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Hi Everyone!

I'm enjoying my one and only weekend with NO homework so I decided to see what everyone was up to!

bkwalling—Man, it sounds like you’ve been having a miserable time lately! I’m so glad your interview went well! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you! As for me, the boss told me yesterday that my interview (for the job I’m already doing) went “very well” but they aren’t hiring anyone at this time because no one was “qualified.” Yes, that pretty much means that I’m chopped liver. Kind of like a mistress--good enough to fool around with but not good enough to marry. On a more positive note, the boss asked me to continue in the acting supervisory position through the summer. I’ll be done my administration degree by August, so hopefully I’ll be “good enough” for them by then… :faint:

BooBooKitty—I think we ALL deserve more pay because we rock!

StephC—Remember that some days are going to be better than others. Just get back on track and don’t beat yourself up too much! You are just about halfway through your weight loss—hang in there! :clap2:

VABandster—Awesome job getting into those size 18 shorts! I tried on two sets of PJs today that were XL. They fit, but the material was a bit thin, so I didn’t get them. I was floating on a cloud that I could actually squeeze my keester into an outfit in the "regular" section of the store!

Jill—You made it to onederland! I’m SO excited for you!! :wow2:

beversman—What I wouldn’t do to go on a road trip right now! I’m so sick of doing homework! Your weight loss is INCREDIBLE! I’m so proud of you—what an accomplishment! :first:

Kaydotrn—Glad to have you back! I’ve been among the missing myself. I made it through my 3 classes at the same time nightmare of the last 8 weeks! My next class doesn't start until next Thursday, so I thought I’d write to everyone. At least I’ll only have one class at a time and my internship to get done from now until the end of August. Way to go by the way on losing 50 pounds already! I was banded the day after you, and have only lost around 35 (maybe a little more by now). I really need to exercise some more—now that I won’t have classes 2-4 nights a week I’ll be able to be more dedicated like you! I guess I should just be happy I haven’t GAINED any weight. I sure would have in the old days before the band! :hungry:

Nathalie—I’m glad you’re doing better after your rough patch! You’re an inspiration! Good job standing up to your mother—not an easy task!

VABandster—The VA Tech. tragedy hit us hard in Hampton Roads as well. One of my classmates is a teacher in Smithfield, the hometown of one of the girls who died. One of my professors is an assistant superintendent in Hampton, VA, where another girl who died used to live. Working in the school system has been nerve-wracking, too. My son (a high school freshman) stayed home from school on April 20th because of rumors of a Columbine-style shooting. We had an interview for him at an alternative school in the morning (traditional high school sucks) and I decided to keep him home just in case. All of us at central office got a procedure for handling phoned-in bomb threats. Not a warm and happy feeling!

My big NSV is that I had to buy new underwear and bras today because I was swimming in my old ones! I know, I really like to live it up! Woo-hoo! The only downer is that my body is turning into a giant blob of flabby jello! Do any of you feel this way? I don’t know if all of my fat is just loosening up so it can melt off, but I jiggle more now than I did 40 pounds ago! I don’t think I’m going near a bathing suit this summer. I hope my skin tightens up or I’m definitely going to need a date with a plastic surgeon! Or maybe I should move to Mauritania??? :doh:

I think I’ll check out that “thedailyplate.com” website. I haven’t had the time to track calories—maybe now is a good time to try that out.

I'll do my best to check in more often. Keep up the good work everyone! It's amazing how much we've all accomplished already!

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I woke up at 4:07 this morning - thought I'd get on for a few minutes.

Transformer - nice to hear from you! Once life settles down for you check in more often!

Bk - sorry to hear you've been sick, I hope you're feeling better now. Good luck with the job, I'd hire you.

Kirsten - told you so! See patience paid off. Remember men are from Mars, they don't see things the way we do - I'm glad he got back to you.

I did so much better yesterday. Bk, I used to get the hungrys a week before my period, and that was really what it felt like but now that I'm in menopause I never know if its the week before or not. Sometimes I have a period every month sometimes its every 2 or 3 weeks and sometimes its 3 months! If I went by that I'd be binging all the time. LOL I felt like crap when I ate the stuff but really 1400 calories isn't so bad, I could probably still lose weight on that. I was thinking about ww and how they give you those "bonus" points, I just used all my bonus points in one day.

