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Boo...LOVE the haircolor!! Looks Fabulous!!

Hope you all had a good weekend! I've really been trying to get back to being a good bandster and stop munching in between meals.....it still hasn't changed my scale, but I'm calling today to make my appt. for a fill....and i'll talk to my Dr. while I'm there about the whole stretching thing.

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good monday morning ladies!

First and foremost

OMG!!!! BMAN!!!!:wow2:

You look AMAZING!! You have great legs! SEXY lady!!! Woohhooo!!!

BOO - love your hair! - you're kicking ass as always! Size 8 redhead!

Transformer - wtg on the new suit! Loving it I'm sure! I love a good sale and especially ones in a smaller size!!! I got that same email - too funny!

VA - how was movie night? I watched a bunch over the weekend. Gilda, the old Rita Hayworth movie was one of them. I love old movies.

OK - my monday morning check in... drum roll.....after last weeks wild ups and downs ... I weighed in this beautiful monday morning (actually raining here in PA but I think you know where I'm headed)....

:lost2lbs::Banane42::whoo::) I was so disgusted with that darn scale last week telling me I was up 4 lbs! GRRRR - so I was almost afraid to step on the evil one this morning - but then it said 169 and I got off and on and off and on. I think I may have hit 169 before but then my scale hovered around 171 for awhile so I'm gonna count it as a loss.

I went to church yesterday and wore a sz 12 skirt that hung in my closet for 10 years. The last time I remember wearing it was to a Christmas party in 1996. Then it started getting tight. I took a pic but left the camera at home so I'll post it later. Anyway theres a lady there who has been debating on the band for over a year now, her insurance won't let her have it done here, she'd have to go to Pitts. and she doesn't want to ...whatever... anyway she was gushing over me, how good I look, then to our husbands, doesnt' she look good? and so then the 3 of them talked about me like I wasn't standing there... Her dh,she's beautiful, my dh, she's always been beautiful, her dh, yeah but theres less of her to love now, my dh, oh theres still enough to love on. LOL I got a kick out of it. But I really hope I encouraged her enough to get it done, she's still in her 50's and really for health reasons she needs to lose the weight.

Ok its taken me 3 hours to type this bc my phone keeps ringing, guess they expect me to work when I'm on the job.

To all of you bankers and postal workers - enjoy your day off!!! :bounce:

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hiya girls

boo...love your hair ..your so pretty

steph well done on scales co-operating and your size 12 skirt..whoo hoo!!!!

va..i hope you got your fill honey and im sure your not stretched ...il keep fingers crossed though to make sure

well just wanted to say i bought a dress and thought i looked so cute and was strutting around and then showed it to my mate and her daughter who both thought it wasnt nice and where not subtle(it wasnt a jealously thing they just werent impressed)..so felt kind of flat and i wasnt annoyed that they were honest about their opinion but felt like a bit of an idiot about the strutting mood i was in five minutes b4 ..luckily im not the type to worry and i will still wear it as i like it but just dont feel quite as the cutie i thought i looked.

i am beginning to wonder though... whether i have false sense of what i look like and actually im dressing inappropiate to my size as i think when you have lost alot of weight you get proud of yourself wobbles and all and maybe the rest of the world think yeah but you still too big for that ............oh hell sod them

im ranting now ...lol

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boo boo! love the red hair. I've been going redder myself. Red is in!! Mine is a bit darker right now than yours is, I'm hoping it will fade more. I can see your teeny tiny waist! love it.

I finished workout 1 week 4, couch to 5k! I went to the gym at 9:30pm to get my run in for the day. I must say, I am pretty proud of myself, the old me would have stayed home and had chocolate.

I went shopping today for a few odds and ends that we need for our trip and I tried on a few sweaters and I had to buy them in Mediums. I think I can officially say that I wear a medium on top! I now have more Ms than Ls in my closet for tops. yes! My layering tanks are all Ls and they are huge on the bottoms.

Happy veterens day girls! We decided to be patriotic and see where General Patton is buried. He is buried 30 minutes from here in Luxembourg, pretty cool.

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Just popped in to say HI!

B'man - you're gorgeous, honey!

Boo - love the hair!

Sweet - Congrats on week 3!

Transformer - congrats on the cute suit! 2 weeks and the pants will fit perfectly!

