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Hi everyone,

I just found this thread by accident, and was so glad I did.. I too am in MT.... clear out in Plentywood. I got banded in Denver by Dr.Kirshenbaum on July 18th. I have to say, its been a pretty lonely experience since then. I don't know a soul out this way who is going through the banding process, and it would sure be nice to have someone to visit with about it. I am headed back to Denver for my first fill on Sept 12th. I had tried two different surgeons in this area, and was told quite rudely by one that no way would they touch me for that. I was a little shocked by the one as he did my emergency gallbladder removal a few years back. Oh well... Denver it is then.

I too am a horse lover. We raise horses and mules. I had gotten to where I would hardly even get on my horses anymore because I felt I was just too heavy. (and I was) It had gotten to the point where I had to use a mounting block all the time because I couldn't heave my fat behind onto the saddle from the ground anymore... very humiliating! I still haven't ridden since the surgery... Dr. K. had said to wait at least 8-weeks. I'm sure he will clear me for riding again during the Sept visit. Since the surgery, I've just concentrated on ground work.

Someone mentioned that Dr. Rohrer would do fills for MX banded patients. I wonder if he would do them for a US surgeon as well? I have lost weight, but, its beginning to be a real struggle as the hunger returns....as I know you all understand. I think I'd rather drive to Gt.Falls than keep flying to Denver. I actually love that drive along the Hi-Line.

Take care all, and thanks for listening. I hope things are going well for everyone and that we'll all be the 'biggest losers'!


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Hi and welcome, JFK

You are a long ways over there! There is a band buddy in Glasglow, tho.

I'm sure Dr. Rohrer would do you fills as well. How have you done so far? Any problems or even better, successes you'd like to share? The Montana thread is not terribly active so you might want to also join another thread, such as the July bandsters. I get a lot of my support from my January group and do pop in fairly regularly. It helps keep me motivated.

I'm getting close to my goal of not needing a mounting block to get on my horse. I may need to qualify that as I just got a giant horse that I may always need something, (HA!) I think beside being so overweight (I've lost 48 so far) that I have a mental block about it as well. Working on overcoming that.

So, hope to hear from you soon and congrats on your new journey!


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Hi Sula...

I sure do appreciate the reply. I have not had any fills yet. I'm set for Sept 12th in Denver, and hopefully another for sometime in mid-Oct depending on how the first one goes. How many have you had?

I tried to no avail to get some kind of a support group going here.... did some print ads, put it on the radio, word of mouth, etc. However, no one at all was interested. There are about three women here who have had GB, but, I am the only one I know of with lapband. One GB woman I spoke with seemed to have a bit of an issue with the band... I guess she probably thought I had taken the easy way out. Anyway, guess I'll just read the boards from time to time for a little help and inspiration. I'll look up the band-buddy from Glasgow and perhaps we could correspond a little.

I think I've done pretty well with the band so far, but, I know that I am totally untrustworthy (yet) as far as returning to old eating habits. I keep catching myself doing stupid things like slathering on butter... but its only a quarter pancake! Yeah, stuff like that. I need someone around to figuratively slap my hands when I do that kind of stuff... thats why I thought a support group would be helpful... in truth though, I know its up to me:( so.... I just have to get over myself !

How tall is your horse? Mine are pretty short (paso finos), but, I still can't get on without the block. That is definitely my next goal. They are pretty darn sturdy, but I'm sure they'll be glad when I've dropped about a hundred +. Congrats on your -48 lbs. I'm still dreaming about it! If you get a chance, can you tell me generally what and how much you're eating? I'm still feeling pretty clueless about all that, and Dr.Kirshenbaum didn't give a lot of guidance in that area except for the standard things like, 'eat lots of Protein, etc.'

Take care, and thanks for caring


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Hi Joy,

I have several horses..quarter horses and walkers. My primary riding mare is a QH and she is 15 hands. I ride a shorter walker, but just bought a new walker mare who is 15.3. TODAY, I got on the shorter walker without the hub of the trailer, three times. :rolleyes:)))) whoohoo!! I have been walking up a storm and doing squats, lunges and stepping up on a chair in repetition. Must be helping.

food for me. ON a typical day, I have a Protein drink for Breakfast. Or some oatmeal with a scoop of Protein powder. A treat is scrambled eggs and sausage. lunch varies, but is typically salad with chicken or a taco salad. In cold months I do the campbells select (boxed) Soup and a small container of tuna. dinner is some meat of some sort, salad or veggies and maybe corn on the cob or something. I don't snack a lot between meals most of the time but there are times!! I think my biggest problem is Portion Control but this last fill helps a bunch. Probably my downfall is my gin and tonics!! My bad!! But its summer!!!

I have the 10 cc VG band and now have 7 ccs in it. Four fills total @ 200 a pop with Rohrer.

I wonder if you might look across the border for some band support as well? Not canada but ND?

Well, a ton of things to do and haven't got much done.

Talk to you soon Joy!!


