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Steady losers ;-)

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nat- I need u to cook for me please you have given us all such good ideas thanks for all the ideas of food to eat

oh i wanted to let everyone know that I went to the deli and got shred chicken it is great

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Hey Y'all...

So, this is where everybody is huh?...lol....a quick update...had my 2 week surgeon followup today...all's well...the pain under my left breast (which I found out is where they actually tug the stomach down to put the band on and stitch up) is getting better every day. He said I should get my first fill on Feb. 1... Mentally ready now...feel like I could eat a cow. Officially at 223.5 today woo hoooo!....

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Hello my steadies!

I love this! only a page or 2 to catch up on.

I did pretty good today - trying to measure 1/2 cup servings all day. Had my shredded wheat, at about 7, then at 11 I had cottage cheese and pears, 1ish I ate a some left over casserole, 5 I ate a small peice of a wedgie (ham and cheese on pizza crust) stayed away from the Pizza Crust so it was more like a snack of ham and cheese, then at 7 I ate a bowl of my frozen Soup from my nesting days. Everything was measured in 1/2 cup servings - dr told me its better to eat small portions several times a day, so I worked on it today. And a small tootsie roll - damn candy has me this TOM! Which btw is really sucky because I'm going thro the change and I'm "irregular" so its like every 20 days instead of 28. Then there will be a month where i'm 3 weeks late and I'm like YES! I'm done! And then 20 days later I have it again. My best friend was over the other night, we were ROFL, we've been friends for 17 years and went from the potty training stage to the college stage - and now we are both having hot flashes and night sweats - its a blast <--- scarcasm

All I have to say about potty training is boys are a b-tch Nat - my girls were a peice of cake compared to the boy. And the fact that they can whip it out when ever they want .... one day in the car I had pee spraying all over - yeah that was fun but not as much fun as the poopy pants! He just about drove me over the edge with poopy pants - remember 22 years ago they didn't have pull ups - it was rinsing out those little underwear in the toilet - ENJOY!

My big deal for the day is I cleaned my bedroom, moved furniture so I could get my treadmill in the right spot for the tv. I did 10 minutes and am determined to stick with it. My youngest daughter wants to start running at the high school - they have an indoor track we like to walk. She does track so she's thinking its time to start training now. Hopefully we'll get into that next week. She also does cheerleading for basketball, boy and girls so she has games almost every night - she's in drama at the church, and worship team, then she is in the local fire queen pagent so I don't know when she thinks we will get to the track. Besides all that she has a boyfriend. Oh to be 16 again!

I'm going to spend some time with hubby. See ya tomorrow!

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I'm still up. *sigh* I haven't exercised yet. I am totally struggling to get my jelly on the elliptical tonight. I feel like crying. I'm so tired tonight, my head hurts, my back hurts, and I'm fat. I feel like I've been a bitch today, and I really didn't mean to. I'm trying so hard to be faithful to my LB decision without whining and cheating, and I'm still feeling bad tonight. I think making the ticker did it. I was all geeked about the 35 pound loss, and I see I have damn near 100 pounds to go. Why the F did I let myself get this way?

I really felt like punching dream and that other chick for their little crappy ass commentary on my response to her. OF COURSE we have all felt that way. DUH bitch. Did you read ANYTHING or did you just come in here whining. NO one has forgotten, and we've all struggled as newly banded women. It always amazes me when someone asks a question, gets a response they don't like and snarks a response in return.

I know. It's me. It's TOTALLY me, but still. Did she even READ? Sheezaly Crow.

Just ignore me tonight ladies.

Claudia - I have the Inamed VG band.

Kathy in Chattaboogie - YOU GO GIRL! You are rocking your band! I had a pain under my left breast, too! I had no idea it was band related. February 1 for your 1st fill? I have an appointment on Jan 25 with the dietician, exercise guy and the PA. I hope they will give me a fill then, otherwise they will haul me back in later for another appointment and fill. I guess if I don't need it, I shouldn't get one. But even though I have restriction, I can eat hunks of chicken and bread. I just choose not to. (rambling, sorry)

bkwalling - what is shred (shredded?) chicken? What will you do with it? You're welcome for the suggestions. It's nothing but some kind of meatish thing and some fillers with seasoning. And in all honesty, I'm afraid to eat real foods. If I start chewing and eating, I will go hog wild!

b'man - I never did comment on your seal meat idea. HA! That suggestion made me laugh and gag at the same time. I bet is it expensive, and hard to chew. Think it's like Jerky? *laugh*

KayDoll - I hope you're getting a lot of studying done, girlfriend. Did you say you had a final? I forgot...

StephC - I forgot if your daughter and her friend were leaving tonight or tomorrow. I bet they leave tomorrow since you're so quiet. Hope you're doing well.