Nikki - Fuggem. If you feel cute, you're cute dammit.

Steph - Awesome that you're the positive topic of conversation and everybody was giving you love!

VaB - how's things?

Kaydoll - you back from Vegas yet? I'm still jealous!

Annie - I'll see you in less than a week! Or more than a week if you go east... happy.gif

Claudia - how's things? And a belated LOL @ "at least he didn't call me fat."

I'm fine. 217 this morning. I failed at my exercise goal last week, but I'm about to put DS in bed and hop on elliptical. Work is MUCH better. And I'm happy with myself. My size 16's are getting too big. Amazing, isn't it? Saw my Dad yesterday and he told me "I sure am proud of you daughter! You're disappearing right before my eyes!" He also said if I lose any more weight I'll have to walk around with rocks in my pockets to keep me from floating away.

Glad everyone is well! Sorry if I missed anyone w/my brief but heartfelt personals.

Big Love!


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Boo Boo Kitty—That’s a VERY flattering hair color on you! I love it! Should I be disturbed that my suits from the ‘80s are coming back in style? Man, I’m getting frickin old! :think

VABandster—I don’t think I’d do very well being at home near munchable food like you’ve been stuck doing. It would be very hard! :hungry:

StephC—Congratulations on the weight loss! If you can wear a skirt from 10 years ago, I’m going to try to get back into those size 8 suits!!! :whoo:

Nikki32—I’ve been having a hard time deciding if outfits are “suitable for public viewing” or not. I’m sure there are several outfits I’ve worn that other people probably wondered why on earth I was wearing them in public! I guess we have to focus on what makes us happy. :clap2:

Sweethot143—Exercise won over chocolate? You are awesome! I can’t wait to fit into mediums, too! :bounce:

Nathalie—It sounds like you are doing great! You’ll be sashaying around in size 14s in no time! :eek:

On top of buying a whole new heating/AC system, I’ve gotten more bad news about my boy. The alternative school (for different learners, not behavior problems) will boot him out if the principal catches wind of one more incident (i.e. talking in class, etc.). He’s not a psychopath or a delinquent—he just isn’t engaged by the bland instruction in the classroom. It just kills me that he has wasted almost a year and a half of high school already and has very little learning to show for it. There aren’t any other placements available for him except for the regular high school. He’s already been to two out of five high schools in the city and they were an even bigger disaster.

I think I’m going to have to home school him. I’ve already looked up on-line high school programs. The big bummer is that I’d have to pay for each course. Maybe having him home would at least give me peace of mind. No more classmates to instigate trouble and tease him, no more teachers who won’t differentiate their instruction, no more principals calling to complain…this is sounding better all the time! I just want him to be able to learn at his own pace and feel some success without having to jump through a bunch of stupid traditional-school hoops!

I just noticed that my mouth has broken out in canker sores all of a sudden. Could I possibly be stressed out? Man, that hurts (I have braces, too!). :)

Well, I guess I’ll try to figure out how to withdraw him from school tomorrow since I found out tonight that I don’t have to report to jury duty until the 20th. Hooray! :D

Sorry this was so long--I'm just bummin' :phanvan

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Transformer--lol...should you be disturbed, nah! lol...I for one love the 80s. As long as they aren't hypercolor suits you have no worries! lol...You couod sell them to a vintage shop if you aren't going to wear them! That is where I buy alot of my clothes now. Sorry to hear about your DS,that sucks!

Nat--what a beautiul comment from your Dad! He sounds so proud of you! You deserve it sweetie with all your hard work!

Sweet--wooo hoooo a Medium!! You beat me there! I have a few medium tops but my boobs are a bit big! Congratulations to you! :eek:

Nikki--who cares what anyone else thinks...lol...screw em if they don't like it!

Claud--see you tommorow! WOO HOO!!

Steph--congrats on the 12 sweetie! Great job! I hope she uses you as an inspiration to get surgery!

Love to all!


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Hi girlfriends!

Everyone sounds so good! I was just wondering about BK- its been a while since she's checked in - it must be the new house.

Nat - When I hear your comments about your dad it makes me miss mine. This is the first veterns day that I really thought about my dad. I guess as I get older I've learned to appreciate the things they've done for us. My dad passed away 12 years ago so enjoy every moment with yours and savor all his sweet comments.

