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Hi I was sleeved on June 25 and very thankful for not having any complications. I have lost 20lbs since surgery date and lots of inches. I went back to work yesterday and NO ONE noticed my weight loss so it was a bit disappointing :-( but Im doing this for me and as long as I know Im shrinking its all good. Im eating mushy/soft foods but have stayed with tuna fish and chicken Soup, Protein Shakes are my life, yogurt, and string cheese. I have tried scramble and boiled eggs but for some reason it doesnt go down well. I vomited once due to the egg. I drank a sip of Water to wash it down but instead it came back up. Im walking/dancing 30-45min every other day it feels great! I no longer get anxious if I dont see the scale going down. I say to myself " you didnt get overweight overnight, so how can you expect to lose the weight overnight"? Its a new beginning another chance to do it right! Good luck my fellow Sleevers may the lord gives us the strength we need to reach our goals!


I take chewable vitamins from GNC pretty good as well as their ready to drink lean Protein shakes

170 Cal

25g of protein

2g of Sugar

6g of Carbs

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I was sleeved june 27th. I am down 32lbs. I didn't have any pain at all a little discomfort getting used to how my new stomach worked. I am sure everyone has gone through the miserable week 1 phobias lol I know I was second guessing everything I freaked out with the why did I do this it was hard cooking for my 3 kids because it made me want to eat. I even went as far as licking a chip lol but I am 3 weeks out and feeling much better about my decisions. My diet is much different from most of yours. I was all liquid for 14th days now I am pureed for 2 weeks then soft/mushy for 3 weeks then transition to "normal" foods around the 8th-9th week. I to have the pain on the left and it is due to an anchor stitch I was told it dissolves by the 4th weekish. And as far as Protein and fluids I have the whey Protein Powder and 1 scoop is 30g of Protein so I have 1 protein shake for Breakfast and make sure I have 2 yoplait yogurts that are 15g each that's how I get my 60g and the fluids I just drink like a mad woman as much as I can. excited to watch us all shrink on our journeys back to life!

What yoplait yogurts have you found that have 15g of protein? Please share!!

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I was sleeved 6/26, and am down 18 pounds from surgery date, (that does not include the 11 pounds Water weight I gained in the hospital and lost shortly thereafter). Lost 8 pounds on pre op diet, so total down 26 pounds!! I have done very well overall, and am feeling better already. I took the full 6 weeks off just to focus on me and my new lifestyle. I attended my first support group tonight, not what I expected so I plan to attend one at a different hospital on Thursday night. I will have my first follow up with my surgeon on Friday and should get the ok to swim and workout more than just walking and stationary bike. Good luck to everyone!!!

I am with you on the taking the full 6 weeks Brenda. I feel that getting the support system in place as well as adapting to the new eating is important for me and my long term success. I tried tilapia and a scrambled egg yesterday(first day of mushy food) and the egg went down with no problems, but the fish did not sit well with my stomach and I woke up feeling full and nauseous this morning. I decided that I am going to take it slow and stick to what has worked. I am going to introduce foods a little slower, so cream of wheat for breakfast still, maybe egg for lunch and Soup for dinner. After a few days will try some Beans and then work my way up to fish etc.... :D . I have to remember that just because I could eat it before, doesn't mean I am going to be able to eat it now....baby steps right.

Even though I felt sick this morning, got up and went to the track by my school and did 2 very slow laps. Imagined myself a month from now and long term being able to run(wow) again. I just continue to remind myself that in order to become the person I need to be, I have to change not only the way I eat, but the way I live. So trying to get 30+ minutes of physical activity in each day. Plan to go for a swim tonight too. Going to try to do 5 minutes of Just Dance 4( Just sweat is great). Working on this new me...!

Congrats to all of you June sleevers! Keep up the great work.

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I, too, was sleeved on 6/26 and have had minimal pain since urgery but have struggled to get in as much liquids and Protein as I'm supposed too. I force myself to choke down the Protein Drinks which are awful, but ironically the worst part to me has been stomaching the vitamins! My surgeon has us take 1 prilosec and 2 calcium citrate pills in the morning, a massive horse pill Multivitamin at lunch, and 2 additional Calcium citrate at night. This isn't including the antidepressants that I've been on for years. Each of these pills are typically supposed to be taken after a meal, so I get nauseous after taking each pill because I never have a "meal" in my tummy before taking them. I've been on soft foods since day 8 and will transition back to regular foods on day 28 (counting down the days!!) so far, I've lost 22 lbs since day of surgery which is more successful than anything I've ever tried throughout my life. Any others having issues with Vitamins or getting their liquids/proteins in? I go back to work next Monday so I'm hoping I can get this all figured out by then lol

Have you explored liquid vitamins and or chewables? I am looking into them to off set some of the challenges I face with getting the vitamins in. So far the chewables and fast melting vitamins have helped me.

