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Anti-Semitism In France!

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What an intelligent, adult response . . . calling me a putz! Is that what you do when you have nothing of value to say? Fustrated are you?

I tried to engage in the original topic, however, no one seemed very interested in it once they found out they had a Christian here to tear apart. And as far as I know, this is a public forum, and I don't need something to "allow me entrance" as you say. I believe it is open to all bandsters, is it not.

I won't call you a name, even though many come to mind. I won't bring myself down to that level.

You only love those who reflect your own beliefs. You are a bully. And you have still not engaged in the topic which allowed you entrance into LBT, the issue of anti-Semitism in France, ya putz.

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I just wanted to see if you really are hanging out with Jewish folk. I guess you are. My heart-felt apologies for the very rude Yiddish.

With respect to the question, what are your thoughts on the topic of anti-Semitism in France? I would be interested to know. It is an important issue. I will mention that I lost most of my father's side of the family in the Holocaust and, as I have previously mentioned, I have been personally interested in the situation in France.

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Anti-Semitism is on the increase all over the world, with France being a hot spot. If you go to your web browser, go to Google, and type in anti-semitism in France, you can pick and choose from many articles on the subject. Gentiles as well as Jews need to make the world aware of what is going on before we see another holocaust.

It is my understanding from the Tenach, that God loves his people Israel. They are the apple of His eye; His Chosen People.

What God love, Satan hates. The messianic bloodline flows through His Chosen People, and when messiah came and became our final atonement for sin, Satans fate was sealed. The New Testament tells us that when Messiah returns at the end of the age, all Israel left alive with see Him, acknowledge Him and be saved. Because of this, Satan perscutes Israel. I view anti-semitism as being satanic in nature.

Not only do I spend much time with Jews, I believe everything the Jewish scriptures say. I also believe that they provide us with messianic credentials so thet we could recognize who the Messiah is. They tell us where he was tbe born, his bloodline, how He will die, why he will die, the miracles He would perform, places he would go, the method of His death, centuries before it was even heard of . . . everything about Him! Yeshua (Jesus) fulfilled all the messianiac requirements. If you want an eye opener on the Messiah becoming a final atonement for Israel, read the Hebrew prophet Isaiah, Chapter 53

I just wanted to see if you really are hanging out with Jewish folk. I guess you are. My heart-felt apologies for the very rude Yiddish.

With respect to the question, what are your thoughts on the topic of anti-Semitism in France? I would be interested to know. It is an important issue. I will mention that I lost most of my father's side of the family in the Holocaust and, as I have previously mentioned, I have been personally interested in the situation in France.

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There is a large group of US Christians who are pro-Israel to the point of funding Israel's most right-wing political parties. They do not do it out of benevolence, but for a mean spirited cruel deceitful purpose.

Their aim is to have Israel throw the Palestinians off the land that they now occupy, because these US Christians see that as the first step toward the countdown to Revelation Day.

The pity is that they do not realize the "Revelations" does not belong in the Bible. Many scholars think that the "Book of Revelations" was a communication between Christians denouncing the Emperor of Rome, written in allegorical code, so that the writer would not be killed by the Romans. The emperor was probably either Domitian or Nero. Constantine was emperor of Rome about 250 years after "Revelations" was written and probably did not realize what it was, when his commission allowed it to be canonized as part of the Bible.

Much like "Alice in Wonderland" and "Gulliver's Travels", it was political satire.

But these 21st Century US Christians believe that after Israel takes over the land, there will be a 7 year war in which all but 144,000 Jews will be slaughtered. The 144,000 will be the Jews that accept Jesus as their savior and then get to go to Heaven on Judgment day along with the Evangelical Christians. All the others; all Baptists, all Roman Catholics and all the members of many other Christians Denominations will burn forever in the fires of Hell.

Much of these ideas are based on the writings of John Nelson Darby from the 1830's who formulated the idea of the "Rapture". But lately they have been pushed to the forefront by Reverend Timothy LaHaye, one of the most influential leaders of the Christian right, and a man who played a quiet but pivotal role in putting George W. BuSh in the White House. Reverend LaHaye is renowned for his series of best-selling apocalyptic novels known as the "Left Behind" books (and movies). They are known as the "Left Behind" books because the sequence starts with (Darby's) "Rapture" in which all the good Christians are swept off Planet Earth leaving their clothing behind and flying off toward Heaven.

When an Israeli official, who's right wing party benefits from the UnChristian Never-Right Political Movement's contribution to them was asked about the intended slaughter or conversion of Jews in the plans of the money contributors, he said that they (the Jewish right-wing party) would accept the money, but did not believe (or worry about) that the wars known as "The Tribulation" would be coming.

