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brandi..missus what am i going to do with you ,that brick wall you keep hitting is your ability to give yourself such a hard time relax sweetheart you look amazing and you will get to target dont be in such a rush this (unlike any other time in our lifes )is a life change we have all dieted and we cant be up all the time and by the way you look freakin amazing ,even if you never lost another ounce you would be a hottie ,you will though ,you will definately be at target but if your heart is black you wont be happy ,concentrate on happy things ,whats good in your life like ...US for example.... your followers ...you are and have been thee december bandster and we on a friggin steadies thread so steady does it ...IT WILL HAPPEN ,and by the way i ate boxes of candy and if i counted that up id faint so i wont....lol

we love you and if you let them so will others you gotta realise your worth !!!!!!

boo,you have a beautiful daughter..takes after her mum

banannie ...wow you fox i feel like whale now..lol i want lower body lift keep trying to get quotes but they want me to go for consults but cant go til after baby so im still guessing at price and i know its serious surgery with long recovery so not done here but dont think abroad for me so looking at uk ...quick flight not so bad ,also want boobs done at same time as i reckon one long recovery better than two shorter ones !!

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ok about me

im fine mostly...got bump been pushing out last two weeks mixture of baby and holiday choccies i think...lol

the absolutely amazing thing is im lightest weight im 176 pounds if my maths right 12st 7lbs and six months pregnant on tuesday so pretty fecking amazing think babies eating all my calories..lol(my target after baby now 11 stone was 12 but when i was 19st 4 at the beginning i imagined i would be skinny at 12 ......not !!! so at 5ft 8 i think 11 be right although i will need some serious tucking done look like someone let the air out....ewww

ok bad side im really bad with acid reflux so bending down sends acid into mouth and throat and while eating and sleeping so pretty much all day and night so intake at moment dire ,also Constipation & wait for it piles .ewwww tmi so afraid to crap so this might be longest 3 months of my life band fully open so cant do anything else to help myself im sure it pregnancy& band and now baby expanded into chest area putting pressure up into tummy it not a good thing,also port sticking out like knob on old tvs.......lol

aint pregnancy great !!!!

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Nikki--thanks sweetie! I am sorry about all the reflux. Try papaya. It is for all digestion problems, and it won't hurt baby a bit! It helps me when I get reflux.

Brandi--It is ok to have a bad go of it sometimes. We all know you and we know that you are committed. Just try to not be so hard on yourself and you can get back focused. You can do it, we all know it! YOU need to know it too! Just step away from the candy. It is ok to eat carbs once and awhile hun, your body actually does need them. Just make sure you are getting GOOD carbs and not bad ones! QUIT being so damn hard on yourself! (((((Brandi))))

I had the funniest comment today that took me totally aback. I was at the grocery store and the cashier commented on my outfit. SHe told me that I looked completely gorgeous. I then told her that the whole outfit shoes, dress, sweater cost me less than $20. She told me that I "looked like money"! lol...I cracked up. Then she told me that I was crazy and there was no way I bought the outfit for $20. I broke it down for her. She then asked me if I was a personal shopper because she wanted me to go shopping for her. I told her no, but she seriously asked for my number!! LOL....I gave her my work business card...lol....

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Boo - maybe you'll start a new business :) I'm a sale shopper. Give me $100 and I'll come back with a ton of stuff.

Bman - girlfriend we are all with ya. Have you not heard my woes about the christmas Cookies? I feel the same way as you but then I think ya know when we did ww and lost a bunch of weight and then we slid back into our old habits? What happened? We gained it all back and then some! The most wonderful thing about this band is that even when I ate those Cookies I still didn't gain! I haven't lost like I want to, but thank goodness I haven't gained it all back! My pastors wife has lost alot on the low carb diet and she said she gained 10 lbs back over christmas. I thought thank goodness I'm not there again!

I am proud to say that although I didn't track my calories yesterday as I had hoped to do, I did get on the treadmill. I did a half hour and found it pretty easy, could've done the whole hour but I had to meet someone at work. So today I plan on doing a whole hour. For the last ... several months... my treadmill has been a clothes rack so I decided when I got home I would clean the bedroom. Girlfriends I CLEANED! I took out 5 bags of clothes, both me and dh's, one huge bag of old shoes! I worked about 6 hours on it. I took out one of our dressers, downsized to a smaller one, rearranged to make room for the treadmill to be open all the time. Looks good. So I got my half hour of walking on the treadmill and 6 hours of cleaning - that had to burn some freaking calories! The crazy thing is I did the same thing last spring! I'm thinking where did this crap come from! Do I really buy this much stuff?

Nikki - its so good to hear from you again! I can relate to the poop problems! I remember my first pregnancy I thought I was dying! When I finally did go I was in pain, crying and I had to flush twice! Its the Iron in those baby Vitamins, they're killers. I agree with Boo - get some papaya tabs, I love 'em, good for an upset tummy, heartburn and they help me go poo too.