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Hi Everyone,

I was just banded on 8/23 and I live in Great Falls. Joy I used to live in Wolf Point so I know how isolated it is in that area. Dr. Rohrer did my band and I have had no problems at all (knock on wood). I am still on puree and will be for another week or two although I do have something to chew once in a while or I would go nutts. I just make sure I chew really well. I read a lot of horror stories about eating the wrong stuff or too much. I will not have a fill until October but the band seems to be doing what it was supposed to do. At first I had trouble even getting all the liquids down. I'm doing better now and I am getting all the liquids and Proteins that I am supposed to but it seems once I eat that stuff I dont have room for anything else. I am hardly eating any veggies or anything else. I havent figured out how that works yet cause if I can only eat 2 ozs or 1/2 cup of food then it has to be Protein so I can get in my 80 grams a day. Man, this is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Its good though. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that Dr. Rohrer would do your fills, Joy. The bariatric Institute here in Great Falls does have a website with information and contacts. They also have a support group here but it only meets once a month. I have not gone to any of the meetings yet but I plan to.

Hang in there!


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Hi I am getting surgery in Mexico as wellin Monterry in November and i know there is a doctor in Great Falls, Dr. Roher i think that is how you spell it anyway he is going to do my fills! Hope that helps

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Welcome to you both.

ANW...I did the Monterray trip as well. Who will be your Dr?

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Dr. Rumbat i don't know how to spell it but anyway I am getting really nervous but it will be the best thing for me i am worried about afterwards....but have started eatting and drinking a lot of Protein and i have been not eatting meny carbs! thanks for the answer! Ashley

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Hi All,

Wow, it does my little heart good to see this thread picking up. I just KNEW there were more of us out there!:o

Sula, thanks so much for the input about your meals. It is so helpful just to see what someone else actually eats on a daily basis. And, congratulations on your new horse:clap2:! I think the walkers are absolutely magnificant. A family member, Grace Larson has a walker ranch over at Forsythe. Its called Hi-Plains Walkers. She also operates the 'Part-Walker' registry. We raise Paso fino horses and Paso Fino mules. The mules are really a hoot:p. I intend to start riding them myself as soon as Dr.K. clears me for riding, which I hope will be on the 12th. You'll have to post a photo of your new walker.

Dreno, when you said Wolf Point, I knew you knew exactly what I am going through with the isolation. Are you in the west now?

ANW, so nice to see you here too. I called Dr.Rohrer's office yesterday, and they said he will do fills for other surgeons (thank goodness....I've already been turned down by two others). They did tell me to get my request in early though, as he is almost booked solid... not only that, his receptionist told me that he has cut back his work schedule rather drastically... only two or maybe three days a week now. I have to be in Gt.Falls for the EMS conference from Oct 3-7, so, I am making an appointment with him for the 3rd. Can you tell me where his office would be? Is it very far from the Heritage Inn? Thats where the conference is being held, and I'm not familiar with Gt.Falls at all. I'm really looking forward to the trip.

My PA here said she would learn the fill technique, but, I haven't had the nerve to let her try that yet (although she is a wonderful PA and I go to her for everything else). Dr. K. really read me the riot act about letting someone inexperienced touch me. He said, 'one wrong move, and they'll torpedo the whole project'. Put the fear of God in me I can tell you! Knowing how isolated I am though, he did send me home with two of the special Lap-Band fill needles from Inamed. I'm keeping them for any emergency, however, I'm going to bite the bullet and get myself back to Denver or Gt.Falls for the routine fills. Can you believe they let me through airport security with those big honkers, but, took away my Water which I really needed:omg: . The needles fell under the 'medical device' rules.

ANW, I have read a lot of good things on this site about Dr.Rumbault. I considered Mexico for myself for a while, but, when I learned about Dr.K. in Denver, and his very reasonable pricing, I changed my mind. It is great that Dr.Rohrer will take the Mexican band patients. Most surgeons act like you've got the plague or something if you've been banded in Mexico, or, even by another surgeon in the states.

One thing thats been helping me a lot with the Protein intake is the pre-digested liquid Protein from Bariatric Eating. I take two tablespoons one or two times a day. There are 30 grams of Protein in two tblsps. Tastes like crap, but, it goes down quick, and then I'm not blowing my belly up with all those heavy Protein drinks. Its not for everyone, but, perhaps something to consider after banding. I absolutely could not get as many of those Protein Drinks down as I was supposed to. If you get the liquid, make sure its a good one. There is some good info about them on the main board. It tells you what to watch out for. I also am taking liquid Vitamins, and a special liquid Vitamin formulated for hair-loss prevention. (hope it helps...so far, so good;))

So good to hear from you all... lets keep in touch:ranger:.


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<p>JFK, I live in Great Falls now. Glad you talked to Dr. Rohrer's office. I havent had a fill from him yet (my first will be in Oct), but he did a great job with my surgery. Since you will be here in October I will find out when the Oct support group is and let you know. It would be great if you could go. Later dreno</p>

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Hi Everybody

I Had my surgery on 10 sept 2007 by Dr Dale Mortenson in Gt Falls, everything went well and here I am have losted 31lbs since seeing the Doctor the first time on 15 Aug 07 (weight 294), on surgery weight 276 and last time I weight on 20 Sept my weight was 263lbs, everything is working great. This week I can eat most foods if I chew really well. I have my first Fill scheduled for 17 Oct.