I think I'm going to skip the exercise tonight. Or maybe i'll do 15 minutes. It's better than nothing. *sigh* Decisions, decisions. I want to be 255 by 1/14, and if I don't shake a tail feather, I'm not going to make it!

Talk to my steady girls tomorrow!


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alright guys have a question

I am in some bad pain around my port area all the sudden I sit up after watching some tv and felt like a knife stabbed me

not sure what is wrong anyone else have this prob

this is the first prob I have had in the port area

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nat- I know how u feel about complainers that is all my sis in law is well I will check back later for the response on the pain thing i will lay down with the heating pad

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bkwalling - I have that pain constantly. I think it is just the raw nerves in the surgical site that get irritated when we bend awkwardly. I don't know if it is the scar tissue or what, but that's my best guess. I usually take the tylenol when it happens, and sometimes use ice on it. I guess heat would work just as well.

Take care of yourself!

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First chance I've had to post since we've moved to our new "home." I had my 2-week check up on Wednesday, January 3rd. I've lost 16 pounds so far! :whoo:

I've been cleared to do any kind of exercise I want. If it hurts, I should stop. Sounds reasonable to me! My new "mushy" eating plan for the next two weeks is pretty simple. The doctor called it "four squares a day." Naturally, this is NOTHING in the neighborhood of what I was used to before banding! :hungry:

I have to eat 15 grams of mushy Protein four times per day (60 grams in all). Things like scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, tuna, etc. After eating the Protein at each meal, I can have mushy veggies and fruits, and some starches like mashed potatoes if there's any room left! Carbs are on the bottom of the list. I can't drink anything 30 minutes before I eat or until 2 hours after I eat. I have to keep sugars below 8 grams per day. I've been keeping a simple food log since the surgery in a small composition notebook (mainly because I can't remember anything)! :omg:

So far, I haven't really been hungry at all between meals. It is totally bizarre. I don't think that's ever happened to me before in my entire life and I haven't even had one fill yet (1st one in four weeks)!

"Real" food was SO yummy! You would have thought I died and went to heaven just because I got to eat some tuna fish! How twisted is that? :noidea:

I even went out to Panera bread for lunch with a couple colleagues today. I had already eaten my "lunch", so I actually made a good choice for once and ordered a bowl of french onion Soup without the bread, the cheese, or the side order. It was really good--now I want to know what spices they put in it! I didn't pack my "I had lapband surgery" card in my wallet yet. They must have thought I was a total weirdo! :loco:

dawnae--good luck with your appointment! I hope you get a BIG weight-loss surprise! :)

all mamas--my boy was 3 1/2 to the day when he decided to become potty trained. Oy! :)

StephC--great job getting on the old treadmill!!!! :clap2:

sweethot143--Hang in there! You gotta keep in mind that you have little ones to run you ragged, too! My 14-year-old is a pain sometimes, but at least I can tell him to go away sometimes! Like I said, I've been just handwriting the food (protein grams) and liquids (oz.) in a notebook--nothing complicated or fancy. I pack a lunchbag with small containers that have my food for lunch and a mid-afternoon snack that are already measured out and a couple bottles of Water. I set it up the night before and just grab it in the morning after Breakfast on the way to work because I'm always in a rush. I don't know if you'd have the time to do that at night though, between baths and bedtimes with the kiddos. Just trying to think of something simple that might help you out...I'll keep thinking!

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Hi- I made it over here! Did I miss something?? WHy did we move?? Too many posts over there?? and Why do we want to be exclusive?? Just curious. I really do not want to move off this format to yahoo or anywhere else. We are all new bandsters and to seperate ourselves from all the experienced people is like "band suicide" LOL well maybe I am being a bit dramatic.... but =)

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Sounds good everyone you let me know what you all want to do. I will keep posting here until I'm told other wise. :-)

I hate sitting at work all day. You get absolutely no excersise and yet are still tired when you finally get home. ggggrrrr.........

I signed up. I would love tohave a real private group since I am an anonymously banded chick in my area and I would love to share photos andstuff of my progress that I cannot post here. Just an idea.

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jill - yeah, it ws just to cut down on the number of posts... it was hard coming back and having 5 nwe pages to read through. that's the only reason. We just tried to get people that had been there since the beginning and might want a way to talk to each other and leave the December thread for new topics

transformer - congrats on the loss!! I havent lost a thing in over a week... it is frustrating :-(

bkwalling -- ive read that you can pull a stitch in that area and it can hurt for a couple of days... it didnt seem that it would damage anything... it just might feel sore for a few days... dont forget they sew'ed that badboy down to the muscle wall -- if we get a little too active we can agrivate it

Nat -- dont worry about their comments... they are just very sensitive and havent been on the board long; we kind of all talk to eachother like old friends, and I think that they just didnt know how to take it. It is CERTAINLY NOT you. You're a riot and a sweetheart! You were just tellin' it straight. We all know what it is like to be defensive. That was all they were doing. I wouldnt give it another thought. :-)

I also know, Nat, how it feels to be such a good cheerleader for everyone else and then sit there at night thinking, "what the hell am I doing?" It is so easy to say and so HARD to believe.

