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Puddin: Are you wearing the compression garment and still swelling that much? Thanks for sharing your story. I think it's wise to take a break for a while and work on becoming the kind of person you want to attract. Just don't take too long a break, because you're already a wonderful person and Mr. Right comes along when your not looking! Keep in touch!

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Thanks for the awesome advice and inspiration you guys. In 4 weeks (mark these words) I will take some 'after' pics of my whole self. I HOPE to be back into those 10's by then. for now, the 12's are what I'm in, and they're TIGHT from the swelling.

Puddin: Are you wearing the compression garment and still swelling that much? Thanks for sharing your story. I think it's wise to take a break for a while and work on becoming the kind of person you want to attract. Just don't take too long a break, because you're already a wonderful person and Mr. Right comes along when your not looking! Keep in touch!

Hey woman, my doc told me to stop wearing the compression girdle because it was cutting off circulation to my lower-stomach. So I have no compression going on right now. Maybe he'll change his mind tomorrow when i see him again and I can get those spanx-like compression garments. YEEE HAAAW! Then maybe I can actually have a butt again.

The RUSH about men is that I'm 28. Yes, I'm 28 and in Utah. This is a problem. I don't want to get any older and date the ones who aren't so normal any more. But in reality, for a few months at least, I'm taking the break. And as crazy as it may sound right now, I'm going to re-contact my ex-boyfriend, and if he's been baptized again and gotten his act together and IF he's still interested, I'll think about getting back with him. Yeah, I still love him. But I need to work on my own belief system right now and so does he. We both don't believe in doing before marriage what we did together, and I think we sort of both hate each other for it right now. Like I said, it changed things immediately. It's just so not worth it. And you guys are all right, I'm going to try not to rush it, but still do my part.... WHERE do you meet men, anyway (and don't say online)???

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Puddin, have you had a ceremony to say good bye to your old self. May be write a letter saying good bye and mourn your old self. That may help you transition.

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ok girls, heres my issue with the men thing- I have been married for 21 years- got married early and we have grown up together. We are best friends and he is great,,, (comma) you need to be girls- play, shop, take trips, have great fun in all you do!!! Men are great, yes sex is necessary HOWEVER, you have many many years to be with the man of your life and family and all this wonderful adventure with kids and in-laws and sharing holidays with other family but I promise you will miss the girlfriend time laughing and all the stuff girls do. When the time is right the men will appear dont waste time searching for him- enjoy life especially now with your new sexy bods- yes 10lbs, 5lbs lighter is sexier then before.

OK, enough of that!

No story, no pics posted not sure when I'll be ready for pics, but story in a nut shell:

Banded May 2005 weighed in at 277lbs 5feet 5inches Obisity major issue in family mother had 5 strokes all related to weight and I didnt want to be like that on the road I would be there before I was 40yrs. Great job, as I was yelled at one day " I hope you enjoy your princess perfect life" and I was and am doing just that.

Feb 2006 down 80 lbs feeling great career going great exercise having alife. teenage kids doing well- that princess life going great

Feb 23, 2006 attorney calls, sister had baby addicted to meth, pot, and pcp 11 weeks early, weighed 3.3 lbs and state has taken costody he needs foster placement in nic-unit at hospital and will I do it- quit my job that day and never looked back- not even at my weight loss or band fills just this sick baby and getting no sleep.

September 06- plastic surgeon calls, forgot I even sched. consult he has a very long wait list. Went to consult and weighed in down another 32 lbs from Feb- YEE HAWW that total was 112lbs gone. I was so busy with baby and social services CRAP that it just fell off.

October 06 began exercising because of Jan surgery date for tt and bl just didnt know about this now strong and spoiled rotten wonderful baby boy I had been raising for 11 months would he live with me or his birth mom? hired a nanny and made plans to have the girls put in place and the fat & skin gone.

God works in mysterious ways, baby went back to birth mom on Thursday and I had surgery on the next Thursday and here I am...

I love the girls where they are supposed to be. I always been fat so they always sagged- now their purky and much smaller about a c cup alittle more as the swelling. I can see my hip bones and my tummy is flat with little pouges where swollen. The surgery went great-

your right puddin not much pain, not near what youd expect from the hugh incisions. right now I feel like bride of frankinstein with blue titches all over 1 1/2 weeks will those are removed. I feel like a new woman loosing the weight felt great but then the skin was another confidence issue to face, with that gone I cant explain the place I am at mentally other than I feel like I own the world and that I look pretty damn HOT!