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Hey, we are almost a group now. I sometimes don't get the new posts but today I did and I had some reading to catch up with.

Joy...did you get directions to Rohrer's office? Let me know and I'll get you there.

I'm playing around with the same 3-4 pounds this month. I'm giving myself a talking to and going to get more serious starting tomorrow. I've been pretty active the past few days so that is good, but not eating quite right. I need to knuckle down. There is a girl/lady on the site who was banded in January and has lost almost 100 pounds and is almost at goal. She does "heavy cardio" and eats 600 calories a day. I understand the cardio part but I'm not that is enough calories. I'm probably cruising around 1500 and need to get it down to 1000. I hate counting calories, but I'm thinking that is the way to go.

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Hi guys! Great to see this thread getting more activity (now if I could pick up on the "activity" maybe I'd break this plateau)! I really need to exercise more. What I'm doing now (walking/riding/eliptical) has only been maintaining me. Since June I have not lost (other than the up/down 4 lbs). I admit I could make better food choices too :)

Pat - Congratulations on your weight loss! I'm getting a fill on 10/17 also. I think I want to increase to 2cc's. Is Dr. Mortenson with Dr Rhorer's office?

anw - I know you must be quite anxious - the waiting until surgery day was the hardest for me. In fact I was a wreck until I actually went under anesthesia. I woke up with this feeling of complete hope and satisfaction with my decision. I'm very happy with my band!

dreno - I really like Dr. Rhorer, though it has been more difficult to get in to see him. I was worried when I got my first fill, but it was completely painless and not a big deal at all.

Joy - I'm also a horse lover, and from Eastern MT (Glasgow). I know what you mean about the support issue in our areas. I have a hard time because I really don't want others to know I had the surgery. I know a couple of ladies who I've heard had WLS, but I haven't approached them yet. Small town gossip drives me crazy, so I try to keep a low profile. I'm so thankful for Lap Band Talk!

Shawn - I think that lady only taking in 600 cals and exercising like that is not doing this right. It really upsets me when I see how fast the by-pass patients loose. That can't be healthy! I keep reminding myself when I get discourged about my plateau that slow/gradual weight loss is so much better AND healthier! I'm not losing any hair, my energy level is great, and my skin is going to bounce back much better!

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Hey All !

Wow, how nice to see everyone here. I'm afraid I haven't checked in for a while, but, since I have to head out for Gt Falls early in the morning, thought I'd see if anyone was around. It sounds like you all are doing very well.

I have to see Dr. Rorher at 3:00 on Wed the 3rd of Oct. Anyone else going to be there about then? I'll be coming in on Hwy 2 from the Hi-Line. Staying at the Western Heritage Inn. Anyone who can tell me where that is? I'm just clueless! I'll be there through the 7th, so, hopefully will learn my way around at least a little.

Weight loss is like the old 'molassas in January' thing.... slooooow !

This will be my second fill, and I'm hoping its a little more effective than the first one. I can still eat way too much (and do), but, I have been walking 2.5 to 3.0 miles almost every day. That at least is keeping me from re-gaining. (at least so far)

I am back riding again. Just got a new (used) Aussie saddle today, and I absolutely love it. Theres no such thing as bad posture in an Aussie... it makes you sit up like a ramrod. Actually I could really feel my butt and thighs working while riding it in, so, who knows.... it might even tighten up my backside a bit:D

Sophie, did you ever find any support in Glasgow yet? None for me here yet, but, I'm finding that it really isn't mattering so much anymore. People know I have the band, but not one person has said a word to me about it. I think they're just too timid or something. A couple of people have actually noticed the weight loss beginning and commented, but, they didn't ask how I was doing it. I guess if they did, I'd tell them. Do you have horses too? If anyone cares to see my horses or mules, they're at Paso Finos del Joy - Home I absolutely adore horses and mules. I haven't gotten into riding the mules just yet, but, its coming next. I always felt I was too heavy for them, as they are still quite young at 2-years old.

Anyone who's been to Dr.Rohrer for fills... does he numb you up first? I'm hoping so. Dr. K in Denver didn't. Its a good thing I was laying down when he started, or, I would have been flat out on the floor! I had a huge bulls-eye bruise on my belly thats finally going away now. I guess thats what happens when there is so much fat to go through with that fill needle:rolleyes

Well, looks like I'd better go start packing.... getting anxious to get on the road.

Take care all and blessings!


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Hi Joy,

Heritage Inn is at Fox Farm and 10th Avenue.

Take the road from Havre into town and go straight across the river and continue (south) to 10th. Take a right and go till you cross another bridge (Warden Bridge). At the next light, take a left..and it's a block down on your right.

Dr. Rohrer's office.. Go back out to 10th and take a right (you're headed east. After the first light (not at fox farm and 10th but the next one) get in the right hand lane and take the first right (it will be by Pro-lube) and go up the hill. About a quarter way up the hill (past the Holiday Inn on your left, will be the hospital and I think it is the first or second drive way in on your left. There is a sign with several names on it at the entrance.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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