I'm off to the treadmill. I'm hoping that once I get my butt moving on it I'll get the energy to dig out the skis.

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Hey Ladies~

Happy New Year...I am officially back on the planet. I am so sorry I have been away so long. I totally got overwhelmed around the time I got back from Vegas..with school wrapping up, finals, and the the holidays I was just never online or if I were, it was to check my email. Then with more and more time passing, it was harder to come back...I felt like a creep for not checking in.

Sorry everyone......I look forward to getting some time over the weekend to check up on you all and see what is new. It may take the whole weekend!!!!!

Know that I have thought of you all often and miss you tons.....

BTW, I am officially done with school!!!! I just have to take the boards next month and now find a job. I am so excited to start my nursing career and feel very accomplished. Thanks for all your support.

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kay- so nice to hear from you! Wow! Congratulations on finishing school. What an accomplishment. I'm sure life looks good without studying and going to class. My grandma was an RN for many many years and loved it. It was her life.

My scale is retarded, but it says i lost 2lbs this week! yeah bodybugg! love it.

I got dance dance revolution for xbox360 and man i can burn some calories on that. It's so much fun.

I don't burn much with guitar hero, but i love that one too. Who knew that I would like video games?

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BOO- How are you feeling ?

Bev - your doing a great job dont get fustrated look at pictures of a year ago and tell me what you see oviously a New You . You didnt gain the weight overnight so your doing a great job dont be so hard on your self pls pls look and focus you look good .we all start of with candy at one time or another our days we are human and we are doing our jobs as banasters aswell so girl feel proud of your acomplishments .

Ok girls sooooooooooo I am off to Chicago at the end of the month for my birthday yay!!! Dad doing good and that a big plus . I hopeing to get a couple of interviews here at work I was totally shut down so cant do anything til july but the trust in the company is gone so I need to focus think positive and I know I will get what I want.:)

I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo soooooooooooo happy I got to my first goal I am officially 179 yay hopeing this next 6 months will go good I be honest I have not extersised since Sep . So that is my new years resolution. For the first time since I was born lol I think Its not loosing weight lol :D on my priority list .

well girls take care hope 2008 is better then 2007 and we double our weighloss as main priority that our health is good .

love ya

clau !!

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thank you all for your words of encouragement... :)

Wow... going to see that plastic surgeon speak was an eye opener! She had pictures of one woman that could have been me! Same height... same amount of weightloss. The before pics look just like my body... and WOW! I mean WOW! They had her looking so incredible.

Ugh, it is about 7000.00 for the abdomnioplasty. And i would like a Brachioplasty along with it. My boobs aren't perfect, but they are pretty nice. I can totally deal with them. And apparently... they can really "pull up" with the tummy and correct some things that are dropping "down south"

(sigh)... I could weat a bathing suit in public again. I havent done that since I was 14. I could lay on my side without 6 lbs of skin settling together on my tummy looking gross.

Someday :) the PS said I was a perfect canidate and that just from looking at me she knew they would have fantastic results from whatever I choose to do.

Gives me something to work towards I guess.

Hope you are all doing well. It is going to be 70+ degrees here today. GEORGOUS! I am so pissed that I have to work today. I soooo wanted to call in to work today, but I am just not that kind of person. I got to make that money! God knows I need it. :)

love you all!

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Morning all!

Kaydoll - it was sooooo good to hear from you! I understand how things get so crazy with kids, work and life - been there done that and now I only have little spurts of those days. Congradulations Nurse Kay! I'm proud of you. I don't think people realize how much harder it is to go back to school after you have a dh and kids. I hope you find the perfect job.

Bman - the ps I saw last fall wanted $10,000 and that included everything, but it was at a private facility - very upscale - so I think he was over charging. My sister had the tt in Mpls for $6,000 - I want it so bad too! Especially after seeing Annies amazing results! Truth is I'm actually past the tt and I'm willing to settle for the panniculectomy. I don't care if my tummy doesn't look beautiful, I just want the excess skin removed.

Claud - have fun in Chicago!

Sweet - keep on dancing! That sounds like so much fun!

Ok I gotta tell ya things are weird here, weight wise, I'm still hovering within the 2 lbs I'm always at, but I'm in a size 10 now. I'm not getting it. I went shopping on Sat., returned a couple things and decided to look at the jeans. I had bought those size 10 dress slacks a couple weeks ago, but when I tried on the 10 jeans my fat flopped over the top. Now I'm thinking they were just the wrong style for me bc I tried on a pair of Bill Blass, which are found in the ladies dept not the jr's dept - and :whoo: they fit! and not just I got the suckers on fit, I mean they fit very comfortable. I was flipping happy! I can honestly say I can't believe I'm in a size 10 jeans - I just can't believe it. I'm so happy and yet I'm still not happy about the stupid belly flap hanging around. I'm praying that I'll get covered by insurance for that panniculectomy.

