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Anti-Semitism In France!

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Of course, you are entitled to your opinions and beliefs. What I admitted was that when I felt attached, I reacted aggressively in return. I did not err in my approach to theological answers.

If you go back and read my posts you might be suprised to find that I did extend blessings to non-Believers and offered pray for them. You might imaging that it is difficult to feel blessings toward folks who you preceive as attacking you. If someone came over and attacked YOU, I wonder if your first thought would be to extend a blessing!!

What upsets me is people taking things that are said out of context, twisting their meaning or repeating things that were never said or implied in the first place. You just did that again with your statement, "So only Jews who find Christ are complete Jews? The rest of the Jews are bad, I guess"!! Would you care to point out who said that and where?? Did you make that up??

What was actually said by someone else was that , a Jewish friend called herself a "completed Jew" because she accepted Jesus. Everything else about your remark you made up! WHY?? You are quick to call me to task for what I say and accuse me of inciting trouble! Have you considered judging YOURSELF by the same standards??

You say you are a Christian but you don't accept a literal understand of the Bible, and that it is made up of "stories to make a point" as you put it! The literal intrepretation of Christian is "One Who Follows Christ"! Christ said, "Search the scriptures for in them you think ye have eternal life, it is they that testify of me", and "study to show they self approved of God". Would Jesus have us study and search the scriptures if they were only "stories"!!

The Apostles preached Jesus and bore witness to His messianic credentials through prophetic scripture. Jesus quoted the scriptures constantly identifed tham as being true. Was the Jesus you claim to believe in a liar? Did the Apostles die in vain??

Let me ask you a question, fellow Christian!! If you don't accept the Bible as your spiritual authority in all matters, then what do you accept! What is the foundation of YOUR Christian beliefs?? If the Bible is just a bunch of stories to make a point, how do you know Jesus was who He claimed to be and did what He claimed to do! CAN YOU ANSWER THESE THINGS??

I am not even going to address your political comments because your angry, liberal bias make it plain that you already have you mind made up and nothing I could say would open it.

It amazes me how true believers can not see when one of their own has erred. Ron may be 100% correct in his feeling on Jesus, but he has erred in his approach. EVEN HE HAS ADMITTED THAT.

Of course "ousooner" was the exception that proved the rule. I thank him for seeing the light.

When the Christians who are involved in political activism complain about how they are abused, I marvel at how a group that controlled both houses of congress, the White House and the majority of federal judges can feel picked upon. Or gang-raped for being disagreed with.

Is there nothing for people who do not believe (in everything exactly as the Christian Right Political Movement does), can do except to revel in the light of the the Right and the might of the Right, that will satisfy the perfection of the Christian Right Political Movement?

Ron, why do you bestow blessings on everyone that agrees with you? Don't we, who disagree with you, need the blessings even more?

I listen to the FOX News talk shows on WSTU, Republican Talk Radio, and when a phone caller agrees with the host, the host says, "You are a great American" and the caller replies, "You are a great American". Everyone, that does not agree with the Right-wing hosts, must therefor, by the process of elimination, be traitors to America. Even the darling of the Right, Ann Coulter agrees with that analysis.

So only Jews who find Christ are complete Jews? The rest of the Jews are bad, I guess.

I guess someone will tell me how Moses worshiped Christ. I have heard that before. How about Noah?

I also assume that Christians (like many here at LBT, including me) who don't buy a “word for word” interpretation of the Bible or who realize the politics that went into the Bible or who see the Qur'an as a retelling of the “Old and New Testaments” with many of the same characters, are doomed to everlasting burning in the eternal fires, unless those who think they have the only way are wrong.

I don't believe the Bible is to be taken “word for word”, but as stories to make a point.

I don't believe "Revelations" was anything but a communication between the Christians being tormented by the Romans.

I don't need Hell to Love Jesus.

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Regarding the term, "Completed Jew"! There are now many thousands, perhaps millions of Jews, including Rabbi's who have accepted Jesus as their Messiah! They coined the teminaolgy "Completed Jew" because it describe exactly how they view themselves!!

