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Steph....I'm not sure yet when I start, didn't hear from the recruiter today, but I will touch base w/her tomorrow. I'm hoping either Wed. or Thurs of this week.

For xmas, I really want a wine rack, a new digital camera and Gift cards for new clothes of course! :(

Sweet....YEAH!! Glad to hear you actually like running now! that is awesome! :)

I went on a 4 mile hike this weekend and am still recovering, I can't imagine running! lol

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Va - A wine rack sounds nice. You sound so much like me with the running - haha - I can't even get my butt on the dreadmill to walk! We finally have a little snow but I'm not feeling the ski bug yet. L -A - Z - Y !!!!

Sweet - you go girlfriend! You have to be losing some serious lbs with all that exercise!

Bman - have you heard from the heart throb? How did he respond to your email?

Boo - whats up sugar?

I got up yesterday and had this feeling like I should be going into work. But I thought nah, I only have one guy on payroll and I did that, its not like the mail can't wait, the bills were all paid. So I laid around the house and about 11 I started doing Christmas cards and thought 'oh dang I need to buy more stamps' then it hit me. It was the first of the month! I had to send out the statements. Our members pay dues all year - monthly - so I ended up going into work after all. LOL how stupid am I? But the good news is... thats done until next month! I love being laid off! I ended up coming home and getting all my cards done and in the mail! This is a record for me, I'm the one who sends cards out the day after Christmas.

I think today I may just wrap some presents - there are bags piled in my room. Needless to say things have changed since the kids are grown. I used to have to really get creative in my hiding places and/or wrap immediately. I remember hiding them out in the camper - I thought I was so smart - now my kids tell me they watched me one year from the upstairs window - and they were in there as soon as I wasn't looking.

Christmas parties - this year is so much better then last! The first half of the month I was on the pre-op diet and then it was liquids and then mushies! I went to 2 parties with Soup. I'm so glad I'm not there again! Does anyone have any ideas what I can take to our support groups party? It should be low-cal, I'm not taking Jello this year! Last year that was all I could eat! And there were about 5 different people who brought jello! I'm open for ideas.

Have a good day girls!

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STEPH - No, I think I put an end to his Polish "lover boy" ways - that and he is back in Poland now. So, hopefully he is with his wife... where he should be! the sexy freak!

My Marine called me again this weekend a few times. I hadn't heard from him since before Thanksgiving. His phone apparently had some issues and he had to replace it.

I told him all about the idiot Polish man. He said he otta kick that guys ass... ha. I have a feeling that my Marine is gonna end up being just a really awesome friend. He and his brother both are just wonderful, good-natured people to have around watching out for ya. I love them to death. My marine just has too much going on and is too far away to think about anything else. We both have lives to live. ya know? I am ok with that though. He is a great guy. So, glad I've made the new friend.

Um, I have another new male friend I've recently made too. I won't go into too many details yet, but he is a graduated from college with honors in English, just like me -- is a writer just like me, same music tastes, same sense of humor, even grew up on a tobacco farm like me. We have a ton in common, but I just met him. So, I will report back in a few weeks to let you know how the new friendship is progressing :) You can never have too many new, interesting (intellectual) friends. Finally someone to discuss Literary Criticism! :clap2: yeah! (yeah... me = nerd)

I saw my lowest number on the scale so far 175!

That puts me down a total of 92 lbs. :D Ive been super strict with my diet again, and the results are finally starting to show. I just have to get my discipline back that I had this time LAST year! I think I will recreate the liquid/medifast diet from now til my December 22nd Bandiversary! Take THAT belly fat!

SweetHot - love your NSVs!! hehe, your so funny and so happy you are sticking to the running! you go girl!

VABAND - HELL YES! Congrats on the job girl, THAT is the Christmas present you've been looking for!

nikki - hope the new computer comes real soon!

bkwalling - way to go on the seminar! I would LOVE to go do that. i think I am going to a support group meeting this Saturday :)

booboo - how are those finals coming??

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Hey Brandi--good for you girl! :) I am going to live vicariously with your dating! lol.. :)

Steph--be lazy for me too..lol..

