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Nat - after hearing you overfull on your pizza, I managed to resist mine - completely! I did have two bites of a piece of yummmmmy garlic bread. Yay! That pizza and that garlic bread (and the frosty beverages consumed with them) are certainly part of the reason my name is ChubbyGirl! :mad:

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Jill you and I have almost identical stats. We've both lost 17 lbs. How tall are you? I've been doing great with the exercise part too but I know I was taking in too many calories. Today is a new day with a new fill so I'm anxious to see how I do.

Last night I had about 1/2 cup Tomato Soup - that was fine but then I went walking and must have moved the Soup cuz I came home and wanted to eat. So I warmed up another 1/2 cup of soup - then I ate 1/2 cup of ice cream, then I ate 1/2 cup of soup, then I ate a 1/2 cup of pudding! This was in a 3 hour period and after the pudding I felt full. Then I got to thinking maybe the pudding was more like a mushie and sitting in my belly instead of all that soup and ice cream which went on down. I still didn't have over 500 calories all day and I burned 150 off in the morning then went walking again last night and did another 2 miles so I probably burned another 200 off then too. But listen to me trying to justify myself - news flash - my way of eating wasn't working I only lost 1 (one) pound over the past 2 weeks when I thought I was doing so well.

Nat - geesh girl I hope you are feeling better today. It must have been the crust. I know you only gave in because you knew today was FILL day so get over it - remember the damn pizza wasn't really that good anyway - climb on the elliptical and blow me out of the Water just like you've always done. I don't know what Kay's been smoking but I want some too if thats whats getting her will power up like that - she is down another 2.6 lbs this week - that girl is in the mode!

Kay - how's everyone? School? Are you back to your clinicals? You're doing so great with the diet - good for you!

So when I was with dr dreamy yesterday I asked him if its true about when you have your period if you get tighter because of Fluid retention. He said absolutely not. He said even if you retain alot of fluid the tiny bit that would be in the .. I'm gonna say flesh because I can't think of the word he used .. the tiny bit of fluid that may be in the flesh in the band isn't going to be enough to make a difference.

So does anyone have any advice on how to break the after supper munchies? I'm praying this fill will make me fill satisfied and not eat when I'm not hungry. If anyone has advice please give it to me.

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I feel better this morning. MUCH better. It all moved out of my belly, but no kidding: I was uncomfortable until the time I went to bed. I thought I was going to hurl. No more pizza, and you're right, it wasn't that good. I just let myself get tooooo hungry and I ate tooooo fast.

CG - glad you didn't follow in my foodsteps. You did VERY well with your eating.

StephC - if you're hungry, you eat. If you're not, you don't. When you feel like you want something to eat, think about it. Ask yourself "Am I really hungry?" Or some people say you should wait 15 minutes, and if you're still hungry after that you eat. I think it's a mental game. Though if you do get a snack, make it high in Protein and low in calories. I am hooked on string cheese. 70c, 8g protein.

jill it sounds like you're doing well with your eating. No kidding. I'd be happy with that. My therapist told me that I'm being too hard on myself regarding my eating. I'm trying to loosen up with my thinking, while maintaining some sense of discipline.

I need to get up off my fat ass aand exercise more regularly. I am always tired lately. I was doing so well, but lately not so well. *sigh*

Getting dressed for work.


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Nat- my dad is still bed ridden at home and I am running around like crazy most days

sorry about your pizza overeat I did that at captain d's I ate almost my whole meal and could barely walk

steph thanks for telling us about the fill the jelly belly part was so funny

I get mine on feb 6th

please let me know if u can tell a difference

okay question how is everyone doing with not drinking with meals

I am awesome most days but some I forget

just wondering take care

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NAT...sorry to hear about the 'pizza incident', but glad the horrible feeling has gone away!!

I'm with a few of you on the wondering if I'm eating too much wagon!! I've been tracking my calories and I seem to be hovering around 12-1300 a day...which according to my calculations I should be losing 1-2 pounds a week, but I'm not budging!!! I'm eating mostly Proteins, although yesterday I did have a breadstick at lunch with my meatballs (a sure sign I need a fill probably b/c the bread didn't stick at ALL!!).....it's so frustrating!!!

I"m going to call today and see if I can get an appt. for my 2nd fill on Presidents day since I have that day off....and I'm going to ask to do it under fluro so I can get as tight as possible w/out being TOO tight!