From the time of Moses, Messiah has been the hope of the Jewish people. Whan a Jew finds his Messiah, he feels complete in his judiasm.

To my new found Jewish friends on this board, allow me to ask you a profound question, and I would welcome and encourage sincere intelligent comment and debate . . .

On Yom Kippur you acknowledge the Day of Atonement, but . . .


Under the Law of Moses, atonement can only be made with a blood sacrifice, by the High Priest in the Temple. Since 70 AD when the Temple was destroyed by the Romans, and the priesthood ceased, and the Temple records destroyed, there has been no sacrifices for Atonement. So where is your atonement?? Can anyone comment on this please??

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From Everythighjewish.com:

The belief that somehow sins can be transferred from human to animal, has been a controversial subject among rabbis. As a result, this ceremony is no longer (except among the very ultra-orthodox or Hasidic circles) practiced today. Instead, repentance, prayer and giving charity is the accepted Jewish practice for obtaining divine forgiveness.

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I feel like I'm on the kindergarten playground listening to kids argue about whose imaginary friend said what...

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Controversial!! Really!! It's a controversial subject because the means of atonement have been removed with the destruction of the Temple. The Rabbi's are confronted with a problem!! Either God has removed atonement from His people, or He provided atonement another way. The prophet Jeremeiah spoke about a time when God would make a New Covenent (New testament / New Law) with the House of Jacob and the Prophet Isaiah tells us that we need to make the Messiah's "soul an offering for sin" and that God "hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all"!!

The problem the Rabbi's have is that either they have to find a way to explain away why Israel no longer has a means of atonement OR they have to accept and acknowledge that Jesus is the Messiah and atonement is now through His blood sacrifice.

They explain it away by claiming repentance, prayer and giving to charity is the new atonement! Unfortunately, that is not what the Law of Moses says! The Law says, "the life of the flesh is in the blood and I have given it to you upon the alter to make atonement for the soul, for it is the blood that makes the atonement for the soul"!! Well now the question is, who is right . . . Moses and The God of Israel, or the modern Rabbi's with no valid explanation about where atonement is for Israel!! What do you think??

From Everythighjewish.com:

The belief that somehow sins can be transferred from human to animal, has been a controversial subject among rabbis. As a result, this ceremony is no longer (except among the very ultra-orthodox or Hasidic circles) practiced today. Instead, repentance, prayer and giving charity is the accepted Jewish practice for obtaining divine forgiveness.

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As I said in my last post, the Bible is not to be taken "word for word" for if it was, the many contradictory points would drive even a scholar crazy.

There are many wonderful stories of the teachings of Jesus, but Jesus himself did not speak in the Bible, but his words are written by apostles and others, or by people who were told by apostles or others after being handed down by word of mouth. My faith is that the trend is true, though many things in both testaments can be found which are not consistent

How do I know that Jesus was who he claimed to be or did what he claimed to do is not really the question. The question should be "How do I know that the people who wrote the New Testament depicted what Jesus was claiming to be or what Jesus either claimed he did or someone else claimed he did is true?" And the answer is, "I don't know!! But I have faith that there was a Jesus and his time on Earth was for Man and he was sent by God."

My sarcasm regarding "complete Jew" or "completed Jew" was not aimed at you, but was a question to ponder.

I am not even going to address your political comments because your angry, liberal bias make it plain that you already have you mind made up and nothing I could say would open it.
Does your Bible say that being Liberal is a sin? In your Bible, is the 11 Commandment?: "Thou shalt not be a Liberal".

Excusing a president who claims he takes his orders from Jesus to invade a country 1/10th the size of his own causing much death and suffering, who cuts food stamp programs for hungry children and cuts poor people from the Medicaid rolls is not my idea of being either Christian or Liberal.

