anonemouse 1 Posted March 3, 2007 You can all think what you want! It's a free country and God gave us a free will for which we will all have to answer for someday. You are in for a rude awakening! It is interesting to note that those mocking the authority of the literal, infallible scriptures, and me personally, are athiests, ultra liberals, liberal Christians which does include Catholics, and an old man who is a socialist/Communist, hates the government and country he lives in and worships a God of his own imagining that is admittedly imperfect and fallible. Why should I be suprised! In fact, this raging is exactly what the vWord of God describes in the first verse of the 22nd Psalm. Jesus said we shouldn't be surprised if "the world hates us for His names sake, because the world first hated Him"! You all just prove Him and the scriptures to be 100% correct, literal and true! It still amazes me that people can look at this vitriol and say that we brought it on ourselves, or that we are worse than him. To me, that shows they have to empathy at all and no idea of how words affect people. Are we supposed to just sit and listen to this crap and not respond? Some people think so. Apparently, some people also think we should be apologizing to Ron, as well, even when he continues to berate us. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cjbement 0 Posted March 3, 2007 To me, modern religion is about as believable as the Greek or Egyptian mythologies. Religion gives Christianity a bad name sometimes! I ran away from religion, but eventually crawled back to God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. All the hoo-hah of some religions takes so much away from the big picture (not bashing on any particular religion and I do go to church) there is just much to be gained from spirituality that is not a part of organized fellowship with other people. My opinion only and not trying to get anyone to see it my way. :eek: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anonemouse 1 Posted March 3, 2007 I ran away from religion, but eventually crawled back to God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. All the hoo-hah of some religions takes so much away from the big picture (not bashing on any particular religion and I do go to church) there is just much to be gained from spirituality that is not a part of organized fellowship with other people. My opinion only and not trying to get anyone to see it my way. :eek:Oh, yeah, I am a great supporter of spirituality. To me, many of the people that define themselves as spiritual really understand the whole point of faith. Too many people get bogged down in the fight over whose denomination is superior or whose denomination is better serving God, instead of understanding what the whole point of having faith is. They forget that they are all serving the same God, and that it doesn't matter who has the larger church or bigger coffers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ron Cusano 0 Posted March 3, 2007 I am going to allow the Word of God to answer all of the above . . . "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of they ministry" 2Timothy 4:3-5 These passages were never more true that what has been happening on this thread. Do with this scripture what you want. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BJean 16 Posted March 3, 2007 Oh yeah... there's one of the classics..."For someone who claims to know the Bible intimately, those statements show that you don't have a clue." He's got dozens of them. Doncha just love "... you don't have a clue"? Welcome aboard CJ. Hang onto your hat if you want to play here. Someone is liable to take a big swing at you if you don't watch out! You sound like a very reasonable and intelligent gentleman. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BJean 16 Posted March 3, 2007 TOM: I'm so jealous. Your own classification. Like a plant. I've just gotta see Tommy's four-four! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cjbement 0 Posted March 3, 2007 Welcome aboard CJ. Hang onto your hat if you want to play here. Someone is liable to take a big swing at you if you don't watch out! You sound like a very reasonable and intelligent gentleman. Thats ok, I can handle it! I just try not to strike first if I can help it. BTW, I am a female, but because of my name, quite often confused as a fella. No problem, and thanks for the welcome! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BJean 16 Posted March 3, 2007 Aw geez, CJ... I didn't mean to insult you! (Lots of people call me BJ. Or at least they did when I was younger.) So you're a very gentle sounding nice woman. Even better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cjbement 0 Posted March 3, 2007 Aw geez, CJ... I didn't mean to insult you! (Lots of people call me BJ. Or at least they did when I was younger.) So you're a very gentle sounding nice woman. Even better. Thanks, same to you!! HA! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
