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sweethot - thanks for saying that girl! I am glad I can inspire somebody because I sure havent been inspiring myself lately ;) I know I should be happier but I see bannannie still moving right ahead and I wonder why I am stuck. I shouldn't be. I wanted to have all the weight gone by December 22nd. My one year anniversary. I will be lucky to be another 5lbs gone by then at this rate. I guess it might take another 3 years. but I will get it eventually... even if I have to get rich and get it sucked out! hahaha

Steph - I told my band doctor about it too. the exhaustion and they didn't seem concerned. I guess I could go back to the primary care doc, but they are gonna charge me for a visit and the tests (which i cant afford) and send me home with an "I don't know"

Nat - I know I am being hard on myself. I am just frustrated. Thing were going so well. And I haven't changed my behaviors now... and what I used to do before that worked... isn't working now. I hate thinking I have things figured out and being dead wrong. I know I need some lazy recovery days, and I do ALOT of sleeping trust me. I am just burnt out at work and at home. I don't know how to get myself sorted back out again.

Nikki - the pain in your shoulder IS related to overeating or eating something that irritates the band and THAT region. Google "Kehr Sign" That is what it is called. See, all of your internal organs are contected to nerves elsewhere in the body that "feel the pain" for the organs. So, when you have irritation near the band... it usually effects your diaphram which is right there next to (if not against) your band. When it is irritated you feel the pain in the back side of your left shoulder.

It works the same way in different place for your liver... spleen... kidneys... you will get pain in funny places when you irritate them. I used to get the Kehr's sign pain all the time!! It is ok! Just means you did something your shouldn;t have. It will go away went the irritation subsides.

kaydot! awesome on the loss! i would take it girl. I am surper jealous of your body bugg! I've wanted one for about 5 months now and I was just about ready to get it as an early christmas present when I had all of the speeding ticket problems... so all of my money that I saved for it is gone. At least now, I have someone to let me know if it is worth the investment.

Steph (again) :-) - I've been on Effexor before. It makes me a different person. I mean spacey as hell. All meds effect me in a "way to obvious" kind of fashion... even the low dose ones. Unfortunately, because I am starting to think that is probably it. I've had so much horrible stuff happen in the last year and a 1/2 -- I tried to stay in control of it. But instead of having burdens lifted off... they are just piling up on top of eachother.

A good Wednesday: I got to go see an old friend from college yesterday, Blake. I had not seen him in 4 years. It was nice. He didnt say anything about the changes, but I could tell he noticed. He just isnt the type of guy that would say something about it. I got a ton of hugs and he really seemed like he wanted to hang out again soon. He is coming to an "after" Halloween party with me on the 11th. Should be fun. I used to have the biggest crush on him waaayyyy back in the day. I was 21 at the time. so that was like 6 years ago. So, it was good to have him see me looking so much better. He acutally looked a little rough around the edges... haha, but was still my same old Blake.

We went to a concert together in Indianapolis with two of his other female friends. They were nice girls. Then, we all stayed at my best friend Eric's house. After everyone else went to sleep, Eric and I had our cuddle time and stayed up and talked (amongst other things.. ha) for hours. It was nice.

So, i got a good dose of friend time on halloween! I needed it. I've basically been slowly blocking out the trial and the legal crap. It is on the back burner for now. I am trying to just push it aside to deal with it a bit later. Hopefully, it won't come to all of that... and something else will be worked out. God knows there is plenty of time between now and March 17th for that to happen.

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Maurdan -- how are you doing, girlfriend? You said something about having issues all over. What's up? C'mon and talk to us! Yes, the year is coming up. Are you looking at your progress and thinking you thought you'd be farther along? Don't beat yourself up! Look at how far you've come, set an attainable goal for the last few weeks before your 1 year anniversary and go for it! That's what I'm doing, because I've had those exact same thoughts. HOWEVER, I am 80 pounds down so far and that is nothing to sneeze at!

jilly jill - way to go on being skinnier than you were the day you got married! That has GOT to feel sooooo good! I am so proud of you! Those little milestones are awesome. Mine is 188. That's where I was when I graduated college. 31 lbs and I'll be skinnier than I was when I finished college. Yeah, baby! Keep up the good work, girlfriend!