UGH....you know how they say 'bandster hell" is before you get your first fill?? I DON"T THINK So!! I think it's AFTER your first fill when that fill isn't working!! :-(

Oh....and as some of you may remember, I went out w/a friend for happy hour the other night. She didn't seem to notice the weight loss, but commented via IM yesterday that I "look happy" LOL....so maybe she does notice something is different about me, but can't put her finger on it?? I went to lunch w/another old coworker yesterday and he said something similar, he said I seem "radiant" and that I "look good"....so that was a nice little boost to my ego!! :mad:

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BK - I am usually good about not drinking with meals, but sometimes I forget also. We had mexican the other night and I thought I was going to die without something to drink, it was spicy. So I had a few small sips, just to ease the burning in my mouth. I get really thirsty when I eat, so it took a lot of getting used to.

I am not being as good as I should with the exercise, my treadmill is dying and I am thinking about a eliptical (?). I know that a lot of people on here like them, so we may get one this weekend.

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I just called about my appointments today. 3 of them.

My PA was switched from cute little Matt to ole goofy Todd. Such a disappointment! I was looking forward to seeing my aqua-eyed PA. Todd is a sweetie, too, but he's a goober in comparison to Matt. Although I can flatter myself by believing Todd wanted a lil up close and personal time with The Natster. :heh: Ya think?

I just ate some Weight Control oatmeal. It wasn't very good. :mad: I have 7 more packets of that at home.

Have any you had the Protein cookie bars? I'm thinking about ordering some.

And does anyone use the Isopure Protein Powder? Maybe I'll venture out on the regular board to see who's using that. I hear it's good, but I wonder if anyone sells the individual packets. It has 50g protein per serving. And only 200 calories. Not bad, eh? And it comes in great flavors - the standard milky ones like vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. Then in fruity flavors - punch, orange, apple-mango, peach, etc. Zero carb (the chocolate has 3 carbs). Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

I need to get my hair done. I'm so worried that it is going to fall out!

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Hi all,

I have a math test today so I will only be on here for a minute. I just wanted to say hello

Steph-thanks for the compliment though it was left through Nat..hehe. I don't know why I am losing excatly the same # every week since every week is different but I will take it. I feel like I have been eating a lot more lately but the weight is still coming off. I guess if it ain't broke, don't fix it. As far as the evening snacking, I used to have a huge problem with that too. I just suffered through it for a while and now I find it has become a habit to not do it. I usually will have a cup of tea or sometimes I make some Chai tes with warm milk and splenda. That gives me the warm and creamy yum without the ton of calories. It makes me nice and sleepy too. Also the general foods international coffees...sugar free and caffeine free sometimes hits the snack spot. Then there are those nights that I eat an oreo..:::gasp::: but I keep those to a minimum.

Nat-I HATE that weight control oatmeal too. I did the same thing, ate one packet and the rest of the box sat in my cabinet forever. I think it tastes salty and gross. Weird. I like the Kashi heart to heart instant oatmeal and I still love cream of wheat with some Protein powder added to it. Did you look at Bariatriceating.com. They have samples of just about everything. I bought a box of Pria bars since they were on sale. They don't have tons of protein (10g) but if I get that chocolate urge I can justify it by eating one of those. BTW, congrats on the 41 pounds down. Good for you.

I have been out of the gym since my FIL's passing. I was supposed to go back today and didn't. I need to get my butt in gear. I did do some resistance band work, squats, lunges and all that over the past few days but nowhere near my usual workout. Oh well, I am human and I am flawed. I will back on track over the weekend.

BK-sorry to hear about Dad. You are in my thoughts. Take it easy on yourself if you can.

VA-I think it is nice to get compliments that say you look happy or radiant. Sounds wonderful. Take the compliments and savor them. I bet you glow!

I am off...take care everyone.

BTW Nat...GO BEARS!:mad:

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I got my fill. It hurt like shit. The PA did it, but my sweet lil surgeon came in to "help." They had me contort my body over a pillow and suck in and push out muscles to find the port. (It's in the center of my belly.) I was already nervous. They got the needle in okay, but PA missed the port - he hit the plastic and it made this scrapy sound, then it poked me. I was NOT happy. At all. They didn't use any numbing stuff. And even though it was relatively quick, I don't like pokes (from a needle anyway) and I don't like pain. I was apologetic - I think I was too skeevy and made him nervous. I can get another fill in a month if I need it. I'll need it.

