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Anti-Semitism In France!

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Resurrection means resurrection, Jesus did not have a son, and the story will turn out to be just another in a long line of bunk. And the world is not being destroyed by global warming. The world has always gone through cyclonic temperature changes, most with more severe changes that we are seeing now. It's perfectly normal except to Al Gore and the alarmists!

You say it would not interdere with your faith which is not based on the Bible. I had asked you previously what then is you faith based on, but you never answered? Can you tell me??

I don't know if anyone has heard the news, but there is a claim that the boxes that Jesus and his family were buried in have been found.

"While the Bible tells the story of Jesus and his resurrection, this box could show physical evidence that he existed, was buried and that he had a son, Judah."

While that might upset those that believe in the word for word Bible, it will not interfere with my faith, because, I don't care if it was the human body of Jesus that was resurrected or a hologram type image that one could put their hand through, it is all the same to me.

I guess some group will come out with a new connotation of the word “resurrected” (was that in Greek, Hebrew of Aramaic?), so that the people who need a literal Bible can say, "I told you so", while others will deny any facts that may be shown "as science run a muck".

It is nice to know that until "Global Warming" destroys the Earth (or at least its ability to support human life, there will be something interesting to debate.

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You seem to delight in blaming all the social woes in the world on George Bush. There are a lot of people who disagree with you on that, depending on your politics. George Bush does not decide who dies on death row, and I believe the President acted in good faith in Iraq, as the leader of the free world in a time of war, neither of which determines his beliefs. You seem intent on passing judgement on him, but like to point the finget at you you preceive as others casting judgement.

So letting people on death row die when other states show a high percentage of innocent people on death row, and bombing innocent civilians is "the fruit BuSh bears" to prove that he belongs to Jesus?

How come you (claim to) see through Hitler, but you can't see through BuSh?

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Resurrection means resurrection, Jesus did not have a son, and the story will turn out to be just another in a long line of bunk. And the world is not being destroyed by global warming. The world has always gone through cyclonic temperature changes, most with more severe changes that we are seeing now. It's perfectly normal except to Al Gore and the alarmists!

You say it would not interdere with your faith which is not based on the Bible. I had asked you previously what then is you faith based on, but you never answered? Can you tell me??

No, I will not, because no matter what I tell you, you will harp, weasel, console, beg and threaten me to change my views until they conform with yours. And Global warming will destroy the Earth before my views conform with yours.

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So it's OK for you to challenge and twist and turn my beliefs, but you don't even have the conviction to state where your's come from??? That seems a bit hypocritical to me.

I think the reason you don't answer that question is because you don't have an answer, and you're stated beliefs are based entirely on your very vocal opinion and feelings. Am I correct??

No, I will not, because no matter what I tell you, you will harp, weasel, console, beg and threaten me to change my views until they conform with yours. And Global warming will destroy the Earth before my views conform with yours.

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The global warming thing puzzles me. I am certainly no scientist, but some observations. From my limited knowledge, the earth has always had global warming and cooling. It seams cyclical. The ice ages and the warming afterwords. Also, it seams funny that watching the weather nightly, more often than not, the record highs for the day are often early on. For example, yesterdays record high for Dallas occurred in 1906. I do think there are knee jerk reactions out there when it comes to the environment. Could we be better, of course, but I think things are overstated.

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You seem to delight in blaming all the social woes in the world on George Bush. There are a lot of people who disagree with you on that, depending on your politics. George Bush does not decide who dies on death row, and I believe the President acted in good faith in Iraq, as the leader of the free world in a time of war, neither of which determines his beliefs. You seem intent on passing judgement on him, but like to point the finget at you you preceive as others casting judgement.
Not all the social woes, just the ones he is responsible for (although he gets his marching orders from Jesus).

You seem on the other hand to delight in defending the biggest liar (about life and death matters) ever to sit in the White House.

The governor of Illinois, a Conservative pro-capital punishment Republican commuted all the death sentences in his state when during a period of time, 13 death row inmates were found to be 100% innocent while 12 others were executed. The Illinois governor suggested to the then Texas governor BuSh that since both state use the same judicial system, maybe BuSh should look into some of the cases a little more closely. But BuSh didn't, saying that Texas didn't make mistakes. By the way, Texas just released a death row inmate last week.

BuSh knew that his excuses for the Illogical Illegal Iraqi Invasion were bogus. The “Uranium from Niger) statement was taken out of a October 2002 speech, but he used it anyway in the February 2003 “State of the Union” speech and then his subordinates outed the (CIA agent) wife of the man who proved the uranium claim false.

BuSh kept after the CIA to find evidence linking Hussein to 911, after they came back over and over again and said "No", until finally George Tenent, needing to keep his job, told BuSh what he wanted to hear.

It is not in the Bible, but it is all out there to read. I told everyone months before the Illogical Illegal Iraqi Invasion what would happen, but BuSh kept his final solution ready for the breakdown of resistance by his subordinates and then unleashed the Illogical Illegal Iraqi Invasion. BuSh's own father predicted the trouble that would ensue from invading Iraq, but BuSh Jr. said he consults a "higher father" when asked why he didn't take his (human) father's advice on Iraq.

If BuSh acted in good faith, I wonder, "faith in who and/or what"?

BuSh said that he wanted to invade Iraq 7 months before 911 at his first cabinet meeting. The Illogical Illegal Iraqi Invasion was a self fulfilling prophecy, one in which the evidence was manufactured to fit the verdict.