I am right here with you baby girl. I am going to go get on that damn elliptcal machine for you. I will do my 10 min... and you better go get on yours and race me!! P.S. I am going right now. So, if your awake you better hurry. (HA!) "A skinny b*tch is a confused b*tch. Why you shakin' b*tch? Cuz you hunrgy! Get that girl a two piece and a biscuit... mmmm!" (I love monique)

Steph - you go girl! being productive! I wish I'd got something done today. I did well on my Protein, but I think I still am eating too much. But then again... I am really not eating much at all -- how freaking starving to I have to be in order to lose!?!?! That's it. I'm doing my liquid preop diet again. :faint:

Claudia - I dont think any of us have the swiss band.. I think we are all Inamed -- unless I missed it somewhere... (which I have been known to do) hehe

smithkr1 - If you find a cow to eat, let me know!! I will help you out. I wish I could get past this head hunger. My tummer is NOT growling. I wish my head would stop growling too!!!

Dawnae - I'm so glad you came to find us. It was awful hard to keep up over there. We all talk more than enough to keep us all busy!

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Okay--phewww 4 pages read. You guys are fast, but at least I know you all.:)

Jill-to answer your question, some of us were trying to reach out to our girls that we felt we bonded with fromthe beginning. I am still planning to be a member of the December thread andthe rest of LBT, but this is a place where I hope we can all expand our friendships. The exclusiveness is not meant to be hurtful, it is more of a filter so we can chat with our friends. I will still look to give and get support on the original thread, but I will come here first to check up on my "steady girls". I also do not oppose having a private group on yahoo or something where we can post pictures and things that won't be broadcast across the WWW a la Paris Hilton. hehe

Transformer-congrats on the loss and great checkup. I know I could do a backflip right now if I thought I could eat some tuna. Sad but true!

Sweethot-do you need some tough love? :::looking for Nat:::: (btw, I don't think anything Nat said was remotely unsupportive) Anywho-wakeup fresh tomorrow and have a plan for the day. if we don't take the time to plan, we will all be faced with that type of temptation. We should not get ourselves to the point of being so hungry that we make bad choices. It is a learning experience. Please ask for ideas if you need some for foods. I am sure one of us will be in a similair spot and will have the answer.

BKwalling-I too have a pain about an inch below my port that I equate to having someone pull hot thread through my stomach. Sometimes it hurts like a Mo'Fo' and other times it goes away. I thought forsure I flipped the port or something, but I gather it is normal and part of the healing process.

Nat-all I keep hearing is "I don't think you're ready for this jelly my body's too bootylicious..." I hope you got your jelly onthe elliptical beast. You know what it takes. Don;t be down. It is just one day on the long road that will lead to great things. No sense in asking how you got here either. The fact is , you did, (as did I) now start moving in the other direction.

Dawn-are you potty training? Those days are fun ::sarcasm::: I think I drove around with a potty seat in my loser cruiser for about 6 months. I had a potty on wheels. haha. But whatever it takes. Good luck. Get some rest.

Levi-congrats on the transition to mushies :::green with envy!!!:::

Chubby-I too measure..I think it is vital! I am totally scale obsessed right now. I think I am on it at least 2 times a day (bad girl). I haven't had it go up yet, but I am still on liquids. I know my slowdown is right around the corner. Now get measuring!

Steph-sorry to hear about that kneecap. ouch. Laughing my behind off at barrellbelly and shelf butt. I think I have it on both sides. Though I don't mind my butt that much. It is big,but the shape isn't too bad. )okay, I think I am going nuts...I am totally going to post a behind shot! hahaha) Sorry to hear about the crappy TOM too. ugh...any sooner than 28 days sux! Hang in there and stay away from the sweets.

Okay, I know I am missing a bunch of people so I will send a collective hug! I will try to catch up more. There was a lot of reading and typing and this girl is tired.

I had my midterm. It was fine and we got to leave at the end. I cannot go to sleep yet because my 10 year old is at the Bruins game and I need to wait up,,,hohum.

Got an hour on the treadmill today. Burned 600 calories-or so the machine says(more than I ate--scary!). There are probably 10 more posts in here in the time it took for me to type this. hehe.

Talk you lovelies later!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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