I have to go to work today - I was there Sat. to get the mail, which I never do, but it was a good thing I did - we had a pipe bust and the men's room was flooded, it was out into the hall and proshop, I went down to the basement to turn off the Water and it was as if it were raining down there, Water was pouring through the ceiling. I was frantic - it just really pisses me off that I have to deal with this crap. I'm the office manager not the club house manager believe me when I say I get paid half of what I should. I'm still really pissed off. I had to find someone to come in and get the carpet soaked up and hopefully they'll have pulled the carpet out. Today I'll have to deal with the insurance company... so much for being laid off...

Have a good day ladies.

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wow so happy 2008 is treating me good I know its my year . So I am going to Chicago at the end of the month for my birthday yay!! Well I am leaving to Guadalajara Mexico for a weekend trip so excited my family has not seen me in a year will see what they have to say. lol . Also my cousin and my best friend there dieted all year and they lost weight so it will be nice to see and compare notes . I am so excited because my dad will travel with me .

Anyways girls take care .. I write when I come back . :)

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Claud-have a great trip. I bet the family will be shocked!

Steph-sounds like you need a BIG raise at work! Way to go on the size 10's. That must feel wonderful. I will live vicariously through you. As of right now, size 10 is my ultimate goal. I cannot even imagine being any smaller than that. That is wonderful that you are there.

Nikki-how are things in babyland? How are you feeling? I hope well.

B-man-how are the workouts going? Have you tried anything new lately? I was struggling. It is so hard during the cold months to stay motivated. I finally feel like I am back in the game. Of course this little warm up we are having in the weather is a nice boost!

Okay, and I have to add that I CANNOT get over the transformation on Annie. Unreal. And in such a short amount of time. Everyone is really kicking butt. I am so happy for you all.

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Hello my lovely ladies!

I am feeling like shit right now. I just took a vicadin so excuse me if I get stupid....I do that on drugs.

Anyhooo.....I was waiting to see if ya'll were gonna notice WHO is at goal?? lol...I am there girls! I feel so freaking awsome. I never in my lfe thought I would be here. I thought my goal weight was a joke! :)

Makes me want my PS even more, someone help me kick the schedualing chick in the ass. I am tired of waiting.

Back to school today, Kay I am so jealous of you! :) OH well, someday I will make big $$ and this will all be worth it.

Mommy dearest had an "intervention" with me on the phone today as she called it. She said that I am too skinny and now becoming anorexic. She said she was going to talk to my Dr about taking my fill out. I am not f*ing kidding. MY MOMMY SUCKS! :P Ugh, but I can't let her get to me, I have too much going on that is good!

Claud--Have a great time sweetie! Miss you! :) CALL ME sometime chica. Your snowflake misses you! ROTFL.....yeah, Claud called me snowflake at the bar....lol....

Kay--congrats to you sweetie on being done with school! YOU ROCK sister!

Sweet--rock on baby girl!

Love you all, I am starting to feel very good..... :) BTW I have an ultrasound and a Cat Scan on Wednesday! I will keep you all updated.

Hugs!! Your adopted sister! :)

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Hey all! How are you? Looks like you are all doing great to me! You are all sooo ahead of me! I can NOT lose any weight. I went in for another fill today. I am up to 2.3 cc I was down to 2.0 even though my band was suppose to be at 2.2 Not sure what happened to the other .2 I only lost a pound but I have lose 7 more inches! I am happy about that but I need to see those numbers going down. So I am on liq now for a day or 2. I am not sure how to kick start this again! Drives me nuts- we are going on a cruise for our 10th anniversary in May. I NEED to get at least 30 more pounds off by then, although it seems impossible!

B- man- You are still kicking butt! You look so good! You are such an inspiration if you never lost another pound. Glad to hear you and the Marine are still talking!

Boo- I hate to shop- I would hire you! Actually I have been liking it more lately. Dh gave me a $100 Kohls card but I am waiting for another 20 pounds or so- hopefully get a new dress for the cruise or something.

Kay- Congrats on your RN. Good luck with the boards. It was a piece of cake so dont worry about it! It took me 45 min and wha-la- passed and I have been an RN for 12 years now. You will do fine! Is there a speciality area you are looking to go into??

Steph- It is so weird how weight loss works sometimes. I know what you mean- I am so glad I measured myself. It would be so depressing for me if I only lost 1 lb and my inches didnt change. BUT I lost 1 pound and 7 inches! That maybe what you are doing too. Do you work out a lot?

Sweethot you are so kicking butt on weight loss. Has your Body bugg made all the difference?? I need something to jumpstart this! I am stuck in a rut!!!!!!

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