How are y'all doing with the Halloween candy? Amazingly, after my cookiefest last weekend, I don't have a taste for sweets. Mind you, I think I ate 30 iced and decorated Cookies. I ate enough to make myself sick just THINKING about sugar. I have not eaten one single piece of candy. And I took DS out this year. he was a little brown bear. I will post a pic in Yahoo.

I have been buying clothes from eBay lately. Size 16w Jones New York and Nine West slacks. They arrive and slip right over my shrinking azz. I feel soooo good! I am so proud of myself. It's like... things are clicking. In spite of the work boolsheet (or maybe because of it) I'm stressed, but getting skinnier by the week! WOO HOOOOOOOOOO!

Kaydoll - I also wanted to suggest that you throw a high calorie day in there somewhere. I'm managing to eat about 600 calories per day now. For the long term it's not enough, but for now it's working. I do that for 10 or 11 days and then eat 2000 calories for 2-3 days, then cycle back to the low calories. It snaps my body out of that starvation mode.

I am going through another weed out my closet cycle. I have clothes that are too big, and not enough filler things. I think I'm going to JC Penny this weekend to get some work slacks and turtle neck shirts. That should get me through winter. I also need a coat and some boots. *sigh*

I can't wait til SPRING though! In another 3 months ... okay 5 months *sigh* when April rolls around, I should be about 185 or so. And then I'll bust out of my winter wardrobe into some sexy professional clothes and saunter into the office like my name is Tyra Banks. ***rolling*** Watch out now!!!

Anyhow - that's all for me, ladies! Things should definitely slow down over the next few weeks.


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Okay -

2nd try. I think I've got it this time.

Nikki your little bundle of baby boy love is GORGEOUS!!!




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It's like feast or famine with me.

Kaydoll - YOU GO GIRL! 208?!?!? YOU ARE KICKING AZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! Now I know it's time for me to get out of bed and go running or something. I dont' care if I shed 100 lbs by 12/14, I just want to be under 200 by my 1 year appointment. That's always been my goal. 92 lbs. The bodybugg sounds interesting. I will check out that link and see about it. I don't know that it would work for me, cuz I'm awful at tracking my intake. Are you faithfully doing that?

I wish I could lease a BB for a month to see how I like it...

I hate Rachel Ray. She is a little too damn enthusiastic for my tastes.

is it awful that I'm still in bed? Yes, it's after 12pm. *sigh* And I am not motivated to get out of my bed, either. Though I do need to change my sheets.

I called TiVo technical help for some assistance. I was on hold for 20 minutes. The tech answered, and instead of taking the phone off SPEAKER, I hung the bitch up. Didn't even realize it - i was steady talking. I had to call back, so I'm on hold one more time.

B'man - you haven't failed! Let's think of this rationally. You put a certain amount of change on your 270 pound body. You ate differently, moved more, and what happened? Your body reacted! Your body changed. Not only that, but your brilliant body has the ability to reset and figure out how it's supposed to function in this new state it's in. Your body has adapted. It has strengthened. So your job now is to figure out what force or change you need to put on your new body to get it to react. You have certain expectations of your physical self, but you don't know/understand how your new physical self works. So how can you have expectations? Be proud of yourself. Stop comparing yourself to Annie or anyone else. You need to look at yourself and compare yourself to where you were at this time last year. And believe that your body continues to respond to the healthy and positive things you're doing for it, even if the scale isn't necessarily moving. Measure yourself, watch how your body reacts and feels and moves now, see how you're stronger than you used to be. Don't limit your measurement of success to the numbers on the scale.

I think I need a nap...


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I don't know how long it will keep me motivated but I am psyched right now. And another FYI, it is right now on sale for $180 at 24hr fitness. I paid 229 last week...just in case anyone is interested. There are some threads on it in the exercise forum.

I'm at the 24hr fitness site and it's $349 there.

bodybugg armband device

Am I looking at the wrong place??

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Wow I love reading all your posts!!! I'm not going to try to respond to everyone - you all know I'm with ya, praying for ya, yippee'ing with ya, sympathizing with ya. But I will say Nikki how exciting to see our band baby!!!

Nat - DD is ok. Today.

The sheethead pisses me off then he goes and does something to totally redeem himself. Its our 28th anniversary today and he came into my job with a dozen red roses. He wants to go to dinner tonight and he tells me to pick the place - heck I don't care where we eat - especially right now since I ate a hot dog for lunch (just the dog no bun) and I have horrible heartburn!!! The kitchen is closed, everyone is gone and I didn't bring anything for lunch, so I zapped a frozen hotdog - omg just kill me now!!! Anyway theres a ski resort not far from us and they have a seafood buffet - its about $50/person but it has everything, lobster, crab, shrimp, oysters, clams and just about anything and everything you would want - we usually go there 2x year but I wasn't going to bring it up since its kinda a waste for me to go...or is it? (more on that subject later) so he brought it up to me, I get a kick out of him bc he's all about me, where do I want to go, what do I feel like eating and when I say I dont' care he says well we could go to 7 springs... LOL ... I knew it!!! He was wanting to go there all along!!! I love him. Somedays I think I hate him but I guess I love him the jackass that he is. LOL

Kaydoll - I'm thinkng of you sweetie, when will you be leaving on your trip to Vegas? So funny that we share (almost) anniversaries! On our 10th dh went on a elk hunting trip to Montana, me and the kids (sheesh 18 years ago! I was pg with my youngest, the other 2 were 3 and 5 years old) we stayed in Minn. with my mom & dad - dh brought me home 10 peices of torquiose jewlery from Montana. For some odd reason it didn't bother me that he went on a hunting trip for our anniversary. Go figure?! I'm starting to get mad about it now though. ;) Anyhoo have fun - I see its just 6 days away!

My flowers are beautiful.

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Nikki - Congrats on the baby, what an exciting time.

Read the posts alot, don't get on here as much as I should, when I start to feel like this is an uphill battle that I am facing alone, it always helps to get read the last few pages and realize that there are so many people that are going through the same changed and crap that I am!

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xxx..... right back at you steph hope you have great weekend too and resteraunt sounds wonderful go throw up that hotdog..lol make room or nice stuff

brandi ...thanks for info on shoulder pain i suffer with it alot and have done since being banded...i must be naughty alot...lol

at least i know its not serious but i will have to start journalling what im eating to find the worst offenders and stay away from them

patty,,,there is nowhere on earth were you will find such good support on your uphill journey than right here with these steadies ...they all are so good at helping you stay upright i just wish they could remind themselves what they should do when they feel bummed out

im not hinting at anybody in particular...eh hem brandi ..lol

claudia ..good luck for tomorrow honey with your fill and hey its great im the practise run or being banded and pregnant few years from now there will be playgroup in the steadies thread he he

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Thinide, good to see you! No, you're definitely not alone in struggling! We're here for you!! post as often as you can.

Happy Anniversary Steph!!!

Ok...I know we haven't talked about this in a while...but how do you know if you've stretched your pouch??

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I'm at the 24hr fitness site and it's $349 there.

bodybugg armband device

Am I looking at the wrong place??

I was told that when you put it in your cart, it goes to $180 or something. Look in the exercise thread for more info. I just tried to go on the website and it is frozen...hmph! I want to get to the bottom of this.

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Happy anniversary! Yup, mine is tomorrow, but we aren't celebrating. I am working and studying this weekend. woohoo. Actually, I want to save all my $$$ for Vegas next week so I don't mind not doing anything this weekend. Hubby sounds sweet...take a pic of the flowers, I will live vicariously through you. My DH is not a flower guy. Enjoy your dinner tonight wherever you go (hopefully the heartburn will be gone soon).

Nikki-what a gorgeous baby boy in there. I love those ultrasound pics. I am thinking about how excited I felt when I first saw mine...awwwww. So sweet. I cannot believe we are going to have a band baby! How are you feeling?

Nat-love ya as usual. How was your day in bed? It sounds divine. I could really use a day like that. BTW, how the hell do you keep yourself to 600 cals/day???? I actually try to aim for 1200/day per MD orders. Some days that is tough since I am pretty snug. Yesterday was about 950 cals. I think today I will hit 1200 no problem. As long as I know I workout enough to have a 1000 calorie deficit a day than I am cool. I need to get moving though since I don't have a big enough deficit today...;)

Enough cal talk...have a great weekend. I hope work is better on Monday!

Oh an I also wanted to say "yumm-o" and "evoo" per Rachel Ray...hahahaha

Claud-good luck on the fill tomorrow!

VA-why do you ask about the pouch stretch? I actually have no idea myself.

Thininde-please post more often. All of our struggles are better to get through together. We all have them!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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