I had a breakdown in class yesterday, so no I am not doing well. I am so over all of this. I hate this shit. I was crying in the middle of class. I am on overload.

I lost a huge handfull of hair today in the shower...ugh...

I am hating the thought of being 31 in a life that is not what I want. I thought being skinny would fix everything, it didn't...ugh... I am seriously depressed, I need help...lol...how come you can have a degree in Psychology and not be able to help yourself?????

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aww boo boo, i'm so sorry you are feeling this way! 31 is way way young! You can be happy. I'll pm you my experience if you'd like, I have been where you are. I just dont want the entire internet knowing it.

brandi- the new guy sounds interesting! my fingers are crossed for you. A tobacco farm? who grows up on a tobacco farm, lol! That is funny. A friend of mine the other day told me she grew up on a communal farm and lived the law of consecration, i had no idea what that meant! I had to ask my husband. What's up with the farms? I guess im totally a city girl.

work out 2 week 6 tomorrow. loving it. 25 min. run coming on friday, i hope i can do it.

Va, I don't know that i could do a 4 mile hike either.

steph- we used to do the same to my mom too, I knew all the places. I still haven't even gotten my girls or husband anything at all. I got the body bugg for me!

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A friend of mine the other day told me she grew up on a communal farm and lived the law of consecration, i had no idea what that meant! I had to ask my husband.

Fill me in bc I have no idea what the law of consecration is.

When I lived in Fla (circa 1979-83) I worked on a farm - a carrot farm - ok so I didnt' really work in the fields, I was the secretary - it was a BIG farm. We would sell the cull (unusable) carrots to local farmers for their cattle, etc. Well there was a "cult" type guy that would come and get carrots - they were vegans, they were different, very hippie-ish. He was always very friendly with me (if you know what I mean) and dang he scared the crap outa me. Only bc he was very nice, good looking and personable, the Ted Bundy type, or David Koresh maybe. LOL Thats my story.

BooBaby - sweetie have you gone to counciling? Make the call, talk to someone.

Bman - you are just one hot mama aren't you!? You got men left and right - girlfriend you better be enjoying it bc before you know it you're gonna wake up and you'll be 45 and cooking that fat old marine supper. LOL Just kidding sweetie - though believe me life flies by and before you know it these carefree days of youth will be gone.

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oh! update on Ms Lazy Ass

Today I watched Driving Miss Daisy - classic - followed by Walk the Line - love Joaquin! Then another Reese film - can't think of the name, she is in a coma and comes to the guy who rents her apt... cute movie, followed by an intense youtube search of Johnny and June, then topped off by making chocolate fudge. Throw in a couple loads of laundry and scrubbing the bathtub and Miss Lazy Ass is ready to plop her arse on the couch and call it a night. What happened to wrapping presents? Oh well, tomorrow is another lazyass day. Its going to be a long winter!

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<p>Pls Pls I Need Your Prayers !!</p>

my dad is in the hospital and I am very worried about him . The had kidney stones already had surgery and is out of ICU but they told us that he will be in for 3 more days and that the infection is still there and may last 15 more days. It was a close call when i took him to the emergency room doctor told me he was in cridical condition he is doing better but I ask for as many prayers so he will be ok .

love you girls and thank you in advance


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Steph - well, like I said... these people are friends only. No carefree dating for me just yet because I am too freakin scared to do it. It is nice to have the attention, but my life has not been carefree for one second ;) I really dont know what to do with all of these people. It is a struggle to trust anyone farther than I can throw them. But I am TRYING... I know that I have to get out there and get over my fears and learn how to interact with people again.

It is scarier than it is fun right now ;)

Booboo - awww honey. Im so sorry. Trust me. I know what you mean about losing the weight and NOT losing the troubles. My life is still very much a mess. I am just trying to get out and learn how to trust and have fun again. I think it sounds much more fun than it really is for me. I like to tell the stories. But I am still not fixing all of the problems that I have in my head. I am trying though.

Sweet - haha, yeah... I am a tobacco farm girl. Kind strange to meet another farmer that turned out as weird as I did. I want to go out with him and he asked me, but I am scared to do it. He said he understood and was going to keep right on talking to me til he talked me into it.