Yes, there is anger there, but I expressed none in that post you quoted. Yes, my mind is made up on many points, but you assume that it needs to be open to your way of thinking. Surprise me with something enlightening. I will listen and will discern its value. You have a clever way of calling people names. Anyone that does not agree with you needs an attitude adjustment or crawls out of the woodwork.

You can worship Jesus in the way you want and I will worship Jesus in my way. I don't think your way is any less valid than mine, but I do think your way of pushing your way of worshiping is rather unchristian and rude.

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There are many millions of conservative Christians and the majority of Bible scolars who would disagree with you regarding taking the Word of God literally. If it can't be taken literally, and it is just a bunch of "stories" then we might as well throw it out and completely disregard it. There is NO contradiction in the Bible, unly a lack of understanding and not viewing the whole portrait of scripture. Scripture intreprets scripture.

You said Jesus never spoke in the Bible, and yet the New Testament is froll of His quotes. You say we have to rely on the New Testament writers about what Jesus said. Well, everytime you read a newspaper, an article, a book or listen to the news or a teacher, you are relying on first person quotes. There were the men who lived with Jesus and experienced the things written about, and went to their deaths because of their beliefs.

Christianity is based upon the teachings of Scripture. If you discount scriptures you have no foundation upon which to base a belief system. If you don't know that Jesus was who He claimed to be and did what He did, then you can't be a follower of Jesus. The Jesus figure you claim to worship is based entirely on a figment of your imagination instead of strong biblical evidence. You are describeing a "blibd faith" that is based upon whatever you choose to believe. That is why the Bible was given . . to provide evidence of the messianiac credentials of the Messiah.

Again, I am not going to get into your politics because it is not a simplistic as you make it out to be. A lot of the problems that you talk about have been made by people in both parties and is in no way a reflection of spiritual beliefs.

As I said in my last post, the Bible is not to be taken "word for word" for if it was, the many contradictory points would drive even a scholar crazy.

There are many wonderful stories of the teachings of Jesus, but Jesus himself did not speak in the Bible, but his words are written by apostles and others, or by people who were told by apostles or others after being handed down by word of mouth. My faith is that the trend is true, though many things in both testaments can be found which are not consistent

How do I know that Jesus was who he claimed to be or did what he claimed to do is not really the question. The question should be "How do I know that the people who wrote the New Testament depicted what Jesus was claiming to be or what Jesus either claimed he did or someone else claimed he did is true?" And the answer is, "I don't know!! But I have faith that there was a Jesus and his time on Earth was for Man and he was sent by God."

My sarcasm regarding "complete Jew" or "completed Jew" was not aimed at you, but was a question to ponder.

Does your Bible say that being Liberal is a sin? In your Bible, is the 11 Commandment?: "Thou shalt not be a Liberal".

Excusing a president who claims he takes his orders from Jesus to invade a country 1/10th the size of his own causing much death and suffering, who cuts food stamp programs for hungry children and cuts poor people from the Medicaid rolls is not my idea of being either Christian or Liberal.

Yes, there is anger there, but I expressed none in that post you quoted. Yes, my mind is made up on many points, but you assume that it needs to be open to your way of thinking. Surprise me with something enlightening. I will listen and will discern its value. You have a clever way of calling people names. Anyone that does not agree with you needs an attitude adjustment or crawls out of the woodwork.

You can worship Jesus in the way you want and I will worship Jesus in my way. I don't think your way is any less valid than mine, but I do think your way of pushing your way of worshiping is rather unchristian and rude.

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There are many millions of conservative Christians and the majority of Bible scolars who would disagree with you regarding taking the Word of God literally. If it can't be taken literally, and it is just a bunch of "stories" then we might as well throw it out and completely disregard it. There is NO contradiction in the Bible, unly a lack of understanding and not viewing the whole portrait of scripture. Scripture intreprets scripture....

And here's a discussion of just that issue:


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Hi Banded Friends,

i don't have the vigor or the time to get involved in this type of discussion but the "completed Jew" caught my eye!!!!

i am a completed Jew---or should i say, Jewess? Many of us are also called, Messianic Jews.

we are Jews who believe Yeshua, (Jesus) is our promised Messiah and we are not looking for another in the future.

i have a personal relationship with my Jesus and i KNOW He is Who He says He is.

