality. I am a recovered alcoholic and have not touched alcohol in over 25 years. It is now understood that alcoholism has a very strong genetic factor, and yet I still have the choice weather to consume alcohol or not. The sin is in the practice of homosexuality regardless of the cause. You say the no one is born with a desire to mate with a dog or have multiple wives. They are perversions as is homosexuality.

I believe that the 10 Commandments which are only part of the 213 commandments of the Mosaic Law, were far more that to maintain "social order"! They were a model of what it would take to live a perfect sin-free life, which no one was ever able to do, except Jesus the Messiah. It's purpose was to point out the futility of trying to become sinless by our own works, and to point the way to the atoneing death of the Messiah in our place, to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

I would remind you that slavery practices are also mentioned in the New Testament but this is only a minor point. The truth is that although you and I are both decent, honest, and caring people with respect to how we conduct ourselves on a daily basis, our basic beliefs are poles apart. It is crucial, I believe, that the governmental system which is in place be able to serve us all.

This is why I am more comfortable living under the Canadian system, a system which is more belief neutral. God and his pundits are not welcome to play a direct role in our politics, nor in our governance. Your beliefs are, as I have just said, wildly different from mine, and yet we are both decent people. In a free country I must have rights to my beliefs just as you must have rights to yours. In a theocratic country someone is gonna lose out. We have been receiving reports of this in action from a number of Islamic theocracies. Indeed, tales of life under the Taliban were particularly blood-chilling, were they not?

Now, Cusano, what I fear most from you is that your passion is so intense that it is grown quite immoderate and that you are in the way of being a one man Talibanista yourself. You have found faith and you would like others to do so, too. This is understandable. But if they won't or don't or can't, what then? Are you going to deny these individuals their civil freedoms? Are you going to leave them alienated from a homeland which now suits you?

I don't know how much history you have studied but both Christianity and Islam have been spread by the sword at certain periods during their early growth. Of course you know what I am talking about: the newly conquered tribes were told that they should convert or die. In just such a way I have this sense of a serious dichotomy between your religious beliefs and this business of man's civil rights. I sense that this is a big, a very big, issue in the United States today.

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I know that you are against both of these practices and I commend you for that. The point I was trying to make is that they do harm society, and as Believers we ought to be opposed to sin on all levels, even within politics.

You mentioned a raciest statement?? I have no idea what you are referring to. Please explain.

Ron - never once did I say I embraced them or condoned them. I stated it was against my beleif system. I only stated that what two consenting adults do is not my business and according to my beleifs will have to answer for their actions, as we all will.

By the way Ron, you never mentioned anything about the comment I made about your racist statements earlier. I feel that is more harmfull to society than same sex marraiges. Your thoughts?

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I have no desire to deprive anyone of their civil liberties unless those "civil liberties" are against the laws of nature and of God. My first obligation is to obey God! We are talking about two issues that I believe fall into that catagory.

The way Christianity was spread by the sword is an abomination, and does not even resemble the Christianity that I know. I am not in favor of forceing my beliefs on anyone, but I am also not able to sit passively by while we legalize such abominations as abortion and same sex marriage. This is a far cry from a Theocracy, which I oppose big time.

I would remind you that slavery practices are also mentioned in the New Testament but this is only a minor point. The truth is that although you and I are both decent, honest, and caring people with respect to how we conduct ourselves on a daily basis, our basic beliefs are poles apart. It is crucial, I believe, that the governmental system which is in place be able to serve us all.

This is why I am more comfortable living under the Canadian system, a system which is more belief neutral. God and his pundits are not welcome to play a direct role in our politics, nor in our governance. Your beliefs are, as I have just said, wildly different from mine, and yet we are both decent people. In a free country I must have rights to my beliefs just as you must have rights to yours. In a theocratic country someone is gonna lose out. We have been receiving reports of this in action from a number of Islamic theocracies. Indeed, tales of life under the Taliban were particularly blood-chilling, were they not?

Now, Cusano, what I fear most from you is that your passion is so intense that it is grown quite immoderate and that you are in the way of being a one man Talibanista yourself. You have found faith and you would like others to do so, too. This is understandable. But if they won't or don't or can't, what then? Are you going to deny these individuals their civil freedoms? Are you going to leave them alienated from a homeland which now suits you?