Puddin- you know that feeling dont you? when you look in the mirror even with stitches dont you wonder " damn if I look this good now, what will I look like in 3 weeks?" Just take it easy, dancing, I cant even walk for 20 minutes iwthout my back hurting. Where in Utah are you? My daughter is in Salt Lake I am thinking of going to see her in March maybe we can hook up if you live near.

OK enough is enough- take care my hands are numb

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i was heavy (ok, fat) almost all my life. when i was in my early 20s i was going to europe for a month and didn't want to be fat in my photos so i crash dieted. i lost 30lbs and had a blast in europe. when i came home, i stepped up my efforts. i was barely eating and working out 2hours a day. granted i did lose over 70lbs and looked smokin', but i didn't FEEL any differently... until i started attracting gorgeous men. and i played around. a lot. oh, i had fun. but after 2 years of living an exciting but totally superficial life, i crashed and burned. i started gaining weight again... after i got "too heavy" for my ex's motorcycle, he dumped me. i swore i was DONE with the superficial, gorgeous guys. then, in one of those strange twists life throws at you, i met the single most gorgeous man i had ever laid eyes on at a bar. we hooked up. we'll be celebrating our 3rd anniversary soon. turns out not all gorgeous men are players or superficical. my husband is the purest man with the most generous heart and spirt.

basically what i am saying is that you are trying on a new you. like a teenage with a new car. soon enough you will find the RIGHT guy. or you'll learn how to live with the new you. (does that make sense?) anyhow, i've been following your progress from afar and am impressed with your attitude. you sound like a smart cookie with a good head. :hug:

good luck!!! and keep us informed on your progress. :clap2:

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spldgirl: What a great life story you shared. How unselfish of you to take the baby. Do you miss him? We adopted a baby when I was 45, my next youngest was 15 at the time. I've never looked back. She is one of the reasons I want to be healthy. Anyway, I'm so glad that you had the opportunity to have the plastic surgery and TT. I wish you the best!

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Brenda B., you are freakin awesome. What an amazing person you are to take care of this wonderful baby... one that must have been difficult to handle with all the problems he was born with. You deserve the weight loss and the plastic surgery! You're just so awesome and my new hero.

We could definitely hook up in March if you're visiting. I'll probably be moving to SLC shortly as my sister is getting married and we have to sell this house that I love. But heck, the equity's payin off lower body lift, the laser hair removal, and the boob job...so BRING IT! Hey, you wanna go skydiving? I was going to go skydiving in March sometime with some friends. If you're interested let me know and maybe we could do it while you're here.

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karey- oh yea I miss him, we keep him o Wed. from 3-8 while birth mom goes to drug court and AA. I miss holding him and snuggling as I cant hold over 3 lbs. he doesnt understand so I try to give him room plus he is crawling and into everything! Our child services system sucks here, and the fight has been long 11 months but the parents have all the rights even the right to abuse and get child back if they show progress, not reform only progress. It is my sister so I may be more judgmental I know her past and such. We talked lastnight and she is very stressed having him full time and wondering when I could babysitt tues & wed so she could have a break??? anyway if you have open adoption you know what I mean. My youngest is 17 so I understand your position, life changing huh??? If birth mom is unable to care for him, we will adopt him and then I will be starting over like you for ever not just temporary care.

OK Puddin, are you f'in nuts, no skydiving for me, I was thinking Victoria Secrets, Abercrombie, Arden B and martinis. No wonder the surgery didnt phase you, you are Wonderwoman, you even want to fly!!!

take care

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Well Brenda, our system really sucks when it comes to kids, sometimes. I'm sorry about your nephew, but I'm sure you'll always have a bond because of your unselfish desire to help him! You're awesome.

I've been called f'in nuts before. Each time I get called that it just eggs me on to do crazier and crazier things. Come on! Give it a chance. If you die, what a freakin awesome way to die, eh?

Hey, I want a new compression garment. The girdle sucks. Do you wear the tights-like kind? My Spanx sort of push some back fat up on me and I end up getting back crack. Not pretty. Then I end up having to get like this top compression thing, which flattens out my boobs, upon which I have to stuff my bra with something substantial. The lengths we go to for vanity... uh, I mean beauty... uh, I mean normalcy.

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Brenda: We do have an open adoption, but the birth mom moved to another state so we don't have a lot of interaction. The birth mom is getting her act together, but it wasn't in time for my daughter, who I feel certain is better off with us for her parents. It would be hard to have the birth Mom be your sister! If she decides that she can't hack it, don't let her keep going back and forth. It's hard to know what's best for the little guy in the long run. One things for sure, stability and routine are much more important than good intentions! I wish you the best. If you ever need to talk feel free to email me.

