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Susan is a coordinator....

Susan is a coordinator....

Susan is a coordinator....



To much??? :P

Yes, I am one of those dreadful, evil coordinators, you should run for your life, or I will convince you you are not really sleeved and force you to get another one via me!

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What I am saying is Alex has a financial interest in services offered to WLS patients in Mexico. Plain and simple.

I have not been disrespectful or stated anything that is not FACT. And it is relevant to OP in the interest of disclosure.

I am not so clear your defensiveness regarding this is because your intentions are good and pure.

I am not at all defensive, nothing has been hidden. We have not pushed our services on people. We are not getting rich or anything else. I do this because I had awesome success with my surgery and it changed my life, I want to help others have that same success.

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Susan sounds like the OP is doing it for the exact same reasons.

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Difference is, Alex operates the most well known weight loss surgery forums on the Internet. He is well-known amongst the weight loss community and well respected. We have an actual website which clearly states what our business does. How does that compare to someone with less than fifty posts who nobody knows offering to accompany woman and men to Mexico? Goodness, we are looking out for the best interests of our members, again, we are not saying they aren't on the up and up, just that it was in the best interest of our members to investigate the situation.

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Circle. Circle. This could be endless.

I agree Alex is all of those things. And he is free to run his forums as he sees fit.

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I'm totally new to this site. After perusing for a while without signing up and knowing I was going to be sleeved, I thought it a good community to get involved in. Primarily as there are so many of you on here, the information you provide is truly invaluable and it is often served in a witty and compassionate way. It is also remarkable that it is hosted for free.

Because I'm new, but certainly not new to the internet, I thought I'd state what I think is a view with fresh eyes. I can see parity in certain behaviours between this website and others. This place is a community - just as you would get outside in the 'real' world. With groups and hierarchies and cliques and quite importantly and rightly, rules that govern us and our behaviour.

The condition of being severely overweight, is often a solitary condition. With pre-op people, like myself, feeling quite vulnerable and alone on our journey as we haven't got a clue what to expect and are genuinely apprehensive. If you are not lucky enough to have a support network in the 'real world', I can see how people become reliant on the kindnesses of strangers; particularly ones who have walked this path already. Consequently and however well intentioned, I can also see how whether through selfless altruism or indeed, for social or fiscal reward (and there is no accusation in this, because I know squat about the personalities here), how lines can be crossed.

In my appraisal of what I've seen so far, I can recognise the 'pluggers', but I can also recognise those, and these are in the majority, who just want to give a shout-out to the person(s) who helped change their lives. While the attempt to 'catch the person out' was albeit a clumsy one, I can see why concern was raised.

Not everyone, like myself, are cynical and alert to what is 'out there' on the internet. Some people can be really quite vulnerable and as a consequence, easily misled in their search for the 'right' answer. Of course, this cuts both ways, which is why there is a duty of care by those who manage the site (particularly if you have business interests in providing WLS) and those who participate in the site to not put people 'wrong'.

I know some people genuinely want to be of assistance. However, it is fair to say that in their heartfelt endeavours, it is easy to lose site of the rules that govern the vehicle they are using and why those rules were instigated in the first place - for protection.

In conclusion and this is how I'm going to approach it. I'm going to ignore what appear to be plugs, I'm going to do my own research -as wisely said above (sorry, I can't remember your name), enjoy this vehicle; sharing in the community experience and hopefully making new cyber-chums. However and most importantly, I will try to maintain clarity and crucially, objectivity.

Nice to meet you all :o)

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And that should have been a smiley face - not a 'look of horror' face! lol

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I'm totally new to this site. After perusing for a while without signing up and knowing I was going to be sleeved' date=' I thought it a good community to get involved in. Primarily as there are so many of you on here, the information you provide is truly invaluable and it is often served in a witty and compassionate way. It is also remarkable that it is hosted for free.

Because I'm new, but certainly not new to the internet, I thought I'd state what I think is a view with fresh eyes. I can see parity in certain behaviours between this website and others. This place is a community - just as you would get outside in the 'real' world. With groups and hierarchies and cliques and quite importantly and rightly, rules that govern us and our behaviour.

The condition of being severely overweight, is often a solitary condition. With pre-op people, like myself, feeling quite vulnerable and alone on our journey as we haven't got a clue what to expect and are genuinely apprehensive. If you are not lucky enough to have a support network in the 'real world', I can see how people become reliant on the kindnesses of strangers; particularly ones who have walked this path already. Consequently and however well intentioned, I can also see how whether through selfless altruism or indeed, for social or fiscal reward (and there is no accusation in this, because I know squat about the personalities here), how lines can be crossed.