QTkidsmom 0 Posted March 3, 2007 Ron, I have peeked into this thread a few times and have wondered how in the world a thread that started as a call to the awareness of Anti-semitism turned into a anti-christianity thread. All believers need to remember that the bible says that in the end, there will be people whose hearts have hardened to the truth. Your job as a believer is to sow the seed, not complete the harvest. God needs no defending from us. Stand for what you believe and never deny Christ, in actions or in words. I find that this thread is out of control on both sides. As the bible says, there will be unbelievers who refuse to believe until one day, every knee will bow and every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord of All. You will not be able to convince them of this now but it is a promise. On the same token, a non-believer will NEVER convince me that Jesus is not God and acceptance and belief that only he can save me and this world. My knowledge is based on facts, yes facts, and faith. Until a person has a real experience with God the relationship is based on blind faith, some people can not accept this, as supported by the scriptures. The agrument is fruitless. A better use of time would be in prayer for the lost and reaching those that a ready to accept the truth. These words are not meant to criticize anyone, be clear on that. Stay in his grip. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BJean 16 Posted March 3, 2007 QT: Thanks for your thoughtful post! I hope you have the time to read all the posts because if you only read part of them and read them out of context, you could misunderstand the meaning of some of them. BTW, good luck with that. It's a very long thread! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
anonemouse 1 Posted March 3, 2007 Ron, I have peeked into this thread a few times and have wondered how in the world a thread that started as a call to the awareness of Anti-semitism turned into a anti-christianity thread.Right. Except for the Christians that are also posting against Ron. So, not really anti-Christian at all, just anti-bigotry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
QTkidsmom 0 Posted March 3, 2007 BJ: You are correct, I have not read the entire thread, I just can't. I see too many things on both side of the argument that are hurtful to the other side. This kind of arguing does not serve anyones purpose, especially not our loving creator, in my opinion. I do realize that more than arguing is taking place, I have read enough, but in the 190 pages, the majority of posts contain a bashing of the other side. I did read a post of yours, in which you state that you ran from religon but returned to God. That is awesome. I am a Penticostal christian by denomination, however, I don't believe this is not how Jesus classifies me. I believe that he sees us not by our relationship to a church but by the relationship that we have with him (keeping in mind that he does not want us to forsake the gathering together in his name and worship). Anyone that has truly accepted him and have been saved, are his redeemed. Anyone that hasn't is lost. That is probably simplifying it too much, but I believe that. Again, all please understand, my post was not to criticize a single poster. I guess in some ways, it was a criticizm of the human nature. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BJean 16 Posted March 3, 2007 QT: I believe that you're attributing that "ran from religion or God" to me when it was not actually me who said that. I have never run from God. I have done my share of questioning all matters spiritual and religious, plus questioning different churches and the like. But I believe that it has made me a much stronger person and a better Christian, not less of one. I don't know if you read one of my posts where I made comment about the reason why so many of us Christians are offended by some of the remarks made by some who claim to be witnessing through their ministry. It has been said over and over that those of us who do not agree are just plain wrong and that we are fools and are going to hell. It has from time to time gone way beyond that in being insulting and belittling. I honestly do not believe that most of the people who've posted here, Christians and athiests, and undeclared, have seriously taken offense to anyone wanting to win souls over to Christ. What so many of us are up in arms over, and frankly angry over, is the pointing of fingers and profession that we are just plain wrong and if we don't believe what he is saying, don't blame him, blame God. It's infuriating. I agree with you wholeheartedly that human nature can sometimes bring out the worst in some of us - perhaps even all of us. After all, we're just human beings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
QTkidsmom 0 Posted March 3, 2007 I apologize, again you are correct. I went back to read the thread I thought was yours. I hope that it is understood that the only side I am on is God's. I do not know anyone on this site personally and am in no way a judge of a person's Christianity. You must know a person to know their fruits, I do not align myself with anyone that I do not know and have not seen their fruits. People who claim Christianity or not. We all must examine our own hearts and actions, to know the truth about our intent. I am at peace with mine and it appears that you are as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites