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Hide the scale! Hide that dirty beyatch!

I am on it every morning after my first pee pee. Then I step on it 3x to take the average of the weights, or until the lowest comes up again, shifting my weight and standing differently so that the low weight appears. THEN I subtract 4 pounds, cuz my doctor's scale is 4 pounds lighter than mine at home. (laugh)

I'm caught up in this insanity every morning.

I just locked my scale in the outdoor storage unit. I threw it up on the top shelf on some boxes, so it'll be a hassle to get it out. And I promise myself not to weigh again until November 14. THat is going to be SO HARD! But I bet you I'll be at least 10 pounds lighter by then!


Okay - going to eat some yogurt for dinner, and drink another quart of Water. Then I'm going to pump out an hour on the elliptical.

I think I've had 300 calories today. Not good, is it. :rolleyes: Okay, I'll eat two yogurts. HA!


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Hello my luvs

I have been in hiding today! LOL...ALL I am gonna say is people suck....lol...got some flack...

Nat--great job on the NVS! YEAH baby keep it up!

Sweet--sorry no trip....boo hooo!

Bman---keeping the fingers crossed for you, dirty b*stard!

Kay--you are doing great you deserve to be a prima donna!

Betty update--no car yet! Will be another week! BS!! VW sent the wrong parts and so now I have to have the rental another week which I do NOT have the money for. SO I Called VW to tell them they need to pay for it, they said no. SO I am fighting them, took 2 weeks to get parts from them! B*tches....

Got my Sweetest Day present early from DH, he got me an antique mink cape. It is from the 40's! It is beyond gorgeos and I love it, I think he is coming around girls! :rolleyes:

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BooBooTitty - who was mean to you? From whence did the flack originate? Like I said before? Fugg'em.

Yeah, I didn't respond to sh*tty ones. I still stand my ground, she was wrong! BUT WHATEVER!

I have too much going on right now to care, downing a bottle of wine.... :rolleyes: TOO MUCH STRESS with this car crap....

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BBT - have some wine for me! I am so jealous. I'm determined not to have booze again until Halloween. *sigh*

I ate a boca burger w/a slice of cheese for dinner.

Then DS shit in the tub. *sigh* I didn't cry this time (Did I tell you the story of the LAST time he shit in the tub? I fell in the floor crying. Work is hard.) but I did fuss, then bop him in the head with a plastic baggie full of his hot Water poo poo.

Bad Mommy.


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Then DS shit in the tub. *sigh* I didn't cry this time (Did I tell you the story of the LAST time he shit in the tub? I fell in the floor crying. Work is hard.) but I did fuss, then bop him in the head with a plastic baggie full of his hot Water poo poo.

Bad Mommy.



OMG!!! I am laughing so loud I just woke up my daughter. That makes me a bad mommy too! baggie of hot water poo poo...hahahahahahahaha

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Oh the joys of motherhood! haha... UGH! poor Nat!

Just got off the elliptical.

Exercise Today:

40 minutes on elliptical

15 minutes of ab work (in conjunction with)

15 minutes of weight training (10lbs weights)

Push ups (I am just now able to do the hardcore "for real" no bent knees kind)

40 minutes of walking at about 3 - 4 MPH

I drank 4 Liters + of Water today...

Calories under 900

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Hi everyone. I have been off the computer for a bit, but I will now tell you about the obstruction.

Before I do, just wanted to tell you that as of today I am down 100 pounds!

So, I think it happened when I was in Alberta making a big dinner at my moms. I was rushing and snacking while I was preparing food. I think I ate a piece of ham skin, but i am not positive. I felt ok, and went to eat a 'meal' and nothing would say down. The next day I had trouble keeping things down, but didn't really pay to much attention, just thought it was stress. The next day I flew home and by this point couldn't keep Water down. The crazy thing is that I wasn't worried about it, I just figured oh, well, it will go away. Then I went to bed....I kept waking up choking (found out later that I was probably choking on salive) so the next morning I went to my gp and he sent me to emergency. There is a bariatric surgeon here and he met me at the hospital. On other occasions when I have spoken to Dr. A. and his office they have been rude to me and said they won't fill me because I went to mexico to have my band done....needless to say, I was ready for a fight!

It all went ok, he was nice to me and offered to take me on as a patient. By this point I was dehydrated and quite weak so they gave me Fluid through IV. He (Dr.A)completely unfilled me and had me drink a couple glasses of water. Then he gave me 1.6 cc's back and told me to come back if I had a problem, otherwise to see him in his office in a couple weeks. I go for my fill tomorrow so I will see if I like it there or if it is better to go back down to the states or mexico.

Someone was asking if my Dr gave me a fill of 2 ccs for my first fill. Yup. I told him if I was going to travel through three countries to see him I wanted him to be agressive. It worked well for me, but having said that, I have been a very very good patient because I knew I was playing with fire.

Thanks for your support everyone. I feel like we have such a great bond on this journey. I am glad you are out there in cyberworld to help me!

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bandiva- 100lbs! congrats to you! you are almost to goal! <br /> <br /> busy busy day today. I have a flat tire and a million things to do, including 2 ballet classes for my girls!

Oh the scale is an addiction, it took it back down the other day after about a week, i want to weigh once a week. and i want to step on it so badly today! It's so bad, so i just drank 3 cups of Water to discourage me because the weight won't be accurate. I only want to weigh on fridays, I am anxious to see if i lost this week, I have been so good on SB for 4 days straight, i hope i have the will power to make it through the weekend, I hardly ever do.

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Bandiva! Sorry about the obstruction, glad you got a new doctor out of it! And, how awesome on the 100lb loss! YOU GO GIRL!

sweet - keep up with the SB. And sorry about the flat tire. I hate car trouble.

B'man - you go girl! Keep up the good work!

Kaydoll - seriously? This is like the 4th or 5th time he's shit in the tub. Drives me bananas. Hot Water poo poo is the nastiest thing! UGH.

So anyhow, I signed on to tell y'all my NSV. I just took my measurements. THEN I compared to my starting point measurements! Since December 1, 2006 I have lost:

Neck: 1"

Bust: 5.5"

Ribs: 4.25"

Waist: 4.5"

Hips: 8.25"

Arms: 3.25"

Thigh: 6.75"

Calves: 3"

I've lost over 8" on my hips! That is a HUGE success for my uberbootiliciousness.

I am ready to cross the great divide. Just 23 lbs to go! Wait, how long til T'gvg? I better get cracking!

Okay, it's 7:20 and I'm butt ass naked sitting on the bed. Guess I'm going to be late for work today. (HA!)



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Good morning all,

Busy day for me today too, but I had to stop in and say hi. I am looking to find a weekly weigh in thread. Any ideas? If I could have a once a week place to post my loss (or gain ::gasp:::) I am thinking it would maybe curb my need to be on the scale every 10 flippin minutes. Anyone, anyone???

Anywho-sorry Sweethot about the car crapola. That sux. Have fun at ballet. Sooo cute!

Bandiva-way to go on the loss. Amazing! Please post some pics. Thanks for explaining the whole fill situation. I was curious, and what you said explained it all. I give you a lot of credit for your determination and I am glad everything is working out for you so well. I imagine it has been tough having to do all that traveling. I wish you continues success!

Nat-way to go on the inches. Frickin amazing. 8" off the caboose, huh? Man, that is something. I think I am about 7" myself, so there has definitely been some air coming out of the tire! haha. Feels good though. I just wish more would come off my middle. That is definitely my problem area. Keep up the great work.

Brandi-way to go on the exercise. You are kicking ass. Nice job on the push-ups. I really struggle with the "real" ones. I can only do a few then I am back on my knees. I try though, and know I'll get there someday. You must feel great. You have come a looonnnggg way!

I am off to cruise the board. Thanks everyone for being such a source of support. These past few weeks have truly been an awesome fire under my ass. I actually saw 209.5 on the scale this morning! OMG! I am psyched! 206 was my preprego weight back in 1995. Yup, I had gained about 15 pounds right before getting pregnant and it has been up the scale from there. So in all my attempts to lose baby weight I don't think I ever got below 227 or so before I would head back up. So to almost be at the pre-preg number is amazing! I know I can reach it in the next week or two!

Have a super day all.

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Yes this is my eye - the other one was my daughters, did anyone notice I changed it? I know its kinda dumb but I just couldn't find another avatar that I liked.

scale or no scale? scales are addictive. I have 2. I have the dear sweet one who is 4 lbs less then the dr scale (she's the one I listen to) and then I have a new fangled digital thats suppose to tell me how much I lost from the last time I stepped on her. Shes right on with the dr scale - but the dr's assistant told me to go by the one at home - so I choose the one that tells me sweet things. You girls crack me up when you say you hid the scale - if you know where it is it really isn't hidden.

Kay I don't know if I'm too tight or what. I ate a slice of pizza for supper last night and I was fine. Thin crusted, without eating the edge crust. I just ate a piece of chicken, like a chicken tender and it was fine. I'm stuffed but not pb'ing stuffed. I haven't been tracking cal. since this fill but I'm guessing I'm between 600 & 1000 - depending on the day. Maybe less on some days.

Who said they drink a couple glasses of Water to keep from getting on the scale - sweethot? There is no way I can drink a couple glasses of water. I have to sip water. Sip sip sip - even when I'm dying of thirst and want to chug it down.

Nat - poopy in the water - lol too darn funny! My kids never did that but my dog did poop in my car today. I had to run one to the vet for an allergy shot so while we were in the office the other dog was waiting impatiently in the car - I came out to a pile of poop on my front seat. She really is a Shit-zu!

NSV well kinda - I'm down to nothing to wear now - so I'm digging in my closet this morning and find a pair of olive green slacks that were too darn tight for YEARS - and I'm feeling all "oh yeah I got a new pair of slacks to wear". Wrong. I put them off and they hung on me, they were way too big, size 14 - way too big? :omg: I was ticked bc I had hoped to wear them but it felt good to not fit them too. I completely missed wearing them.

Bandiva - hey girlfriend! thanks for sharing that with us. I really needed to hear it from someone. I need to be extra careful bc I know I'm tight. :welldone2:On being 100 lbs lighter!!! Thats wonderful!!!

Work sucks - I have to go work on next years budget. UGH!!! Theres so much crap going on here over raises and one is mad bc the other is getting a bigger raise... men are the most immature jerks!

Speaking of men - Boo how sweet of him to think of you. Sounds beautiful - you'll have to take a pic and show us.


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LOL @ Steph---I asked you THE SAME day you put it up if it was a new eye silly girl!!! ROTFL...way to pay attention?? lol...

Nat--Talk about a bad mother! DAMN girl...lol...just kidding. I laughed my butt off too. I would hit my girls on the head with poo poo if they did that too...poor Nat and poo issues... :)

BUT at least you are rocking those inches off baby doll! I am sure that makes the poo no better...

Bandiva--congrats on the success!! Here's to you! Keep it up there chickie!

Brandi--great job on all the hard work, I know it will pay off! Don't be sorry for other people either, I would do it again if I could! I have gotten alot of people who agree with me, but are too afraid to say it. This placve can be shitty sometimes! :)

Kay--here some vibes to hit 205~~~~~ :)

Sweet--run it over with the car, it worked for me! lol..I really did do it, it felt SOOOO good! (But then I just bought a new one in a few months....lol...)

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~~~~~~~~~~~accepting 205 vibes from BooBooKitty. Thanks! I believe I will be there soon.

I am also laughing at the visual of you actually running over your scale with your car. Too frickin funny!

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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