I don't know how much history you have studied but both Christianity and Islam have been spread by the sword at certain periods during their early growth. Of course you know what I am talking about: the newly conquered tribes were told that they should convert or die. In just such a way I have this sense of a serious dichotomy between your religious beliefs and this business of man's civil rights. I sense that this is a big, a very big, issue in the United States today.

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I know that you are against both of these practices and I commend you for that. The point I was trying to make is that they do harm society, and as Believers we ought to be opposed to sin on all levels, even within politics.

You mentioned a raciest statement?? I have no idea what you are referring to. Please explain.

See post 1371 of this thread.

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I have no desire to deprive anyone of their civil liberties unless those "civil liberties" are against the laws of nature and of God.
I hate to break this to you, but homosexuality is only against "the laws of God", not the "laws of nature". There are lots of animal species out there that practice homosexual behavior.

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You call that raciest? I was agreeing with him when he said most violent crime committed in Canada was by young black men, I said that the same is true here, which is statistically true. In the area where I live, the occasion of violent crime is many times higher in some predominently black areas then in the area where I live. These are facts. How is that raciest?

See post 1371 of this thread.

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You call that raciest? I was agreeing with him when he said most violent crime committed in Canada was by young black men, I said that the same is true here, which is statistically true. In the area where I live, the occasion of violent crime is many times higher in some predominently black areas then in the area where I live. These are facts. How is that raciest?

I wasn't the only one who saw that in your post, keep reading. TOM and Wheetsin gave stats showing the opposite of your statements. So the fact that you say you feel safe in your white communty and not so much if you travel to not so white comminities seems racist to me. Sorry.

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Before I answered you, I went back to the Internet to look at stats, just make sure that I did not have a false impression or bad information. Virtually every one showed a significantly higher rate of violent crime in black areas as opposed to white areas. Here is just on of the sites: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_crime In face, I think it was Green who said that in Canada, most of the murders were blacks killing other blacks. You don't see that as raciest though, do you??

There are reasons for this, including poverty, gangs, break down of the family structure, lack of employment, drugs, just to name a few. Nevertheless, the stats say that if is a lot safer walking in my neighborhood that is a nearby black neighborhood with a high crime rate. This may be politcally incorrect to even mention such a thing, but if is certainly not racism. I would like to invite you to taks a walk through on of the aforementioned areas and them give you opinion!

Since Tom and Wheetsin are coming from a different perspective than I am, I am not surprised that they found some stats that say differently, and that they see racism here. We don't seem to agree on much.

I wasn't the only one who saw that in your post, keep reading. TOM and Wheetsin gave stats showing the opposite of your statements. So the fact that you say you feel safe in your white communty and not so much if you travel to not so white comminities seems racist to me. Sorry.

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You call that raciest? I was agreeing with him when he said most violent crime committed in Canada was by young black men, I said that the same is true here, which is statistically true. In the area where I live, the occasion of violent crime is many times higher in some predominently black areas then in the area where I live. These are facts. How is that raciest?

Naughty Cusano! We were talking about young urban black male on young urban black male gun violence in Toronto, Canada. You then twisted this to state that packs o gun-toting black folk were attacking white guys south of the border. Your fellow Americans then provided statistics which indicated that you were wrong and that such erroneous statements promoted racist attitudes. After much agreeable discussion we all learned that criminal activities tend to remain inside race and culture and socio-economic divides. Apparently you were not paying attention at the time. Too bad, eh.

Now, I am going to admit that I have come to have a certain fondness for you, but I have often noticed that you do misread material which others have posted. This is not good for you. It weakens your arguing position as I believe I have pointed out before.

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If you read my last post, you will see where I specifically mentioned that you said it was young blacks killing young blacks in Canada. I didn't twist anything. I said that I feel much safer here in my neighborhood than if i were walking in one of those neighborhoods that you describes, but her in my neck of the woods. No one ever said that there were "packs o gun-toting black folk were attacking white guys south of the border"! That is YOU twisting things!