Two groups, each playing the others for fools, each doing it using the name of God while advancing their political/religious agendas. Happy WW3.

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So, in essence, from all of your posts in this thread and all others, you're really saying that you don't actually believe the Bible at all, but you are a Christian. Just so I understand...:)
I am afraid that you will never understand me, so I will not try to explain myself to you. If you want to read my words, feel free to do so and to draw your own conclusions.

However, "Judge not, lest ye be judged".

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I am afraid that you will never understand me, so I will not try to explain myself to you. If you want to read my words, feel free to do so and to draw your own conclusions.

However, "Judge not, lest ye be judged".


And the thingy is making me write more, so I did.

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I don't know where you get all this rubbish from but it is very amusing. You have your theology all distorted and is far from that of Conservative Christians. Your Bible history if full of "probally's" and "could have's" and is based upon your own fantacy.

And, just for the record, the reasons real Christians are pro Israel is because -

1: The title deed to the land was given to the Jews by God through

Abram, and is forever.

2: The Jews are God's Chosen people and Gentile Believers have an

obligation to evangelize and support them.

You apparently have decided that the Book of the Revelation does not belong in the Bible, making millions of Bible scolars for almost 2000 years to be fools. You are just so smart!

Your take on the 144,000 Jews and how it fits into the end of the age seneiro is so far from the truth that it makes you look like a fool.

There is a large group of US Christians who are pro-Israel to the point of funding Israel's most right-wing political parties. They do not do it out of benevolence, but for a mean spirited cruel deceitful purpose.

Their aim is to have Israel throw the Palestinians off the land that they now occupy, because these US Christians see that as the first step toward the countdown to Revelation Day.

The pity is that they do not realize the "Revelations" does not belong in the Bible. Many scholars think that the "Book of Revelations" was a communication between Christians denouncing the Emperor of Rome, written in allegorical code, so that the writer would not be killed by the Romans. The emperor was probably either Domitian or Nero. Constantine was emperor of Rome about 250 years after "Revelations" was written and probably did not realize what it was, when his commission allowed it to be canonized as part of the Bible.

Much like "Alice in Wonderland" and "Gulliver's Travels", it was political satire.

But these 21st Century US Christians believe that after Israel takes over the land, there will be a 7 year war in which all but 144,000 Jews will be slaughtered. The 144,000 will be the Jews that accept Jesus as their savior and then get to go to Heaven on Judgment day along with the Evangelical Christians. All the others; all Baptists, all Roman Catholics and all the members of many other Christians Denominations will burn forever in the fires of Hell.

Much of these ideas are based on the writings of John Nelson Darby from the 1830's who formulated the idea of the "Rapture". But lately they have been pushed to the forefront by Reverend Timothy LaHaye, one of the most influential leaders of the Christian right, and a man who played a quiet but pivotal role in putting George W. BuSh in the White House. Reverend LaHaye is renowned for his series of best-selling apocalyptic novels known as the "Left Behind" books (and movies). They are known as the "Left Behind" books because the sequence starts with (Darby's) "Rapture" in which all the good Christians are swept off Planet Earth leaving their clothing behind and flying off toward Heaven.

When an Israeli official, who's right wing party benefits from the UnChristian Never-Right Political Movement's contribution to them was asked about the intended slaughter or conversion of Jews in the plans of the money contributors, he said that they (the Jewish right-wing party) would accept the money, but did not believe (or worry about) that the wars known as "The Tribulation" would be coming.

Two groups, each playing the others for fools, each doing it using the name of God while advancing their political/religious agendas. Happy WW3.

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You couldn't be more wrong! God affirmed that the birthright was through Issac and then Jacob. You don't know your scriptures my friend!

Abraham had two sons:

One was considered the founder of Islam, so therefore Muslims have as much right to the land as the Jews.

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People, please try to refrain from making personal comments. Debate the scriptures and theology and even belief systems all you want, but stop yourselves short when you feel the need to hurl personal invectives.

Cusano, I'd really be interested to hear why you believe what the Bible says should matter to me. I'm perfectly happy to live this life without any "promise" of a next life, and feel that it's incumbent on us as humans to love one another because that's what makes for civil society. No external motivating forces needed. Now, without calling me ignorant or unschooled, please tell me why you feel adherence to any ministry is advisable for those who are not intrinsically called to one. Not yours, specifically, but any.

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He's just gonna tell you that your gonna burn in hell Alexandra if you dont believe.