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So it's OK for you to challenge and twist and turn my beliefs, but you don't even have the conviction to state where your's come from??? That seems a bit hypocritical to me.

I think the reason you don't answer that question is because you don't have an answer, and you're stated beliefs are based entirely on your very vocal opinion and feelings. Am I correct??

I am not trying to change your beliefs, except the belief that you have the right to tell other people that their way of worship is not as valid as yours.

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The global warming thing puzzles me. I am certainly no scientist, but some observations. From my limited knowledge, the earth has always had global warming and cooling. It seams cyclical. The ice ages and the warming afterwords. Also, it seams funny that watching the weather nightly, more often than not, the record highs for the day are often early on. For example, yesterdays record high for Dallas occurred in 1906. I do think there are knee jerk reactions out there when it comes to the environment. Could we be better, of course, but I think things are overstated.
The thing about global warming is that while the Earth does experience periodic warming and cooling events, the current warming trend is happening much faster than scientists think is natural (based on evidence of the speed of past warming events). Scientists base a lot of their conjecture on recorded temperatures for the past few hundred years, and on temperatures that they have estimated with several other techniques (including basing warming trends on the size of tree rings - warmer temperatures create wider rings). A lot of it is really hard to explain, especially to non-scientists (to explain the methods behind some theories, other theories have to be explained), but I will try to do my best if you have questions. I am not an expert in the theory behind global warming, but I have studied it in several classes.

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The global warming thing puzzles me. I am certainly no scientist, but some observations. From my limited knowledge, the earth has always had global warming and cooling. It seams cyclical. The ice ages and the warming afterwords. Also, it seams funny that watching the weather nightly, more often than not, the record highs for the day are often early on. For example, yesterdays record high for Dallas occurred in 1906. I do think there are knee jerk reactions out there when it comes to the environment. Could we be better, of course, but I think things are overstated.
And the world is not being destroyed by global warming. The world has always gone through cyclonic temperature changes, most with more severe changes that we are seeing now. It's perfectly normal except to Al Gore and the alarmists!
However, the world was never built up by man the way it is now. There was never 6.5 billion people, like there is now.

When was the last Global Warming of this magnitude? How many years before the Earth was created as per the Bible (which indicates a 6,000 year old Earth)?

How do you move New York City and its 8,000,000 people. Much of NYC is only about 16 to 20 feet above sea level. A 23 foot increase in sea level and goodbye much of Florida, Washington DC and NY, Boston, etc. The USA's economy would never recover in my lifetime or the lifetime of my children.

How about India, Bangladesh, and so many other countries (I do not even feel like spell checking them)?

There is a direct correlation between the temperature rise and the CO2 rise. What do we have to lose by cutting down on CO2? What do we have to lose by cutting US dependence on Middle-East oil?

You will not wager your soul, why wager your life, your children's lives and your grandchildren's lives?

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When was the last Global Warming of this magnitude?

I am not disputing that there is some warming, but this has been a very harsh winter for much of the US. I know thats not thinking globaly. I question the magnatude of it and the agenda that many have to promote it like the Al Gores of the world.

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So I will ask you again then! What do you believe and why do you believe it. You keep evading the question!!

I am not trying to change your beliefs, except the belief that you have the right to tell other people that their way of worship is not as valid as yours.

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CORRECT! All believers are called to be priests to our God, and Jesus is the High Priest. Our designated priesthood is what gives us access to the trhrone of God the Father, in the name of Jesus the Son.

Ron, the quote from Revelations was in response to your statement that nowhere in the Bible did it mention praying to the dead.

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All of this is just opinion, and you are entitled to your. I think it all a bunch of hogwash, but that's just me.

You keep telling me my Biblical beliefs are all wrong, and I am still waiting for you to tell me what yours are and what YOU base them on. You are real good at avoiding this.

However, the world was never built up by man the way it is now. There was never 6.5 billion people, like there is now.

When was the last Global Warming of this magnitude? How many years before the Earth was created as per the Bible (which indicates a 6,000 year old Earth)?

How do you move New York City and its 8,000,000 people. Much of NYC is only about 16 to 20 feet above sea level. A 23 foot increase in sea level and goodbye much of Florida, Washington DC and NY, Boston, etc. The USA's economy would never recover in my lifetime or the lifetime of my children.

How about India, Bangladesh, and so many other countries (I do not even feel like spell checking them)?

There is a direct correlation between the temperature rise and the CO2 rise. What do we have to lose by cutting down on CO2? What do we have to lose by cutting US dependence on Middle-East oil?

You will not wager your soul, why wager your life, your children's lives and your grandchildren's lives?

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I do apoligize for my typos, spelling, etc. and I can accept that it can be a problem. While I am a writer, I do unfortunately have to rely on Spell Check a lot, which we don't have here.

We DO have Spell Check here! Look in the upper right hand corner when you compose your next post. See the little Spell Check icon? It look like this...


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I am not disputing that there is some warming, but this has been a very harsh winter for much of the US. I know thats not thinking globaly. I question the magnatude of it and the agenda that many have to promote it like the Al Gores of the world.
There are still going to be meteorological events like El Nino/La Nina that affect current weather patterns. The overall pattern, though, is one of warming. It is also argued that as global warming progresses, it will cause worse El Nino/La Nina events.

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      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
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