I don't know where they got their stats from, but ever site I found confirmed what I said, that violent crime was much higher amoung blacks that amoung whites. If you reread what I wrote, I was actually agreeing with you about "criminal activities tend to remain inside race and culture and socio-economic divides"! And regardless of any stats, I am speaking from experience where I live and grew up.

Naughty Cusano! We were talking about young urban black male on young urban black male gun violence in Toronto, Canada. You then twisted this to state that packs o gun-toting black folk were attacking white guys south of the border. Your fellow Americans then provided statistics which indicated that you were wrong and that such erroneous statements promoted racist attitudes. After much agreeable discussion we all learned that criminal activities tend to remain inside race and culture and socio-economic divides. Apparently you were not paying attention at the time. Too bad, eh.

Now, I am going to admit that I have come to have a certain fondness for you, but I have often noticed that you do misread material which others have posted. This is not good for you. It weakens your arguing position as I believe I have pointed out before.

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PS - This is a much respected site. See what they are rep[orting -


Naughty Cusano! We were talking about young urban black male on young urban black male gun violence in Toronto, Canada. You then twisted this to state that packs o gun-toting black folk were attacking white guys south of the border. Your fellow Americans then provided statistics which indicated that you were wrong and that such erroneous statements promoted racist attitudes. After much agreeable discussion we all learned that criminal activities tend to remain inside race and culture and socio-economic divides. Apparently you were not paying attention at the time. Too bad, eh.

Now, I am going to admit that I have come to have a certain fondness for you, but I have often noticed that you do misread material which others have posted. This is not good for you. It weakens your arguing position as I believe I have pointed out before.

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Before I answered you, I went back to the Internet to look at stats, just make sure that I did not have a false impression or bad information. Virtually every one showed a significantly higher rate of violent crime in black areas as opposed to white areas. Here is just on of the sites: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_crime In face, I think it was Green who said that in Canada, most of the murders were blacks killing other blacks. You don't see that as raciest though, do you??

There are reasons for this, including poverty, gangs, break down of the family structure, lack of employment, drugs, just to name a few. Nevertheless, the stats say that if is a lot safer walking in my neighborhood that is a nearby black neighborhood with a high crime rate. This may be politcally incorrect to even mention such a thing, but if is certainly not racism. I would like to invite you to taks a walk through on of the aforementioned areas and them give you opinion!

Since Tom and Wheetsin are coming from a different perspective than I am, I am not surprised that they found some stats that say differently, and that they see racism here. We don't seem to agree on much.

I just read your latest post and I must say that I regretfully agree. Black people are most certainly NOT preying on white people but bad things are happening to some of the young black men up here in Toronto. They are slaughtering each other with illegal guns which are smuggled up here from south of the border. They are killing each other at the rate of one to two kids per week. This is a painful thing for our community.

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It's a terrible thing for any community! I don't think it's all because of the gun availability, I think it's because of all the social issues that lead to hopelessness, desperation and bitterness. Banning guns won't fix the problem, because they will find rifles, shotguns, make homemade "zip" guns, knives, bats and anything else to act out. They need to have a reason to live and a future to look forward to. And I know you're not going to like this, but having a godly foundation and church family couldn't hurt either.

I just read your latest post and I must say that I regretfully agree. Black people are most certainly NOT preying on white people but bad things are happening to some of the young black men up here in Toronto. They are slaughtering each other with illegal guns which are smuggled up here from south of the border. They are killing each other at the rate of one to two kids per week. This is a painful thing for our community.

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society - the tradational, man & women family.
So polygamy is now tradition? I love it! :heh:

:boy_hug: :) :girl_hug: :girl_hug: :girl_hug:

You said in an earlier post, regarging the race-related crimes, that you didn't know where "they" (me and TOM) got our statistics. I provided my source in my post, but I guess you missed it. My information came from the US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics.

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Who said Polgramy was traditional?? Do you have the link to your source?? Have you checked out this site?


So polygamy is now tradition? I love it! :heh:

:boy_hug: :) :girl_hug: :girl_hug: :girl_hug:

You said in an earlier post, regarging the race-related crimes, that you didn't know where "they" (me and TOM) got our statistics. I provided my source in my post, but I guess you missed it. My information came from the US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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