He has healed me of cancer, back pain, smoking and is in the process of delivering me from overeating using the band.

my past, present and future sins are forgiven because His word says they are ---when i confess them to Him.

Many "moons" ago, i was on a search to find joy, peace and a future for my life. i tried hypnosis, drugs, sex, and finally started persuing (sp?) the occult. i read the satanic bible, used the ouiji board and tried to fill the void that only Jesus could fill. i didn't know that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life until my sister told me i was going to hell because i didn't have a relationship with Jesus.

WOW!!! Some sis, huh?

i am blessed with my life.....and hope i haven't bored you with sharing portions of it.

in the name of Yeshua,


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i have a personal relationship with my Jesus and i KNOW He is Who He says He is.

He has healed me of cancer, back pain, smoking and is in the process of delivering me from overeating using the band.

my past, present and future sins are forgiven because His word says they are ---when i confess them to Him.

Many "moons" ago, i was on a search to find joy, peace and a future for my life. i tried hypnosis, drugs, sex, and finally started persuing (sp?) the occult. i read the satanic bible, used the ouiji board and tried to fill the void that only Jesus could fill. i didn't know that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life until my sister told me i was going to hell because i didn't have a relationship with Jesus.


Bored? No. Amused? Yeah.

Every day, about 27,000 kids are dying due to starvation. Your god hasn't gotten around to solving THAT little problem but has fixed your back pain and is working on your overeating issues.

What a guy.

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He has healed me of cancer, back pain, smoking and is in the process of delivering me from overeating using the band.
Isn't it more accurate to say, He gave me cancer, back pain, allowed me to become addicted to both smoking and over-eating, but modern science, medicine and doctors have healed me of cancer, back pain, smoking and are in the process of delivering me from overeating using the band?:)

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Dear Cal,

It is hearing testimony from folks like yourself that make my ministry such a blessing. Please visit my ministry website at: http://www.shiloh-ministries.org

Yours in the Name of Sar Shalom

"The prince of Peace"


Hi Banded Friends,

i don't have the vigor or the time to get involved in this type of discussion but the "completed Jew" caught my eye!!!!

i am a completed Jew---or should i say, Jewess? Many of us are also called, Messianic Jews.

we are Jews who believe Yeshua, (Jesus) is our promised Messiah and we are not looking for another in the future.

i have a personal relationship with my Jesus and i KNOW He is Who He says He is.

He has healed me of cancer, back pain, smoking and is in the process of delivering me from overeating using the band.

my past, present and future sins are forgiven because His word says they are ---when i confess them to Him.

Many "moons" ago, i was on a search to find joy, peace and a future for my life. i tried hypnosis, drugs, sex, and finally started persuing (sp?) the occult. i read the satanic bible, used the ouiji board and tried to fill the void that only Jesus could fill. i didn't know that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life until my sister told me i was going to hell because i didn't have a relationship with Jesus.

WOW!!! Some sis, huh?

i am blessed with my life.....and hope i haven't bored you with sharing portions of it.

in the name of Yeshua,


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You apparently have not grasped a thing from the discussions yesterday about this same subject or else you get some kind of pleasure attacking Christian believe and biblical understanding.

I am sure that Cal is more that competitent to answer you herself, but just to reitirate what was discussed yesterday, Pain, sickness and death came into the world because man sinned. Healing and even medical science as well as all knowledge is a gift from God. We get sick, hurt and die because we are still in this fallen world, but the true reward for Believers is in eternity where we will not experience sickness, pain and death any longer. Unbelievers, on the other hand, are in for a rude and sad awakening, according to scripture.

Isn't it more accurate to say, He gave me cancer, back pain, allowed me to become addicted to both smoking and over-eating, but modern science, medicine and doctors have healed me of cancer, back pain, smoking and are in the process of delivering me from overeating using the band?:)

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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