I'm only 6 pounds down from the last time I was there according to their scales. I'm either weighing heavy or my scale is off. They said that most post-op patients lost 1 pound per week between the 2 week and 6 week appointment, so I'm happy about that. I just have to get back to exercising. I think I am going to get some of those exercise bands until I can join the gym.

My dietician wants me on 600 - 800 calories per day. She said it's okay to go up to 1,000, but doesn't recommend that for every day eating. Also said I can have shakes or drinks, but as a snack after dinner, not between meals. I have to drink more Water.

My belly still hurts from the needle. And I have to have fluids for 48 hours, per my PA. I'm about to take Tylenol for the owwie. :)

PA was very sweet to me, though. VERY sweet. Flirty, even.

I now have 7cc Fluid in my 10cc VG band. I'm going to make tea.

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Nat- sorry the fill hurt let us know if u feel full in a day or two

kay- good luck on that math test I am not sure how u do it lose weight every week u go girl

thin- I think that is my prob also I love spicy foods and that ain't good

okay all I am now about 5 and 1/2 wks out and have not lost weight since about wk 3 I am joing a food diary site I may be eating more than I know

I am scared about stretching that pouch of mine out

I never over eat but I do feel like it takes to much to get me full

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Geesh NAT....sorry to hear your fill was such an ordeal!! :-( You got a really big fill for the first fill though! I only got 1.65 in my 10cc band on my first fill!! I definitely need to back though b/c Its either not there anymore or it just wasn't enough the first time..ugh...I'm still trying to figure out when I can get back there.

BK...I know what you mean!! I am always afraid of stretching my pouch too! Especially now that I feel like I can eat way more than I should!

That's why I want to do my next fill under fluro so I can make sure it's all ok in there!

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Nat - I'm assuming they didnt' do it under fluro? I think you're a big baby :rolleyes: (kidding) I didn't think it was so bad, I must have a higher pain tolerence - of course I couldn't look at the needle.

My fill is working. Today for bk I had 1 egg and 1 egg white scrambled - I measured it and it was almost 1/2 cup. That was at 8am then I went to work and forgot about eating. It was 1:30 when I realized I was hungry so I ate my cheese stick. Then I got home and my neice, who is also my stylist, called and said she could do my hair so I said let me grab something to eat first and so it was close to 2 when I ate another scrambled egg. I just couldn't think of a mushie, later I thought I could've had tuna or something like that! So then I started supper at 5 and although I wasn't really hungry I was putting some fruit away and I noticed the peaches were at the perfect stage so I ate one- a small one. I just ate supper - hamburger helper. LOL I think its a mushie. It went down ok and then I weighed out 2 oz of meat. I think it was more like a cup of food instead of a 1/2 cup but I feel ok. I mean I feel full but not sick. I'm hoping that I will be able to get pass the Snacks. So I've had about 700 calories today. I have felt VERY satisfied and if I can resist evening snacks I think I should be on my way to losing some weight.

Bk - I use Fitday for tracking, Kay recommended it. I love it. I don't think you can stretch the pouch out. I watched the fluro and it it actually backs up into the esphogus. I think it would take alot to stretch it.

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So I had the opposite experience of Nat today for my first fill - I was totally freaked out over my fill, which didn't help. Smallish needle, just lay back, lift your legs to make the port "pop" up (no flouro), five seconds later, I had 1.5cc in my 4cc band, with really NO pain (and I'm a wimp, so I was expecting a little and "waiting" for pain).

Since all my fills and visits for the first year are covered with my surgery fee, they don't do aggressive fills for the first one. They want to let us get used to the restriction. I can go back in a week if/when I need more...

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I honestly think it was an ordeal because I was so nervous. I really was jumpy and skittish. And when I saw the needle? Land o' Goshen! I was THROUGH! VaB - they put 5 cc in the band when they placed it. My Surgeon said that it was too loose around my belly and so they needed Fluid in there to tighten it up. They only added another 2 cc today. I hope it's enough - I wanted more, but the surgeon said he only wants to put in enough to make me full faster, not enough to make me lose weight. *laugh* I love my surgeon. He's a sweet man.

I had 3/4c of butternut squash bisque for dinner. Home made. (It was in the freezer) and I'll do it again tomorrow.

Heading to bed now. I have to speak at an event tomorrow morning. Have to be there at 7:30am.

Hey, does anyone use those exercise bands? I'm thinking about buying some.


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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