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Georgia, how are you doing this week? I saw on another post about wearing a certain outfit and it not lasting long. So I take things are still tough for you? I really hope it gets better. You are a very inspiring young woman, I can't wait to get banded and start getting serious about my body as you have. We all have our bumps in the road, or our crosses to bear as it were. You can get through this! Is part of this the strong conflict between what you want to do and the religion that you have been raised with? Some people do change religions, sometimes things just don't seem the same to them when they get older. Sometimes we realign our belief systems as we learn more about other beliefs and ideas, we discover ourselves, we discover things about ourselves. I was raised Methodist and became Catholic when I was in my late teens because that's what I found myself drawn to. I know that's not the greatest example, but I think it just shows that we can and do change.

I'm not saying for you to renounce your religion and belief system, but you are struggling right now. Therapy is a really good step for you to take. Perhaps a therapist not in or related to the Church may be beneficial as well. Someone who will help you see the bigger and broader picture without focusing so much on immorality. You need to sort through many other conflicting issues (as I'm sure I do, too-we all have issues to sort out sometimes).

I have been following this thread for quite a while and have been completely amazed and inspired by your strength and have felt sadness that you haven't found what you want in life. You deserve it all! Everything you want and more.

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Faith, you're sweet. I'm doing okay. The outfit I was talking about that didn't last long was prior to my change of heart, so I'm still on the straight and narrow, so to speak. Today is day 10 of no makeout/sex or anything. I do have a date tomorrow with a guy who I dated before I went all wild, and I know he's a good guy, but I'm still trying to fortify myself against doing anything with him. Lately I seem to be bringing that out in men, even if they don't normally do that, and I'm ashamed to admit it.

Anyhow, yes, the guilt I feel has a LOT to do with the religion I was raised with. And yes, I do believe in this religion with all my heart, which is why I'm so conflicted. I have been doing things I wholeheartedly don't believe in doing. I don't plan on losing my faith just to justify my behavior. I don't think I could if I wanted to. So the answer was just to change my behavior. One day at a time!!!

But you bring up a good point about therapy. Yeah, the therapist Im seeing does spend a lot of time on religion, but it's only because that's a huge part of why I have to go to therapy over it. I'm glad it's focused on that, to be honest. But I can definitely see a benefit to perhaps getting another point of view that's less biased in that direction. Could help! Anyhow, I've got some books he gave me on OCD and a nice anti-OCD prescription LOL. Should help, I think.

Thank you all for all the hope and inspiration you give me continually! It's great to have wonderful friends and people that don't even know you show so much care. You're awesome!

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I wish you the best of luck tomorrow night. I hope you have a really wonderful evening that ends on a sweet, spiritual, intellectual, vestal and elegant note.

We're all here pulling for you!

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hey, georgia are you around?? hows it going? want a new challenge in Salt Lake??

Hey chickie! Yeah, what's the challenge in Salt Lake? Are you here??? Let's shop!

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well, as you know my daughter is in SL, she is having life issues like ones you dont tell your mom everything. she was/is living with this guy and I have been helping w/rent $ and he was to pay other half so she wouldnt have to work 2 jobs and live in trash. the quick of the matter is that I have been paying rent and she has been paying other half and other bills so he could get new quitars and playstation stuff. she is finally fed up as he lost his job 4 weeks ago and she has paid everything because he spent his money on "toys" and $150 cable. she wasnt ablt to go to california (on her $75 she saved) because he spent the electicity money he was to pay on more crap and waited until 5am when she was leaving to tell her. so neither girl got to go, other girls family flew her there and Jennifer stayed home.


she is fed up and their mutual lease is up June 30th so she is looking for her own place- so she tells me! I think she needs a big sister to help or advise her and since she IS the big sis, I just wondered if you wanted a 21 year old challenge? I can give you her email and you can intro yourself however you want. Just a thought, I TOTALLY understand if you have too much going on.

let me know...

other front, how are you??? I havnt been on much. as you know I got my realestate lisc,. and am in the process of closing my first sale. not sure if this is for me time will tell. also youngests graduation is May 27 so busy planning that. I did get a fill my band now up to 3.2 cc and I lost 4 lbs in the last two weeks. so now 164. feeling better, except found some skin cancer so no more tanning for me.

am i reading you ticker right your down to 150? holy you must be soooo thin. send updated pics of your skinny self.

later, good luck and hope all is going well.