At this point, why even bother to argue with him? We already know that he's right and we are wrong.

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First, I do not think you "ignorant or unschooled", nor would I presume that of anyone here. That's a fair question and I will try to give you an answer based on common sense, rather that theology!

IF there is a God, and IF that God has interacted with us, His creation, and IF there is an afterlife, and IF what we believe here determines where we spend that afterlife, and IF there was exhaustive evidence to support these claims, then isn't it incumbent upon us to investigate these things and find out. Weather the Bible is true or just a bunch of fairy tails, wouldn't it be the most intelligent thing in the world to determine which?

If the claims of scripture are indeed true, that not only would it have a profound impact of your life here in this world, but it would determine your fate for what takes place when your leave this world . . . eternity! And you, like me and everyone else, will die and leave this world. If death is just the end of existance, or IF death is the doorway to an eternal life, and If there is a heaven and a hell, then knowing either way would be the most important thing you may ever learn.

Until we investigate all the IF's, and there are a lot of IF's, how can we make an intelligent decision that could determine our eternal destinity! I guess the reason I am so passionate about this subject is because so many base this most important decision of feelings, misunderstanding, and without considering all of the evidence. Isn't that like being on a jury, looking at a person, and coming to a conclusion on his guilt or innocence without hearing all the evidence. Should we make this mistake about something so important and so final? Does this make any sense to you?

People, please try to refrain from making personal comments. Debate the scriptures and theology and even belief systems all you want, but stop yourselves short when you feel the need to hurl personal invectives.

Cusano, I'd really be interested to hear why you believe what the Bible says should matter to me. I'm perfectly happy to live this life without any "promise" of a next life, and feel that it's incumbent on us as humans to love one another because that's what makes for civil society. No external motivating forces needed. Now, without calling me ignorant or unschooled, please tell me why you feel adherence to any ministry is advisable for those who are not intrinsically called to one. Not yours, specifically, but any.

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First, I do not think you "ignorant or unschooled", nor would I presume that of anyone here. That's a fair question and I will try to give you an answer based on common sense, rather that theology!

IF there is a God, and IF that God has interacted with us, His creation, and IF there is an afterlife, and IF what we believe here determines where we spend that afterlife, and IF there was exhaustive evidence to support these claims, then isn't it incumbent upon us to investigate these things and find out. Weather the Bible is true or just a bunch of fairy tails, wouldn't it be the most intelligent thing in the world to determine which?

If there is a God, and IF that God has interacted with us, why isn't it just as likely/possible that he/she did so via the Bhagavad Gita, the Book of Mormon, the Koran, or any of the other multiple examples of holy writ humans have claimed to be privy to over the millenia? Yet, I'll concede that determining whether the Bible (or any holy book) is true or just a bunch of fairy tales is indeed a fair subject for exploration. It's a fascinating window into human history from many standpoints, and people have been examining scripture forever. No one has ever proven anything.

If the claims of scripture are indeed true, that not only would it have a profound impact of your life here in this world, but it would determine your fate for what takes place when your leave this world . . . eternity! And you, like me and everyone else, will die and leave this world. If death is just the end of existance, or IF death is the doorway to an eternal life, and If there is a heaven and a hell, then knowing either way would be the most important thing you may ever learn.

Until we investigate all the IF's, and there are a lot of IF's, how can we make an intelligent decision that could determine our eternal destinity! I guess the reason I am so passionate about this subject is because so many base this most important decision of feelings, misunderstanding, and without considering all of the evidence. Isn't that like being on a jury, looking at a person, and coming to a conclusion on his guilt or innocence without hearing all the evidence. Should we make this mistake about something so important and so final? Does this make any sense to you?

This is a good case for studying, I guess, if one were needed. As I've said, religious history and literature is as ripe an area for study as any other, and in fact can provide deep insight into the human condition. Obviously I feel this way or I wouldn't have a degree in religious studies.

Yet I've never seen, heard, or read one piece of evidence that I find compelling toward the actual existence of a supernatural creator, eternal life, a heaven, a hell, or anything else of that nature. In fact, I've seen lots of evidence to the contrary. Certainly religious practice has enormous impact on humans and can have profound effects--positive and negative--on behavior, but I've yet to encounter any actual rational basis for humans to actually hold a belief in any supernatural force.

Knowing or not knowing what lies beyond death's door will not change my behavior in this lifetime. It has always seemed to me that accepting any particular written scripture as a roadmap for one's own behavior is ... well, let's just say it doesn't make any sense to me.

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