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I take one bariatric chewable one a day Vitamin from Pro Care Health and a chewable Calcium each morning, then at lunch I take another Calcium (500mg chewable from Country Life) then at night I drink a small pouch of "spatone Pur ~ Absorb liquid iron" that I got from Walgreens. I have just made it my life. Having said that tomorrow will be four weeks since surgery and I have only lost 14lbs (12 ,of which we from the pre op diet) im so sad and depressed that this just isn't going to work for me. So hard to stay positive. I feel like Im doing everything right, just cant exercise like normal people due to a fully fused spine. Its just really depressing.

Hope for some of you the Vitamins and calcium and liquid Iron referrals work.

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I was sleeved on June 28th and I'm down a total of 35 lbs (pre-op diet included) ...

I was extremely fortune not to have any real issues except some insomnia in the last week. I got home on the 30th, didn't take any pain meds once home and transitioned from the Clear liquids to some soft items the 2nd week. I'll admit I'm trying to get used to some more substantial choices. I've still followed a Protein shake for Breakfast and lunch most days and dinner has included one scrambled egg and some cottage cheese. I do feel satisfied. I returned to work after one week (desk job) and it's been OK ... the clothes are fitting looser and that's a little bit exciting. I thought I'd be in a hurry to get back to solids, but been doing ok with a combination liquid/solid regime. The first week or so I couldn't believe the amount of mental hunger I was experiencing. I know I wasn't hungry, but will all the commercials and such, i was really craving some of my old comfort food. Those have definitely subsided and I'm thankful for that. It was a little tougher than I thought and you just have to push through ... the changes has been drastic, but they are far easier to incorporate now that I have a few weeks under my belt ...

I'm glad I finally did this and can't wait to see how I can take full advantage going forward!!

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I take one bariatric chewable one a day Vitamin from Pro Care Health and a chewable Calcium each morning, then at lunch I take another Calcium (500mg chewable from Country Life) then at night I drink a small pouch of "spatone Pur ~ Absorb liquid iron" that I got from Walgreens. I have just made it my life. Having said that tomorrow will be four weeks since surgery and I have only lost 14lbs (12 ,of which we from the pre op diet) im so sad and depressed that this just isn't going to work for me. So hard to stay positive. I feel like Im doing everything right, just cant exercise like normal people due to a fully fused spine. Its just really depressing.

Hope for some of you the Vitamins and calcium and liquid Iron referrals work.

Hang in there. Work with your doctor on anything you might be able to do excercise wise. Foot pedaling or arm movements. Someone said there is a video out there with simple movements to do in a chair. I was in the same boat as you. I could barely walk due to my disc pain. I would do whatever I could with movements to lose weight bc I knew that my weight was making the problem worse. It is a tough situation to be in but between your doc and your nut, you should be able to come up with the right combination if movement calories and nutrition. Stay positive :)

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I take one bariatric chewable one a day Vitamin from Pro Care Health and a chewable Calcium each morning, then at lunch I take another Calcium (500mg chewable from Country Life) then at night I drink a small pouch of "spatone Pur ~ Absorb liquid iron" that I got from Walgreens. I have just made it my life. Having said that tomorrow will be four weeks since surgery and I have only lost 14lbs (12 ,of which we from the pre op diet) im so sad and depressed that this just isn't going to work for me. So hard to stay positive. I feel like Im doing everything right, just cant exercise like normal people due to a fully fused spine. Its just really depressing.

Hope for some of you the Vitamins and calcium and liquid Iron referrals work.

Hi Karen, thanks for sharing this info. Don't forget that this is not a sprint but a journey. You have lost 14 lbs-Celebrate... this will work for you because you are doing what you need to! Your body is adjusting to these changes and needs time... I am only 3 weeks out and I am loosing weight but have struggles because I can't seem to keep food down yet. I get frustrated, but I remind myself that this is all new and both my mind and body need time to adjust. Don't you give up! In a few months we will all reflect on these early post and smile. Just stick to your plan and don't doubt! It is inevitable that the pounds will start coming off. Just think, the slower you loose it, the better your body(skin) is able to adjust to the changes :) . I am cheering for you!

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I was sleeved on 6/25 and I am down 21 pounds since surgery. I didn't have a pre op diet, so that is all since starting weight! I haven't had any complications, I do find it difficult to get all my Protein and liquids in though. I came home from the hospital on day 3 and day 4 I was up and walking to the grocery store across the street. I have some sensitivity by my belly button incision but all of the rest of my incisions have healed up. I am supposed to be on a pureed foods diet until week 5, but we don't have a blender so I eat soft foods, mainly fruits bananas, peaches, watermelon, and strawberries and chew them up really good as well as Soups.< /p>

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I was 6/25 and I am in the slow loser club but at least it is coming off. Lost 9 pounds since surgery. I had the dreaded week three stall. Transitioned from liquids to soft solids today. Yum! Yogurt and lunch meat and Beans were all yummy. Pain is still present in my left side but tolerable with twice a day Tylenol. Today I was really tired but I had been feeling pretty good. So far so good on this wonderful journey :)

Artymama how has your pain and intake gone?