PS found a great guy for you here in MT my hubbys cousin but he is nice and cute and $$$$ he works with dead people. hes the county corenor and funeral home guy. hahah just lookin out for you!

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Good for you, girlfriend! I'm happy for you and your new license. Hope you make stacks of cash selling million dollar houses. I know lots of people who've gotten into that recently and loved it. Keep me updated on it.

Okay, are you kidding? I'd LOVE to help your daughter as my little sister here in Salt Lake. I can help her as best I can, even though I'm a little out of Salt Lake. Just let me know her email in a PM and I'll shoot her a message. Too bad about the situation. Boys are stupid. I can't date someone who's really into video games because a lot of times they're obsessed with them.

So skin cancer? Girl, are you okay? Are they able to remove it just fine? Yes, no more tanning for you LOL! Go get the fake stuff. Works wonders. I don't go out of the house without sunscreening it up. But you've gotta be lookin HOT! Are you just loving the Tummy Tuck and lift? My stomach keeps shrinking. I'm fitting into size 6 pants on occasion, though my legs aren't fantastic. The last two weeks have been LAZY for me, so i gotta get back on it. So what's your final goal?

So u got a date for me in MT eh? LOL. You're the queen. Send me his pic LOL.

well, as you know my daughter is in SL, she is having life issues like ones you dont tell your mom everything. she was/is living with this guy and I have been helping w/rent $ and he was to pay other half so she wouldnt have to work 2 jobs and live in trash. the quick of the matter is that I have been paying rent and she has been paying other half and other bills so he could get new quitars and playstation stuff. she is finally fed up as he lost his job 4 weeks ago and she has paid everything because he spent his money on "toys" and $150 cable. she wasnt ablt to go to california (on her $75 she saved) because he spent the electicity money he was to pay on more crap and waited until 5am when she was leaving to tell her. so neither girl got to go, other girls family flew her there and Jennifer stayed home.


she is fed up and their mutual lease is up June 30th so she is looking for her own place- so she tells me! I think she needs a big sister to help or advise her and since she IS the big sis, I just wondered if you wanted a 21 year old challenge? I can give you her email and you can intro yourself however you want. Just a thought, I TOTALLY understand if you have too much going on.

let me know...

other front, how are you??? I havnt been on much. as you know I got my realestate lisc,. and am in the process of closing my first sale. not sure if this is for me time will tell. also youngests graduation is May 27 so busy planning that. I did get a fill my band now up to 3.2 cc and I lost 4 lbs in the last two weeks. so now 164. feeling better, except found some skin cancer so no more tanning for me.

am i reading you ticker right your down to 150? holy you must be soooo thin. send updated pics of your skinny self.

later, good luck and hope all is going well.

PS found a great guy for you here in MT my hubbys cousin but he is nice and cute and $$$$ he works with dead people. hes the county corenor and funeral home guy. hahah just lookin out for you!

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so, youve not been to Lewitown MT!! millions of $$, NOT this listing was 95,000 and thats pretty average unless I sell a ranch or something but then you have to know something about cows other than "steak"

I sent Jennifers email to you, I really appreaciate anything you can do, I will send her one and let her know what I did. she is a great girl, she just needs some goals and focus on achieving more than victoria secrets and Marriott. and guys who leach on girls dang that makes me sick!!!