In my appraisal of what I've seen so far, I can recognise the 'pluggers', but I can also recognise those, and these are in the majority, who just want to give a shout-out to the person(s) who helped change their lives. While the attempt to 'catch the person out' was albeit a clumsy one, I can see why concern was raised.

Not everyone, like myself, are cynical and alert to what is 'out there' on the internet. Some people can be really quite vulnerable and as a consequence, easily misled in their search for the 'right' answer. Of course, this cuts both ways, which is why there is a duty of care by those who manage the site (particularly if you have business interests in providing WLS) and those who participate in the site to not put people 'wrong'.

I know some people genuinely want to be of assistance. However, it is fair to say that in their heartfelt endeavours, it is easy to lose site of the rules that govern the vehicle they are using and why those rules were instigated in the first place - for protection.

In conclusion and this is how I'm going to approach it. I'm going to ignore what appear to be plugs, I'm going to do my own research -as wisely said above (sorry, I can't remember your name), enjoy this vehicle; sharing in the community experience and hopefully making new cyber-chums. However and most importantly, I will try to maintain clarity and crucially, objectivity.

Nice to meet you all :o)[/quote']

I like this one^

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I'm totally new to this site. After perusing for a while without signing up and knowing I was going to be sleeved' date=' I thought it a good community to get involved in. Primarily as there are so many of you on here, the information you provide is truly invaluable and it is often served in a witty and compassionate way. It is also remarkable that it is hosted for free.

Because I'm new, but certainly not new to the internet, I thought I'd state what I think is a view with fresh eyes. I can see parity in certain behaviours between this website and others. This place is a community - just as you would get outside in the 'real' world. With groups and hierarchies and cliques and quite importantly and rightly, rules that govern us and our behaviour.

The condition of being severely overweight, is often a solitary condition. With pre-op people, like myself, feeling quite vulnerable and alone on our journey as we haven't got a clue what to expect and are genuinely apprehensive. If you are not lucky enough to have a support network in the 'real world', I can see how people become reliant on the kindnesses of strangers; particularly ones who have walked this path already. Consequently and however well intentioned, I can also see how whether through selfless altruism or indeed, for social or fiscal reward (and there is no accusation in this, because I know squat about the personalities here), how lines can be crossed.

In my appraisal of what I've seen so far, I can recognise the 'pluggers', but I can also recognise those, and these are in the majority, who just want to give a shout-out to the person(s) who helped change their lives. While the attempt to 'catch the person out' was albeit a clumsy one, I can see why concern was raised.

Not everyone, like myself, are cynical and alert to what is 'out there' on the internet. Some people can be really quite vulnerable and as a consequence, easily misled in their search for the 'right' answer. Of course, this cuts both ways, which is why there is a duty of care by those who manage the site (particularly if you have business interests in providing WLS) and those who participate in the site to not put people 'wrong'.

I know some people genuinely want to be of assistance. However, it is fair to say that in their heartfelt endeavours, it is easy to lose site of the rules that govern the vehicle they are using and why those rules were instigated in the first place - for protection.

In conclusion and this is how I'm going to approach it. I'm going to ignore what appear to be plugs, I'm going to do my own research -as wisely said above (sorry, I can't remember your name), enjoy this vehicle; sharing in the community experience and hopefully making new cyber-chums. However and most importantly, I will try to maintain clarity and crucially, objectivity.

Nice to meet you all :o)[/quote']

Welcome to the forums, we are happy to have you join us!

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Many thanks for the warm welcome, it's nice to be here. :)

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My name is XXXXX XXXXX and I have just hijacked my wife’s account under the name of westcoastlady.

Twelve hours ago I took a call from Alex, the owner of this web site and was asked several questions that concerned him. I did not appreciate the way the call started off by pretending to be a future patient of wls and asking me if he could book an appointment through me with a certain doctor. I felt he baited me to see if I was a coordinator or someone in a position that can make a booking and receive a monetary fulfillment. He failed! After being in the conversation for approximately 10 minutes, Alex requested that we “ease off” on promoting certain surgeons, hospitals and hotels but that I should continue to speak the truth as I know it. He suggested we not give out our personal phone number but to discuss my thoughts and concerns over the chat lines (which I will not due to the fact as getting lambasted when discussing someone else’s doctor that they consider a hero). He did not request my wife to leave his site but to “just cool it” abit.

His concern is that my wife has given out our own personal home phone number to approximately 12 people to help people making evaluations for future patients easier.