Today is my weigh day and the scale hasn't moved. I guess I'm just at a plateau. I'll just keep walking and watching my calories and its bound to move eventually. I wonder sometimes how our bodies work. When I went on ww the lowest I got was 192, I'm at 191 right now and just can't seem to get into the 180's, I wonder if my body is saying let me stay here for a little bit before we go any farther. I guess my first goal should have been 189! Even tho I didnt' write it down, in my head my first goal has been 180, I kinda feel like if I can hit it then the rest will come in time. I really wanted to be 170 by July when I go on vacation.

Sorry I was babbling, I guess I'm going to go lay down again and see if I can sleep in on a Sunday morning!

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Hey girls just checkin in! Wow everyone is doing so well!!! I am so proud of you!

What kind of summer exercises are you all going to do?? I have had a really hard time going back to the gym, I am really not wanting to leave my house. I just want to stay home with my kids. I think I am still suffering from a little anxiety from my daughters accident.

So my plan is to start bike riding with my family. We have childrens seats on the back of our bikes. My ds is 5 and we will get him his own bike in June. So after June I will be able to take him and my dd by myself. For now dh will have to come which makes it hard to actually do it, bc he works so much.

I am also planning on yard work and gardening. I am not sure if this is really exercise though- at least the kind that really helps. BUT it will keep me active and not eating AND my yard will look great!

Congrats all of you finishing school and getting your finals done! I know that is a good feeling!

My scale is slow but steady dropping! YEAH ! I wanted to lose 12 lbs in April and I only lost 6, but I am not complaining at least I am losing! I am soooo resistant to losing weight! I could never have got this far without my band. I lost all 6 lbs since my last fill I believe. It is so great to see the scale dropping everyday even if it is only a few ounces! I used to lose 2-3 lbs then bounce up a pound etc. but now it is leveling off and last few weeks I am just slowly creeping downward! I do need to bump up the exercise though!

Well it was nice to catch up with all of you!

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Everyone must have been enjoying the spring weather this weekend.

Jill - it was good to hear from you. The bike riding with the family sounds great! You sound so up, thats great. Sounds like you may have a little post traumatic stress, which is normal after going through such a traumatic time! Time heals all. I'm glad this fill is working for you.

I think I'm doing better now. Still around 1000-1100 calories and I'm walking! Talk to you all soon - its a busy monday.

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Hey everyone!

Steph.....yes, you're right, I just needed to be patient!! Unfortunately it sounds like he's got another busy week this week so I'm not sure when I'll hear from again, but at least I got confirmation that he IS interested!

Glad to hear you're on track!! I am going for my 3rd fill on Wed. w/my new Fill Dr...and I'm a bit nervous!!! I still have days where I feel restriction and sometimes I don't....so I'm not sure if it's that I need more fill or just need to be a better bandster, but I figure even if I just get a little bit put in, it won't hurt! And if I'm too tight...well, then that should really kick start things again! ;-) LOL

The weird thing is my scale actually budged after my weekend away (and not stepping on the scale)....it was down 1.5 pounds! go figure!! UGH.....oh well! I'll never understand this damn weight loss!

I did start going through my closet last night and put all my too big clothes in a pile to give to goodwill!! And I found a bunch of size 20 pants that I hadn't been able to wear in over a year that I can now fit back into so that was FUN! :)

JILL...good to see you back here and posting! I'm thinking about getting a bike too! there is a long trail near my house that is perfect for biking on and I really need to get into some good exercise! I'm actually trying to get into a routine (once again) w/my elliptical this week....wish me luck!

Glad to hear you dropped in April!!! I was stuck the whole month but am hoping my fill on Wed. will change that and May will get me into the solid 240s where I haven't been since 1999!!!

Hope you all have a great Monday! :)

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Hi Girls,

Just want to say hi before I go back and read this thread. I have been no where near the computer lately and I am swamped with stuff for school so I am completely out of touch.

Things with me are good. Except that I have been slacking with my workouts and need to focus on that. Totally unlike me. I feel a little bit like I am spread too thin right now and really need to learn to say "no" to people that need things from me. Anyone else have that problem???

On a crappy note, I had my first PB last night. At least I think that is what you would call it. I think I forgot for a second that I was banded, ate too fast and got that terrible stuck feeling. I actually forced it back up. I was relieved and instantly felt better but then scolded myself because I should have remembered and slowed down!!! Ugh.

ANywho...I am off to check the thread. i hope all is well with everyone!!!