I am in the slow loser club too! I keep beating myself up about it !! I have lost 12 since 6/26! Make sure you get all your Protein in. Well as best as you can. My nutritionist said that is most likely why. I haven't lost weight in a week!!

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You are all so sweet and supportive to take time to write to me. You are all helping. I am going to concentrate on just Protein and Water from here on out. I know never to eat too much now, the pain usually hits a teaspoon before the three ounces which tells me to STOP!! However I feel like I am ALWAYS hungry, but, always nauseous, ALWAYS. How is one supposed to live/work this way, and I have not lost weight either since surgery. Today is my four week anniversary since surgery. Should I go back to basics, shakes and Water, broth for a while? I just cant work with a full nauseous stomach which is the outcome of trying to get my Protein levels in through normal chewed food. I agree with what someone said PPabout the boiled egg, it fills my sleeve with not enough protein.

As for exercise I do the small walk from car to a sit down job. And seeing as I have two rods and 37 screws in my spine due to scoliosis surgery, movement (carrying an extra 80lbs) causes much pain - which is why I did the surgery, to break the vicious circle.

So I guess I will go back to 3 x 17g Protein Shakes a day, cottage cheese for Snacks and maybe tuna mixed in for lunch and steak for dinner with talapia for alternate day dinners. I dont have a sweet tooth so that helps. What do you think? Your advice is important to me. Im not good in the kitchen so the easier ideas are the better. And because I have sat all day at work my back really needs to lay and relax flat when I get home. I know the spine part will improve as the weight falls off, I just cant afford to get my spine hurt exercising while Im trying to lose the weight. Am I even making sense?

Tired, sad and alone. I haven't told my family in case of failure and I spent all my (our, my husband and my, life savings =12k!)

Sorry to sound all woe is me, I do however have one amazing husband on my side. He loves me and has seen all the pain that the weight put upon my spine and the trouble that it has caused. He is my biggest fan and is cheering me through this. I am most certainly blessed. Now I just need to get my mind positive, some routines that will work, and a lot of faith, and hopefully I will then be able to replace my frown with a smile. ,:/


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Karen you mentioned steak and chewed foods? What is your daily intake of fluids? What are you eating and drinking cause I'm three weeks out and still stage 2b as far as eating I'm pureed no lumps and still 60g Protein 64oz fluids 60 min of movement and the pounds are coming off 32lbs since surgery date of 6\27 I wish I was eating chewed food lol but I'm not although I have licked a potato chip lol

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Sleeved 6/25. Surgery and recovery has been a breeze with the exception of one ER visit for some potassium. Still fairly fatigued. Never hungry, which is nice. I struggle with the Vitamins and my other meds. Fluids going in well (normal size swallows).

For food I am on 2 shakes and one soft meal a day. I can't eat much, about 1/4 cup of Beans or eggs. Tofu, egg flower Soup, etc. on the 24th I get to add in some soft veggies.

Have lost 14 lbs since surgery. I was low BMI at time of surgery. Have lost 37 lbs total.

Am a bit disappointed in how slow its coming off, but it's steady..no stalls yet! Knock, knock.

Glad most everyone is doing well!

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Karen you mentioned steak and chewed foods? What is your daily intake of fluids? What are you eating and drinking cause I'm three weeks out and still stage 2b as far as eating I'm pureed no lumps and still 60g Protein 64oz fluids 60 min of movement and the pounds are coming off 32lbs since surgery date of 6\27 I wish I was eating chewed food lol but I'm not although I have licked a potato chip lol

I am getting in my 64 oz of Water a day, like I said the exercise is impossible right now due to my scoliosis and as I said earlier I cant do pureed food because I throw up so I chew chew chew. Glad its all working for you.

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I do creamed Soups, sugar free puddings sf Jello, cottage cheese, apple sauce, smoothies and refried Beans. Just some ideas. The sleeve is still healing. And as far as exercise I don't mean go running you just need movement. Sitting in a chair you can do lots of exercise. I think your really down right now and it's okay. I know you must be feeling really discouraged but DON'T GIVE UP. Think about how many calories you are putting in with your current diet. Are you burning them? I know I'm still around 250 just to give you an idea. Breakfast I have a Protein Shake then I drink Water, crystal light, diet snapple etc lunch usually cottage cheese, then drink drink drink then dinner one of the creamed soups or refried beans/sour cream and cheese then more drinking. I have been using the water to float around and get my movement in. I can't do any actual exercise yet because I have back problems as well. The water doesn't hurt me to float around with my kiddos. I reallllly hope things start to improve for you and the weight starts coming off. Keep the faith. My weight the day of surgery was 280 lbs today 3ft weeks later I am 248 lbs it will happen keep pushing forward. Take care

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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