I have been to TJ 13 times, once for myself, once for my wife, three times with friends and eight times with complete strangers whom I had only chatted with on this site and the OH site.

I KNOW most of the TJ surgeons, all the major hotels and all of the hospitals and clinics and I feel I have a vast amount of knowledge to share.

But regrettably, this will now come to an end since Alex has had a few complaints about me (us)… as he put it… us being sketchy by giving out our private phone number and then offering my “free service”.

We get 20 to 30 emails and phone calls a week of people saying thanks but it just takes a few complaints to take it all away. I even have a “new friend” in TJ right this minute that we are in contact with several times a day. Seems she thought it would be no problem being there by herself but now wishes I was there. Not everyone needs an advocate, but ones that do sure appreciate it.

I know my wife has posted that I have gone down with complete strangers and acted as a patient advocate. This is true. I speak for them when they can’t because of the pain, the language barrier etc. I make them walk when they don’t won’t to. I go buy bags of ice for the nurses’ station for all patients because the hospital/clinic has none. I carry their bags, I call their loved ones, you get the drift.

What is my charge you ask? It’s nothing. Zero. Nada

Why can I do this? I’m retired. Retiring before I was 50 has made life grand and we live it large. I have nothing but free time and a damn plane ticket is less than $500. One hundred percent of all the people I have accompanied are VERY thankful and most of them have bought us thoughtful gifts and trinkets to show their appreciation. And to be very honest… I am considered kinda wealthy. Some say stinkin rich lol. I say healthy!

I have even paid the difference for a young man to switch doctors to another (an $800 extra) so he would not take a chance with a certain doctor where I have personally witnessed two deaths.

In closing I always looked at it as paying it forward. I had such a bad surgery at such a bad clinic that had a doctor on board that wasn’t a licensed doctor, had to get fixed up a year later… you get the picture. My wife had a great surgery with Dr. Kelly and his team. MBC sometimes uses a bait and switch tactic when it comes to inquiries, changing hospitals and hotels without advising you, actually just taking the cheaper way out.

Again… I have vast knowledge of what goes on down there and have tried to share it at my expense. To those who read this and are concerned that I will renege on my future commitments… please feel comfortable as that I am a man of my words and I will follow through.

I have asked my wife not to offer my services to any others and I feel that I have paid it forward as much as I can. Thank you all for your patience reading this mumble jumble. Seems that when you’re upset you have a thought every 5 seconds but not enough time to write them down.

To those of you that complained that we had ulterior motives, your wrong and that’s your prerogative and we hope you have an uneventful surgery with whomever, wherever and whenever.

The drama is over, no more suspense!

The unsolicited PM's you've sent speak for themselves. (For privacy reasons, I'm going to skip any PM's that were solicited) A few of your most recent sent messages:


PM Title: Dr Kelly Info

If you want to chat I will call you personally about Kelly. we just got back a few days ago. I have been to TJ 12 times so I know a thing or two. I just dont have the patients to type and type and type. Give me a contact number or you can call my husband or me at 2506754657

Its the best decision you will ever make but choosing a doctor and facilatator - each package is so so different... but I will tell you all about that.


George / Kate


PM Title: Great Price

Before I post I want to know a few more details. Can I call you or you call me. Its not just the surgeon... but the procedure, the type of staples, the sewing, the gluing, the hospital... the hotel. It all comes into play and affects the price. I just got back and can probably answer ant questions you may have but I dont want to type for an hour. Easier to talk or talk with my hubby. Hes been there 12 times

Kate 2506754657


PM Title: Mexico Bariatric Centre

Yes... keep doing research but some of the crap you read on these forums can screw you up. Dr V and Dr Kelly are both very qualified. Dr. K's procedure is a bit different though. Im glad you are open minded when it comes to some OP's. I am so thrilled with Kelly so yes... I do promote him.

Here a few more things that I have not said openly...

1. NO DEPOSIT... they trust you! His asst Lora will just verify your flights and boom... its booked.

2. NO DRAIN... yup, that stupid pain inthe ass drain is gone. He uses it only when he has to. One out of 50

3. His asst works with him 2 weeks a month... usually the 2 and 3rd week of each month.

4. Im not 100% positive but I think he just started performing surgery with another surgeon in the OR with him. I think he is training another bariatrics guy... his way. Ask him!

5. way better xray than what MBC pays for... I better stop.

and as far as MBC... they are just a wholesaler, and yes they really pissed us off when they switched hospitals the morning of the surgery.