me skinny, NO still in 10s although their loose and should be 8s but, not shopping till 6's. the fill made me realize I was eating too much to get to the 6-8 range. i started shoping at the gap. they have a clothing line 1969 which is the year I was born (oops aged myself) so I feel compelled to wear that brand. thats the 10's by end of day toooo loose. loving the boobs, wish I had Lipo done on top under boobs. sick of working out soo much. I wish wish wish I was one of those skinny chicks who dont work out ! since not, I will keep working out! UGH

will know more about cancer areas after last set of removal resutls are in. they may need to remove more but then it will be gone. thats all I know about that now. it hurt like crap getting skin removed but I lov;e my doc, she numbed the area before the needle on the other areas so I felt nothing until yesterday now I just have little holes on my arms and back! oh well!

size 6 did you ever think youd be there? do you look at your legs and think," damn my calves were bigger than my thighs are now!" I sometimes cant believe Ive lost almost half of my body and my senior daughter wieghs less than what ive lost!

PIC on its way maybe I can scam one tomarrow he wont pose so I have to be sneaky! not buff, but not fat or skinny. he is super super nice guy - another new guy in town, fitness center owner dark skin, muscles mmmmm, WIFE, BABY. yep, not this one!

no goal, just day by day. want to feel good and I do, and I look good too (most days) so just hanging,

thanks again for challenge keep me posted of what you think. Thank you!!

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OK, I've been addicted to this thread. I've been reading it off and on for about a week now. (Is that sad? Well, there IS 25 pages!!)

I have to say that you are ALL inspirational to me! It was reading this thread that made me decide for SURE that I am doing Lap Band. And then I'm getting that lower body lift, and breast lift! I"ll be 30 in a week and have NEVER had perky boobs, as I have been overweight since I was 6 years old.

Puddin, you are an AMAZING woman. Reading your honest and sincere posts have touched me. I feel like I know you!

Spldgrl, you are equally amazing.

Also, you both inspired me to start going to the gym again. I've been there 3 times this week...and I know if I hadn't stumbled on this thread that I wouldn't have gone once!!

Thank you.

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i saw your pics. congrats!! youar e an inspiration to me!! you look soooooooooo hot!! good for you. i am being banded this summer. wow. i am psyched.

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yeah, puddin. if it wasnt working before the surgery, it wont afterwards, even if it seems like it is. changing you body cannot change what is in someone's head. he sounds like a jealous person. how about just "doing you" and find someone who wants to be with you because of that, not in spite of it. big difference. change your mental to match all your beauty , inside and out. stop using your body as a tool for hurt, or spite. your body is your temple.

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if a man really does like you, you will not have to question it. EVER. EVER. did you hear me - EVER! move forward, do you, take a class, go to college, get another job, anything to keep you from making the same mistakes again. find a more positive way to spend your time. pick out a hot new car, and get yourself a job to pay for it. then you wont have time to worry about the mess these men bring about. we are the stronger sex, empower yourself, not de-power!

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Hey puddin,

Wanted to tell you that when I was thin I had the hardest thing with sex/promiscuity. I didn't sleep around, but my values call for NO SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE! and I always felt guilty about any sort of physical contact. Especially after I got raped. It was terrible-- part of the reason I gained all of this weight was to keep men the HECK away from me because I was constantly being hit on and chased after. When I walked through the door of a dance club or party, men would turn and stare and I felt like fresh meat in a lion's cage. So getting fat helped!

I'm married now, thank god, to a really good-looking guy who married me for my personality and brain while I was sort of fat (but 70 pounds lighter than now). I thank god everyday for him, because I never have to worry about violating my values again! FYI, I met him at school, and we had a strictly friends relationship for months before dating. You just sort of have to get out of the "date" mind frame and into the "friends" mindframe. Then one day you'll have this guy who is your best friend, and love hits you like a mack truck, and you know you're meant for each other and you get engaged then married! (OK that's how I did it. But that whole everyone's only friends thing was passed on to me from several different happily married women) You've got to figure out if they can be your best friend first, no physical contact. Then it will last, and you will feel good about yourself and keeping your boundaries.

Happily married for several years,


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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