He is a determined little farmer... wish I could forget about the idiots in my past and just say "sure lets have coffee" - now, im sitting here wondering if he is married and from another country. poor guy, i just want to give him a break, but that is what I did with the EX-husband and look at where that got me.

Ugh, the weight is soooo not the problem... now I know my messed up head needs the attention :)

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ok, so i guess the law of consecration means that all the families on the farm contribute all that they earn and grow ect. and split it evenly. Never heard of such a thing, but she lived in idaho.

Brandi-give him a chance, dont let a possible great guy pay for others mistakes, and don't let the losers who hurt you effect how you live your life. They are not hurt by it, they are off living i'm sure and poor you is hurt and scared to trust now, just not fair. don't let them have that much control over you. Easier said than done, I am sure.

But all us married girls love to hear your man stories! And you have so many of them girl! Your a hot mama!

claud- prayers your way! so sorry for your Dad

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WE HAVE SNOW!!! :) Of course not enough to cancel school, so my boys are disappointed, but Hey, I love the snow! lol

Claud...so sorry to hear about your Dad...i will definitely keep him in my thoughts and prayers.

So I went shopping yesterday and despite the fact that my scale says I'm up about 6 pounds from my lowest weight....I still was able to buy a size smaller than I last bought for my tops AND bottoms! I bought size 18 pants and size 14/16 tops!! I was sooo excited and then I even saved $150 on top of that so I was even doubly excited!

I still don't know when I'm starting my new job, I'm guessing since today it Wed it'll be next week, but I'm taking a few days off to go to CO and get my fill, so maybe not til I get back? I'll keep you posted!

Hope you all have a great day!

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Claud - hon sorry to hear about your dad, definitly in our prayers - and for you too.

Boo - I guess we all think life will be easier if we lose the weight but its still the same old life. I want you to remember that what ever it is that you are going through it will pass. I've said it a hundred times - the bad will get better and the happy will get bad - its just the way life is. We can't be on top of the mountain all the time. Like with VA, look at what she's gone through with the job situation, but it is finally passing. Just keep that pretty little chin up and be positive that its going to get better. And get help finding your way - theres nothing wrong with asking for help.

Bman - girl you need a head adjustment too - girl you are worth all the attention you are getting. That jerk of a husband did you a favor, now you are looking more deeply at all these new men in your life and you are being pickier which is a good thing. But you really are going to have to take a chance on love again, when you are ready. I think the farmer is the one I'd give a chance too. Why not go for coffee with him? You went with the handsome stranger, why not with someone you might really find love with? HMMMMMMMMMMM?

Va when to you get your fill? Has it been a while since you've seen your sister? Way to go on the smaller sizes! I can tell you are feeling better, your posts sound happier. We got snow here too. Its a beautiful steady snow right now, I love it, I just wish it wasn't so darn cold!

My lazy arse is off today - guess I'll brave the elements and go shopping.

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I have about 4 inches of snow too! I had a snowball fight with the dog. She barked and pulled on my pants legs... and I threw the snowballs at her. She was having so much fun. I had to look like such a dork... haha. I love being a big kid.

Steph and Sweethot - I think that is what is really making me hesitate. I REALLY am interested and attracted to this writer guy. So, it isn't like the other day when I knew I was gonna turn the guy down. It is actually someone I am interested in... I think I pick guys that don't have a chance on purpose (before) because they are easy to say "bye" to. When someone who I am attracted to comes along, then I throw up the wall. Backwards isn't it?

That is the thing... I would tell ANYONE to give this guy a chance too. i don't know what my deal is. I will just keep talking to him. I think I am trying to ask enough questions that I can figure out what is wrong with him... haha -- poor guy. I suck so much sometimes.

I am really, really working on it though. :)


Still holding strong at 175!

8 lbs 'til I reach the 100lbs LOST mark.

Think I can do it by the 22nd?? (my bandiversary)

That was my goal I had in the back of my mind all year long.

I am gonna work my ass off and see what happens.

VAband - congrats on the smaller size! My weight has been stagnate for months and yet my clothes fit differently. Weightloss is SUCH a confusing thing.

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