The wholesalers are like Mary K reps... all over the USA and Canada. Yes they get back to you cause many of them have nothing else to do. they are not sitting in an office but on a couch doing something else. Its a home based business. My two coordinators (sales people) told me all about Dr. V and Kelly... and when I asked both docs... have you even met them... they both laughed.. no.

Whom ever you book with... try to cut out the middle man. If you feel the coordinator makes you feel better.. then ok... thats your decision. They are not there to check on you in MX. They are there to take your deposit. And lastly... you get better care when you book direct. The Dr. puts your package together... not the wholesaler. Damn... I could go on and on...

If you need more info call me 2506754657

Just sitting on the couch eatting bon bons. lol!

Kate and Terry (hubby has been to TJ 12 times) very knowledgable!

Good luck and sorry about burning off your ear!


PM Title: Dr Kelly

I can comment on Dr. kelly out of three and four of the five hospitals. it would take me an hour to type so if your serious... either call us at 2506754657 or give us your number. Its just not doctors taht you should be considering.

Hope to hear from you


PM Title: Help

I see your getting some replied now.

Service companies can be a real pain in the ass.

I also see you have Kelly's office number... almost always a recording.

my husband has a relationship with Dr. Kelly and a private number. He can give it out but if you give me your name and date... he will call him and make sure its all set. Only if you feel comfortable with that. My husband is a dear and has been there (TJ) 12 times. His surgery was 3 years ago with a butcher... but thats another story. Our our number is 2506754657

Give him a call... TR


PM Title: Poor communications

Have you made a deposit?

And may I ask what service you have used.

My husband has a few direct lines to some of the people down there.

im sure he can help.

Pm me



PM Title: Kelly

I might be able to shed some light on things that have happened recently. Actually my husband can. He has been to TJ 12 times over the last few years. He knows Kelly quite well and can arrange for you to talk to him directly if your ready to book. In regards to hospital privledges, coordinators... Terry knows it all.... first hand

Give hime a call if you want. 2506754657

I had surgery with him a few weeks ago. Hubby had surgery 3 years ago... at a chop shop... real bad!


PM Title: You should speak with me...

I want to discuss your surgery in person. I do not want to put my thoughts in print form. I promiss I will make you reconsider Almanza, Bentencourt and JClinic. I have been to TJ 12 times. Trust me... I know what Im talking about. If your health is important... you will call. Talk to a real person

Terry 2506754657

What do you have to loose... LOTS!

Not trying to scare you but you should know all the facts.


The above messages sound like they're being sent by a desperate coordinator for Dr. Kelly. They don't read like they were sent from a pair of benevolent retirees.

I don't think I need to say much more....

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I agree. But in the interest of full disclosure Alex has also started a Mexico WLS partnership/company/whatever. Susan works with him.

Safety on the Internet is a concern regardless of sex. Anyone could a target of a scam by a man or a woman. Any of these companies could have rep with ill intention.

In the interest of full disclosure....

I've been running WLSBoards (VST/LBT/RNYTalk) for quite some time now (10 years next month.)

Most of you don't know my background. You can check me out on LinkedIn to learn more.

Until quite recently, running VST/LBT/RNYTalk was my favorite hobby and a way for me to give back to the WLS community. I've (pretty much) exited the tech sector and have decided to devote a large portion of my time to my favorite hobby.

This might come as a shock to many but even with all the sponsorships and ads we run on the site, there hasn't been a year where VST/LBT/RNYTalk made a profit. I've personally made up the difference each year. I've never asked and don't ever plan on asking for donations :D.

MSO was created as another way to drive revenue and pay for expenses. It was also created with the intent to bring some honesty, openness, and transparency to the process of having surgery in Mexico. We've never hidden our connection and I'm proud to stand behind it 100%.

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Thank you Alex for all you do.


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What a mess this topic has become. I think the original poster was wrong to post this way. They seem well intentioned, however I would be cautious if I had read some of the posts Alex mentioned the man and his wife have posted. But isn't that how anyone should approach information provided on these forums? I do think Anniemay deserves a little defense here. I understood her first post. Forum readers do not always have it in their mind that the forum owner is Alex. The forums helped me choose a doctor and I had my surgery one month ago. I never got the impression that I was being "scammed" or pressured by coordinators lurking on the site. But maybe that is just because I chose the forums that seemed sincere to me and didn't pay much attention to the rest. Now that I have had a good experience in Mexico, I don't look at this forum so much, because topics like this--all the bickering back and forth, just turn me off. I am glad I did not notice so much of this bickering before I made my decision. I hope this type of topic doesn't turn off new people who are just looking for information.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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