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Kirsten I'm excited to hear how things progress with the new guy! Keep me updated. And WTG on the weight loss and smaller size! I love getting into something that has been too tight. Don't worry about the fill, I think you need it, and it'll be ok. Just bc he's so far away I would consider asking him for a fill needle in case you would have to have an emergency unfill. Just a thought. I doubt you'd need it and I'm thinking he'll most likely do it under fluro just to double check your band since you're a new patient so I really doubt you'll get too much. I don't feel much difference in this fill.

Kay, kinda scarey getting stuck like that, hu? I went to lunch with dh yesterday, a buffalo (grilled)chicken salad, I had watched dh eat his dinner salad and this place has the best, freshest salads so I know I started out too fast. I had to set my fork down and sit there a few minutes, dh looks up from his prime rib and grinning says - you ate too fast didn't you? - I said YES! jerkhead! - I didn't call him a jerkhead but felt like it, I had to sit there until gravity took its toll and all went down ok. I ended up eating 1/3 of my meal. This is the hardest part of the bandster rules for me. I always just start out fast or too big of a bite. Anyway I'm sorry you had to pb, I know it sucks. I also know about being spread too thin, I went through that when I was your age... hehe...but live and learn to say NO - also its just a more stressful time of life, having young kids who need you, and then everything that revolves around the rest of the family seems to suck you in too. I am fortunately past most of that now. Life has slowed down a great deal for me. Little things like working the concession stand isn't such a bother now. But there was a time when I just said I'll donate $20 rather then work it.

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Okie Dokie! Guess what Ladies?! I got my fill today! .9ccs and I just tried to eat a CUP of Cereal and I can't eat it. I figured that'd pass for mushy foods since the milk had settled in. At any rate, I hope to start losing again!

Hope everyone is doing well on this grand Monday! LOL... (I TOTALLY was being sarcastic)


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Glad everyone had a awesome weekend sassy congrats on the fill

steph you and me in the same boat eating too fast my number one prob

jill I am with you need some fun outdoor workouts

I am over this stomach bug hip hip hooray

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Hi All -

I'm back. I was in Cincinnati last week, Charlotte over the weekend. B'man - sorry I missed you while in Cinci. I had absolutely NO downtime at all.

I'll sign on later today to check in. I'm on my cycle and am a raging maniac! I'm also calling for a fill today, as I gobbled a steak over the weekend with no restriction. I need to tighten up.

Love you guys! Can't wait to see what you've all been up to!

Big Hugs,


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Thanks Bkwalling! I must say I'm going to have to get used to this. I can't really eat much AT ALL now.. At least before I could eat more than 2 - bites! It's ok... I'll never complain about losing weight!


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Sassy I couldn't eat cereal either, not sure why but a couple bites was all.

BK I think eventually we will get the slow, little bites right.

Nat, glad you're back. We missed you.

I had a nice compliment yesterday. I was at work, we're closed Monday so I'm the only one here, one of the guys who work here came in to golf, I haven't seen him since last fall. He said he didn't know who was sitting in my desk. :) First of all the car threw him off (new car) and then he said he had to take a double take at me. First thing he said was wow you look great! Did you change your hair? I said no, I LOST 40 POUNDS! He said I thought so but didn't want to say it. We laughed about how people think its rude to bring up the subject of weight, and when you do lose weight you would like people to notice. He has also struggled with weight. So I swore him to secrecy and told him about lapband. He said why dont you want to tell people, do you think its 'cheating' or the easy way out? Cause its not. I said no, I just don't want to be the topic of conversation, you know how people are. He said he thinks I should tell my boss bc he is overweight and smokes, he could really use this surgery for his health. He said why don't you tell him at the end of the season, I said maybe. So it was nice.

Happy May day! I remember when I was a little girl we would make May day baskets and put them on the step of our friends in the neighborhood, then we would knock on the door and run. Did any of you do that? I know, I know, I'm older then all of you and it was a different world back in the 60's.

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So, busy... no time -- ggrrr -- miss you all. ive been reading. Will keep checking in. Love ya all!

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Didn't have a chance to sign in last night - I was busy sleeping. I'm at work right now, but am leaving at 2:30, I think.

I'm on the phone right now joining a gym. I need some external motivation.

I scheduled a fill for 5.14 but I'm trying to get in sooner. they called and said they have an opening today - I can beat it over there right friggin NOW if I can. I am so sick of my fat, jiggly ass! I can't get below 244 - and was up at 249 this morning. Dang period.

More later - I've only skimmed posts. Personals tonight, I promise!

Love youz guyz!


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Brandi - I hear ya - I'm also reading but don't have any freakin' time! :)

Love ya girls even if I'm quiet!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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