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puddin- I am so sick of the d--- compression garmet! I have 2 one is like granny panties but up to my boobs ( they are finally up there too or they'd be covering the damn thing) and snaps in the crotch PIA the other is the theigh type that still go soo tall that I can cover my new boobs with it. that one is open in the crotch so I wear panties too. There is no escape for the fat to go it just squishes in the garmet.

How long did you have the telfa pads and ointment on the incisions? or did you? My next appt is next Thurs 9 days and the scars are healing so they itch like crazy but the telfa pads are making them hold the moisture. any thoughts? I will call Dr.Santin in am but for now any info will help!

I cant believe your out lookin cute. I tried on jeans and had to wear my 14's so no binding. My daughter was mortified I would wear them as I guess their alittle big- before surgery I wore 10's gosh what a thing to bitch about pants too big!!!

I told my husband its a good thing naked I look like the bride of frankenstein or I'd walk around town naked!! ok maybe just the house but still I'm lovin the everyday changes I actually think I look skinny- first time in my life I've felt that way about my body! Vanity hell, its great to feel good about yourself when youve spent a lifetime hating the way you look!!

ok goodnight i'm itchen!

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puddin- I am so sick of the d--- compression garmet! I have 2 one is like granny panties but up to my boobs ( they are finally up there too or they'd be covering the damn thing) and snaps in the crotch PIA the other is the theigh type that still go soo tall that I can cover my new boobs with it. that one is open in the crotch so I wear panties too. There is no escape for the fat to go it just squishes in the garmet.

How long did you have the telfa pads and ointment on the incisions? or did you? My next appt is next Thurs 9 days and the scars are healing so they itch like crazy but the telfa pads are making them hold the moisture. any thoughts? I will call Dr.Santin in am but for now any info will help!

I cant believe your out lookin cute. I tried on jeans and had to wear my 14's so no binding. My daughter was mortified I would wear them as I guess their alittle big- before surgery I wore 10's gosh what a thing to bitch about pants too big!!!

I told my husband its a good thing naked I look like the bride of frankenstein or I'd walk around town naked!! ok maybe just the house but still I'm lovin the everyday changes I actually think I look skinny- first time in my life I've felt that way about my body! Vanity hell, its great to feel good about yourself when youve spent a lifetime hating the way you look!!

ok goodnight i'm itchen!

I have no idea what you just said LOL. I haven't had to do any of that. I had my surgery 18 days ago, but I haven't had to put on any telfa pads or anything like that. Actually, I asked about the compression garment today and they said, "well, you're almost 3 weeks out already, you don't necessarily need it, but if you want it you can buy it" LOL. You know, I sorta look like the bride of frankenstein naked, too, but it STILL looks better than before, and it'll look a heckuva lot better in about 3.5 more weeks!

Yeah, I guess vanity's nice for once. But it's taken hold of me. I'm trying to get rid of it again. I actually friggin texted this guy I went out with about 5 months ago before I met my ex. I really liked him, but he was hard to date because of his schedule, AND I was about 50 pounds heavier than I am now. Plus, now I still feel like I'm even a different person than I was 50 pounds ago, a bit relationship wiser, more physical, etc. Anyhow, he was really good lookin and successful and I couldn't figure out why he wanted to go out with ME (shutup all you self-esteem queens). So today I texted him and just said "Hey, what's up with you. Haven't seen you in awhile." And he writes back "Sorry, who is this? All my numbers were erased out of my phone." And now I have no idea what to write LOL! I'm texting retarded. I KIND of want to say something like "Well, Ben, I've lost 50 pounds and I finally look cute. Ya, I have a little more emotional baggage on me now, but I think you'll like how the baggage looks with my new belt." No, I'd never say that. Crap. What do I type back??? I didn't think this thing through.

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Okay, okay, okay. I'm just... dumb. i wrote back to this guy and said "Well, a lot has changed since we went out. You were a cool guy and just popped into my head. This is Georgia, by the way... what's crackin?" Uh... yeah, he hasn't written back since. I swear I want to force him to talk to me and SEE me, because he just has no idea who I am now. Anyhow, whatever. He might be a punk anyway. I mean... he WAS good lookin. Good lookin = punk. Plus he was really into his cars. So no biggie if he doesn't text back, I guess. I just liked his warped sense of humor and his bulging, beautiful muscles and his chiseled features is all. Is that too much to ask for???

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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