Nikki - I can relate about the view of yourself and how others view us. Fortunately I have a teenage daughter who keeps me on track. Remember that ugly stripped sweater I wore in my before pic? She told me not to wear it, but I didn't listen, now I look at the pic and think omg why would I have worn that? It wasn't that I was bulging out of it but that it was just plain UG-LY! So maybe they just didnt' like the dress? But I agree with Nat if your feeling cute you are cute!

Trans - I can hear how worried you are about your son. I had 2 ADD kids, my oldest and my youngest. The oldest got through school with sports, he HAD to keep his grades up bc he loved to play and bc he was very athletic, went to states for wrestling and track, it was so good for his self esteem. My youngest daughter is in special ed when she's at school and cosmotolgy when shes at vo-tech - the special ed kids are in reg. classes but they take their tests with the sp.ed teacher. Yesterday she told me the kids were calling her sped again (we went through horror with teasing) but she laughed about it. She said it was bc everyone else failed a test and the s.e. kids all aced it. She said but I don't care bc I never asked the teacher for help except for one question. I said so see there you bettered them on your own. This girl WORKS at her grades. So FINALLY in her senior year she is understanding that its not about her that they are teasing her, its really about them. I hope it all works out for your son.

Sweet - girl you are rocking that exercise!!! I haven't gotten off the couch yet!!! I plan on going home this afternoon and hanging the clothes up that I have draped on my dreadmill.

Kaydoll - are you recovered yet?

Love ya ladies!

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I'm back and just wanted to say HI to everyone. at work and dont have much time right now to post. But wanted to say thank you to everyone for all the nice things you had to say about my picture. I don't think I looked too bad either. Had a young man there that was "very interested" in me. He was gorgeous too. I went to high school with him BACK in the day. Anyway, I behaved myself. BUT I got hammered. It wasn't flattering (in my own mind). I don't like to get that drunk, but this young man was pouring my drinks VERY strong all night. I am dumb enough to keep drinking them. I managed to lose my cell phone! Had my old one turned back on... so no big deal. Hated that phone anyway, but I felt stupid that I'd gotten drunk enough to lose it.

Ah well, I had fun. Hope I didn't make too much of an ass out of myself. I will find out as the stories start reporting back in... it is a small town. Probably would have already heard if there were any real good ones.

Talk to ya all later :-)


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Much love girls...

I am back and completely exhausted. I just read everything but my eyes are freaking crossing and I need to go back to sleep. I think I slept about 10 hours in the past three days!

The hardest thing was not having a scale. ha. I had not been away from one in so long. First thing I did when I got home today (after hugging my girls) was weigh....down 3.5lbs! How cool is that? I did my workout (finished week 2 of couch to 5k) and walked and danced....I am awestruck that I lost weight on vacation.

Personals later...I am going back to bed. Love you love you!

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Hey my girls! Just a quick post I am running around trying to pack for the trip!

I will post pics of Claud and I getting into trouble when I see her! :P

Love to all!


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Have a great time on your trip!!! I'd suggest you take your birth certificate to get back and forth across the border to Mexico along with your driver's license

Travel by land or sea

Those traveling by land or sea must present two forms of valid identification such as a birth certificate or naturalization certificate and a driver's license or other identification issued by a state or official agency.

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B000000 Call Me When You Get In To My Cell I Anwer It Even If I Am At Work :P I Get Off At 5 Pm

Lol No Pics For Claudia In Trouble With Boo Lol

Faith No You Only Need A Driverlicense .. Trust Me I Live In The Border I Cross To Mexico At Least 2 Times A Week .. After Dic I Think I Will Not Be Going Lol My Passport Was Send Back Do To Wrong Spelling On My Name :rolleyes:

Bev- You Look ( Muy Elegante Y Guapa )!

Nat- I Ok ......playing The Waiting Game On Chicago Or St Louise Will See What Happens

Va------ Were Are You ?

Steph - Hola

Oh Forgot To Tell You All ...on Friday I Got Another Call From The Aaaaaaaaash Sh Sh Hole Lol But He Didnt Leave A Message Hopefully He Got The Hint Lol

Ok Girls I Am Off Yeahhhhhhhhhhh Read You All Soon . :)

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